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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 640x480, markthree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2030946 No.2030946 [Reply] [Original]

Originally I just wanted to build a single chamber with air circulation and the basics, as proof of concept and as a neat model of how actual habitats work.

Somehow it snowballed into this, a four room colony which will generate power for LED lights via the exercise wheel (as a novelty, it won't depend on it) have surface power support for heating pads and lighting, and because some of you talked me into it (and I am easy to talk into this sort of thing) a clover grow-op. Like, the chamber on the right will have infrared grow-LEDs and a tube for watering the clovers from a surface squeeze-bulb.

This is getting absurd and I'm really fuckin' happy about it. It's taking my attention away from the Earth Rover project which is no good, but I can't make much progress on that until I move anyway.

Thanks for following along and nagging me to make this project more ambitious. I think, with what I've learned along the way, I will soon be able to buy a surplus water tank and build a habitat I can sit/stand in. Nothing too large as I need to be able to tow it to a lake or the coast, and it needs to be boat-towable to the location where it will be sunk, but something big enough for a futon, mini-fridge, microwave, book shelf and laptop seems doable.

>> No.2030964

The books in the lower right are excellent, by the way, and I strongly recommend them. I have another coming by mail, "Living and working in the sea", which is more technical in nature.

>> No.2030976

>>Originally I just wanted to build a single chamber with air circulation and the basics, as proof of concept and as a neat model of how actual habitats work.
thats the lamest shit i ever heard, why call something like that as awesome as hampture if its just a box with air circulation?

>> No.2030980

Best of luck, man. I can't believe what a success this project has been either. We really need more people like you, willing to actually do things themselves.

>> No.2030981


I guess that's true. So it's for the best that it eventually escalated into this four-room colony, right?

>> No.2030983

can someone fill me in?

>> No.2030990

What have you done lately, then? This project is the most impressive thing to have come out of /sci/.

>> No.2030994

why are you plating the clovers from seed? why not just go out and dig up a patch, wash the soil off the roots, and put them in the tank?
btw, fuckin awesome project. keep it up, new shit you post is what i look forward to whenever i get on the computer.

>> No.2031013


>>why are you plating the clovers from seed? why not just go out and dig up a patch, wash the soil off the roots, and put them in the tank?

Hmm, good point. I probably will. I'm more apprehensive about getting the grow LEDs set up as I have no experience with that yet, but it's something I've been wanting to learn about. I don't even smoke or anything I am just enamoured with the idea of building a solar powered geodesic hemispherical hydroponic greenhouse. Something like that could feed someone essentially for free with a minimum of effort provided the use of an inorganic anchor medium and a constant flow setup.

>> No.2031015


>> No.2031032


>> No.2031035
File: 282 KB, 468x317, lakemission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm building an underwater colony for hamsters:


The five hour test of the prototype in a nearby lake can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05pkg0DuPNQ

Pic related, my hamster chillin' under 4 feet of water.

>> No.2031042
File: 617 KB, 480x3430, 1182602492140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even smoke or anything I am just enamoured with the idea of building a solar powered geodesic hemispherical hydroponic greenhouse. Something like that could feed someone essentially for free with a minimum of effort provided the use of an inorganic anchor medium and a constant flow setup.

>> No.2031051

I like that idea too. When I was a kid I wanted to live underground, using geothermal energy to power an automated hydroponics system.

>> No.2031054
File: 79 KB, 640x480, aquanox2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see any smoking going on there, do you? :3

Pic unrelated, but an awesome game

>> No.2031084

>underwater colony

I see what you fucking did there.
And I like it.

>> No.2031092


>>I see what you fucking did there.

Also, I may call the Mk.III habitat "New Hampture". Dohohoho

>> No.2031370

I actually lol'd that time.

>> No.2031402

So, any idea what I need to paint the wood panel with so that it doesn't rot during prolonged submersion?

>> No.2031479
File: 76 KB, 247x253, 1287264095983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I support this proposition.

>> No.2031489

I dunno. Stick it in the oven and then seal it with wax? Melted plastic?

>> No.2031555

Probably like >>2031489 except instead of pissing around with something easilly damaged like wax, or something that's toxic when it's burning like plastic, just use a glue or resin. Several layers.

Also make sure to glue/resin whatever happens to puncture the wood, like a screw or nail. Don't just stop at the nail, COVER THE ENTIRE OBJECT. Presumably if you use metal or cloth straps, glue/resin that shit entirely; you have to think temporally. As metal oxidizes, it'll burn like a fuse; all the way back to its fastener (the screw) and into the thing its secured to (the wood)

>> No.2031559

I should explain: stick it in the oven to dry it out, then seal it with something.

When I get outta college I'm totally building a human-size one. And living in it. It'll be an appendage to my underground bunker. I have it all planned out.

>> No.2031561


Hm, okay, resin. That's the ticket. I knew I'd heard of solvents you could coat wood in to waterproof them.

It's amazing how much you learn about everything when you try to do basically anything.

>> No.2031567

I feel incredibly stupid now that you've pointed out resin.


>> No.2031639
File: 66 KB, 500x328, TheMoreYouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's amazing how much you learn about everything when you try to do basically anything.

>> No.2031818

just fucking kill your hamster and get it over with already

>> No.2031831

no u

>> No.2031889

>(as a novelty, it won't depend on it)
It would be interesting, though, in terms of Pavlovian conditioning, to see how the hamsters would react if there was only light when they made it by running on the wheel.

They would surely catch on at some point... And you DO have a pretty rocking surveillance system.

>> No.2031918
File: 162 KB, 1120x461, EveryStickManReaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in terms of Pavlovian conditioning ... if there was only light when they made it by running on the wheel.

> 11/10/10 (Wed) 03:35
The day when "/sci/ence" became "Mad /sci/entist"