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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2017421 No.2017421 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/. I'm going to college next year for mechanical engineering and I hope to get a doctorate in mechatronics engineering and build spaceships. Huge spaceships.


>> No.2017427

no sadly.

>> No.2017433

I think you want astronautical engineering.

>> No.2017439

The general mistake people(me included) looking for higher studies is think up some fantasy world of what they could do in their dreams after finishing school.

What the miss is checking what they'll actually be doing for 98%% of their working life.

Don't go into school thinkin you'll build spaceships, go into school thinking you'll be a mechanical engineer on the job market.

>> No.2017440

To make building huge spaceships plausible, you first have to get the funding and material possible for an orbiting spaceship construction yard. It's a lot easier to make a fuckheavy spaceship in space than to make it on the ground and then send it up. Maybe sending up the parts one at a time will be cheaper in the long run.

>> No.2017458
File: 177 KB, 620x413, sweetwaterview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but I intend to do other shit first. like start by making power tools or some shit.

and building aquaponics! aquaponics is fun right guyze

>> No.2017473

I wish, OP, I wish...

>> No.2017478

Which of the following statements correctly describes the asthenosphere?

A it is a thin, cold and rigid layer.
b. It permits plate motion.
d. it occurs only near subduction zones

>> No.2017496


>> No.2017510


Nah, aeroponics is where it's at.

>> No.2017517
File: 141 KB, 195x195, 1231290255644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the mighty trans-human spaceship pilot's gain sustenance by having nutrients directly injected into their blood

>> No.2017543
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>> No.2017576

but food tastes good! why would we improve on something that doesn't need improvement upon?

and as long as we're being transhuman do we even have blood/need nutrients anymore

i guess you're right, feels bad man....

>> No.2017592

I dunno why do we do anything we do I just figure it would be easier on long space voyages than growing food. You also have the ability to scrub the fatigue poisons from your blood and inject nootropics and other drugs to promote your piloting abilities.

>> No.2017612

Mechatronics is using electronics to control mechanics: So designing the hardware side of robots and similar equipment.

Aeronautic engineering is where to go for spacecraft learning.

>> No.2017655
File: 223 KB, 558x800, Sagan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plausible, OP. Study Freeman Dyson's works. The first people who will live to 150 are probably living among us today. The first person to live to a 1000 is probably also living among us now.

You have my AI, you have my brother's starship engine.


>> No.2017681
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Mechatronic engineering will be required for the design of the gantries and automated mining that will be needed to construct huge ships in orbit.

>> No.2017682

hydroponics is retardly complex compared to letting a healthy soil take care of itself (and your plants).

plus it's a great, simple and efficient way of recycling organic material. there's absolutely no need to grow plants in anything other than soil.

>> No.2017781

OP, MechE here,

What >>2017439
said is mostly true. Most of your life will be spent on the job market doing what pays the bills. You have some freedom though, the better you do in school, the more you can throw your weight around to get the job in the industry you want. For example, do a damn good job in school and you may end up at NASA, or working for a private UAV or aeronautics company.

Don't forget that experience serves you well, just because NASA won't take you right out of college doesn't mean they won't take you after you've got a few years experience under your belt. Keep the dream alive, OP.

>> No.2017905
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Except to build farms in 3-D instead of on planes. You know, it's not practical to fill a ten-story building with 10+ acres per floor with dirty. When you're engineering farming for a high efficiency self-sustaining colony, such things matter tremendously.

>> No.2018046

i'm thinking of running a spaceship as a whole, though, like, mechatronics engineering is a combination of mechanical, electrical, computer, and system engineering. so i don't just mean designing a spaceship but i want to be figuring out how to build it and run it.

i don't know what degree that is.....
<3 thank you anon

>> No.2018074
File: 23 KB, 255x358, aeroponics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so in aeroponics the plants are just chillin in some air with water vapor and nutrients in it?

well, shit.

>> No.2018096

Good luck OP

I hope you succeed, and that one day I will join you.

>> No.2018132


Yeah pretty much. I'm not sure exactly how feasible on a large scale it is yet but it's really cool.

>> No.2018164

mechatronics, fuck ya!
