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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2019495 No.2019495 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Concepts that freaked you out.

Me? Zero Kelvin. The very idea of what would happen scared the shit out of me.

>> No.2019499


>> No.2019500

whats zero kelvin?

>> No.2019504

But absolute zero can't happen.
Why you worry?

>> No.2019506




>> No.2019511
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>> No.2019507

There are as many numbers between 0 and 1, as there are outside of 0 and 1.

>> No.2019513

define: numbers

>> No.2019519

The idea that an infinite amount of parallel universes exists with every possible outcome.

That would mean theres a universe out there somewhere where someone kidnapped you and is hitting your balls with a hammer for the rest of your life.

>> No.2019521

Zero Kelvin is Absolute zero, the theoretical point at which an atom has no heat, and therefore no kenetic energy.

>> No.2019524
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None of this shit freaks me out in the slightest. And not because I don't understand what kelvin is.

Hows about this concept; death!

>> No.2019529

the concept of hell.
also, WHAT IF?

>> No.2019530

The Turing test or the Chinese Room.
The idea unnerves me a bit
And infinite parallel universes.

>> No.2019532
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Animal teeth and tusks that grow through their jaws. Makes me cry just thinking about it. :(

>> No.2019539
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No, I'm not underage if you're curious.

>> No.2019544

can someone explain why 0 kelvin is so terrifying?

>> No.2019548


It WILL happen.

there is -no- escape.

>> No.2019550

To put it simply, everything is atoms. Everything that is is because atoms have kinetic energy, and are the building blocks of life.

Now imagine atoms with no energy.

>> No.2019551
File: 35 KB, 377x527, a OH WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw death doesn't scare me because RELIGIONFAG

>> No.2019554

So, in other words; death.

>> No.2019559


No, not death.

This is something much bigger than death, boy.

We're talking about the destruction of the supporting structures of the universe.

There are still atoms, but they can't combine into larger structures.

>> No.2019560

Zero is an imaginary number but does that mean absolute zero imaginary also? Once matter reaches absolute zero it ceases to exist. Since matter cannot be created or destroyed this creates a paradox where if something reaches absolute zero it never existed in the first place. You might think of it as once it reaches absolute zero not only does the matter disappear then and there but it disappears from all time and therefore creates a paradox which makes it "seem" impossible reach absolute zero.

All those scientists trying to make objects reach absolute zero accidentally removing matter from space and time and they'll never know it, and this also makes it impossible to prove.


>> No.2019561
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>Once matter reaches absolute zero it ceases to exist

>> No.2019565


Well, isn't even death.
It just ceases to be. Nothing can happen.

And the thought is scary because it is impossible to imagine. If it happened to you, you would not even know. Or have the ability to know. Or any ability for that matter.

>> No.2019567


>No, not death. This is something much bigger than death, boy.

haha, I hope you're not being serious.

>> No.2019569


So much effort put into trolling

>> No.2019570

Yeah, death. Same deal, just on a larger scale.

>> No.2019571

It's not. It's a physical impossibility.

>> No.2019573


All kind of energies are ACTUALLY kinetic.

Absolute zero means absence of energy, absence action/reaction, nothing.



>> No.2019575
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>> No.2019576
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>> No.2019581


Its about as scary as 1 kelvin. Or 2 kelvin. Maybe even 3 kelvin. Though 3 kelvin may be one spook degree less scary.

Now you should realize that absolute zero is merely the absolute minimum that the movement of atoms can reach. And that even at absolute zero atoms continue to move. Though, they do move as slowly as they will ever be able to move.

>> No.2019585

Hey heres a thought, that sounds like it would totally suck so maybe you shouldn't go there!

>> No.2019586


As far as we can tell, not that will ever really be able to fully comprehend.

>> No.2019589
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but if numbers are infinite, whos to say there isnt a temperature lower than that?

>> No.2019594


You've ever heard of Negative Kelvin? Look it up. We really have no idea WTF would happen.

Luckly, it can't happen.

>> No.2019597


Exactly trollface.

>> No.2019598

everynight when you fall asleep your conscience vanish, i mean you don't feel anything until your conscience awakes and you start dreaming, then in that period of time your conscience doesn't exist, hence you are death

>> No.2019606

>conscience doesn't exist, hence you are death

I don't follow.

>> No.2019607
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Just shut the fuck up

>> No.2019614

Dark energy is the wake trail people leave when they move through time.

>> No.2019615

Negative kelvin is just "negative energy" in fundamental sense.

We dont know what would happen because it doesnt make any sense.

>> No.2019616


First, wat?

Second, its theoretical anyway. We haven't observed atoms at absolute zero. It is the theoretical point at which an atom does not have the ability to transfer heat to other systems. So if it cannot transfer heat, then it cannot get any colder. Therefore, its at absolute zero

>> No.2019620

You don't move through time. The move is time.

>> No.2019625

Wait wait wait

Why don't we just toke?

>> No.2019629


Negative Kelvin means it is really hot. Hotter than anything ever. Its rather counterintuitive.

>> No.2019630


spark up some trees brah.

>> No.2019631
File: 94 KB, 1200x767, oh god where am I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two words:

Karyotypic Megaevolution

>> No.2019634

how did you reach that understanding?

>> No.2019637

he skimmed through the Wikipedia article about negative energy with out actually reading it

>> No.2019638


I think I will.
Fuck, find me in two days time, I'll have the whole thing figured out by then.
Pot makes me smart

>> No.2019641


That was my guess as well.

>> No.2019643


So, you'll be happy to tell us what it really is then?

>> No.2019648

Nothing is touching anything else.

>> No.2019650
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Death freaked me out for a while, and then I got over it. Because I basically realized that all death means is that life once existed. To experience death you have to have experienced life, and to have experienced life is badass. Plus, death inevitably leads to more life. When your corpse rots/is burned/is launched into the air in a fireworks display like Hunter S. Thompson/etc. your matter returns to nature and creatures feed on you while you decay, allowing them to survive and reproduce more easily. It's actually beautiful. And it happens to everyone, so it's fair.

However in 9th grade, when learning about atoms and how they behave in science class, I basically realized determinism without knowing there was a word for it, and I was thoroughly convinced that it was true (that choice doesn't exist and that the grand secret of humanity is that their ambition and accomplishment was just part of an inevitable automated process) and I got really depressed. Now I'm not so sure if I believe in a Deterministic universe, but it was one of the scarier thoughts I've had.

>> No.2019653

The relevant Wikipedia article would be the one on negative temperature, not negative energy. They are two different things.

And what he said was correct. If we define the "hotter" object to be the one heat spontaneously flows from into the "cooler" object, a system at negative temperature is the hotter one.

>> No.2019659

> determinism


>> No.2019666

>negative temperature, not negative energy
>They are two different things.

Thats enough for me to consider you below 90 IQ.
Not being sarcastic or troll.

Am dissapointed, i thought in /sci/ i would find challenge but instead i find mentally challenged ppl.


>> No.2019823
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Wow, thanks for showing me that, that was badass.

Only 29 views?

Anyway, I'm not really as freaked out by Determinism as I used to be, I got over it in the same way I got over death "If it happens, it happens to everyone, so it's fair, and even then, it's still possible to have fun and enjoy life, not gonna let the fact that I'm automated get me down".

bleep blorp

>> No.2019849


I thought it was terrible. It seemed to be framed from a religious perspective, and then it just goes on to some explanations, as if he's going to get to something, and it turns out to be just a prolonged question. I was expecting him to say something like "determinism is just a theory (a guess)" and go on some christfag rant.

>> No.2019850

>Only 29 views?

It's not an original, it's a scene from the movie Waking Life. Check it out, sounds like you'd be into it.

>> No.2019870


I guess I'm just perceptive and information without decisions. It basically showed the same thought process I had at the time, just with more terminology. It didn't really seem religious at all, so much as it just kinda half-pandered to religious audiences.

I wouldn't have really liked it if he went on a christfag rant (I don't think a christfag would have even given such concepts the time of day, he would've just pulled out bible quotes about freewill) or if he came to some big secular conclusion. He's not going to end a millenia-old debate in one youtube video. He just told us what the debate was and why it's so unsolvable, with what we currently understand, and I dug that.

>> No.2019873
File: 3 KB, 64x95, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a moron. You thought a youtube video was going to answer the paradox of free will? You can't appreciate any insight the video offers because he says the word God?

>> No.2019877


*perceptive and I like information without the decisions (those are mine to make, I want the info presented objectively. It's the individual's decision on what to do with it, if decisions exist lololol).

>> No.2019881

on a tagent. The most embarrassing thing in the universe(or on youtube), to me are these videos of nerds make of themselves waxing philosophical.


>> No.2019894

I think the concept of any kind of afterlife is horrible, be it paradise or hell or something else. I mean... either way it'd be infinity. I don't think I could handle that.

I actually find the none-awareness that comes with actual death to be appealing.

>> No.2019902
File: 95 KB, 318x238, Muntjac_deer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post about Karyotypic Megaevolution earlier
>No one on /sci/ even googles it

It produces things like, oh i dunno, mammals that have different numbers of chromosomes between sexes and the lowest chromosome count of any animal:


>> No.2019941

What does the muntjac have to do with anything?

>> No.2019944

The chromasomes you fool!

>> No.2019951

LOL dense. the whole movie ended up being steered toward a religious point of view, which I can't agree with, but the points this guy made for his part are pretty sound. everything you know to be true through perception says you have free will, yet every bit of evidence physically says that everything moves in a predictable path. hes saying that because we can't predict exactly where things are going to be, or how all individuals behave (from a psychological perspective), that there is room for free will. Our consciousness is not something we can measure precisely, so perhaps we cope with the physical laws and actually have a minute degree of freedom. whether you choose to believe that we have a disembodied existence, or a system slightly more advanced in comparison to the rest of the animal kingdom, you still have a chance at living a good life, so you might as well try. because of that fact, we've become the most powerful species on the planet and live in an entirely different reality today, often in a virtual one.

>> No.2019952
File: 79 KB, 500x333, WHAT IS THIS SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly, it's closest relative has 46 chromosomes.
It has 6 and 7 (females and males, respectively).
That's the 2n number.

what. the. fuck.

>> No.2019960

Sometimes, biology is really messed up, and at those times, biology is always awesome.

>> No.2019967

Yo what's up with all the foxes?

>> No.2019971
File: 37 KB, 640x468, gynandromorphic_b-fly[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

>> No.2019974


What if your wife orbits my dick?

>> No.2019975

He likes foxes (and is not a furry). He told me so in another thread.

captcha: "early eardic". That's just disgusting, recatpcha. seriously.

>> No.2019979


Just as planned.

>> No.2019985
File: 2.27 MB, 3648x2432, Meadow from [an] 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like foxes.
I'm from /an/, and I used to hang out in /sci/ more often than I do now. I'm not a member of certain internet subcultures, if that's what you're wondering.

Also, as this is an image board, I highly support posting awesome images as often as possible.

IRL, I'm an ecology major and I really like canids in general. I'm actually working on a project involving coyote diets right now.

>> No.2019989
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, beat me to it, lol.

Sage only because I just posted maybe a minute ago.

>> No.2020055

>mammals that have different numbers of chromosomes between sexes

The most fascinating part about animals like these is the method by which the extra chromosome is chosen.

In the case of the Indian Muntjac, spermatogenesis produces sperm having either three or four chromosomes (making gender paternally-determined), but we don't know what process leads to the formation of two different kinds of sperm cell.

>> No.2020065

Fucking morons.

Absolute zero certainly can happen. Absolute zero is defined as the MINIMUM POSSIBLE ATTAINABLE ENERGY STATE. It is not the complete absence of energy.

>> No.2020066


Quantum vacuum fluctuations say fuck you to your zero.

>> No.2020081

The impossibility of absolutely closed systems was proven; however, I don't recall by who. This means that absolute zero can not be reached by any physics we currently know of. Quantum or otherwise.

>> No.2020086

<span class="math"> \Delta x \Delta p \geq \frac {hbar} {2} [/spoiler]

says no.

>> No.2020114
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On the subject of systems that aren't closed, Dark Flow.

I don't really understand what it implies, but it's pretty cool.

That's awesome. Unknown areas are always fun to think about.

>> No.2020140

When I learned that e^(i*pi) is -1. Like what is this and I don't even fuck my brain doesn't worth a shit. I shit my pants.