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2012442 No.2012442 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with judging people based on their race when no prejudices are used? Like considering all the statistics attributed to the race if there's no better indicator available?

Example: Avoiding passing near niggers knowing that they're statistically more violent, but talking with them if they seem civilized (better indicator).

This doesn't justify race hatred - there's no point of hating a group of people which on average seems to be more violent, while they're still a lot of exceptions.
Race hatred could only be justified if ALL niggers would be dumb/violent, which is not true - they're dumb and more violent ONLY on average, with a lot of exceptions.

>> No.2012446

There's nothing wrong with that.
However, should an intelligent nigger come by, do give him the respect he deserve.

>> No.2012453

In primal reality, judging based on race is a perfectly natural thing to do. In a society, however, you give all people equal treatment, because that's how society works.

>> No.2012454

That's what most people do.

>> No.2012460

Also, on blacks:
Blacks only started being able to get decent jobs around the time of the Civil Rights Movement, and then only very slowly. Twenty years later most blacks were still being discriminated against by companies and prevented from rising financially- guess who's coming to dinner! But then crack cocaine came and brought much more violence into the inner cities, where most blacks lived because they weren't afforded the financial oppurtunities white had. Violence begets violence and now blacks are seen as violent, when in reality that's not the case at all.

>> No.2012475

They can be more violent without it being their fault. Statistic judgment still applies.

>> No.2012480

>implying society works like that

>> No.2012492

And I suppose you have another magical explanation for niggers being violent and retarded in their mother land, africa, as well as all other countries they have invaded(Uk, europe, ect.).Face it, niggers are inferior.Scientific data does not lie.

>> No.2012494

Race isn't biological, it's a social construct.

Using something so broad as "race" is foolish. That means that you would trust a white guy over a black guy, even if the white guy was a poor heroin addict and the black guy was a college undergrad. I would never admit that.

>> No.2012501

>magical explanation
you mean simple logic?
Unlivable hellhole.
>other countries they invaded
I don't live in Europe, but all I hear from their end is "fookin' niggers", but they never give an example of anything really wrong.

Face it, there is no scientific law that says blacks are violent or "lesser" then whites. It's all socioeconomics.

>> No.2012510

So black people are black because of society? What the fuck that doesn't make any sense at all you retard.

>> No.2012511

OP here

Humans have an amazing ability to deal with correlations in their sub-conscious mind. They observe all the features present in a person and check for correlations with those features. They also perform judgments based on those correlations.

>> No.2012512

isn't there more genetic variation between members of the same race than there can be between race? If that's the case then race hardly exists and there's no point to racism

prove me wrong and i'll become a racist

>> No.2012513

Do you associate the sight of an Irish man with the thought of no jobs? Then it's not primal instinct, it's cultural instinct.

>> No.2012518

This is a very poor choice of words.
Because whenever you talk about judging people by their race, that means that you are saying that the people's differences are based entirely off their race. That they act differently because they are biologically different. That put a white baby and a black baby in the same environment, all of their differences will come from the difference of their color.

>> No.2012523

not sure if trolling...

>> No.2012524

This was a really retarded thing to say

>> No.2012522

That ability of our subconscious has actually kept us alive. During the early years of humanity, we didn't have the luxury of having to reason out of a lion was a threat or not; our subconscious made those snap judgments for us.

Civilization is our attempt to suppress or control those biased judgments.

>> No.2012527

>you mean simple logic?

You mean emotionally charged speech with no data backing it up?

>Unlivable hellhole.

Africa is full of natural resources.Its extremely easy to live there.Niggers are just too stupid and ignorant to use the resources.

enjoy being wrong, liberal dipshit

>> No.2012528

Those judgments kept us alive, so I guess they're accurate enough for us.

>> No.2012530


but race exists, but as a social construct.

>> No.2012534

They were, but technology keeps us alive now. We have the luxury to think about things like "fairness" when we're not struggling with survival.

>> No.2012539

No, modern day liberal agenda aka political correctness is a social experiment with the sole purpose of attacking the Superior White race, and giving undeserved jobs, free money, and other benefits to our inferiors(niggers and muds).

>> No.2012543

What does that have to do with anything I said?

>> No.2012551

Only limp dicked weak fools and race traitors promote "fairness" aka affirmative action.You are not a scientists unless you believe in Darwinian concepts like survival of the fittest and the inherent inferiority of lesser races(such as niggers and other muds).

>> No.2012557

Africa features the largest deserts in the world and is full of natural resources, yes, as in elements underneath the ground. Can you eat diamond? No.
Also, obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.2012567
File: 93 KB, 599x521, 31 - Modern Nigger Engineering_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers will never amount to anything.They will eventually die out, whether by some future eugenics program, or through nature(such as aids, which almost exclusively effects niggers and fags).They are best described as the missing link between man and ape.

>> No.2012576

Scientists have empathy. We can comprehend, and in some cases, relate directly to the suffering of others.

Scientists promote development of technology, which has the sole purpose of exploiting natural laws for the benefit of humanity.

I don't want to live in a caste society. Once you start dividing people's worth based on arbitrary criteria like race, you start to set up the foundation for a caste based society.

How would you feel if your "race" was arbitrarily chosen as the lower caste? If you can't imagine that situation, you have no empathy, and don't belong in science.

Also, 7/10 for the trolling.

>> No.2012580

Africa also features the largest forests in the world, as well as hundreds of thousands of square miles of grass lands(ideal for farming and raising livestock).The sahara desert only covers some of the northern african countries.Niggers are simply too stupid to utilize the land.Technologically and academically, they are the exact same today as they were 6000 years ago.

>> No.2012586
File: 16 KB, 460x288, anger_1357730c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are not a scientists unless you believe in Darwinian concepts like survival of the fittest and the inherent inferiority of lesser races(such as niggers and other muds)

Oh god, I lost it

>> No.2012589

I don't understand what you mean.
Africans and Aboriginals Chinese and Indian, Spaniards and Scandinavians, Native Americans and Andean people are all genetically different from each other though they are from the same continent/land mass.
Sure, there is gradual curve between neighbouring countries but its the same with anything. There are natural lines in the sand.

>> No.2012590

>Scientists have empathy

You are not a scientists.Thank you for confirming my suspicion.Scientists accept facts whether they like it or not.

>> No.2012596

Accepting facts and empathy are two completely unrelated concepts.

>> No.2012599

Name one instance where they choosing of a lower caste was arbitrary and not the result of technological or military superiority

>> No.2012607

>What's wrong with judging people based on their race when no prejudices are used?
>no prejudices
Wait, what? Prejudices are judgments you make against someone before meeting them.

Also, race doesn't exist. It's more like a spectrum than distinct groups.

>> No.2012609

>technological or military superiority
Whomever has the best weapon wins?
So in the Atomic age, if I don't have a nuke in my garage I'm a lesser individual deserving of slavery?

>> No.2012619


>primal reality

what the fuck am i reading

oh and all you dumb cunts -- stop trying to rationalise your gross prejudices, you gross dumb cunts

>> No.2012622

Treat people on thier merits not based on thier race.
Stormfags are just butthurt ignorant pieces of shit. Every single racist i have ever known has been dumb as a brick.

>> No.2012632

This was a retarded statement.
We could improve our progress by making proper judgments, and not suppressing them. In the case of black people, there are a lot of correlations with the skin color, which we could use. It doesn't even matter if it's their fault or not, it isn't the retarded people's fault if they're retarded.

We could stop this judgment from being used when more damage then good is done by using it, which isn't the case at all right now, considering all the factors, and eliminating the over-simplification and cognitive bias.

>> No.2012635
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>Also, race doesn't exist.
You mindless liberal scumbags need to stop chanting that retarded mantra.

No matter how much you want it to be true, no matter how much you pray to Jon stewart for it to be true, it simply isn't and will never be.As a scientist myself, I recognize the differences between races and the inferiority of blacks and the large majority of brown people.There is virtually no blacks in the scientific community and its not because "da mans holding them back", its because they are inferior.

>> No.2012642

>Like considering all the statistics attributed to the race if there's no better indicator available?

That's how insurance companies do it.

They do not have the luxury of ignoring stats for emotion's sake.

>> No.2012646

Looks to me like we got some butthurt niggers in here.They are raging mad because they are inferior.

>> No.2012647

I'm an authoritarian (as opposed to liberal) leftist and I believe what OP is saying is very true.

>> No.2012651

But it serves no purpose to say red is the same as blue because they are all part of the same spectrum of visible light. They are different. They are similar in more ways perhaps but they are distinctly different.
You can see people from Nigeria are different from people from Sweden or China or Malaysia. (Excluding immigrants). Whereas people from Nigeria or Chad or Botswana look similar as do people from Korea, Japan or China, relative to the two groups

>> No.2012652
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>> No.2012655

We need to segregate niggers from our communities, and completely destroy nigger culture(music, tv, ect.).In the 1950s, when niggers imitated White culture, they were much better behaved.Segregation removes them from white society and alleviates inter racial violence/crime, and tension in the workplace.

>> No.2012666

>eliminate black culture
Lol. You realize the irony of that, right? Good luck eliminating a culture by isolating it from external influences. The Aussies with their assimilation had the right idea.

>> No.2012668

The fact that you are still using the term "niggers" to describe a Native African or African American gives indication to racism, as apposed to logical risk taking. Ignoring differences is dumb, thinking those differences exist because of race is retarded.
Lets examine this situation from a socioeconomic standpoint, if there is a white person from an impoverished area and he looks less than friendly, I will avoid him just as I would if he was black, the color of someones skin shouldn't really need to factor into risk assessment when there are many other indicators that don't involve thinking someone is naturally inferior.

>> No.2012677 [DELETED] 

Indeed. Chavs are just as bad as niggers.

>> No.2012685

I can't get involved in another one of these threads. It's like living in the south, except THESE ignorant fucks try to justify it with faulty "science"
Perhaps some of you have heard of the myth of the mound builders? It's the same kind of backwards retarded logic being applied to modern day.

>> No.2012682

assimilation leads to miscegenation which is the opposite affect we want.Our ideal society is the complete subjugation or elimination of niggers and muds.We do not want to interbreed with them, they would dilute the gene pool.

>> No.2012689

The culture is the problem, the genes aren't that bad.

>> No.2012693

Look what we have here, an liberal apologist.No, son, you would rather walk through a poor trailer park than a ghetto.Whites are superior, even the poor ones.You know as little of real life as your hero, jon stewart.

>> No.2012702

Their genes are inferior.They are hideously ugly( i have yet to see an attractive nigger or mud) and have the intelligence level of a retard.The white race deserves to remain pure.

>> No.2012704

Come over to slavshit europe and I'll show you really poor white neighborhoods that are just as bad as projects.

>> No.2012710

>try to justify it with faulty "science"

Its been proven that niggers and muds are inferior.You must be mad because science doesn't agree with your progressive liberal agenda.

>> No.2012716

Come to east oakland and take a stroll down ANY neighborhood street.You would be beaten within an inch of your life and robbed simply for being white.You would possibly be killed.

>> No.2012731

Same here, except you'd be beaten no matter your skin color.

>> No.2012733

Hahahahahaha. Wow. It must hurt to be like you.
>ad hominem LIBERAL ad hominem ad hominem JON STEWART
I think I'll screen shot this so I can show it my liberal friends and we can all laugh at you.
You're seriously like a cliche of yourself.

>> No.2012736

Come to NZ and feel safe anywhere as long as you don't look too rich.

>> No.2012739

You know who I fucking love? Tongans. Everyone loves Tongans.

>> No.2012745

None of these things sound bad.
Do you know what these words mean or do you just trust fox news that they are bad?
I've seen the studies, they aren't conclusive and are driven by racism and means to justify it. We don't need to a cleanse of race, we need a cleanse of ideology, yours should be the first to go. I understand this sounds very "kill anyone who doesn't think like me" but really it should be children who are no longer taught to think in retarded fashions like your own. Please stop ruining my society you ignorant dreg.

>> No.2012758

I think (think) it's because of the fact that if you engage in the action of preforming what is described by you in your post, the one more person would have engaged in said thing, and if one more person has engaged in said thing, that there would be one more person in the world who has engaged in said thing, which will mean as a whole, more people have collectively engaged in said thing, and more people will be inclined to engage in said thing as well (that is a side note).

>> No.2012766

trolled hard

>> No.2012783

You can believe that if you like, but trolling means I did it only to piss you off, not because I think you're ignorant and incorrect (which I certainly do.) Soooo fuckoff.

>> No.2012787

Nigger/mud/faggot confirmed.Enjoy you're inferiority while you can, you will soon be wiped out with the rest of your kind by nature.

>> No.2012794

No, I mean you've BEEN trolled. I'm a liberal too, and I agree but few people actually think like that. They did it to piss you off.

>> No.2012802

Actually I'm of czech/german decent. My mother is a hydrochemist and my father is a hydrologist. When last tested my IQ was around 135 (I don't put much weight on IQ tests though). If you still think I'm inferior that your problem, but if you think I disagree with you because I'm not white, you're wrong.

>> No.2012803

You actually think most people aren't racially aware? Get your head out of your ass you piece of shit.

>> No.2012812

It's entirely possible. I admit that these thread tend to get me almost every time. A bit more rageworthy then "GOD EXISTZ BECUSE EVOLUTION IS AN GUESS."

>> No.2012813

ITT: /new' invades /sci/

>> No.2012815

You're even worse than a nigger, you're a race traitor liberal apologist scumbag.You need to be sent to a re-education camp to stomp those destructive jewish ideas out of your head.Weak inferior races deserve no empathy.Survival of the fittest motherfucker.

>> No.2012817

calm down...I just really doubt most people would say "Its been proven that niggers and muds are inferior.You must be mad because science doesn't agree with your progressive liberal agenda." Listen, you can think whatever you want, but always know you're just feeding the trolls

>> No.2012820

Not going to bother reading this whole thread but yeah that sort of statistical discrimination can be rational. It's the sort of stuff they use in pattern recognition and AI (Bayesian networks I think but I don't know much about it). I assume this is why people naturally discriminate that way, because natural selection found auto-associating neural networks (aka the brain) to be very effective.

I have no moral problem discriminating in such a way when there's a major lack of information but I try to keep in mind that my perceptions can be warped by bad data (TV stereotypes etc.) and to change my perceptions when data IS available (educated friendly black man).

Now I'm in the mood for some interracial porn lol

>> No.2012822

Lol, you're cute.

>> No.2012844

I love it how white supremacists claim inbreeding will improve the genepool.

And persist in using genetics as a marker for the inferiority of skin colours even though the genetic evidence isn't actually there.

>> No.2012846

>doesn't realize that he is the cliche "ad hominem"-spouting pseudo-intellectual

>inb4 I'm a pseudo-intellectual because I said pseudo

>> No.2012853

Did you look at the argument I was replying to? It was a fucking joke, either a troll or just REALLY bad at argument in an sort of a civil fashion.

>> No.2012862

This. Never mind the fact that gene flow is EXCEPTIONALLY important for the spread of variation and thus the spread of adaptability.

>> No.2012868

Inbreeding is sex within a close family.Such as brother/sister.Sticking to your own race is not inbreeding you ignorant pathetic little shit.

>> No.2012869

>implying it wouldn't be equally dangerous for a black guy to walk through a trailer park in the deep south.

>> No.2012874

Hey we don't need to resort to ad hominems. And good job throwing that strawman in there too. Learn how to argue next time.

>> No.2012877

>you ignorant pathetic little shit.
It's okay fella, caalm down. Use your big boy words.

>> No.2012878

Niggers learned to sage?
Well, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to give them some freedom, maybe we could use them for more complicated tasks like toilet washing now. They would maybe figure out the complicated connections needed for toilet washing.

>> No.2012883
File: 81 KB, 533x755, tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, a well known racially aware man with a healthy distrust of non-whites.Deal with it nigger lovers.

>> No.2012885


I trust people to cry "racism" and cling to disproved 1970s propaganda though, they haven't failed me in this department for decades.

>> No.2012887

WHAT?! a fantasy novelist disagrees with my world view? Well, I guess I'll just start over then.

>> No.2012890

When people are being treated different they also ACT different.

>> No.2012893

The only black people in Lord of the Rings were allied with Sauron.

So they them white in the movies.

>> No.2012898

*made them white

>> No.2012905

There were actually no blacks in Lord of the rings.There were some that were arguably middle eastern and they were allied with sauron(and proceeded to get decimated at the battle of pelenor).

>> No.2012909

ITT: white people thinking they know more about being black than black people

>> No.2012918
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We know more about niggers than niggers themselves.

>> No.2012933

The trolling and counter-trolling in this thread is mediocre at best

>> No.2013012

How can you be negative times more likely to do something?