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2050182 No.2050182 [Reply] [Original]

Why is LSD illegal if it's not addictive?

Why is it also so hard to find LSD these days?

Imagine if junkies were given LSD instead of Crack and Meth. The world would be a much better place.

>> No.2050210

On a purely objective scale, LSD along with most tryptamines and phenethylamine should probably be legal, but our culture isn't ready for it at the moment due to high levels of herp-derping.

>> No.2050215

they will never be ready for it... the average human is too dumb to handle self control

>> No.2050216

I don't know what the legal penalties for LSD are but I'm betting they aren't any worse than meth. It's just rare because it's hard to make.

>> No.2050219

>>2050182Why is LSD illegal if it's not addictive?

Because massive scare campaigns about kids thinking they're an orange frightened middle class white voters. Also there were fears about pranksters putting it in the water to liberate humanity.

>Why is it also so hard to find LSD these days?

It's not if you know who to ask. It's hard to make but dosage is tiny which means there are very few labs compared to MDMA or even easier meth, but the labs there are pump out a shitton. Also demand is lower because people don't tend to use it all the time like meth or coke.

>magine if junkies were given LSD instead of Crack and Meth.

LSD is no substitute for crack or meth. Crack and meth give you lots of energy and make you feel focused, LSD gives you and interesting experience. Most people that try LSD don't want to repeat the experience because it can be weird/unpleasant.

Junkie isn't an archetype. People use different drugs to achieve different effects. Despite what the propaganda would have you believe, drugs aren't all stand-ins for each other.

>> No.2050228

>>Why is murder illegal if it's not addictive?

>> No.2050230

>Why is it also so hard to find LSD these days?

Because the feds arrested Pickard.


>> No.2050241

because murder harms others. LSD only "harms" yourself.

>> No.2050244
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>>2050230 Because the feds arrested Pickard.

>> No.2050245

Anything can be addictive, dude.

>> No.2050248

I'm pretty sure our culture will be ready for legalized psychedelics within 50-100 years. They are already gaining currency for use in certain medical trials. The coming legalization of cannabis in the next 20-30 years will also pave the way for more rational drug policy.

>> No.2050256

Holy shit, that story is amazing. Pickard was a straight baller. Sucks that he got ratted out.

>> No.2050263

especially nicotine and alcohol.
Brb buying copies amounts of both perfectly legally.

>> No.2050265
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What I meant to say was that people who try LSD would never bother going on to other harmful drugs. LSD gives you a much more pleasant experience with none of the side effect that hard drugs have.

There would be no DRUG WAR because you need a really tiny amount to use and it's really cheap to produce.

>> No.2050269
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>Brb buying copies amounts of both perfectly legally.

>> No.2050271

>Why is LSD illegal if it's not addictive?
There doesn't seem to be a legitimate reason. I'm not sure what the current reasoning is, to be honest. In fact I'm sure reason had no part in it at all.

>Why is it also so hard to find LSD these days?
It's not. You'll even hear from people (especially older people) how LSD no longer exists in its true form, or that you can't find actual or pure LSD on the streets anymore, and that it's certainly not how it was in the 60's, but these are all false reports from people seeing through nostalgia glasses. This has been proven through an experiment where an unopened brown glass vial of legit, high-potency 1951 Sandoz LSD-25 was administered to people who had experience with contemporary "street acid". The results were that, while the Sandoz LSD was indeed very concentrated, high quality, bang for your buck, the experience offered was 100% indistinguishable from previous acid experiences in all test subjects.

Either all of the test subjects have better connections than everyone else in the world, or the more likely case is that LSD, and I mean real, high-quality LSD, is still around and bigger than ever.

>> No.2050286

you heard me

>> No.2050322

>people who try LSD would never bother going on to other harmful drugs

You can not say that. I for one have tried LSD and I have also tried more harmful drugs.

>LSD gives you a much more pleasant experience with none of the side effect that hard drugs have.
>more pleasant experience
It's different.

>none of the side effect that hard drugs have
Well, I suppose that's true. However, having a bad trip can seriously fuck someone up.

>> No.2050319

"Why don't you try peeling your face off?"

>> No.2050321


>Because massive scare campaigns about kids thinking they're an orange frightened middle class white voters. Also there were fears about pranksters putting it in the water to liberate humanity.

This anon nailed it OP. Stupid stories of people jumping out of windows thinking they were Superman (no actual evidence of these events).

Now the drugs are used by small subcultures that are attached to the image of nasty dreads and "Hey man, save the Earth bro."

It's sort of a shame. There is a, understandably, small amount of evidence suggesting certain psychedelics can help with depression, addiction, and anxiety.

>> No.2050333


LSD is the same and hard to find. Acid is different and easy to find, thanks to DOB and DOC.

>> No.2050336
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Alcohol should be illegal. LSD is a much safer high.

>> No.2050337

Stupid stories of people jumping out of windows thinking they were Superman (no actual evidence of these events).


And didn't some scientist that was part of MKULTRA jump off a building while on LSD?

Disclaimer: I am an acidhead.

>> No.2050340

>However, having a bad trip can seriously fuck someone up.
I've had no experience with acid but I'm curious as to how this happens exactly. I mean after a bad trip can't someone just go "oh right the acid" and move on.

>> No.2050341

>LSD is the same and hard to find. Acid is different and easy to find

>> No.2050346
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>> No.2050348

but there are different scales of magnitude, something can be far more addictive than another thing, and this difference can make it dangerous

>> No.2050351
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Protip: LSD and Acid is the same thing

>> No.2050360
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Chart of dependence potential and effective dose/lethal dose of some psychoactive drugs. Data was taken from http://www.amazon.com/Drugs-Society-U-S-Public-Policy/dp/0742542459

>> No.2050361

Everything is way too expensive in NZ. Like, $50 for one ecstasy tablet. Shit sucks.

>> No.2050370


What I meant was, other substances are very commonly being sold as "acid." Namely, DOB and DOC, which both give an interesting psychedelic experience, but are not LSD. If you buy acid these days, you're not necessarily getting what you think

>> No.2050372


I hate to post this quote but it rings true for the news report.

"A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole. " -Frank Zappa

>> No.2050373



>> No.2050383

Yes, and that's what I was debunking.

While it may be true that if you have a bad connection, you may be lied to, and something that is sold to you as LSD may in fact not be LSD, but there is overwhelming evidence that suggests this is in fact a rare case, and that LSD is still very easy to get. Due to how tiny the dosages are and the way it's made, it's actually easier to get than a lot of the drugs that people claim are sold as LSD substitutes.

>> No.2050384


Frank Zappa has never taken a drug in his life.

>> No.2050390

>lives on planet earth
>hasn't taken a drug
I call bullshit

>> No.2050396


First off, that's a movie...a fictional movie.

And the drug he takes in that scene is poppers. It's no where near a psychedelic and is "technically" not illegal.

>> No.2050391

The urban legend is some dude cut off the lower portion of his face and fed it to his dogs while he was on PCP, not LSD broh.

>> No.2050397

it is not fucking LSD that makes him do that.

>> No.2050405

>implying zappa did not chain smoke cigarettes like a motherfucker, very possibly contributing to his premature death

>> No.2050417


I'm not sure what you're attempting to say. I don't even really care who said it the quote. The truth is that too many people see drugs as a license to act like a flaming shithole. It happens with all drugs, including alcohol.

>> No.2050418


What about the babysitter that put the baby in the oven??

>> No.2050424

I've heard of worse babysitter horror stories that actually involve no drugs at all.

Teenage girls and boys just don't seem to be good parents.

>> No.2050430



Check it

>> No.2050435

>The truth is that too many people see drugs as a license to act like a flaming shithole. It happens with all drugs, including alcohol.
please explain further.

>> No.2050460


Well I'm sure it'll end in a [citation needed] but as for anecdotal evidence.

Have you ever been to a party with someone and the next day questioned them about their actions? They blame it on the drug (usually alcohol) as if it was forcing them to do it.

"You made out with that ugly fat chick!"
"I was so drunk man, I don't remember."

In reality, very few will recognize inebriation as the sole reason behind a person acting like an idiot.

"Diminished responsibility or diminished capacity can be employed as a mitigating factor and in the United States is applicable to more circumstances than the insanity defense. For example, some jurisdictions accept inebriation or other drug intoxication as mitigating factors whilst intoxication is not accepted as an insanity defense on its own."

>> No.2050466

Pretty much every drug should be legal except MAYBE cocaine, heroin/morphine/certain painkillers, and methamphetamine.

Even for those, however, it's kind of iffy as to whether or not prohibition causes more problems than it solves.

>> No.2050472

Not that I support the idea of people doing those things, but if Portugal is any indicator, complete legalization accomplishes everything that everyone ever wants. Drug use goes down, rehabs go up, no police spending, crime goes down, no black market for drugs, etc.

>> No.2050480

Morphine has medical uses. Methamphetamine is available for prescription in the United States.

wait, wat

>> No.2050481

>>2050340after a bad trip can't someone just go "oh right the acid" and move on.

After usually. During? It can get... interesting. LSD and Mushroom trips aren't what you expect if you've never tried them. You aren't just yourself and hallucinating things, the way you feel and the way you internalize data is fundamentally different. Some people think it's fun, personally I find it a bit too strange. Glad I tried them, but I don't have any interest in doing them again.

>> No.2050492

>"You made out with that ugly fat chick!"
>"I was so drunk man, I don't remember."
>In reality, very few will recognize inebriation as the sole reason behind a person acting like an idiot.

That's sort of a bad example. It wasn't alcohol that literally MADE the person make out with a fat chick, but the alcohol could make the person less aware of just how fat she was.

>> No.2050493

Portugal doesn't have complete legalization, they still arrest and imprison dealers, growers, producers, distributors, etc.

What they have is decriminalization for users, wherein if you are caught possessing personal use amounts of any drug, the drug is confiscated and you are offered rehabilitation treatment instead of being sent to jail.

>> No.2050501

Full legalization would entail morphine and methamphetamine being sold on the open market to anyone who wanted to buy it, rather than being used for restricted medical purposes.

>> No.2050511

Oh, I was mistaken. Well that sucks. Clearly they don't understand their own results.

Or is there a reason they're still perpetuating the illegal drug market? Is it some corrupt conspiracy thing where they realize they're making too much money on it to stop or am I just paranoid?

>> No.2050519

Then blame the person not the drug.
I'm sorry, what is your point again?

>> No.2050536

I think they realized that if you put someone in jail for personal use of drugs, and then they get out with no job and a criminal record, they often have little recourse but to sell drugs if they want to work someplace other than the Portuguese version of 7-11. If you take their drugs, give them rehab, and DON'T fuck up their life, the ones that want to get clean will get clean and the ones that don't will be more discrete about it.

>> No.2050550


I was having a discussion with a previous poster when he posted a story about some guy jumping off a bridge. They think it had to due with him taking LSD.

My argument was that some people take drugs as a "license to behave like an asshole." I was saying that his actions are uniquely his own and blaming the drug as the sole cause is a poor argument.

>> No.2050559

I agree and apologise.

>> No.2050570

>Why is LSD illegal if it's not addictive?

Because our society isn't run by logic. It's run by an every present need to maintain the status quo and the only thing capable of causing any sort of change is fear.

I hate to get all political but case in point Bush VS Obama. After the 9/11 attacks people were so afraid that Bush was able to change the fundamental rights of the citizens with the patriot act and to this day most people don't question it. Basically all he had to say was "let me do this, or bad things will happen. While Obama promised to create better quality of life for people with his health care plan which didn't turn out so well because of the way he presented it. If Obama had said something like "We need better health care to fight the war on disease." and then went on to say something how new diseases are created all the time and if they didn't let him do it they'd get infected with avian flying pig flu then he'd get some shit done. People don't want peace an prosperity, they want predictability and monotony and will do anything to maintain it.

>> No.2050649

Same shit in Australia
You can grow two marijuana plants with only the fear of a $200 fine or drug seminars
You just need to plant one in your back yard and you're set
Personal amounts of drugs found on you are tolerated unless they are considered unsafe etc

>> No.2050666

Portugal does it with all drugs, though, Heroin, Cocaine, etc.

>> No.2050705


And yet millions of middle-class white American tourists think Amsterdam is where it's at

>> No.2050716

That's because you can [quasi-]legally buy weed in Amsterdam, whereas it's still illegal to buy weed in Portugal.

Decriminalization =/= Legalization

>> No.2050786

if you havent already realized it...

in terms of how drugs are used on earth:

caffeine > alcohol > nicotine > opiates > everything else...

yes. opiates are, unquestionalbly, the most widely used class of pharmaceuticals that are simultaneously considered narcotics.

codeine is the most widely prescribed non-OTC medication in history.

something like 30-40% of all prescription drugs on the planet are opiates or opiods...

there are more prescription opiate users (legitimate users) than there are cannabis smokers on earth!

>> No.2050813
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IS LSD hard to make?

>> No.2050819

i have some in my freezer chilling out : ) it's nice

>> No.2050826

Yes. Harder to purify.

>> No.2050829

Look at all these drug addicts and libtards on /sci/. No wonder this place is such a shithole.

>> No.2050843

>implying you are not trolling

>> No.2050872

it's simple if you have all the equipment and two years of schooling in organic chemical engineering.
plus the precursors.