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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2052298 No.2052298 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. I have some work i was supposed to do on friday, but i procrastinated, and then on saturday i got drunk and smoked loads of weed, so now it is sunday and i really really need to get this done, so I was hoping you could help me.

If i am cloning a gene from a eukaryotic organism for which the entire genomic sequence is not available, what are the advantages of using a cDNA library as opposed to a genomic library?
Why is it essential to use a cDNA library constructed in an expression vector if you are going to identify your specific clone with antibodies raised against the protein product of the gene you want to clone?

I will probably be working on this all day, except for a lecture i have at 1 o clock. britfag here btw.
INB4 "no homework threads faggot"
this isn't actually homework, but i will have to demonstate that i have knowledge of this subject at some point in the near future
i am not being lazy, i will be here all day trying to do this work, i just figured there is not any harm in seeing if any /sci/ducks can lend a helping hand
INB4 "none of us care faggot, stop bumping the fucking thread!"
I won't bump it too often, but i do want to keep it alive till tonight, because /sci/ gets more busy in the evenings, and there might not be any biologyfags on at the moment.

>> No.2052325


I was going to help you but I don't like potheads
by the way, cDNA is just the DNA expressed without the shit that doesnt transcript

>> No.2052331

I do not actually do pot very often.
I do have a bit of a backlog of work to do, i shouldn't have let it build up. I pledge that i won't drink or smoke until i have a completely clean slate regarding work.

>> No.2052337
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Yeah, potheads are idiots all right.

>> No.2052340


see op and his problem

>> No.2052341
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>> No.2052342

By calling him a pothead and calling marijuana pot... That makes you a fucking soccer mom.

And also not helping him because he smokes weed makes you a fucking pretentious little fucking nerd.


>> No.2052344


also source must be from non-government

>> No.2052345
File: 30 KB, 300x440, hagrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I shouldn't have told you about the pot. I did not realise /sci/ was so anti-pot, and would use it as a factor regarding whether or not to help.

>> No.2052350
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>> No.2052351

/sci/ is filled with pretentious law abiding skinny college kids, nerds, and 12 year olds.

>> No.2052363

The primary advantage a cDNA library has over a genomic library is that instead of having introns, exons and regulatory boxes within the relevant region, you only get the blueprint of what the DNA would look like without introns and the boxes, hence purging the coding area of "deadweight".

In short, you are using a process where biological security has been sacrificed for a more leightweight carrier of information, thus making splicing obsolote (which, in turn, consumes time and further cellular resources).

It is essential because by using a vector to introduce a gene you want to test against, you also have to understand that while the insertion follows a specific and known pattern, the introduction of a "natural" DNA component coding for a specific gene can and will lead to undesirable results, because the introduced strand WILL interacte with the triplettes before and after the selective insertion, thus leading to you not having the antigen you are testing against.

>> No.2052367

First things first, OP:


>> No.2052369

Apparently some of the tripfags are quite helpful and knowledgable and tend to come on in the evenings. i will do as best I can now, and then check back this evening. like i said 1st post, perhaps no biologyfags on at this time (and if and when they do arrive, hopefully they are not anti-pot...)

>> No.2052385
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>> No.2052391


excellent, thank you. and i suppose this counts as evidence towards my theory that tripfags are more useful than anons.
cheers, i will try and work on my grammar.

>> No.2052396

Focus on the work at hand and not on 4chan's ecology.

Bookmark this thread, so you can better monitor it and be aware that you will have to delete it the very moment three consecutive posts appear solely made up of nitpicking and talking about "tiers".

And good luck!

>> No.2052896

i'm back from the lecture i mentioned in 1st post. bumping this thread. more biofags might be on now.

>> No.2053080

erm, once i have obtained the cDNA clone, what method could i use to identify it? What factors would influence the choice of vector in which the genomic library was made? and why is it essential to obtain the genomic clone?

>> No.2053126


>> No.2053401

bump again. help please.