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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 115 KB, 989x742, flamingos-gulf-mexico_28387_990x742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2047543 No.2047543 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/

Seriously, what are the odds of this happening?

>> No.2047551

It's proof of God. Now maybe the evolutionists will shut up and accept the truth.

>> No.2047548

Is this a Rorschach test cause all I see is a crocodile in a santa hat?

>> No.2047559

>mfw food was placed into a certain pattern so this picture could be taken

>> No.2047563
File: 687 KB, 320x266, i am boxxy you see gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2047570
File: 58 KB, 328x448, 20080715120705!Carl_Sagan_Planetary_Society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw humans are close enough to a god

>> No.2047587

that something with incredibly low odds of happening happened does not inherently imply anything more than chance being at work.

plus, the shape isnt even that hard to form naturally in those conditions. note that the flamingos are standing in shallower areas in a shape easily caused by erosion and/or sedimentation.

>> No.2047615

But then why is the erosion shaped like that? And why did they choose to stand there of all places? GOD DID IT.

>> No.2047624


>> No.2047634

Well, I would gladly calculate the odds of that happening, but I left my formula sheets at work, so everything I would come up with wouldn't be accurate.

>> No.2047637

wtf is this shit real?

>> No.2047647

They are obviously trying to send a message to space aliens that there is intelligent life on earth.

>> No.2047654

It's all about BIRDS man.
It's a message to space aliens that there is BIRDS on earth. BIRD is the word.

>> No.2047659

50/50 either it happens or it doesnt.

>> No.2047679

>space aliens
mexicans from outer space?

Jesus Christo, that's horrifying!

>> No.2047685

There's a fifty/fifty chance of getting 10 million 6s in a row when rolling a fair dice. Either it happens or it doesn't.

>> No.2047700

a fair *DIE

for fucks sake.

>> No.2047728

>Seriously, what are the odds of this happening?
The odds of what happening?

Are you asking what the odds are that you will find a random arrangement of things in nature and apply an artificially constructed pattern to it?
If so, pretty damn good since that is essentially what your brain is built to do.

>> No.2047737

Calculate all possible positions for a flamingo to be amongst the surface of the territories flamingos live in assuming a flamingo would take up a surface of a third of a m^3, all approximated.

Approximate the number of flamingos on this pic or count

Then the usual probability calculation

>> No.2047748

Very inaccurate, and still doesn't get to op's implied point.
He seems to think there is meaning in the shape the birds seem to form.

for op:
There isn't. Any shape that appears to be there is a construct of your own imagination.
The birds are just fucking standing there.
You are the one that finds a pattern out of nothing, You may as well be looking at a field of dots or the clouds.

>> No.2047750

This is like asking why clouds sometimes form shapes

>> No.2047766


>very inaccurate

Its a fucking rough estimation, and whatever the fuck you are thinking, the most objective answer to OPs question is an actual PROBABILITY, because he asked for the ODDS of the birds making up this very shape.

>> No.2047770

all right, wtf. i know its wrong, but y?

>> No.2047776

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.2047814

My point was that would yield such a ROUGH estimate as to be completely meaningless.
A better response is to simply not entertain such nonsense and explain to op figuring probability for any given arrangement of birds is meaningless since they are not actually forming patterns.
It is the brain the FINDS a pattern, not the birds that form it.

IE - your question is broken, answering it is meaningless.

>> No.2047835
File: 70 KB, 500x333, Zen Master Dogen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything happens for a reason. Just like time is an illusion of the universe, so is the nature of all reality. Man insists on only seeing things through one perspective. Case in point, those in this thread claiming we are naturally built to perceive patterns, whilst ignoring how far the extent of those patterns in nature is and whatever purpose they may serve.

Personally, the only thing that catches my eye about this is how many white ones are on the edge of the formation forming almost an outline. Other than that I could see it as just being coincidence, but I don't do so just because science tells me something is unlikely.

>> No.2047845


>> No.2047852
File: 81 KB, 448x275, pidgeons_coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything happens for a reason.


great astionx

>> No.2047860

Because he is quoting the probability of an event set and applying that to the entire sample space.

There is a 50/50 chance of getting
>10 million 6s in a row when rolling a fair dice
only if the sample space is a set of 10 million rolls of a fair die consisting of two events.

IE - You take multiple shots at rolling a fair die 10 million times in a row and ask what is the probability that all results are 6's taken from the set of results where the element in the set is all 6's and the second is one event where all results were not 6's

Although that would be a useless question, it works which is why it fucks with your head.
The truth is that the probability of getting all 6's in 10 million rolls is (1/6) * 10,000,000.

>> No.2047871


>> No.2047916

Yes, listen to your own fucking imagination. Because your own imagined interpretation of reality carries meaning with others even when you can't support it with empirical evidence.

The fact is, we know the brain looks for patterns in everything. And no one is ignoring the extent to which the brain does this (near universally) or the purpose those patterns serve.
If you want a purpose, it is to survive. We find patterns in everything because that is how we learn. When we know that dangerous animals fit certain visual patterns, we learn to be afraid of anything that comes close to fitting those patterns (like a tiger shaped shadow). This allows us to survive otherwise fatal scenarios.
The same pattern analysis can be applied to everything else. It is nothing more than the brain's attempt to decipher whether a situation is dangerous or not.
We may use that ability for more now but that is the essential purpose for it.