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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2045247 No.2045247 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2045248

this thread

>> No.2045250


>> No.2045258


>> No.2045269

Biology, and Sociology


>> No.2045310

>anything with the prefix "bio-"
>social sciences/arts
>"new" subjects like gender studies
>people who go to university with absolutely no idea of what they want to study
>see above, but instead of no idea, they take premed as a spacefiller
>people who spend their life in a classroom sucking the professor's dick for an extra half mark

>> No.2045319

Linear Algebra.

>> No.2045341

high level math. Calculus and up, it's just a pain in the ass.

>> No.2045355

>implying calculus is a high level of math

>> No.2045359

Why so much biology hate? Biology is one of the more useful sciences right behind chemistry and physics. Plus it's the most fun.

Think about this:



I think I've made my point.

>> No.2045363

>high level math

>> No.2045368
File: 87 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biology is one of the more useful sciences
>Plus it's the most fun

>> No.2045369

What makes any sort of bio- science illegitimate?

-->Not trying to troll, actually curious.

>> No.2045373

OP's homosexuality

>> No.2045376

imho biology is just creating the necessary database for us, the geneticists and bioengineers, to add new features to existing species from the menu they provide..

>> No.2045377


Are you suggesting... good sir... that bees on cocaine does NOT help humanity and is NOT the most awesome thing ever?

Cause if so, YOU sir, are a troll.

>> No.2045380

Using preexisting structures like life forms is cheating.

>> No.2045382


Just curious. I have a degree in molecular biology. Is that not legit?

>> No.2045388

People who don't care about things I care about.

>> No.2045399


Plus there's the whole cloning new organs and shit. I'm not sure if that falls under biology, lemme check.

Yeah, it is.

Did I mention that because of biology we TOTALLY made a dog head WITHOUT a body become alive?

'Cause we did.

You're welcome.


>> No.2045397

What? Linear Algebra is awesome.

>> No.2045400

well actually molecular biologists are developing something.. just like we do. Let they be molecular drugs or pharmaconutrients this science has a potential in future.

Biology on the other hand is getting more and more obsolete with each passing day. We already have neccessary datas. Hence we have bioinformatics now.

Also, yep, using nonengineering methods and just studying preexistent things is cheating.

>> No.2045401


>> No.2045415

So you're talking like a degree in biology period, not necessarily anything with a bio- prefix (e.g., biochemistry). I'll agree with you in the point you're making then

>> No.2045425

A lot of things, but I'm not going to list them because you probably don't care.

>> No.2045433

chemistry and biology BS degrees now pay less than english and psychology degrees. you've been warned.

>> No.2045436

Actually I see biochemistry as the most fundamental bio- related field of study and a geneticist, molecular biologist or people who study such fields should know organic and biochemistry as best as they could.

Sole biologists know the veins of a frog and etc.. I too can learn them from books and anatomy atlases and from wiki when I need to use them while I "actually" using them for good that's what I'm trying to say.

>> No.2045447


>Implying you could ever accurately learn the detailed anatomy of an animal from wikipedia

There's a reason why they still do dissection in university.

>> No.2045455

I would disagree with the biochemistry comment. Even if you consider a biochemist to only study proteins, carbohydrates, and other biomolecules, that's still a huge field with lots of development opportunities (especially in the pharmaceutical world).

>> No.2045474

Oh great you've proven yourself to be more useful than wikipedia yet less useful than a tissue engineer, engineering artificial heart valve by using a new biodegredable cellulose as scaffold

>> No.2045488

Duh, I'm not opposing that in that statement about biochemists.. I do think they have a potential too. I've worked with lots of biochemists while engineering blue rose or doing some pharmacogenomics experiments..
They know how to come with a solution and that's important in science. Not only knowing raw data.

>> No.2045496


my apologies, good sir. Glad to know there are still people on the internet that aren't pants-on-head retarded

>> No.2045545


By definition, it is you uppity math majoring fag. Not everyone gets it. Not everyone goes to to take theoretical math - which is, by the way, pointless in applications.

>> No.2045640

Fuck linear algebra.
Fuck abstract algebra too, now that I think about it. Groups, rings, fields, ideals, integral domains, who gives a flying fuck?

Analysis and topology, though, are the shit.

>> No.2045644
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>theoretical math
>pointless in applications

>> No.2045656


>> No.2045662


you're on /sci/

if there's a branch of science "you don't care about", gtfo

>> No.2045664

I love math and science. I have a degree in each. but I HATE chemistry, biology and statistics.

>> No.2045667


>> No.2045668

Subsidised culture
Fiction books

>> No.2045680

>things i don't care about

This fucking thread

>> No.2045685
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I kinda just want to get as far away from U.S. politics as I can... as far away from all of it as I can be (both parties).

Also, most modern movies, especially the ones that are just CGI/Explosion-masturbation and OH-WOW-LOOK-HOW-EDGY-IT-IS (<--Antichrist, which some of friends think is super creepy, but I think it's just over the top with NO REAL STORY OTHER THAN PSYCHO BITCH IS PSYCHO after the first chapter).

>> No.2045688

I agree with this.

>> No.2045690

Team sports.

>> No.2045704

Political Science.

>> No.2045706


fucking this. I get so pissed off when I see all these commercials of movie trailers where its the same dildo archetypal character with sunglasses firing a gun and some snakey cold cunt doing something snake cunty and always has to close out with some faggy one liner and then cut immediately to an explosion and then some guy yelling the movie title.


>> No.2045744

black people

>> No.2045751

white people

>> No.2045754


>> No.2045755


>> No.2045773

same. ap chem was the only science class i got low grades on back in high school. now that i think back, feels kinda bad.

>> No.2045787

/sci/ operates in a mommy coddled world where the brightest children who get good grades are the 'best'. It has no conception of real life, grown up applications and world systems.

Yes, biology and other sciences may not be as hard as sciences related to the higher maths. But they are still very useful and beneficiary to humanity.

Also, statistician here, working for social science. Undergrad in physics (statistical mechanics as a speciality) and masters in probability/statistics. I do a shitload of higher level math that 99% of this board (still in their michio kaku books and linear algebra classes) would struggle doing.


>> No.2045791

Psychology. any assfag thinks they know all about because they bought into freud's trolling. fucking faggots.

>> No.2045799

Psychology is great as a science. Psychology sucks when you're hearing about it from an average Joe who thinks they know it all.

>> No.2045821

psychology as a science is valid

psychology as a field of science to learn in an institution is a scam.

only Aryan master race can into psychology.

>> No.2045832
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>only Aryan master race can into psychology.
I think we've been infiltrated folks
Smells like /v/ if you ask me
Either that or trolls have become increasingly more sophisticated

>> No.2045848


Oh please, my psychology teacher in fucking HIGH SCHOOL told us right off the bat that most of Freud's stuff was total BS, but admitted that his value lie in the fact that he helped jumpstart interest in a field where there had not been much study previously.

Behavioral psychology, I/O psychology, developmental psychology, and forensic psychology have all had practical applications and do not contain any of "Freud's trolling", which is psychoanalysis.

Let's see. What I don't care about? I don't know, I try to care about as much as possible in this short life I have, and I don't usually like to dwell on what I "dislike" nor do I try to have excuses to dislike things, but I can say that I dislike threads like these.

It's just a bunch of pretentious bullshit where dismissive douchebags who don't try to find value in anything outside of their major regurgitate the same old judgmental "this is useless, that is useless, this is for faggots, hurr-durr practical applications" crap about "the arts" or "psychology" or anything that people who actually enjoy other people are interested in.

Who cares if something is useless? What do you want? Should we eliminate communication and art and humanity and covert everything into a cog in some big-ass pragmatic machine that exists only to lower the amount of energy it uses to create energy for no real reason at all?

Also, if you think I meant the last sentence literally, then that's part of your problem.

>> No.2045868


I would have thought /new/

A lot of straightforward Bio seems to memorization that you will forgot very quickly. Like in Bio classes I have been in as of so far.

>> No.2045892
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The way they teach Bio in intro courses is stupid.
The truth is, all those seemingly unrelated facts actually are related, just in complicated ways that they can't cover in intro courses without failing half the class.

Seriously, intro bio courses are full of lies. Example: RNA has 4 bases right? Well, no, it has the 4 you learned plus the so called "rare bases". Rare bases are what allow for the codon wobble on the 3rd base pair. This means that even though there are 3 pairs in a codon with 4 possible bases in each pair (4*4*4=64), there are many fewer tRNAs.



>> No.2045904


If you think any of modern psychology is based on Freud then you don't know what your talking about.

>> No.2045945

Dude, I am one of like ten people in my (large) university working on a degree in molecular bio, and yet I see it all over the place on /sci/. Why is that?

>> No.2045956

lists of things I don't care about

>> No.2045970
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>Thinks wobble pairing occurs because of "rare bases"
>Should re-read the links he posted.

>> No.2046001
File: 29 KB, 470x324, African Painted Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does in the case of Inosinic acid and a few others. Granted, it also occurs with select...um, 'regular' bases as well.

Read the revised rules here:


>> No.2046003

Physics just doesn't interest me too much unless it's really weird shit.

>> No.2046023

congrats as coming off as a stuck up douche bag, looks like you aren't that different from everyone else on here after all.

>> No.2046028

>studying preexisting things
>not science

>> No.2046060

this is a toodly doodly test

>> No.2046061

this is also a toodly doodly test

>> No.2046065

This species.

>> No.2046068
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This is a toodly doodly test.

>> No.2046135


working in social science...man use your powers for the good of mankind, not his indifference