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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2008184 No.2008184 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, Im in need of testosterone blockers, sadly I have no way to purchase them, is it possible to shut down testosterone production without medication?

One of my ideas is cutting off air from the testicles for an hour or so each day, would this work?

>> No.2008216
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>> No.2008206

Also what would the side effects be from blocking testosterone?

>> No.2008236


... Im not starting a religious debate, Im asking for medical advice.

>> No.2008246
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>> No.2008264

Thanks, I will look into ordering some of this.

>> No.2008324

..honestly.. if you need more help in this regard, ask /d/.
I don't mean that in a derogatory way.
I just know that they tend to know stuff like this over there because I'm over there so damn much.

>> No.2008335

lol, if I need more advice about this Ill ask them, thanks I hadnt thought about how they would know this :)

>> No.2008340

bisphinal a

>> No.2008344

It might be easer just to change your major from engineering and forget about this nonsense.

>> No.2008369

You might cause permanent damage to your testicles and will need testosterone in future. But you don't have money for that. Enjoy your osteoporosis!

Anyway if you really want to harm your testicles try heating them. It's safer than strangulate it (Also the pain of testicular anoxia is unbearable)

>> No.2008375

Thank you, reading up on it now :)

>> No.2008394

>>Enjoy your osteoporosis!
Not life threatening, and it looks like the right diet and exercise will prevent it.

>> Also the pain of testicular anoxia is unbearable

Agreed :P heating sounds like it might work though, thanks :)

>> No.2008407

From OP's pic I first thought I was in /tg/

>> No.2008422

cut them off, post pics and vid

>> No.2008454

I don't think /tg/ has much to do with TG...

>> No.2008685

>I'm asking for medical advice.

On 4chan? Really?

Troll probability off the charts, but just in case:

Be sure to seek actually medical advice, or at least contact a LGTBI group and ask them so questions (check a university) and get counseling before you reach for the pills, much better investment of time.

And for god sakes, don't fuck with (ba-dum-tish) you penis or testicles before you know -exactly- what's going on, you can't get the function back.

Modern medicine can't really change your sex,

>> No.2008704
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>>One of my ideas is cutting off air from the testicles for an hour or so each day, would this work?

Don't do it. What you're attempting to due is cause the medical condition known as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_torsion

It will be one of the worst pains you have ever felt, and there's a 10% chance you're balls will just die forever.

Quit being a pussy and tell your family and doctor you want a sex change so you can get meds and not an-hero with a DIY job.

>> No.2008714
File: 24 KB, 300x273, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2008685 Modern medicine can't really change your sex,
But it can change your gender.

>> No.2008721

seriously OP, not trying to be an ass. Are you gay or just reallly reaaaaallly dumb. I am curious, am mans dick/testes are his pride and joy so what in the hell do you want to strangle them for?

>> No.2008734


....get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2008763


>> No.2008768

>0 Results
>Searched over 1.7559 billion images.
>for file: http://images.4chan.org/sci/src/1289006769791.gif

post moar

>> No.2008776

Eat lots of estrogen, such as Soy bean or Soy milk

>> No.2008784
File: 155 KB, 744x1000, 1253488473125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you also into gothic?
Do you know Lio?

If you are attractive and also a little strange, you would totally be my fetish.

>> No.2008800


don't eat beef, red meat, chicken or any food contain zinc, eat soy bean, soy milk, tofu, and othe rtype of food that contain high level of *phytoestrogens*

>> No.2008803

You could try licorice. The brother of a former classmate of me had a sexchange and ate huge amounts of that stuff because it is supposed to counter testosterone. He grew tits after a while although being really skinny and even before starting real therapy.

It tastes disgusting but it could really help.

>> No.2008806


>> No.2008807


Protip: Look in the edge/corner of a comic page, google what you find there.

In this case: "Khaos Komix" and "Charlie's Story"


It's super gay,

>> No.2008809

Wash your body with products containing lavender. It has been linked gynecomastia (tittehs) in young boys.

>> No.2009078

Crap, sorry everyone, I needed to leave. :/


>> No.2009091

Haha, thanks :)

>> No.2009119
File: 409 KB, 1280x757, 1275718707346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic is doing it wrong
Buy online obviously

>> No.2009138

OMG thank you :D

>> No.2009183

Only thing I would recommend against is the youtube video in the pic. They said it took them 6 months to get a good voice, but someone else said it only took them 2 days. Also, I can't stand how fake she sounds (the 6-month chick).
I was trying it for shiggles and it sounded pretty decent after ~15 minutes, but not close enough to fool anyone.

>> No.2009435

I have a question,

My understanding is that many individuals who are 'male-to-female', take exceptional offense to the word "Trap" being used to describe someone.

Does it not require some amount of deceit to attract heterosexual men into relationships, when it is know that the might respond negatively (perhaps extremely) to their apparently female partner having a penis, or being genetically male. etc,

>> No.2009463

(OP here)
I dont know, at the moment I am still in the closet, but I think that most M to F dont feel like they are being deceitful, seeing as they think of themselves as female anyways.

as for "trap" I think that has more to do with being portrayed as not a woman and reducing the gender problems to a fetish. Personally I have nothing wrong with the word trap, but I consider myself more of an androgyny than a complete M to F

>> No.2009469

>>2009435 they might respond negatively
Well then it's they're fucking problem isn't it.

>> No.2009521


It's more complicated then that though isn't it?

A trans woman should give fuck all what I, as some stooge on the street thinks.

If said trans woman wanted to have a relationship with me, then she might want to consider how I would react, should she not? I might feel deceived, would I be wrong in feeling that way, I can't help my sexual orientation right?

>> No.2009534

True, but if you love her you should realize how much pain that would cause her. Plus she really isnt any different than before she told you, and you obviously loved her then

>> No.2009538


Hey OP,

Given any though to counseling,or getting in contact with a LGBTI organization. You have me a little worried concerning impromptu modification.

Is your family/home situation amenable to coming out, or problematic?

>> No.2009545

Im not sure how my family would respond, right now Im mostly thinking about it, Im not going to make any decisions before Ive talked to a therapist

>> No.2009552

on an unrelated note, I need to sleep, if anyone has more questions I will answer them tomorrow when I get up.
Thanks for your help /sci/ I really appreciate it. :)

>> No.2009554


True I can love a person, but could I be intimate, could I have romantic fulfillment.

This is a big Big bombshell to drop, and maybe she should drop it early. Because it does make things different.

Even if I attempted to...engage, I just might not be able to preform, which would end in great heaps of dissatisfaction for both parties.

>> No.2009571

OP pic is retarded:
>It also meant I could things like stockings and suspenders
>It also meant I could things like
>meant I could things
>I could things

>> No.2009825

(OP here)
give it time, think it over, Im sure she will acept whatever choice you make.
good luck anon, hope things turn out well for you. :)

>> No.2009847

(to make it a bit clearer)
I guess if you feel like you couldnt do it then it will only end up hurting both of you to continue, but think it over, see if you can love her. Im sure she'll understand.

>> No.2009892
File: 54 KB, 500x364, 1287507524200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't eat beef, red meat, or chicken
>eat soy stuff, tofu, and lots of licorice
Sounds like a plan.

>> No.2009896


But girls eat red meat, beef, and chicken all the time

>> No.2009900 [DELETED] 

I was quoting advice from the thread, because I'm going to use such advice later when attempting to become what many refer to as a "trap".

>> No.2009904

True, but I'm going off what was previously said in the thread.

>> No.2009908

I really could've used that advice a while ago, I've been eating foods with tons of zinc.

>> No.2009936

They also have ovaries

>> No.2009942

That's Khaos Komix.

>> No.2009972

That's not going to end testosterone production so much as cause a fatal blood clot.

Heating will reduce sperm count, but not necessarily testosterone levels. If your testosterone levels drop suddenly, your adrenal glands will kick into overdrive pumping out testosterone to compensate, and as soon as they can, your testes will start producing more testosterone than they would have if you'd left things alone.

>> No.2010020
File: 176 KB, 480x640, ranmawaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


head to 420chans /cd/ and read the fucking sticky (all of it) do some actual fucking research there and dont rely on a board with "women are geneticaly inferior and retarded" threads on the front page

>> No.2010118

I relate'd to the pic in OP

>> No.2010145

That's... That's a really good comic. Feels awkward reading about gay people and even more so to *get* what they feel, but damn... That's a good comic.

>> No.2011268

wow, thank you I wasnt aware of /cd/ Im checking it out now.


Nothing awkward about it, glad you like the comic :)

once again thanks /sci/, thank you for listening to my problems and thank you for helping me find information about it.

>> No.2011283

love the pic in op ;_;

I can relate lol

>> No.2011297


:( are you both trans too?

>> No.2011321
File: 93 KB, 612x840, 1250817653098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man with one testicle can still have a normal erection and produce sperm for all who require it. He also will have the good fortune of garnering a nickname like "Lefty" or "Mr. Right".