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2038833 No.2038833 [Reply] [Original]

20 years from now, where are you/what are you doing?

>you soon realize how pathetic and dull your life will be

>> No.2038844
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>picture describes everybody

>> No.2038853

I'll be arguing with other lawyers of stupid shit because americans love to sue other americans over the stupidest shit

>> No.2038859

How the fuck would I know?

>> No.2038857

tell them you're jewish

>> No.2038868

Dead or homeless. I would prefer dead.

>> No.2038864

I'll be helping to rebuild a utopian world years after the nukes fell

>> No.2039786
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As time progresses... [Idealistic Synopsis]

2011-Found someone who is as fascinated about everything in this universe as I am. Madly in love with one another.
2013-Publish social theories that, ironically, warn people of the dangers of technological addition that inevitably balances the problems of the current era.
2018-Finished doctoral program in Physics with specialization in Nanotechnology. Obtain job in booming field.
2022-Branched out into other subjects to obtain semi-polymath status.
2023-Travel the world and experience cultures with my dearly beloved and learn what it really means to live life.
2024-Be one of the primary driving forces behind revolutionizing the way we live through the biggest technological jump since the electronics era.
2028-One of a multinational team to design and realize the orbital elevator. Reserve residence on geostationary orbital city.
-2030, At the prime of my adult life, I hope to adapt methods of extending lifespan with my dearest beloved to eventually travel into space on the new, cheaper systems established by orbital elevator.

>> No.2039795

hopefully dead from suicide roughly 19 years ago

>> No.2039797

In a lab at a decent university, leading my own research into the genetics of aging

>> No.2039804

i love future you

>> No.2039807
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>My face when I will be happy no matter what happens and no one can take that away.

>> No.2039808

tell me more about your waifu

>> No.2039826

Now that is a man with a plan.

>> No.2039832

Descriptive guy here...

You are awesome.
Me too. It's really optimistic, but what use is it if I don't even try?
Hard to tell if I haven't met her yet, but I want to meet a girl that appreciates the beauty that exists in this universe and wants to try, with all her ambition, to break away from the ruts that we feel like we have to fall into in society. Those ruts are only constructs of the norm; our laziness. I want her to get up, take my hand, and skip from star to star as the fires of our hearts burn ever brighter. That's a very brief explanation of it. :D

>> No.2039834


you will have a lot more luck getting a job and Ph. D. project in Nanotechnology as a Chem or Engineering major.

this is unquestionable.

Nanotech is dominated by chemists and engineers.

maybe 15% of the papers published in the field (at max) are published by people with a Ph. D. "major" labeled as physics.

>40% are chemists and ~25-30% are engineers.

the rest are interdisciplinary like Biochem.

>> No.2039835

i wish my boyfriend was as awesome as you sir

>> No.2039836

Owner of my own game design studio. Spending spare money on private space program.

>> No.2039842

You want to talk about it?

>> No.2039847

I wish I was able to express these ambitions openly with everyone so I can find that 'dearly beloved', but I haven't just yet. Oh well, it'll happen eventually! xD

Great advice, but I'm not even sure if that is going to be the true major or not, but I was really thinking about it. Haven't exactly collected enough grade and interest data from my physics courses to finalize it.

>> No.2039854

Retiring from biglaw.

>> No.2039859

I'm a bio major, hoping to go into genetic research. specifically interested in the role of telomeres in the aging process. i could help you extend your lifespan :)

>> No.2039876


All right! I know we can do this; the only limit is our will on making the 21st century the best damn century this mote of dust has ever seen!

>> No.2039877

I'll hopefully be starting in 2 and a half years :D
... hopefully at MIT

>> No.2039882

Antarctica fighting in the mighty trans-human war.

>> No.2039890


Not sure where I'll be going for grad school yet, but it's a bit early to tell on that one. As for your quest @ MiT, I hope you are successful, sir!

>> No.2039892


2011-get accepted to Army OCS
2012- Second Lieutenant in the US Army, go to jump school for paratrooper specialization
2012-2015- run around sandboxes across the world commanding trained killers to go out and kill other trained killers to secure oil for my corporate overlords, don't give a shit because I'm getting paid, first lieutenant promotion somewhere in here
2015- Captain in the 82nd airborne, commanding over 100 men, should be safely out of the shit by now and can sit on my ass doing paperwork, but might get called onto combat if need be
2020-hopefully a major if my ass kissing skills are good enough, commanding even more men, feels good man
2035- twenty years in, hopefully a Colonel, commanding a regiment of troops and pimping like a boss
2050-thirty five year career, hopefully a general, or at least a full colonel by now, doing paperwork and getting ulcers, but I don't give a shit, raking in 150,000 dollars a year, don't have to pay for a house, or insurance
2055-2060- retire as a general or colonel hopefully, get 80 percent pay pension (fuck yes) this is if I don't get a job with a weapons contractor, spend the rest of my life going around the world and into space on >>2039786 's nano-robot rocket ship

>> No.2039897

i'm only in my second year of undergrad but i really like planing ahead. also, that would be madam

>> No.2039904

bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks. It's not going to happen.

>> No.2039912


Oh, my apologies madam, but I am fascinated in what you are looking into, best of luck of course!

>> No.2039921

Captain of the Starshup Sexsurprize

>> No.2039915

thanks. now i just have to survive organic chem

>> No.2039929

I assure you there as just as many messed up girls as there are guys; we are just messed up in our own little hormonal ways. Don't worry, there's gems out there.

>> No.2039942

may i ask what university you go to?

>> No.2039948


Yeah, I'm probably going to have to tackle that beast at some point in the near future as well. Them physics classes have a tendency to be a bit tricky as well, eh?

>> No.2039949


I was just pointing it out.

people who arent already on a track towards certain fields often have misconceptions about the type of research that goes on in those fields.

the main reason nanotechnology is so dominated by chemists and engineers is because it truly is an "application" dominated field of research.

90% of the time, physics research groups simply model or predict the dynamics of nano systems...

they do nanofluid dynamics, quantum mechanical modelling of solar cells and semiconductors, prediction of band-gap energies in quantum dots, etc.

the engineers and chemists, who publish way the fuck more than physicists in this field, actually MAKE solar cells, nanofluidic devices, molecular machines, novel semiconductor architectures (LEDs, diode lasers, etc)....
nanotech is a subset of a very broadly (and weakly) defined field of study called "materials" or sometimes "materials science"

it is a highly interdisciplinary field that studies everything from the cell membrane to DFT modelling of semiconductor band gaps... and everything in between.
Use this advice well:

materials focused research groups are often much more well funded than groups focusing on pure applied theoretical physics, computational modelling, astrophysics, etc.

these groups get money from lots of private companies...

Materials research dominates at all of the major UC campuses, excepting possibly UCSD (UCB, UCLA, UCI, UCSB)

>> No.2039956

not sure. i still have to take calc. But I'll have to find out soon. I'm going to minor in physics

>> No.2039957


It's a secret, but it has a nice science program, that's for sure. :P

>> No.2039976

so, soon, i will be a bio major, chem and physics minor. my university makes bio majors take on a chem minor

>> No.2040004

is there a secret handshake?

>> No.2040014

I'd be a pile of ashes in a smoking crater that used to be called Earth after a huge asteroid crashed into it.

>> No.2040018

what astroid?

>> No.2040038

you seem pretty interesting. if you want to chat on aim, just ask :)

>> No.2040067

derp shit trolls and high schoolers

>> No.2040094

I'll be that kooky anti-realist in the political science complaining about how poli sci has this stupid inferiority complex and wants to be "a real science", that no one is a real scientist since superempirical truth is unattainable and that qualitative research is the only true way of gathering information.

pic related - its political science

>> No.2040102
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herp derp forgot pic just like political science forgot that polls suck

>> No.2040138

in 20 years, i want to be resurrecting Carl Sagan

>> No.2040157

math professor who is also a chess grandmaster who gives lessons on the weekends. Also I won millions of dollars in the poker world series and am dating a hot blonde supermodel genius scientist (she just cured cancer, shit was so cash)

>> No.2040166

my dream is to make money off a website while I sit on my ass and eat Cheetos
kind of like that jew that made facebook

>> No.2040182

Well going for a degree in aeronautical engineering.

Also studying to become a pilot during the summer

I also tutor math.

So, most likely i'm to become a polite, engineer, or math teacher.

There's lots to do with an engineering degree.

>> No.2040342

aw, this thread is dead

>> No.2040423

20 years from now I will be ruling all your libraries and coming up with better ways to bring information to the youth

>> No.2040425

ruling the libraries?

>> No.2040430

I think he means "measuring" the libraries.

>> No.2040436

measuring how?

>> No.2040438

i don't know, with a ruler maybe?

>> No.2040446


lol oh u

>> No.2040447

Imma travel 4 billion light years out in space, pick up my nigga Carl Sagan and visit the library at Alexandria circa 300BC
>note to self: design and build spaceship capable of traveling many times the speed of light sometime in the next 20 years

>> No.2040452

have any room for me?

>> No.2040456

hells yes just bring that sticky icky

>> No.2040459

This thread is still going? :D
Are you the one that wants to make our lives longer? :P

>> No.2040472

that'd be me. future geneticist here

>> No.2040473

I'm gonna be a fucking space tycoon, running my own asteroid mining business, motherfucker.

>> No.2040477

that's pot right?

>> No.2040482

The design seems to be fairly simple, based on the dandelion seed.

>> No.2040486

Yes, of a high quality. Carl would be disappoint.

>> No.2040492

oh. i don't smoke but i'm cool with it

>> No.2040499

The fuck are you talking about, Carl toked up regularly.

>> No.2040498
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No one else is answering the question; I'm curious as to what people want to do with themselves. :D

>> No.2040497
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>> No.2040502


Geneticist here....I hope you are joking. The reactivation of telomerase will invariably induce cancer. Lrn2Genetics

>> No.2040505

On second thought, just bring an apple pie baked from scratch.

>> No.2040515
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>> No.2040522

i know that. that's why i want to look into it. there must be some way to avoid it because some living beings have telemerase activated and are not prone to cancer

>> No.2040539

at the beach, smoking a joint

>> No.2040542
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>> No.2040567

i'm not sure if i'm capable of that

>> No.2040575

grad student? researcher? focusing on what?
it's possible and people are already doing the research