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File: 12 KB, 320x240, KBCI_Phoenix_lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2030890 No.2030890 [Reply] [Original]

Earlier today I was looking into the Phoenix lights phenomena. I guess, as a phenomena, the whole incident should be of interest to science, correct? Anyways, sociology, culture, politics and myth aside, what are the scientific underpinnings here?

What is the traditional theory for explaining the Phoenix lights, or am I ignorant in assuming that the scientific community would spend time on debunking such an event?

I just recently wrote a shorty story inspired by the event and I'm looking for any intellectual conversation regarding the lights.

>> No.2030897


>> No.2030901

Just aliens fucking with us, we scientist have nothing to do with them because they won't let us.

>> No.2030919
File: 58 KB, 520x386, PHX-FlaresOnRidge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too would love to romanticize about aliens, but this explanation doesn't seem to fit the rigorous standards of the scientific method. Although I'm persuaded to insist that it must be alien life, I cannot really prove this. To just insist on this based on the wonderment of the event in general would be fallacious, I think.

Is anyone familiar with the research history of the event? Was any research done at all? How was this received in the scientific/academic community?

>> No.2030926

Air force testing a new kind of jet, has them fly in a line formation, people think it's aliens, US government lets them think that as a cover story for their top secret stuff

>> No.2030932


So you're telling me that aliens buzz cities to go "neener neener you can't touch me" to all Earth's scientists?

Fuck, man.

>> No.2030936


Why would the government test new, experimental and top-secret aircraft over a major population center? Why would they be lit up? Why not black them out and fly them over the open desert?

>> No.2030937

A bunch of drunk teenage engineers tied some LED necklaces to a flock of doves and released them at night. Luls ensued

>> No.2030938

>jet flying while not moving at all for hours... XD

>> No.2030950

weather balloons. it was weather balloons

and swamp gas

>> No.2030951

Agreed. I live in Phoenix Arizona.. and talked to many who saw this. It blocked out the stars so it wasn't an assortment of balloons, It stood still for awhile so it wasn't a jet. Explain to me, WHAT WAS IT?

>> No.2030952

I'm not interested in what the government, or the local government had to say about the incident. As far as I know, the local government had originally made light of the incident before eventually taking it seriously. Air-force bases and the National Guard refused to comment, allowing the Federal Government to speak for them; that swap gas was the cause, but no, then again they were flares.

I'm not insulating it was a cover up. It's quite possible nobody really understands fully what happened. I'm just surprised that universities and institutions are not dedicating time and research into this event. It seems like one of the major scientific phenomena to occur in centuries.

>> No.2030958

>US government lets them think that as a cover story for their top secret stuff

Except the US military and government denied and refused to talk about the incident and said there are no aliens or whatever.

They said it was a normal military routine at first but have always denied or don't talk about aliens.

So much for project blue book.

>> No.2030972

I'm pretty sure those agencies are allowed to deny information on top secret projects but they're not supposed to LIE about them. So when somebody says "is it aliens" they can say no, but when somebody says "was it a military test" they must say "classified"

>> No.2031010
File: 9 KB, 385x258, pl230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

What I want to know is how and why a scientific investigation was either castrated or never fully realized to begin with. When something of this magnitude happens to the species, the planet, you can only assume that the scientific community would take hold of such matters as to discover truth. Whether or not the lights implicate an other worldly intelligence, what interests me is how a scientific discourse seems to be hushed because of interfering cultural and political discourses.

How come there was no rigorous investigation? How come the term "Phoenix Lights" is not considered in the realm of scientific discourse, but rather pop culture or trivia?

The even itself has almost vanished from our episteme. How could this be? It was such a huge event witnessed by so many people.

>> No.2031012

Except they didn't. They claimed it was military jets in formation releasing flares.

Odd how NOBODY there heard any noise coming from the supposed "planes" and actual flares looked nothing like that.

They later refused to answer anything else once they were called out on their bullshit.

It doesn't make sense to test military shit near a major city.

They have dugway proofing ground and area 51 for that shit.

>> No.2031028

It's just alien teenagers that just got their spaceships licenses going out for a joyride. Frigging teenagers.

>> No.2031048

Actually regarding the phoenix lights incident I have heard that the official explanation was testing of flares, according to the military they were several miles outside of the city.

The UFO enthusiasts believe this doubtful for a few reasons:

First when the lights disappeared they did not do so in the order that they appeared.

Second the lights did not 'fall' at all during the duration of the event, they were stationary according to witnesses.

And lastly, there were numerous accounts that something was in the sky that was large enough to block out the stars for the duration of the event. Some accounts from outside the city even report being able to make out a silhouette during the evening before the event took place.

>> No.2031060

Science is not highly regarded in our culture, I'm not sure I could name you many multi-milliionaire scientists for example.

>> No.2031072

Also the fact that the governor of the state has already ADMITTED to seeing an MASSIVE unidentifiable object just like many other residences at the time flying overhead them.

>> No.2031077
File: 16 KB, 500x375, cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there were numerous accounts that something was in the sky that was large enough to block out the stars for the duration of the event. Some accounts from outside the city even report being able to make out a silhouette during the evening before the event took place.
Oh, wow, something big that blocks out stars! Must be aliens.

>> No.2031083


>> No.2031088
File: 15 KB, 299x189, docx2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your point, in some respects. But as a whole I would suggest that science is well respected in the American culture and even more so in western culture. America is an active contributor and competitor in most practitional and theoretical sciences, right?

Of course, we are over absorbed in the materialism. Yes, this dilutes high theory, high science, etc.. Still, research exists on the planets, stars, atoms, quarks, but science seemed to pass by the lights.

Something purposefully interfered with the discourse. I'm suspect of this much.

>> No.2031093

I would assume that people checked the weather after the incident. I would also assume that clouds don't have lights attached to them.

>> No.2031095

That just means their services are not highly demanded. It doesn't mean they aren't highly regarded.

>> No.2031121
File: 4 KB, 180x149, needsmoarflouride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's silly why would you guys say that.


>> No.2031128

They aren't highly regarded. I've talked to people who are pissed off at "elitist scientists" and who believe that their opinion on global warming or evolution has just as much validity as that of a climatologist or biologist.

>> No.2031137
File: 16 KB, 416x262, weather_balloon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was obviously weather balloons.

>> No.2031145

Research may occur however that vast majority of it is outside of the public's consciousness. Most people only think about it if they see a headline on the news and even then they might just react to it rather than actually think about it.

>> No.2031153

Wasn't it just military flares? I saw a show on it a while back, if you take a daylight picture there's actually a mountain range in that very spot. They overlayed the mountains onto the phoenix lights video, and the lights disappeared as they went under the daytime mountains. Also it's restricted airspace, so it makes sense for military flares to appear in that location.

>> No.2031230

The military denied any activity at first though then said oops, it was whether balloons... wait, you saw lights? OH I MEAN FLARES!

Also anyone who knows anything about military flares knows they look nothing like the phoenix lights. Everybody in the military.

>> No.2031246

>military base
>its aliens
>not experimental aircraft

hurrrr durrr, americans are idiots

>> No.2031276
File: 28 KB, 720x299, 1287427949726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah thats pretty much what aliens do. What would you do if you could fly across the galaxy to visit any world you like. You would visit a world of cute little beings being naive, and TROLL THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF THEM!