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File: 14 KB, 265x223, 1268969039688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2036600 No.2036600 [Reply] [Original]


This is why I hate Atheists

>> No.2036602

This is why you are wrong to:


>> No.2036609

Assholes. Was that supposed to be a formal debate? At least let the guy talk. And get a less biased audience.

>> No.2036620
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>he doesn't believe the universe was created by something

>> No.2036640
File: 19 KB, 127x127, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one atheist says something stupid, that invalidates all of atheism. Good logic. That's why I hate all religious people!

See what I did there?


>> No.2036653

One religious person says something stupid and all of religion is invalidated.. see what i did there

>> No.2036660


>> No.2036661

>One religious person says something stupid and all of religion is invalidated
>not stupid

Two words: SANTA CLAUS

>> No.2036662

Did you just get my joke or are you just that stupid?

>> No.2036664

did i not get your joke or am i that stupid

>> No.2036666

Thanks for answering my question, dumbass.

>> No.2036668

did i answer your dumbass or am i your question

>> No.2036673

you're not funny, that's for damn sure.

: 0

>> No.2036677

im only here to amuse myself

>> No.2036679

Hows that working out for you?

>> No.2036680

Obvious troll is obvious.

The example the atheist used was fine and the religious deserve to be mocked for believing ridiculous things.

>> No.2036683

pretty well actually

>> No.2036685

what if god was a computer

>> No.2036687


>> No.2036789



>> No.2036805

you hate atheists for trolling Christians and basically ridiculing their beliefs by making them call us out on bullshit only to have us turn it around and press with the same questions?

seems pretty illogical with me, a bunch of dumb christfags laughing at a guy who is acting like they would on purpose.

>> No.2036817

we cant hate trolls?

>> No.2036825


Hating atheists for being wrong is not very christian of you. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".

But hey, you don't even need to hear what I'm saying, because I'm an atheist and you hate me.

>> No.2036849
File: 22 KB, 504x315, 504px-Religious_affiliation_in_New_Zealand_1991-2006_-_bar_chart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You atheists should all come to NZ and relax.
We're about to become the majority.

>> No.2036852

actualy its very christian, I cant think of any reason why someone would worship a being who plans on condemning the vast majority of humans who ever lived to hell for not worshiping him and also have feelings of empathy and not scorn for every being who didn't

>> No.2036854


Confirmed. Also we should help the atheist majority flee Britain for obvious reasons. With the majority of the world's scientists and certainly all of the best, we can transform NZ into a post scarcity technate and in a few generations, leave for the stars. :3

>> No.2036859
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>> No.2036878

yep. unfortunately, if you live in the states, being an atheist is unconstitutional. Otherwise, I agree it is stupid to be atheist, as sheeple need religion to guide them with higher laws than the government provides. Look at Japan with the Shinto religion. They have the least amount of theft. If you shame your family, simply kill yourself. This religion is a godsend we can all agree on.

>> No.2036881

flee britain?! What about America?

If anything the most religious places need the most scientists to stay. You guys will be your own undoing. Son.

Also, as religious as America is, we are still good for far more scientific innovation than fucking new zealand. Get your heads out of your asses. Not believing in god doesn't make you worthwhile human beings. HURR

>> No.2036882

Fool, we've been over this before.

The Technocratic Republic of Sci is either Tasmania, or Australia+ New Zealand combined as "Oceania". Australia is culturally similar to NZ and most people don't care about religions. Lots of Atheists down here too.

It will be GLORIOUS.

>> No.2036884

yeah, all of the technological innovation to come out of australia and new zealand totally outweigh what was done in religious societies in europe and north america. You guys aren't delusional. No.

>> No.2036890
File: 641 KB, 907x1280, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>same batshits who outlawed lolicon because drawings rights need to be protected.
why the fuck would I move anywhere near those fuckers?

Lets just move to fucking Antarctica or mars when the time comes, the christians can have that shit hole for a few centuries while we supersede them in technology.

this picture will make you a registered sex offender in Britain and Australia. enjoy your shit holes

>> No.2036893


My plans always included buying some shithole in Africa and building a space elevator there.

From there it's just smooth sailing till our first moon base and then Mars colonization.

>> No.2036896

>implying lolicon doesn't deserve to get banned

Get out, weeaboo.

>> No.2036898

+ pedophile*

>> No.2036908

>Also, as religious as America is, we are still good for far more scientific innovation than fucking new zealand.

Maybe you should check how many American scientists are atheists compared to the general population.
I don't particularly care if it's NZ or not, but getting all the atheists in one place is a recipe for scientific success.

>> No.2036914



>achieving anything


Out of all the english speaking countries these 2 are the most technologically underachieving nations.

Canada has a robust space agency which provides NASA with great technical assistance. And we were making breakthroughs in aeronautical engineering at the height of the cold war.

The aussies on the other hand have had access to cutting edge american technology for 60 years and they still can't build their own planes. They don't even have a space agency!

Ausfags are comformists with zero drive to innovate.

And I NZ is a joke. There's a reason all their college grads are coming over to North America to make a better life for themselves.

>> No.2036916

Chill out bro, it was a joke. No need to get all insecure
The point is that there needs to be a society made entirely of atheist geeks

>> No.2036922
File: 51 KB, 400x302, action_movie_explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your slippery slope downward spiral you murderer, thief, and arsonist.

>> No.2036923

So he's going to become a Christian?


>> No.2036924

they are jooz

>> No.2036927

Only if they can spell "multiculturalism" correctly.

Multiculturalism: FGO(For Goyim Only. BTW "Goyim" is a pretty bad racist and bigoted insult. Keep that in mind.)

>> No.2036929

<<< /new/ is that way

>> No.2036931

jews controlling the west is a /sci/entific fact

>> No.2036935

What we are able to conclude about the modal atheist in Western society today is that the person is much more likely to be a man, married, with higher education. Can we speak about a modal atheist personally? A tentative psychological profile can be offered. We can say that atheists show themselves to be less authoritarian and suggestible, less dogmatic, less prejudiced, more tolerant of others, law-abiding, compassionate, conscientious, and well-educated. They are of high intelligence, and many are committed to the intellectual and scholarly life. In short, they are good to have as neighbours.

Beit-Hallahmi, B. 'Atheists: A Psychological Profile' in Martin, M. (ed.) (2006) 'The Cambridge Companion to Atheism', Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

>> No.2036937


>> No.2036938

*sigh* Learn statistics, learn what a mode is.

>> No.2036940

learn jazz, learn what a mode is

>> No.2036942

learn theology, learn what a mode is.

>> No.2036941

Learn logic, learn what a modal operator is

>> No.2036946
File: 155 KB, 431x600, 1283959058015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews know:

if they can destroy religion they can destroy morality, if they can destroy morality, they can demoralize the people, if they can demoralize the people, the people wont care what the jews are doing to their nation, and if people don't care what the jews are doing to their nation, the jews could easily slaughter mass amounts of people like the jewish soviets did to 10 million christian Russians in gulags.

so Christianity is a religion you say, but the Holohoax isn't a religion? maybe Christianity is in opposition to your Holohoax religion which is why you hate it?

onethridoftheholocaust.com <<<< math to disprove holohoax


>> No.2036952

>if they can destroy religion they can destroy morality

Stopped reading

>> No.2036954

it's true.

you think you're smart but you're to stupid to put together that Christianity = culture, not just religion.

why are atheists so stupid?

>> No.2036969

yes, religion is an aspect of culture (a facet of society that is passed down through teaching rather than geneticlly) how does this not make your asinine claim that destroying religion destroys morality, thats like saying destroying religion will destroy mathematics.

>> No.2036971

not make your asinine claim any less invalid?

>> No.2036976
File: 14 KB, 250x218, foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human Beings did walk alongside with the dinosaurs.


>> No.2036977
File: 37 KB, 267x354, 258vu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard of this

I don't necessarily agree with this video just putting it out there:


>> No.2036985 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 250x500, Location_of_Oklo_in_Gabon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had ancient fission reactors, interesting.

so jews, what the fuck are you hiding form us Human beings?

>> No.2036988
File: 45 KB, 250x500, Location_of_Oklo_in_Gabon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had ancient fission reactors, interesting.

so jews, what the fuck are you hiding from us Human beings?

>> No.2037006

If you have a bible go to Jobs 20, it definitely describe the existence of dinosaurs and how they were wipe out.

>> No.2037021

Yeah, that was in the Mahabaratha and Bhagavata Purana.

"The flames of the Brahmastra-charged missiles mingled with each other and surrounded by fiery arrows they covered the earth, heaven and space between and increased the conflagration like the fire and the Sun at the end of the world ... All beings who were scorched by the Brahmastras, and saw the terrible fire of their missiles, felt that it was the fire of Pralaya [the cataclysm] that burns down the

>> No.2037050

This would contradict the theory of evolution (not that I believe any of it, I'm pro-creationism), and BTW Charles Darwin was a 33rd degree Mason (*shocked*), so he is good at what the Freemasonry (and other secret society) do best, Misinformation & Deception.

>> No.2037060

so basically an orbital laser weapon

>> No.2037061 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 352x240, whalebiologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Thread about hating atheists
>>Because religious people are so much more sensible, intelligent and tolerant
>>Religious people quickly take over thread
>>Thread is soon a circlejerk of creationism, antisemitism and /x/ quality mysticism

I'm pretty convinced that everyone of this sort, who believed sincerely in magical nonsense, has the same underlying mental disorder. They play sane when complaining about the way sensible people mock them so as to appear justified, but the moment the mood relaxes and they feel they have a receptive audience, the crazy flows right out of 'em.

>> No.2037064
File: 148 KB, 550x550, whatthe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Thread about hating atheists
>>Because religious people are so much more sensible, intelligent and tolerant
>>Religious people quickly take over thread
>>Thread is soon a circlejerk of creationism, antisemitism and /x/ quality mysticism

I'm pretty convinced that everyone of this sort, who believes sincerely in magical nonsense, has the same underlying mental disorder. They play sane when complaining about the way sensible people mock them so as to appear justified, but the moment the mood relaxes and they feel they have a receptive audience, the crazy flows right out of 'em.