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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 500x334, science-arm-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2028907 No.2028907 [Reply] [Original]

If you truly believed in science you'd have some sort of science tattoo.

>> No.2028909

science fanboy detected.

>> No.2028911

>believed in science
nah...science doesn't exist...

>> No.2028915

look EK is trying to make a comeback everyone!

>> No.2028916

Those formulas contradict one each other

>> No.2028919

That poor bastard must be regretting his tattoos soo much by now

>> No.2028920


>> No.2028921

You know, I own a T-Shirt with Bolzano's theorem on the back and at it's front Mendeleliev's Periodic Table.

>> No.2028923
File: 30 KB, 478x499, 1289027467878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2028924

why is light squared in jewish Einstein's equations, is he retarded or something does he think light is a surface area why are jews so stupid?

>> No.2028931

These fags think their funny. Look, everyone pay attention to these tripfags.

>> No.2028944
File: 1.30 MB, 200x150, asianshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these tattoos are socially unacceptable, if he must have tattoos which I doubt his social status will allow him to do so while being socially accepted at the same time, he should have tattoos that are more conventionally acceptable.

>> No.2028956


>> No.2028957


Look, another fag...

>> No.2028961

it should be
<span class="math"> \sum F=ma [/spoiler]

>> No.2028970

I know what you mean OP. How many number of pi have you memorized? I can do 26 but I've been slacking off. lol maybe in an alternate universe, every time I decide to be lazy a different non-lazy me splits off, but it has to have been proven by quantum theory. maybe someday :D


>> No.2028972

>butthurt that he got trolled in a different thread

>> No.2028978

The positioning, the font, the size, just about everything about those tattoos is fucking terrible.

>> No.2028981
File: 112 KB, 600x449, think periodic table tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2028985

Or even better, <span class="math">\frac{d}{dt}(\frac{\partial L{\partial \dot{q_i}}-\frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i}=0.[\math]

Lagrangian mechanics FTW.[/spoiler]

>> No.2028986

and it should be

<div class="math">E=\gamma mc^2</div>

>> No.2028991

No, Embedded Kike, most people are just too tired to attack you every time you make a post.

>> No.2028993

Try again... <span class="math">\frac{d}{dt}(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_i}})-\frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i}=0.[\math][/spoiler]

>> No.2028997

implying that person is a guy? Assuming just like I read in a couple other threads where you failed just as well.

Learn how to use green btw, or go to bed

>> No.2028998

You have a tattoo stating
>Missing closing brace
on your left asscheek?

Cool story, brah.

>> No.2029002


>> No.2029003

>Embedded Kike
haha, lol wut?

>> No.2029005

And again... Lol, I fails at LaTeX. <span class="math">\frac{d}{dt}(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_i}})-\frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i}=0.[/spoiler]

>> No.2029011

His tattoo says
>Unknown control sequence '\math'

I wonder if girls liek that.

>> No.2029014


>> No.2029018

Should actually be
<div class="math">E = \pm mc^2</div>

>> No.2029021

was about to go to bed anyway. and i know how to use green...well, its supposed to be for quoting or "implying derpderp"
>implying he is butthurt that he got trolled in a different thread
also, i have to pick eitehr he/she, and 'he' is probably more likely to be correct in most cases... so i just stick with that. like when people call god 'he' all the time, even though technically 'it' is genderless...and also non-existant, oh yes, i went there...

>> No.2029022

Are you calculating how many girlfriends you'll ever have?

>> No.2029025

lol that would make a cooler tattoo than that hurr E=mc^2 shit

>> No.2029089

i don't particularly like tatoos... just wear shirts with that shit on...at least then it isn't permanent.

>> No.2029114

uhh E=sqrt(p^2*c^2+m0^2*c^4) and F=dP/dt, why the fuck would you get high-school-simplified equations as tattoos?

>> No.2029159

that's not how you use it

>> No.2029188
File: 65 KB, 558x418, girls_with_math_on_backs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go

>> No.2029209

Love that Thinkgeek shirt, OP.

>> No.2029211

I considered this to upgrade my nerdness to epic levels, then I realized that, as odds go, in some 25 years I'll have a wrong equation tatooed on me.

I could play safe with V=d/t but that would be too shitty.

>> No.2029227

Because writing the entire damn thing out doesn't make it less intelligent. Lol.

>> No.2029252
File: 24 KB, 400x400, and_god_said_maxwells_equations_tshirt-p235628270699537542q6vb_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2029254

Nope, because if you truly believed in science you'd know why getting a tattoo is a bad idea.

>> No.2029260
File: 4 KB, 126x114, badumtsss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...fucking took you long enough to get trolled, jeez!

>> No.2029283

says the one who got defeated

>> No.2029317

>>2029211 could play safe with V=d/t

>> No.2029543

EK is never defeated!

>> No.2029550
File: 75 KB, 980x864, EKcombobreaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2029551
File: 32 KB, 767x627, EK troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2029555

inb4 ek(the abundance of stupidness)

>> No.2029557

fuck off already. you're just making a bigger fool of yourself.

>> No.2029562

Give me attention ;_;

>> No.2029565

Zombeh, trolling is an art of which you are a novice.

>> No.2029567

>She will fuck you're shit up

>> No.2029575

>EK made her "troll" pictures

fail, a women WOULD think any attention is good attention

>> No.2029600
File: 73 KB, 420x296, 1288624402523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol...every fucking time :D

>> No.2029605

*a art

>> No.2029607

we caught that alreay knowing it's a troll. qq more you're dumb not a troll

>> No.2029606

wait what!
has trolling come full circle?

>> No.2029610
File: 30 KB, 157x153, 1288592551177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2029666
File: 10 KB, 313x151, wut5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, but is it a lamp, or 2 faces side to side...

>> No.2029674

it's not a troll, that's what it is

>> No.2029679
File: 5 KB, 237x317, vasewut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i are teh devull...checkem
*back to back

... fuck it

>> No.2029680

EK do you have IM?

>> No.2029683

sorry kid, 2029666 is not the devil. 666 is.

we're aware of the pic btw, we're not dumb like you.

>> No.2029684

yeh but its being treated, and i have some cream for it...should clear up within the next couple of days.

>> No.2029687

>look i'm trying to troll to look like a troll

>> No.2029690

hahah! okay fine, yes i do

>> No.2029695

trolling =/= making a joke

also, ive been here for weeks and barely trolled untill today,
...they see me trollin...they hatin....

>> No.2029702
File: 24 KB, 361x361, 1282720483337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no they found out I, EK, am trying to cover up. let's fake troll some more to persuade them that i r not idiot

>> No.2029705 [DELETED] 

I don't know about an IM, but she has a Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/YiffingZombie

>> No.2029722

ha, no, i find it funny how i am actually so good at trolling that even when i finally admit to it, it seems more believable to you guys that i am genuinely an idiot, rather than trolling.
Even in real life i can admit i am wrong, i don't feel any shame in it, its fine, it happens (albeit very rarely) so here, on an anonymous board (i use a trip, but i could have made it anything, you still dont know who i am etc...) why the fuck would i try to hide if i was wrong? i could just admit it very easily... has even happened a couple of times...but nah, seriously, today, it was mainly trolling. been fun, i'll give it a rest tommorow, and be my usual sober helpful self.

>> No.2029731

>you still dont know who i am
...or not
don't fucking post my facebook here!

>> No.2029733

>this surely will make them believe iwas trolling... i hope. i hope they'll think i was trolling.

>> No.2029744

What am i looking at?

>> No.2029745

if that's you, then he just did. noob.

>> No.2029749

as i have said before, what you people 'believe' is of very little concern to me. 90+% of the world population believes in an all powerful all knowing skydaddy, they are wrong, and i am right, its how it is, i cant change it.
all i care about is the truth, and i KNOW i was trolling.
if you people decide to disbelieve this, and think i'm a moron now, feel free to ignore any and all of my posts, you are the only ones that will suffer for it, if there is information/help you COULD have had, but didn't end up recieveing because of your false beliefs.

>> No.2029753

>damn, well THIS will make them believe. goddammit i wish i wasn't so dumb. fuck.

>> No.2029764

Stop camwhoring and trolling on /sci/. I said to get the fuck off /sci/. I warned you that I know where you live. I will do whatever the fuck I like cause I don't give a fuck. If you don't like it, too bad.

A challenger appears: master troll. Prepare your anus because you're about to get raepd

>> No.2029771

EK why don't you hang yourself by hymen.

>> No.2029772

She's not trolling thouh, that's the thing. She's dumb, AND NOW IS FAILING at TRYING TO TROLL to cover up her idocracy, which we don't even care about.

>> No.2029793

She maybe dumb, but she can still learn lessons. She can feel regret. She can fear consequences. She can be conditioned if not educated.

Such is the place of a master troll.

“Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.”

>> No.2029807

Here's the thing Zombeh, if you want to escalate this, if you do not want to be Anonymous, I will escalate this /b/itch and I'll post your facebook on another /b/oard. Your choice, choose wisely.

>> No.2029809

implying he was implying

>> No.2029821

it's been posted on other boards already, and the inb4 ek is already a meme.

>> No.2029827

no, don't do that please! i'll be quiet, low profile etc... just don't draw attention plz.
how the fuck am i a meme??
im a pretty standard tripfag...

>> No.2029839

well, your "motivational" pics. aren't memes but the ones against you are already getting pretty big and ppl are at least currently saying inb4 ek in alotta threadz. idk, don't be dumb again?

>> No.2029846

the ones against me? lol what are they then?
and INB4 Ek doesn't even mean anything.. unless its liek a prediction i will post in a thread... but even that isn't signifficant in any way..

>> No.2029850

I haven't saved any but there's one that just says ultimate fail blah blah blah

and the inb4 ek thing makes sense - it means inb4 any stupid nonsense. it can also mean nobody can act dumb and then try to cover it up.

>> No.2029852

You said you were leaving at least an hour ago. But you're still here desperately trying to convince everyone that you were trolling and not a genuine idiot. FFS this is getting ugly.

>> No.2029855

Exactly. It's getting pathetic. She said that when I was telling her how to greenpost I think haha.

>> No.2029858

its been an hour?
kk yeh, i am off reli this time, i am so seriously
erm, yh, don't post my facebook tho plz...and definitely not on /b/! i get enough spam as it is... fucks sake...

>> No.2029865

lost again

I saw it posted on /b/ btw, sdescribing how much of a bitch you are.

>> No.2029884

Holy crap, just realized that E just is the integral of F!

>> No.2029906

This is why you don't attention whore....

>> No.2029981

link or it didn't happen

>> No.2029995

common guys don't be mean to ek
I think its cool that we have at least one woman that cares about science...

>> No.2029999


College major:
Sexual orientation:

>> No.2030004

I like EK.

>> No.2030006

Im going to get the function for the coefficient of kinetic friction on my hand...he he he he

>> No.2030019

tatoo schrodingers equation, single particle in a potential.

>> No.2030023
File: 57 KB, 750x600, motivator91156594af89929a398cfbb02f19d84b22be44ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2030034

I was thinking of getting a λ (Lamda) on my back right shoulder maybe, one day.

Just a small, maybe quarter-sized one.

I'm a nuclear engineer, Half Life 1 and 2 is/are my favorite game/s of all time.

Then i found out it's an international homosexual symbol, and i changed my mind :<

>> No.2030039

ofc u like her.
EK is a usual female that nobody wants and lurks in male dominated groups craving for attention she doesnt get irl.

She might say "i liek science" but that wouldn't explain her ultratripfaggotry and her self advertising posts.

>> No.2030084

Stop right there criminal scum
I will defend EK's honor
She might be an attention whore but she's our attention whore >:(

>> No.2032011

*yawn* morning...
shit! this is right at the bottom of page 15 (...which was reinstated as i slept) must read thread! erm..


>> No.2032018

ive seen a couple more.
lol, i get enough attention IRL.
thanks guise! :D
...erm, thanx, i guess...

>> No.2032721
File: 81 KB, 718x539, 54331630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to business... SCIENCE!!! *yeah*

>> No.2032728


>> No.2032739



>> No.2032740

EK you are a mere omega troll.

>> No.2032741

has anyone seen pics of EK... I have a strong sense that part of the troll persona is a dude laughing at teh white knights protecting his made up female character

>> No.2032742
File: 1 KB, 128x70, boxxyuplook..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm...no thanx, im gud...

>> No.2032764

hahahaha you loser E=mc^2 only applies for mass at rest bahahahahaha you fucking faggot

>> No.2032772

Why not, also what does significance of "EK"?

>> No.2032773

EK make a video and upload it on youtube
We need a new bawksy

>> No.2032797

uhuh...and have all my 'i'm not an attention whore' persona thrown completely out the window...

>> No.2032811

Don't do it for yourself, you doing it for us!

>> No.2032819
File: 17 KB, 272x307, 6a00d8341d299553ef00e54f7a9f9f8833-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comply with our demands!

>> No.2032821

I'm actually planning on getting a math-related tattoo in the next couple years.

>> No.2032825

also >>2032821 GTFO we've moved on from that

>> No.2032828


and what could i say in said youtube video that i could not just say here?
also, what i look like shouldn't even be a factor... the only thing that is important is if what i say is intelligent and/or useful.

>> No.2032833

sounds like you ugly

>> No.2032838

well i wouldn't say that, but i'm nothing special either.
even if i was ugly, it wouldn't affect how scientific or helpful what i say is.

>> No.2032843

Ugly people produce ugly results

>> No.2032850

so all ugly people are stupid?
well, thats obviously not true...but actually, there might be some correlation...certainly seemed that way back in highschool.
..maybe i just found intelligent guys more attractive anyway...

>> No.2032854

EK u wanna cam2cam :))

tinychat com / sci

>> No.2032855


>> No.2032859

Cause boxxy left a hole in our hearts that can only be filled with someone else... ;(

>> No.2032864

how so?

>> No.2032871

and sci could use a good role model...

>> No.2032876

Who EK was pretending to be when he first showed up.
Once exposed, he stopped using pics from her vids.

>> No.2032877

yeah also /sci/ needs something to make it stand out you know
Is like the only thing we have is /sci/ducks

>> No.2032879

E = m c^2 is true in special relativity where F = ma is not true.

>> No.2032882

erm...nah, pointless
good role model? me?
lol, clearly you arn't the same crowd that were on last night...

>> No.2032884

goddamn it <_<

>> No.2032890

>If you truly believed in science you'd have some sort of science tattoo.
Fortunately, I don't have to BELIEVE in science.

>> No.2032897

what if EK really is that person?

>> No.2032898

My current tattoo plans are to get a sleeve on my right arm starting with the Sun on my shoulder and getting the entire solar system, along with orbits and relevant numbers/astral bodies, down to my wrist.

>> No.2032904

Why would I need a science tatoo? So I won't forget things? It's dumb on the same level as tatooing your birthday.

>> No.2032905

yeah EK kind of sounds like this

>> No.2032907

I get it.

>> No.2032910

What now?

>> No.2032919

I should have said include. I also want to get a diagram of the Milky Way on my upper back, with a "YOU ARE HERE" red dot.

>> No.2032930
File: 5 KB, 313x50, halpguise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp guise. I know the answer but not how it's derived.

>> No.2032935

yeh, a couple of anons from a while ago were like "EK is queen of /sci/!" (sorta like boxxy is queen of /b/, or whatever) but i doubt that will stick... altho i kinda like the idea!
lol, i'm not actually her, but i am a big fan. also, with my hair blonde, the resemblance is uncanny (except for the eyes) but i don't dye it very often. also, my natural hair colour is very dark brown.

>> No.2032936

Not a chance. The way Criss talks is completely different from the way EK writes.

>> No.2032938

EK, what is your nationality?

>> No.2032939

You aren't that cute girl from back when who we wanted to go to the library with, are you?

>> No.2032943

Confirmed. Just watching a couple Criss videos now. She's very articulate. EK...not so much.

>> No.2032948


>> No.2032950

very doubtful, but i do like the library...erm, location?

>> No.2032952

Fuck off EK


>> No.2032961

I don't remember where she said she was from, but oh well. No big.

>> No.2032962
File: 18 KB, 452x351, nahfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, fuck you!

>> No.2032963

> If I say I resemble her, they may still believe I'm a girl.

>> No.2032967

lol, you don't think i am really a girl?
why lie about that?

>> No.2032968

/sci/ - BETA AS FUCK!

I haven't seen this much faggotry since I observed young korean males being social retards around the opposite gender while I was stationed at camp Mujuk.

Congratulations /sci/. You are worse than insecure asian males.

>> No.2032971

then prove it
Post a picture with a timestamp

>> No.2032974

Your need for that attention is yours. We all have our fetishes, maybe yours if female impersonation, what do I know.
Prove me a liar. I dare you.

>> No.2032977

Hey I'm tired of having to be stoic all the goddamn time
I want to have some fun once in a while

>> No.2032982

I remember when EK started tripping, it wasn't that long ago. Not confirmed attention whore yet; at least, no more than tripping itself reveals.

>> No.2032995

I read that thread too. He couldn't figure out how to keep it constant at first. What a joke. I think it was the 4 color drawing one, iirc.

>> No.2033010
File: 15 KB, 248x300, spock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get back to work

>> No.2033052

Bump for pictures of EK. Not because I care about EK, but because you just know it trolls the fuck out of some anon here.

>> No.2033060

post time stamped pic of EK or he is a guy who's been samefagging on /sci/ for e fame

>> No.2033092


isnt \h-bar \h/2pi?

>> No.2033123

> camwhore for me or you're a guy

>> No.2033176


i don't get what your motivation is. no one thinks you're funny or even remotely clever, yet you continue to "troll" which is just a painful attempt to attention whore.

sorry that you have to resort to this type of thing. i hope things turn around in your life so that you don't have to be a public dumbass on the internet for attention

if you're going to troll at least do it right. leave it to a woman to fuck it up, i guess

>> No.2033184

I hate tripfagging as much as the next anon but what the fuck dude? y u so mad?

>> No.2033235

This is obviously EK trying desperately to maintain his female identity. I don't for a second believe that so many anon believe EK is female and would state it so plainly as fact, when the question of his gender is in debate.
Sure is samefag around here, eh EK?

>> No.2033298

fuck you, i like her.

>> No.2033368

gay detected

>> No.2033388

My entire body is the result of cosmic law..

I'm a walking temple to science. Words belong on paper.

>> No.2033394

so very, very mad

>> No.2034025

Im actually thinking of getting the golden ratio tattood on my chest! I think its a pretty cool idea, even if its bull. I love looking for patterns in things(1 + square root of 5, divided by 2) I might get the first 10 numbers around it in a circle if i think itll look good (1.61803339...)

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