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File: 576 KB, 2500x1667, big bang theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2010829 No.2010829 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss how shit the show "The Big Bang Theory" is.

I've compiled a list of reasons to start off:

1. It's only appreciated by pseudo-nerds, it's jokes being based on stereotypes instead of the actual quirks of real life academics.

2. It undervalues education and qualifications. PhD qualified physicists are apparently in the same wage bracket as a waitress at Cheesecake Factory, living in the same apartment building across the hall. While this could be seen as an appropriate criticism of researcher wages, I doubt it.

3. While producer Bill Prady's programming background qualifies him as a real nerd, this insight is not properly reflected in the show (see point 1)

4. It shows academics as shallow and longing for entry into a materialistic and anti-intellectual culture. Someone who is truly passionate about science would not be interested in a girl who doesn't appreciate that, no matter how good looking she is. This isn't high school.

That should get the ball rolling...

>> No.2010836

Never seen it
your argument is invalid

also, it can't be any worse than "the universe"

pop sci is always shit sci.. deal with it

>> No.2010841

I think its funny occasionally.

Stop analysing everything and enjoy your life.

>> No.2010853

OP is mad because he's an stereotypical nerd like the people on the show.

Personaly, I love the show. If you see it expecting a scientific serie, you are very, very wrong. It's a sitcom, like many others.

>> No.2010856

I think BBT is funny because it allows me to switch off my brain for a while and laugh along to degenerate laughtracks.

>> No.2010858


Popular science *can* be good, and when it's bad (usually), I can deal with that. I deal with it like this.

>> No.2010862
File: 20 KB, 366x357, 20100925after.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personally I love the show even though it doesn't depict "how real nerds are". God that's such butthurt.

Pic related is OP.

>> No.2010869

this show is designed to be enjoyed by anti intellectuals, you nerd. All of your criticisms are invalid

>> No.2010898



also, OP is a tremendously huge faggot.

No, wait. That's an insult to the faggots.

>> No.2010931
File: 3 KB, 128x128, 1284413938936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first saw the show after one of my friends compared me to one of the characters as I know a lot of quantum and particle physics.
At first I, thought it was kinda silly, but the show is quite funny. Chill the fuck out, man.

>> No.2010942

Servers at the Cheesecake Factory net something like 40k a year.

>> No.2010947

I don't like it either
Sheldon is freaky and the other too are just as bad
There is also a girl in the show that talks like a robot

>> No.2010950

>PhD in cheesecake
>10K starting

>> No.2010956

The guy who plays Leonard looks like he can actually play the guitar.

Also, the show is good. Stop wasting your time to tell other people how you hate it.

>PhD qualified physicists are apparently in the same wage bracket as a waitress at Cheesecake Factory

they fucking are. Well .. most of them. Job marked in physics is tough if you go academia. You rather pick a low paying one over being a jobless bum.

>> No.2010957

Well it depends on the tips too

>> No.2010973

When they tell Sheldon to hurry up helping them take something up the stairs, and he responds that it takes the same amount of work no matter much time that work is spread across, I'm like - maybe in physics asshole

>> No.2010979

It's alright. There's often a trying-too-hard part of it though. Such as Sheldon.

>> No.2010988

>2. It undervalues education and qualifications. PhD qualified physicists are apparently in the same wage bracket as a waitress at Cheesecake Factory, living in the same apartment building across the hall. While this could be seen as an appropriate criticism of researcher wages, I doubt it.

This is actually true.

>> No.2010991

I think they don't earn as much because they are associate professors that got their Phd's recently
I'm sure they are earn at least as much as engineers in the long run

>> No.2011000

I'm sure the apartment choice was addressed in an episode, as the only one Sheldon thought was anywhere near his standard. And why not? It's a nice apartment.

People finding humour in stereotypes? 99% of comedy stems from this exact thing.

And maybe Leonard sees something in Penny? Who the hell knows? It's a TV show, not anyones actual life.

And I'm sure the various users of 4chan would *never* be attracted to attractive, popular and socially capable people.

>> No.2011004

Depends, at my institute, we have early-post-docs (right after PhD) who do a fucking 58k€ per year (before taxes), which is fucking high compared to the average salaries. On the minus side - these poistions have limited contracts, which means after 3 years max, you're out. No matter how good you are. Getting a new position can be subject to politics and/or general situation of the Uni and finaces.

>> No.2011042

>4. It shows academics as shallow and longing for entry into a materialistic and anti-intellectual culture. Someone who is truly passionate about science would not be interested in a girl who doesn't appreciate that, no matter how good looking she is. This isn't high school.
Seriously, why do they hang out with her?

Probably because without her it wouldn't be that interesting.

>> No.2011057

I don't watch shitty sitcoms so I wouldn't know.

Fucking plebs.

>> No.2011054

Youtube BBT without laughtrack.

There's maybe one or two good jokes for each episode.

>> No.2011109

its entertainment
get over yourself

>> No.2011152

It had a nice start, but I agree with OP. it went from an ok series with some promise to another sitcom crap.

>> No.2011155

I completely agree. This show is such utter garbage. I muddled through something like 2 seasons of this shit because I had been told it was good and I can get quite stubborn if I put my mind to it and after I had seen 2 episodes of the third season I stopped watching that shit. Seems to me that people say they like that show to seem "intellectual" whatever that's supposed to mean because as a sitcom it's really sub par. And yes, I can enjoy a good sitcom.

>> No.2011172

You have a good point in your first statement, OP, even if you're being heavy handed. At least as far as later BBT is concerned, I agree. I loved BBT in the beginning because there was a fantastic joke about Bladerunner that I felt gave the show credibility, as it required an understanding of that film's unique qualities. After that, it seems, everything went downhill. :(

>> No.2011180

lolno, I hope no one feels intellectual watching it...

But you know how whenever someone comes on sci with their homework, and the homework is of an appropriate difficulty, everyone shows off and tries to do it? Well, the references on TBBT are JUST obscure enough so that I feel pleased with myself for knowing them. I think "Boy, I'm clever, I got that..." Mainly wrt comics.

>> No.2011198
File: 18 KB, 412x232, the-big-bang-theory-sheldon_412x232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really overdo the laugh track

"sheldon what are you doing?"
"Im playing mario 64..."
>audience starts laughing uncontrollably, several women and children are thrown into cardiac arrest at how funny it is
"on a poorly coded emulator"
>audience is now laughing so hard they sound like monkeys caught in traps intentionally meant to snare them by the testicles, its so funny when the paramedics come they get the laughter contagiously and perish

>> No.2011201

lol its so weird

>> No.2011204

Wow! OP is MASSIVELY butthurt, because someone made a TV show about him and his friends, and it's a comedy. That's pretty funny in itself.

In fact, read OP's post in Sheldon's voice! It works perfectly! LOLOLOLOL

>> No.2011236

He should know that it takes more POWER, though.
I've seen it a couple times, and laughed, but I don't own a television, so I don't have a reliably large number of experiences to draw conclusions from.
But OP is totally a butthurt faggot.

>> No.2011241
File: 310 KB, 400x441, 1283652704688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with OP, but would also like to add that the show just isn't funny at any level.

>> No.2011305

the only complaints i have with it are complaints I have about any other sitcom, such as the presence of a laugh track, trying to make every sentence into a hilarious joke, and Sheldon's apparent habit of wearing a completely new shirt every day to look more "hip"

>> No.2011339

BBT is not funny in any way, the same goes for Friends. Overrated crap.

>> No.2011352

No. One of those is a retarded, overrated unfunny piece of shit that didn't make me laugh even once - and the other is BBT.

>> No.2011363

Anything with a laugh track is not funny.

>> No.2011373


I love how so many people think this..

my lab professor has his PhD in physics and he owns his own electronics company....

>> No.2011378

hurr durr look at me i can lie on the internet hurr durr

>> No.2011391

>1. It's only appreciated by pseudo-nerds, it's jokes being based on >stereotypes instead of the actual quirks of real life academics.
implying that because you don't think it's funny you're the only real-life academic.
>2. It undervalues education and qualifications. PhD qualified >physicists are apparently in the same wage bracket as a waitress >at Cheesecake Factory, living in the same apartment building >across the hall. While this could be seen as an appropriate >criticism of researcher wages, I doubt it.
god you sound so butt hurt, clearly sheldon spend lots of money on things besides the essentials, did you take this into your super exhaustive accounting scheme there buddy?
>While producer Bill Prady's programming background qualifies >him as a real nerd, this insight is not properly reflected in the >show (see point 1)
i hate the show, but i know who the producers name is? BUTTHURT
>4. It shows academics as shallow and longing for entry into a >materialistic and anti-intellectual culture. Someone who is truly >passionate about science would not be interested in a girl who >doesn't appreciate that, no matter how good looking she is. This >isn't high school.
sure, because faggots here aren't posting pictures of naked women all of the time, nor discussing how they think all women are stupid.
PROTIP: you don't have to have the exact same interests as a person to find them interesting, and just because someone isn't into science does not make them an ignorant retard. intelligent people can be found in all jobs, in all walks of life.

tl;dr grow up you butthurt egotistical shit.

>> No.2011394

While I partially agree with OP, he is nonetheless a butthurt faggot.

Actually wasting your time making a thread about how you hate a sitcom is fucking pathetic. Enjoy your two minutes hate.

>> No.2011400

There's a big difference between HAVING a PhD and staying in the academic sciences. Of course you can get silly rich in the private industry sector, noone's denying that.

>> No.2011403


>> No.2011459

ops right

the show isnt funny

but you find it funny?
youre an idiot.

>> No.2012836
File: 6 KB, 262x193, alan partridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Butthurt BBT fans butthurtingly telling OP he is butthurt in a very butthurt way.