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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 246 KB, 625x454, 1283120013135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2006872 No.2006872 [Reply] [Original]

Please explain to me about the engineers jokes, /sci/, and them being homosexual and all, I don't get it.

>> No.2008971


>> No.2008980

Some guy who is on 4chan 24/7 spammed it every time engineering came up for months, and eventually it became a forced meme.

>> No.2008986

Statistically there are more gay engineer majors than there are gay science majors. Plus, science departments have the ol' tendency of having more females (total each term) than the engineering department.

>> No.2008987

Engineers are annoying arrogant sad little people who take pride in being surrounded by men
So we figured they were gay
And they've been butthurt ever since
You know I don't mean it literally of course. I'm pretty sure many of them are actually butthurt because of the gay sex.

>> No.2008995

[citation needed]

>> No.2009018

Engineers work well in groups and get things done, winning admiration from their peers and non-engineers alike. Mathematicians and scientists, however, tend to be very introverted and their work is not widely understood by people outside of their chosen field. Therefore, they try to make themselves feel better with dismissible claims about others' sexuality.

>> No.2009058

>Engineers work well in groups

>> No.2009076

Certainly better than people in science anyway.

>> No.2009089

i thought engineers were pedantic nerds but then I saw a guy i went to school with on facebook who was studying engineering. then i figured that if they're not a huge nerd or a hindu, that they're a fag looking for a job that can make enough to pay for antiretroviral drugs

>> No.2009099



>> No.2009104
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>> No.2009112
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Engineers do not work well in groups, they are scorned by their peers and non-engineers alike. Engineers do not contribute to the advancement of science. Mathematicians and scientists, however make excellent conributions to the realm of science as well as science applications. In addition engineers are homosexuals.

>> No.2009116

Because we're all jelly that they'll probably make more money than any of us ever well.

>> No.2009120

due to the younger age group there are often many college freshman or highschool seniors questioning their major choices and generally get pretty upset over how often engineers like to show of how they made objectively the best choice

>> No.2009127

Whatever you say dilbert

>> No.2009128


>> No.2009132
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>Please explain to me about the engineers jokes

Homosexuality is not a joke. It is there chosen lifestyle, and they are very serious about it.


>> No.2009134

This. Why I transferred into Eng after a year of undeclared science.

>> No.2009136
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>thinks homosex is the best choice

Gtfo faggot!

>> No.2009142

>homosexuality is not a joke.
Yes it is.

>> No.2009145

How did your parents take the news? Were they supportive? Homophobic?

>> No.2009148
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>> No.2009150

I just like to rip on you guys because you take so much pride in being educated technicians

>> No.2009153


I think it'd be great to be gay. Guys are constantly horny (more so than girls), so you'd be screwing all the time.

Too bad you can't just choose to be gay.

>> No.2009154

Happy, knowing that I wasn't gonna waste my money going back to school after im done an undergrad. If anything grad students are the real faggots, they even go back for another round of ass-thrashing after getting a bachelor's.

>> No.2009158

I'm double majoring in Chemistry and ME.
Where's your god now?

>> No.2009159


pride well deserved, it is objectively the best field for a major like he says

>> No.2009172

Funny how there is nothing objective about what you've just said

>> No.2009178
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>Faggot doesn't realize that grad school is free for science grad students

>> No.2009189

"free" like an internship doesn't cost you money. I would say that grad school is "unpaid".

>> No.2009195
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1. Get job.
2. Go to grad school.
3. Job pays for grad school.
4. Win

>> No.2009197

>> Doesn't realise food and rent aren't free.

Enjoy spending grad school living with parents or sharing a two bedroom apartment with four other men while I use my engineering degree to make $70,000 starting.

>> No.2009213

Oh good, if material wealth is your goal in life that should work out rather well for you. Good luck finding happiness your own way!

>> No.2009217
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Are you fucking serious?
Do you not know how grad school for scientists works?

The department covers your tutions and gives you a stipend, usually in exchange for some light TA work. IT IS A FUCKING FREE RIDE...DURRRRR!

They send you "award" letters (with how much they are offering you) as part of the accpetance process and everything!

Maybe you should take those dicks outta your mouth and pay attention to the real world every now and then!

>> No.2009224


i told you about that opportunity cost bro, i told u

>> No.2009233

Yeah, cause grading 20 papers a week is fucking work...LMAO.


>> No.2009237
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what costs?

(alot of places dont even require you to do TA work, it reallly depends on the university)

>> No.2009238


Someone doesn't understand what "opportunity cost" means

>> No.2009248

In a group where most people readily refer to themselves as a fag I find it intriguing that you choose assertions of homosexuality to ostrisise one of you'r subsects.

>> No.2009258

Science majors suck cock for grant money.

>> No.2009289
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Get money for going to school, doing somthing you enjoy. No boss, make your own schedule.
I see no "oppotunity cost" here bro.

All I see is sad engineers, jelly that they are stuck in industry as wage slaves, doing grunt work, and work they are "made to do", rather then work they want to do.

>> No.2009291

oh is it reverse tactics time now?

>> No.2009295
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No, that is what we call an "engineer".
There is a big difference

>> No.2009301
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engineering pride!


>> No.2009304

bro just Wikipedia it if you don't know. This is why scientists are libtards btw. They never take econ 101

>> No.2009307
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EE in dat ass

>> No.2009308


what he means is this

you get a BS, get a job in the industry, and work/advance for 5-6 years or ~8 years...

theoretically, you could be making around $80-100k if you are extremely lucky as an engineer by the 8th year.

lets say:

$50k for 6 years = $300k, then $90k for 1 years = $90k for a total of $390k over that period of time.

the graduate student does the following:

goes to graduate school for 5 years making $20,000 per year = $100,000

then the Ph.D does 2 years of Post doc making $35,000 per year (very very normal post doc salary).

so a total of $170,000 over the course of 7 years...

at which point the Engineer is making $90,000

the Ph. D. can easily find a job paying $90,000 (that would be the equivalent of an engineer getting a job at $45,000)...

I would say $100,000 is a bit more useful as an average starting point.

the main difference begins here

now, the engineer has a hard choice. if he wants to compete with the salary of the scientist, he must switch into management. It is extremely unlikely he will ever make more than $150,000, even with 15 or 20 years of experience. About 1% of BS engineers make more than that in their lifetime.

$250,000 is about the upper limit for a salaried postion for a Ph. D. in any discipline

it is also about the upper limit for a "normal" mid-upper level management position in a large company.

obviously the CEO makes multi-million dollar bonus, but that is a major outlier...
This is the point he is making about "opportunity cost"

>> No.2009324

Nice post. Is it possible to go from engineering to research? Being an engineer forever sounds boring. Becoming badass millionaire CEO was my first choice.

>> No.2009327

There is grad school for engineers too dipshit. However why would I want to when I can make cash and get skills working. Despite what you might think engineers aren't technicians. We spend all day researching, inventing new technology and learning, so its like grad school but better paid.

>> No.2009332
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WTF does this have to to with anything?
If you were just concerned about money, and that is yor fucking primary goal, you should have gone into bussiness you fucking retard!

>> No.2009337


>no boss

uhhh, what about your PI?

everyone I know calls their PI "boss"

like: "the boss switched our group meeting time to 8:30"

or "the boss wants me to turn in my grant proposal"

also... while it is true that, in many fields... graduate studies are heavily subsidized...

you can be unlucky as well. You can join a "poor" research group or a research group which works on stuff that doesnt receive very much funding.

seriously, computational chemistry and computational physics groups get like NO money.

for many graduate students, their job description is:

"apply for grant money"

it dependes on where you go... Remember that Graduate students still "pay" tuition... THEY may not pay it, but someone does.

it is paid by grant money given to the graduate student, grant money given to the PI, or scholarships.

And if you go to a private school, you are still paying $70,000 per year for tuition (this is how much a graduate student costs at Yale, Harvard, UPenn, UChicago, Stanford, etc)

out of state tuition in California for a graduate student is like $20-30k per year...

then if your boss pays you an RA salary, thats another $20k on top.

they also have to pay your health insurance which is usually about $2500 per year.

>> No.2009343
File: 28 KB, 363x310, 1277429447433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite what you might think engineers aren't technicians

Slightly better trained technicians are still technicians. But tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel better about your grunt work....LMAO.

>> No.2009346

they're mad engineering undergrad is objectively better than science because you can easily transfer it into physics/math graduate school, OR go directly into a 60-70k a year job.

Nobody who has actually thought about the possibilities does an undergrad in science or math, that's what grad school is for. If you can't get into those grad programs from engineering you're a poor student and shouldn't be getting into schools in the first place.

>> No.2009353

He only had to explain basic economic reasoning because you science fags have none, and it had to do with the discussion ya dingus

>> No.2009365


LOL if you are stupid enough to think that "the love of science" is the primary motivation of all or most scientists, then you need to wake the fuck up.

if that were the case, then there would be no scientists making $250,000/year salaries in the UC system.

ultimately, graduate school doesnt really teach you very much you cannot learn doing the same thing in private industry.

the only reason why graduate school exists is that it is a HIGHLY subsidized form of education.

it costs a hell of a lot more to hire a BS chemist at $50,000 per year, and educate them to the level of a Ph. D.

it can be done, and it is done all the time.

but private industry is not as subsidized, streamlined, or organized for this.

graduate school is basically a cheap way to let you fuck up, screw up, and embarass yourself before entering private or academic research at a high level.

I seriously laughed my ass off at the type of classes graduate chemists have to take in their first 2 years.

I got way better grades in the same classes (Graduate courses I took as an undergraduate) and tutored grad students.

these were in Solid state physics, quantum, solid state synthesis, statistical mechanics, computational chemistry, and synthesis of conducting polymers (Each of these was a separate class)

beyond that, the graduate students basically just live in the lab, 70 hours per week.

the first 2 years are a complete joke for 90% of graduate students... almost none of your data from these 2 years will eventually be useful for your dissertation or any research you publish. most people only publish papers as 2ndary authors during this period.

my point is that Salary is a major consideration for the vast majority of people when they decide to go to grad school

>> No.2009374
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>everyone I know calls their PI "boss"

why? seems like all you know are faggots

>for many graduate students, their job description is: "apply for grant money"

wtf? what shit tier univerities are you going to? Just take your fail outta here!

>Lists random costs

So you are bitching about free money? Why?

It sounds like the problem is that you are just in the shit teir son. I guess it sucks down there.

I work maybe 2 hours a week, get paid way too much and have plenty of free time. Im gonna take my free money and spend it on whores!

>> No.2009384

american grad system : spend 7 best years of your life in a lab, then maybe make a decent salary at 30

fuck that shit, i can get a doctorate in a much more efficient german system in like 4-5 years

>> No.2009386

>beyond that, the graduate students basically just live in the lab, 70 hours per week.

Wow, sure are alot of people going to shit tier univeristies

>> No.2009389


Engineers study all the same science stuff as science majors, it's just that we do something with it. How many scientists actually make significant contributions to our understanding of the universe?

>> No.2009392

So does a grad student get either a masters or a PhD? How long does each take?

>> No.2009395
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>Im gonna take my free money and spend it on whores!


>> No.2009399
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>Engineers study all the same science stuff as science majors

You are a fucking retard if you really think that.

>> No.2009401


thats not true.

first of all, most engineering students who go to graduate school graduate at bachelors level with signficantly lower GPA than the science students who go onto graduate school.

some people like to claim the following myth "a 3.5 major GPA in engineering is like a 3.75 GPA in phys/chem/math/biochem.etc"

or "the best grade on the test was a C"

or other such nonsense bullshit.

the fact of the matter is that MOST engineers are like frat-boys.

Mechanical engineering is like the "communications" major equivalent in the scientific and math related subjects.

it is literally full of loud mouthed "bros" who think that copypasting a FEA algorithm for simulation of the forced laplacian (heat equation with source) or diffusion equation for their junior year lab class means that they are hardcore.

and it is utter bullshit to claim that engineers do research.

designing, optimizing, and troubleshooting digital electronics, using CAD and programming electromagnetism algorithms on Matlab IS NOT RESEARCH.

all of that is a hell of a lot easier than research.

that is the point... at the end of the day, everything a BS engineer does at a private company is already documented somewhere else, and the only thing a engineer does is adapt someone else's work or apply a model they learned.

there is no fundamental science. there is no discovery.. there is no situation where the engineer is literally "fishing in the dark" and having to probe every possibility and really apply strong theoretical understanding to explain and develop the problem

>> No.2009405


>mfw people think engineers have to work 5-6 years to get to 80g/year

Had offers up there coming out of school. Took one at 75.

>> No.2009411
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There really is no set time frame, it depens on how smart you are, and how much work you do.

Lower Limit
1 year for masters
3 years for Phd (assuming you have a masters)

Seen it happen many times bro

>> No.2009412


I don't think it, I know it. I'm studying engineering. This semester I've done Applied Mechanics, Engineering Thermodynamics, Physics, and Multivariate Calculus. On a number of occasions I've had science professors admit that engineering is more difficult than science.

>> No.2009414

a phd in less than 5.5 years is literally unheard of in the sciences/engineering fields

6-7 its the typical time

>> No.2009417
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>and it is utter bullshit to claim that engineers do research.

nicely put


>> No.2009423

More talk from some guy in the shit teir.

>> No.2009424


You seem mad that engineering isn't exactly like science. I hate to break it to you, but ENGINEERS AREN'T SCIENTISTS. Engineers take the discoveries made by scientists and mathematicians and apply them in a practical context to make and do new things.

>> No.2009426

yeah there are bros everywhere...I'm a little jelly of the pure math research. Do engineers ever research for private companies?

>> No.2009427

Electrical/Computer engineer here.
Sciefags come at me with any question in my field.
Hell; come at me with anything bros.

>> No.2009436
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Wait a fucking minute, you dont even know the calculus, and you are acting like you know shit about acedemia and industry? LMAO, just GTFO little guy!

undergrad engineering fag thinks he knows shit...LMAO

>> No.2009438

What do they even do in that period? Do PhD students take normal classes too?

sorry I'm 18/retarded

>> No.2009440


a shitload more than engineers, lol.

Also, no. Engineers only learn the same amount of MATH as scientists.

engineers learn more programming and digital and/or analog electronics.

thats it.

they take the same 5 quarters (3 semesters) of general lower divison physics shared between most BS science students...

they take digital and analogue electronics

they take usually 1 quarter of electromagnetism.

they take an applied math/simulation course with a lab where they model the heat equation, diffusion equation, and maxwell's equation using FEA.

it is usually at this point that most engineers begin to, falsely, believe that they are tough shit.

they dont realize that this type of shit is literally COPIED AND PASTED, directly or indirectly (by being given the idea or theory behind the answer) from the TA/lecturer and the textbook.

many engineers have to do a "project" for their senior year.

the funny thing is that there is absolutely no basis for success of the project.

if you come up with a retarded idea, develop it, and fulfill all of the requirements, you still get an A.

many Honors chemistry projects REQUIRE that you publish.

>> No.2009441

Computer engineer here. I'm right now writing software to identify cancer cells in microscope pictures and designing some automation equipment for preparing phlegm samples. The scientists I work with are smart, but they can't design shit, and what I'm doing is definitely research. Its not: LOL I'll just read this book that tells me step by step how to do get this shit to work.

>> No.2009445
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>Engineers only learn the same amount of MATH as scientists


anymore jokes?

>> No.2009448

ITT: Underpaid researchers mad cause' I'm stylin on them.

>> No.2009455
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Engineering math is so shit teir is fucking laughable. All engineers learn is what we call "engineering math". Its basic "plug and chug" shit. A trained monkey could do that shit.

>> No.2009456

ITT: Dick size contest.

>> No.2009476


The vast majority of scientists will never make any kind of important contribution. Only a select few really make important discoveries. I mean, hardly anything has happened in physics in the last 100 years. Engineers are constantly making contributions to society. Without engineering there would be no electricity, no roads, no trains, planes, cars, etc.

At my uni its widely acknowledged that engineering is the hardest undergrad there is. More difficult than any pure maths or science degree, and I've had physics professors acknowledge this.

>> No.2009489
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I dont give a shit about math, I got homosex.
Engineering pride!

>> No.2009491


holy fuck someone's mad

>> No.2009502



you are taking Multivariable calculus at the same time as those other classes you just listed?

holy fuck that is hilarious. All of those classes or similar in my experience absolutely REQUIRED multivariable calculus as a prerequisite.

lol, I cannot even imagine solving for the kernel of the 3d diffusion equation without prior knowledge of multivariable calculus... AND THEn functional analysis, AND THEN PDES...

and I am a chemist by the way... a field of science with the stigma of being "easier and with less math than physics"

so I do not understand how you could take a class like engineering thermodynamics and simultaneously (or after) take multivariable calculus.

they must dumb that shit down real deep to make it work without multi variable calculus.


this is bullshit. 7 years is extra extra long.

6 years is somewhat long

5 years is average

4 years is short.

5 years is most definitely the peak of the distribution, but it is not symmetric about that maximum.

this is arbitrary, but it gives you an idea

10% 4 years

60% 5 years

20% 6 years

10% 7 years

Math, Biochem, Biology, zoology, marine biology, and possibly environmental science typically take a long time for Ph. D.

O-chem, Chem, P-chem, analytical chem, materials, most physics disciplines take around 5 years...

engineering disciplines almost always take less time. their projects are easier and they usually dont have as many prerequisite classes.

this is indicative of the fundamental difference between science and engineering.... In fact, many engineers actually work in the private sector for part of their graduate education

>> No.2009506

College freshman here, I'd like to work with and design computer hardware in the future.

Should I go a pure math/science degree or an engineering degree?

>> No.2009510
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>At my uni its widely acknowledged that engineering is the hardest undergrad there is

WTF? what dumbass backward school do you go to? is it in the American South?

>> No.2009513
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>I mean, hardly anything has happened in physics in the last 100 years.

>> No.2009516



>> No.2009531


sucks... that is certainly not the case at UCLA, UCB, UIUC, UCSD, UCSB, Chapel HIll, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, UCI, USC, UoChicago, and internationally at schools like Oxford, Waterloo, etc.

MIT has a difficult undergraduate engineering program... but their Graduate program, which is where all of their research and prestige (prizes, grant money, ratings, etc) comes from, is harder in chemistry and physics...

it is certainly higher ranked in those fields (physics and chemistry) than it is in engineering (US news)

>> No.2009537
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>they must dumb that shit down real deep to make it work without multi variable calculus.

Physicst here, yeah they dumb that shit down so much for an engineering is is ridiculous. I remember Teaching Labs/Recitations for engineers a few years ago. It seems like they just arent intellectually able to do real math, eveything must be dumbed down. Engineers are nothing but money worshiping grunt labor.

>> No.2009547
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can't we all just get along?

>> No.2009553

Or maybe you just suck at teaching.

>> No.2009555


yeah, most engineers are like the "pre-med" equivalent of a scientist...

they simply memorize "methods" for how to solve problems.

they memorize formulas or key steps in derivations for tests...

9/10 engineering students in any discipline would not be able to do something simple like:

without any help or hints, be able to recognize when a term in a complicated or intractable integral or PDE can be approximated by a truncated power series...

in the end, most engineers get by with cramming, adderoll, cheating, and massive grade curving.

>> No.2009558

>implying those hints are helpful.

>> No.2009561


How many physics or pure maths students can design a skyscraper? Or build a fucking spaceship? Engineers do different shit than scientists do. That's why it's a different field of study.

>> No.2009563


I have to admit, I do know a phenomal scientists who got his BSc from Queensland....

but he is a polymer chemist, and Director of one of the most prestigious materials research laboratories on earth (top 3 in the world)....

lol, does that make the engineers and physicists jelly?

the dude that runs the entire department, the department that is famous for people like:

Shuji nakamura (white LEDs and Blue laser diodes)
Alan Heeger (Nobel prize organic semiconductors)
Herbert Kroemer (Nobel prize contributions to solid state electronics and engineering)

is a straight up ORGANIC chemist. fucking with flasks and shit...

>> No.2009564

ehh it kind of sucks. I'm in EE because I wanted to do some real shit with electronics but there's dumb bros everywhere and the math is babby mode. I want to learn it rigorously so I actually understand it.

>> No.2009566


he's complaining about them not understanding maths, after he likely drove in a car to work in a building using his cell phone and computer all designed and engineered by ENGINEERS

not to mention that he assumes ALL engineers must be bad if he happened to have a class with some that didn't immediately get his god-like teaching methods

>> No.2009567

Application of science is more useful to humanity than theory.

>> No.2009568


>I mean, hardly anything has happened in physics in the last 100 years.


>> No.2009586


umm... how many engineers can do this?

the answer is: "it takes more than one because complicated systems/applications like this require multiple different engineering disciplines"

a skyscraper requires civil engineers, architects (lol), mechanical engineers, and electrical engineers.

a spacecraft requires mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, computer/software engineers, and chemical engineers (designing/developing/manufacturing the exotic structural materials for example).

so I guess the answer to the question of "how many engineers can design [insert big complicated expensive projec]" is zero...

because no single engineer could ever do that.

I admit that no collection of scientists could design a sky scraper.

I DO NOT admit that no-collection of scientists COULDNT design a spacecraft.... (a bunch of physicists and maybe a spattering of computer scientsts, and 1 or 2 chemists could do the same job).

ultimately, the most specialized "general" engineering discipline is Civil engineering.

Civil engineering is, by far, the most "specialized" of all of the main fields:

Computer/software E
and CivilE

even computer/software engineers study math and physics, electronics, and modeling...

>> No.2009587
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dont get me wrong, it looks great for bioscience shit, but that is about it.

Your school is pretty shit teir, I really has no math or physics department. It has a combined "school of math and physics" with about 20 porfessor in total, yet you have 40,000 students. No doubt the "school of math + physics" are really only there to teach the manditory physics and math courses. LMAO

why did you pick such a shitty school? were you always an underachivier?

>> No.2009588


Excluding early 21st century, not much has happened. Maybe I should have said last 50 years. The point was you don't hear or see new exciting stuff happening all the time.

>> No.2009599


take the upper division classes in the mathematics department:

2 quarter PDEs (PDEs and Functional analysis)

2 quarters of complex analaysis

I would assume that, for EE, complex analysis is the more important subject to study...

though functional analysis goes hand in hand (lots of applications of spectral theory like FFT, laplace expansion, dipole expansions/associate legendre, etc)

>> No.2009605


>Implying that engineers do not create new ideas and are not scientists

Reality: Just because many engineers are content with optimization of some process or system doesn't mean engineers in general do nothing to advance society.

Also, I realize everyone on /sci/ is a brilliant mathematician or physicist. By the way, congratulations on that new theorem you just discovered. It's obvious that you are superior to all engineers.

Actually, why are you wasting time here when you should be working for the government coming up with revolutionary technology?

>ITT mental masturbation for physics majors so they will feel more justified about never discovering anything and teaching 9th graders about newton for the next 30 years.

>> No.2009613



The UQ Aerospace Engineering Department, with a budget of $2.5 million beat a NASA project called Hyper X, with a budget of $85 million, to have the first ever flight of a scramjet.

And what school do you go to?

>> No.2009617

cool post bro but could you stop skipping three lines after every sentence?

>> No.2009629

>I DO NOT admit that no-collection of scientists COULDNT design a spacecraft.... (a bunch of physicists and maybe a spattering of computer scientsts, and 1 or 2 chemists could do the same job).

Maybe they could, but they would basically need to learn engineering to do it.

A scientist figures things out, sure, but an engineer actually creates things.

>> No.2009631
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It wasnt just one class bro. And I actually got a few honors for teaching, so I know it wasnt me.

You are bitching that I don't appreciate engineers, yet I do appreciate them. I appreciate them like I appreciate all labor. Janitor, plumber, engineer, fastfood work, I appreciate them all. We need them all for a nice modern society.

Yet it is all still shit teir gunt labor.

All engineers are doing is applying some very easy physics, when building cell phones, cars, etc. It is no big fucking deal. Anyone can take someone elses work and apply it....LMAO. Did you never wonder why there are really no "famous" engineers? I'll give you a hint, application (engineering) is shit tier in compasion to discovery (science).

>> No.2009648


Science means nothing without application. It's about as helpful to advancement as art in that case.

>> No.2009649
File: 54 KB, 630x630, gtfo_barker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Stanford....u jelly bro?

>> No.2009654


>MFW this faggot doesnt know shit

here is a list:

pretty much every single classical molecular dynamics and quantum mechanical algorithm and theortical model/algorithm used in real applications was developed since 1950.

Hartree fock methods:


Post HF methods:

Monte Carlo methods (of which there are many)
Tight binding
Atoms in Molecules (Qtaim)
Moller plesset

Monte carlo applies everywhere by the way...

Verlet algorithm for integration of equation of motion

pretty much the entire field of non-equilbrium statistical mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics...

nonlinear schrodinger equation (water waves.... this is the model that predicts "rogue waves")
all of this has been since ~1950

oh fuck completely forgot:

bloch theorem, Nucear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR/MRI), mass spectrometry,

FUCKING LASERS for gods sake


>> No.2009660


Application itself provides new problems that have to be dealt with. Do you really think that the engineers who put man on the moon were just doing "grunt work''? Or what about the engineers who designed the airbus planes? Or the tallest building in the world?

It's not like theres just a ''one-size-fits-all'' equation the physicists have given engineers that they can put in any problem and come up with these amazing things.

Can you build a super-sonic jet using only Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica as a guide?

>> No.2009663
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And humanity will die without farmers as we need food...DURRRR. I already said that I appreciate the grunt labor.

However, to think it is anything other that grunt labor is fucking laughable. Anyone could become an engineer, just as anyone could be a janitor. There is no skill or intellegence needed to do that kinda work, you just go through the motions and follow orders.

>> No.2009664


I need to restate this for laughinggirls.jpg status:

fucking LASERS, semiconductors (which were discovered by a PHYSICIST), superconductors...

you said 1950...

nuclear energy (power generation) was developed SINCE 1950.

nuclear weapons were develop just shy of 1950... roughly 1940-1945.
wow you suck. seriously. You should just give up bro.

you have essentially tatooed your forehead with a big fat sign that says: "I dont know anything about science"

>> No.2009675


Nuclear weapons, lasers and semiconductors (their application, regardless of who discovered them) are all engineering.

>> No.2009679

I need clarify this point about Bardeen:

he got his undergraduate and masters in EE...

he got his Ph. D. under Eugene Wigner (Who is a welly known mathematician/physicist) in:

>He received his Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Princeton University in 1936

(from wikipedia)

this makes him a physicist, not an engineer. this is a pretty common practice..

you describe yourself by the highest level of education you received, not by your current employment:

people with a Ph. D. in physic, but who are employed as professors in the chemistry department are not described as "chemists"

they are physicists. despite doing work in chemistry, and being employed in the chem department.

>> No.2009684
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>don't hear or see new exciting stuff happening all the time

NO U DO NOT! Because you are a dumbass uninformed little kid. Read alot of physics journals do you? Go to alot of conferences do you?


Just because everything isnt on the fucking news doenst mean shit isnt happeneing.

>> No.2009688

And anyone can become a shitty TA and post on 4chan. Geez bro. I'm sure many engineers have used more intelligence than you'll ever display.

>> No.2009690



nuclear weapons were developed, designed, and fabricated by pure blooded physicists.

yes. literally, people with Ph. D. in physics actually machined uranium spheres.

the first lasers were pure blooded physics projects.. the effect was first predicted by einstein and the most basic theories are studied with respect to time dependent perturbation theory in quantum mechanics.

the 2nd generation of lasers (Diode lasers) were developed by Bardeen, who was a physicists by education.

Semiconductors were discovered and successfully described by physicists (specifically by felix bloch, whose "bloch theorem: is the absolute fundamental theorem of solid state quantum physics, like newton's 1st law)

>> No.2009691

edison wasn't famous i guess. nor henry ford nor nikola tesla.

god you're so ignorant. do you really have to hate on engineers just to make yourself feel better about your choice of work?

'shit-tier' and 'god-tier' is all just the insecure man's way of dealing with the fact that he works for shit pay teaching people who will make more money than him.

and if you think i'm saying this because i'm an engineer, then you should know i actually got my b,s, in physics. i just don't feel the need to justify my choice by putting others down. they do their thing i do mine.

>> No.2009693

I like this post.

>> No.2009696

>i just don't feel the need to justify my choice by putting others down. they do their thing i do mine.


>> No.2009719
File: 12 KB, 200x275, 200px-JROppenheimer-LosAlamos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A scientist is trained to and often does "engineering" work. An engineer has no fucking clue how to do "science".

Its like a chef and a fastfod worker. A chef can make fastfood, but a fast food worker is not a chef.

This physicist was better at engineering then all "engineers" that have even existed. FUCK OFF!


>> No.2009720
File: 27 KB, 190x343, dyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. At least there are no prima donnas in engineering.”

Freeman Dyson

>> No.2009727
File: 9 KB, 278x267, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2009728
File: 10 KB, 183x248, 333273-laughing_elf_man_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no prima donnas in engineering

>MFW Dyson meets the raging homosexual engineer who has been furiously defending his crumbling opinions in this thread

>> No.2009729

aww shit now I kind of want to switch majors

Is physics a good switch from EE? What else is there? Chemistry? Math?

>> No.2009732
File: 48 KB, 554x849, hardcore-engineering-studysession_4_3652_si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa whoa whoa, this is supposed to be an engineering thread. Lets get things back on track!

>> No.2009736

Dont be a retard, you should go to some guidnece counncler at school, not get life advice on 4chan.

>> No.2009738
File: 76 KB, 960x481, 1284647566277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrical reporting in'

>> No.2009742
File: 70 KB, 400x300, gay-pride.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2009744


>> No.2009745

ITT - No wait, in /sci/. A bunch of fucking physicists, mathematicians, and engineers all claiming that they are superior.

Enjoy stroking you egos. 99% of you will never accomplish anything useful, regardless of your major.

>> No.2009746

you sound like a easily swayed whiny bitch.
i suggest a business degree. not because i have anything against business majors, but companies always need suck-ups.

>> No.2009752
File: 97 KB, 650x971, JanaDefiNetPF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot! I work at the LHC!

>> No.2009755
File: 32 KB, 330x357, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know. i wish i was einstein. but i like knowing physics anyway, even if i'm not going to find the TOE

>> No.2009758


Oh, then you must know the other 30% of /sci/ who works there. Actually, I bet you're all distinguished physicists. My bad.

>> No.2009762
File: 73 KB, 300x400, 1281760174730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, It was a debate on sexuality,
science (straight) vs engineering (gay)

Straight seemed to win
For some reason scientist can be very homophobic

>> No.2009764
File: 80 KB, 400x514, Tesla-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Sciencefags showing how insecure and uneducated they are by trying to belittle engineers.

I'm just going to lave this pic here.

>> No.2009774
File: 55 KB, 432x412, 1269679664456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I have seen there are two /sci/ducks
at the LHC, one at ATLAS and one at CMS

they have backed up there shit every time

>> No.2009777

What no one here realizes is that a fucking major isn't shit. Your major isn't who or what you are. Maybe some of you will realize that when you've come out of undergrad and actually see the real world. What matters is ideas. What matters is development. I don't care if it's the janitor or Einstein who thinks of it. Your "major" gives you experience and knowledge in a certain field. Big fucking deal. Anyone can learn. Anyone can understand. Advancement comes from ideas. Anyone who is willing can come up with ideas, just as scientific as anyone on this board can. You're all just too butthurt to admit it.

>> No.2009779
File: 258 KB, 462x599, 462px-TeslaC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the spirit! Post more pics of homosexuals!

>> No.2009783
File: 23 KB, 485x323, 20081111-hardcore-gay-sex_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related: some proper engineering

>> No.2009785


I know. I've seen one of them. That doesn't mean I'm going to worship every post that claims to be from one of them. And even if it were, it doesn't invalidate my original point. 2 people is less than 99% of /sci/.

>> No.2009787
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>> No.2009793
File: 45 KB, 450x300, 1277211746001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just want equal rights

>> No.2009796

Why do I find OP's pic so erotic. I'm not even a furry or masochist.

>> No.2009802
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>> No.2009803
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>> No.2009812
File: 197 KB, 500x500, 140958%20-%20Frog%20Toad%20featured_image%20frog_and_toad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineers are into some pretty kinky shit, you sounds like a Civil

>> No.2009818

I saw this image on the 4chan homepage and I HAD to fap

thanks anon

>> No.2009899
File: 12 KB, 310x354, tesla64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2011532

Fuck... my childhood.