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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2007723 No.2007723 [Reply] [Original]

1. I don't respond to trolls.
2. I don't troll.
3. I only take serious life related questions.
4. Be creative and ask good questions.
5. I know how life works.

>> No.2007738

Go back to /x/ dude, this thread sucked on /r9k/ it'll suck here.

>> No.2007739
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>> No.2007746

How does life work?

>> No.2007748

It was never posted on /r9k/

>> No.2007751

Does magic reals?

>> No.2007755

Opposites existing between opposites. Answering that question would require me to answer all of them. Ask me some questions about daily-life experiences first, and we'll build up to the finale. Don't want to end the thread in 5 posts.

>> No.2007758
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ITT: Aether showing everyone how fucking faggy he is!

>> No.2007762
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>> No.2007768

Okay, how deeply does it affect compatibility if I'm a right-brained individual, but the girl I like is a left-brained individual? Does it affect it at all? We click most definitely, but there's a lot of differences.

>> No.2007769

what happens when you die

>> No.2007771
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It really doesn't matter since both of you are egotistical, therefore possessed by the knowledge of life and society that comes with it. If you love each other then you match, the only thing that could be hazardous to your relationship is society/reality. So remove yourself from it, don't be 'cool' be 'you'; because cool is relative to the majority within society, be different.

>> No.2007775

Is life ultimately worth the pain?'

>> No.2007783
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Life is painless, it does nothing but flow. Ultimately the only things that will bring you pain is society, and the knowledge that suppresses your freedom of thought, abstracts beauty and all things that make like amazing. Remove yourself from society and reality and design your own reality. You have imagination for a reason, the only thing telling you that you don't, is knowledge. They're opposites, so pick one and switch between the two when necessary to survive.

You join the imagination flow of the universe. This will be explained in due course.

>> No.2007784
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>> No.2007786

So in other words, become a bum and you will be fine.

>> No.2007791

what exists and what doesn't?

>> No.2007792

So society is the result of people needing other people to agree with them to feel secure and necessary to the world and ultimately to feel right,
when in reality there is no standard or normalcy or rules to life.
Why is it that the 90% of society that is less intelligent than the upper 10% is still capable of controlling that which we physically must abide to.. such as: government/law and social norms.

>> No.2007797

iz dere a dnek for me

>> No.2007799
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In other words put aside things that don't matter and separate them from the things that do. Treat each as they are, don't put the latter above the primary, or you'll feel the pain. You need to do work. so be imaginative whilst at work, as I said, you have imagination for a reason; allow it to control you, your personality and your presence. If people don't like it, don't care, as their programmable fiends in society, you can easily differentiate yourself from the bricks and build your own building.

Think trolls, sages and the rest of shit you find on 4chan. Don't be either, just be you -- they're the cancerous ones. Now apply that to the retards in society.

Intelligence is ultimately dumb, by nature. If life was made to live, then living would be better with pure imagination. Imagination allows you to put yourself in my shoes, or Ezios shoes from assassins creed; knowledge it what tells you you're not him -- what was funner? What made you more happy? I imagine the imagination. Everyones born defined psychotic, educated sensible. Just be psychotic/imaginative and know your limits. Society is alike a Matrix, full of people who follow the crowed like sheep, just ignore it, they're stupid and programmable master derps.

Nothing makes sense, only with a belief in reality. So nothing exists. (Will be further explained, ask more creative questions!!!)

>> No.2007806

Society informs the way we act and how we create value around the actions we perform. To maintain that you can exile yourself from society reflects a basic misunderstanding of human development. Society helps create the structures within the brain and informs our basic functioning. In fact imagination is simply the hypothetical reasoning of different situation within the world around us. It is wholly influenced by society.

>> No.2007811

Do you like it up the ass?Do you swallow?
Go back to suck cock with the lowlifes of /r9k/.

>> No.2007813

If my parents are constantly trying to manipulate my mind to fit their beliefs about everything in life even AFTER I have reached the age where I can find my own and firmly argue my own beliefs to them constantly to no prevail, is it imooral to just never talk to them about important things beyond that which lies in their domain anyway (like school (I'm 17))?

>> No.2007820
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No, I believe you're referring to wisdom, the ability to combine imagination with knowledge. Look at the original picture, that 'lost' and free thought processes is imagination. Wisdom is what we put inside of it. Society is not real, it's sovereign controlled, we all serve the state and their goals. Imagination allows you to create and possess your own realities. If society and knowledge never existed we would be like animals, instinctive and completely imaginative. It is the soul, and knowledge is what destroys, especially lies and evil/senseless knowledge.

It's not important to tell your parents things outside of which they force upon you, no. That's your private zone -- however, if you're looking to build relations then the best thing to do is to tell them you're different, that you have other goals/beliefs. If they're religious (which I can tell you safely is delusion, as all religions are based around imagination) then tell them you don't want to be. If they tell you to work hard or constantly work then tell them you'll do what you want. You're coming of age, I imagine they're trying to ready you for society, tell them you don't care, you'll learn better than way.

>> No.2007828
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This is a muchhhh better example.

>> No.2007837

>Animals and imagination
>Time for serious questions:Isn't anime the gayest shit on the Milky Way?

>> No.2007839

You are arguing from too much of a contextualist viewpoint where nothing is real but out perceptions of what is real. It is a fundamentally flawed argument because there is such thing as "real". While humans manipulate what is real and alter reality there is still a hard and fast existence. Society is not inherently bad and in fact humans have created it to benefit all of mankind (yes some get f'ed). Read some Vygotsky and John Locke. While I see your point you are arguing it from too highly a philosophical standpoint. Think a little more positivist. Also dude, when trying to help out someone who doesn't have basic insight into such abstract reasoning skills don't use such complicated language. You don't give them the ability to comprehend and fully weigh your argument to decide if they should subscribe to your teachings.

>> No.2007840
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ITT: Aether talking to himself

>> No.2007847
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Sorry to break it to you, the universe makes no sense. The only thing that makes sense in the universe is space. Science can discuss the 'What makes it happen' or 'What makes it look that way', but cannot tell us the most important answers, such as 'Why it looks that way' or 'Why these things when combined to this'. For example, the aether in sky, it's blue and we know what makes it blue, we don't know why these things make it blue; that's the problem. We don't know why blue exists in the first place, we don't why trees grew in the first place, we only know how to make 'sense' of it, but really when derived back to square one, none of it makes sense, because it's inevitably a product of how we interpret it.

Society is a word-system.
I know a lot more about life, you just haven't asked the correct questions. Don't jump to conclusions, ask the questions first before debating them.

>> No.2007854

How do I cut someone who is bad for me out of my life when they tell me that they were planning suicide before they met me?

>> No.2007858
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This is now a fractals thread

>> No.2007863
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You are a wise being, I subscribe.
I find, to my frustration, that I constantly discard imagination, because I am considered, by society, to be a child (in other words, to not yet be able to have a responsible/logical mind) - "I must focus on more important and concrete things" such as my state-provided education.
I tell my parents that I would rather go on a quest and earn wisdom from people such as you than to sit in a class and listen to some teacher who is more so motivated by a paycheck or from their own threatening society.

>> No.2007868
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samefaggy aether

>> No.2007873
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Depends how loving you are. I wouldn't recommend caring only about yourself. You're not an individual, where would you be without us? I can't help you there, just try get your mind straight and be careful not to hurt his/her feelings -- if he/she really does hate reality this much, he/she has nothing to fear. Imagination is not only existent in humans, imagination is what makes the cubic earth circular. When and if suicide is committed he/she will return to the imagination flow and return maybe years into the future or someone else.

Take the quest. Life is more important that society, what tells you different? Society does and those programmed to live inside it. You must learn to play the game, to survive, but don't allow the game to control you, because that's all it is, a game. When you are solitary do your own thing, ignore superstitions and taboos and allow your imagination to control. Be who you want to be, if you have wisdom then create your own personality, you can be anything you want, in mind. You don't require the rating in reality, famous people are famous because they're on TV and media, be your own famous person because your imagination allows it.

>> No.2007876
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>2. I don't troll.
>5. I know how life works.

Obvious Aether (failure) is obvious

>> No.2007879

Please provide logical proof that the universe makes no sense. I don't mean empirical but a coherent logical argument.

>> No.2007888
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The logic of science consists of meaningless rationality. In fact it's far from reasonable, it doesn't allow imagination. You cannot apply the logic of science to the logic of actuality, because it doesn't work.

You tell me why blue exists as a colour, not what makes it exist.
You won't be able to.
Yet to you, scientist, this doesn't seem considerable enough evidence to a nonsensical existence, because it doesn't provide logic-of-science evidence. Here.

>> No.2007893

1. You keep talking about imagination. Imagination of what? The universe is made of atoms and particles. What do you want to imagine? Oh, I forgot, you said 'Be psychotic.'

2. You are wrong on so many accounts about society... I mean, I agree with you that society deforms people, but if you look at who are the human types who are more successful in finding mates, you'll find out it's not the 'different', but the gregarious and the superficial. Girls fall for superficial guys who are sociable, sporty and don't give a fuck about creations of 'imagination'. The brightest geniuses have been social retards, who were able to imagine great things, but unable to get laid to survive. See, this is where your argument is weak. So, what would be the purpose of breeding a genius into this modern world of general facebooking and partying?

>> No.2007894
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>> No.2007897
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>> No.2007902

You should go and educate /b/.Aether,they are far more lost than we

>> No.2007903
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>> No.2007904

) The Defined Past.
b) The infinitely instantaneous current timeflow.
c) What is philosophically undefined to occur in the future.
Which of these do you believe holds the most importance to life?

Also nice trips

>> No.2007907
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not science

>> No.2007911
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>> No.2007914
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Time is not a dimension, otherwise that would imply no freewill, that 'time' is controlling you. In fact, you are time. So timeflow is important. For humanity a defined future is important, we need goals, but what we do to reach those goals should be relaxed, undefined, imaginative, for the peoples sanity and experience. What's the point of life if all we will be doing is advancing, never allowing the best part to control, what sort of life is that?

>> No.2007919
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You will end like this,aether

>> No.2007925
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>> No.2007927

Am I going to get my license? Am I going to do good things with my life? Is it okay for me to spend most of my time inside of my imagination if it doesn't affect the way I function in the real world?

>> No.2007929
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you are a fucking retard

>> No.2007935
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The real world is nothing like society/society reality. You'll be better of lost in your own imagination, but using wisdom (knowledge combined with imagination) to focus and make the evidently boring and depressing jobs more fun. Keep the personality you crafted in your imagination, and apply it to society. You'll be the imagination (= a) walking through the knowledge defined society (=b)


or just be a 'b'

bbbbbbbbbbboring and depressing.

>> No.2007940

People have told me that I may have gender identity disorder. I don't feel like a girl at all. I dress like a guy because it's the only way I feel comfortable, but I desperately long to be pretty and dress like a girl and do girly things, and be comfortable doing them. I'm afraid that I'll never be feminine enough, or get a boyfriend that I'm comfortable with, or be confident in myself. It's extremely depressing at times and I hate it, and I hate myself for it. I'm trying, but it's hard. Will I ever get past it?

>> No.2007949

OP i have a cock that is too big.You would love to suck it,am i right,you faggot?
Also,we need mods.And wait...no...what if...aether is the mod...and he is a troll!!!
Oh noes!
The day has 2^n semidays which n is the variety of the geometrical figure where n>9000

>> No.2007950

You didn't answer this >>2007893, dawg.
What is the purpose of breeding a genius in this world if more understanding leads to more social isolation?

>> No.2007952
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It's quite a predicament in a society that doesn't rate high these disorders (try switch realities), but I'm sure if you work on your personality, become more confident, it may work. My only advice, is to play your role, stop feminine, and focus on what you are. Be a man, be a romantic man, be homosexual (if you're like that), and it will bring you happiness. If you don't like your gender, then try to, it wasn't a curse, it was a gift


>> No.2007958

so you say that i should create my own personality, one that i like the most and live with it?

>> No.2007969
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What do you mean by 'genius', by intelligence or by wisdom?

Yes, but also focus on yourself more. Work on training your wisdom since you wont be able to survive on imagination alone -- find idols, or do creative stuff. Watch anime, movies, read comics, the non-boring stuff which society brings -- and with this creative knowledge, you can build personalities.

>> No.2007973

So OP, how would you repond to the atheistic claims that the existence of a God figure is logically impossible and invalid without logical proof?

>> No.2007976

I mean an IQ of 210.

>> No.2007982

I suck cocks

>> No.2007995
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God exists and is measurable. Atheists and Theists are alike, especially in modern times, both as deluded as each other. Both are deluded by knowledge -- one focuses on society/societies reality whilst the other focuses on a reality governed by the end of life, essentially 'death'.

"I must please the End," which is disrespectful to life.

The bible amongst other holy books have exchanged hands with tyrants, liars and other evil people -- the words have been edited numerous times. The bible is really scientific, but focuses more on wisdom than it does knowledge or knowledge defined intelligence (which is only how we perceive our environment, which was mentioned above). God is existent, and this is fact. Without God we wouldn't be able to co-exist. God, brings us together, what that is, I'll leave you to find out -- unless you want to know.

>> No.2008001

So I assume you do not believe logic can be used to justify reality?

And yes, I would like to know.

>> No.2008013


>> No.2008030
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Geniuses are bred in to society for advancement purposes, to aid the states future. IQ just represents how programmed you are by knowledge.

Cubic and wise logic can be.
Not the modern-day science logic, it's not really science, it's nihilism, telling people they're insignificant.

God is love, the universal kind.
The earth is really a cube, what makes it spherical is imagination (yes it exists outside of moving beings), everything inside this solitary truth of a top bottom, left right, front back, is imagination. As nothing really makes sense, without the 'belief' in rationality, there can only be one explanation. God, and Gods wild amazing brilliant beautiful imagination. You're essentially a walking Christian Cross, the rest is....

>> No.2008042

why do you only speak of imagaination, verus sense and reason?

>> No.2008044
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To answer afterlife. If you believe in cubic-rationality, know God not believe in God, and are imaginative -- I assume you'll die Good, in Gods books, as you're wise enough to measure God, and are imaginative alike God. So you'll join the imagination flow of life. This story never ends, unless you want it to.

>> No.2008058

but isn't complete separation the same as autism??

>> No.2008059

>The earth is really a cube
don't you mean time?

>> No.2008065

because one persons greed will hardly affect the whole, so using everyone's greed in a capitalistic society is the most ideal way to ensure that people work for money.

>> No.2008076
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Autism is defined by society. Don't allow society to define anything about your mind.

Greed is educated believe it or not. Reality is one big lesson, you're always being educated, as you said, to reassure you it's true.

The Earth is time, believe it or not. (probably not, why can you choose to believe?)

>> No.2008083

we're living in some kind of matrix. We follow daily rules, but we don't know why, they really don't even exist. Is it like this?

>> No.2008086

God is so loving he orders man to commit genocide. Ever heard of the Midianites? Amorites? Canaanites? Hittites? Perizzites? No, you haven't, 'cause they're all fucking dead.

>> No.2008103
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>> No.2008104
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The Matrix is an amazing example of reality. It's not true, you're trained like a dog to exist within it. Nature defines the laws, we make imaginary laws and define them as knowledge. Remove yourself from the matrix, you enter Zion, and when you're in Zion, you can re-enter any matrix God allows.

However, for humanity to advance and prosper we require the primary matrix, I call it the game. We need to survive, I think we're doing it wrong, moving on though, it's essential, this.. one matrix. So treat it as such, but don't forget it's not real and saviour your imagination. The only other option would be to kill off our own kind, which is evil, or resort back to nature, which is impossible to achieve through good actions. So civilization is required, we just need to get our priorities straight, like preserving nature, the thing that holds our spirits.

>> No.2008124

rather than "you can re-enter any matrix God allows" i would like to say "i can re-enter any matrix I allow my self to go" and when i separate from reality i can go anywhere

>> No.2008129

Is it possible for a human to have such a deep understanding of the physical laws of the Universe that he is able to abstract the entire framework into one elegant complete equation?

>> No.2008137
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You can say that, but there are limits. You cannot imagine a colour you've never seen, only variations. You cannot imagine something without structure, or you get void.

This, here, right now, bringing me to you, is love.

>> No.2008138

> Implying God
> Implying reality isn't real
> Implying spirits

This is /sci/, buddy.

>> No.2008145

I love the society, it's laws, it's unfairness, it's competition to be the number one, the masks... Does that made me a bad person?

>> No.2008152
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Not at all, but you shouldn't discriminate those who don't.

Yes, that's what the game is for.

>> No.2008160

yes, i know what you mean and i agree with you, but if you separate from rules you have to separate from beings like god too, they're both created by human kind. The only thing you can be sure, that really exists is you, you can be in whatever realm you want, but as long as your mind is working and your imagination is present, there's no doubt that you are indeed alive... shit, i got wrapped up by my own thoughts

>> No.2008165
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xD I see where you're coming from, telling you different will be forcing beliefs. Just believe what you want, but you do have limits, those limits are God, the rest is imagination. You can imagine whatever you want, but only between and with God, you can never surpass God, so not believing in God is lying, to yourself. You don't have to worship and pray to God, just acknowledge Gods existence... You don't really have a choice XD

>> No.2008179
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Any final questions before I sleep, that aren't unreasonable, irrational and offensive troll attempts?

>> No.2008214
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Enlightened yet?

1. You'll never get reassurance Zion exists.
2. You'll often be called insane for believing Zion exists.
3. These people are called Atheists.
4. They are your enemy.

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

>> No.2008238

i see now aehter

>> No.2008258
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Now remember people who read these words, you're blessed from them, free from chains, if you choose to. I'm Aether as you know. I just posted this in front of the sages and trolls who always suppress my threads. Now, I'll be here everyday, promoting it, for a better world for humanity. They've seen it, and know exactly where I'm coming from. Watch carefully how they react to my future threads. Gnight.

>> No.2008293

Shit makes sense.

>> No.2008320

except it doesn't, in any way.
go to /x/, and take your pseudo-scientific pseudo-intellectual horseshit with you.

>> No.2008434

Of course it does. You tell me how without the belief in 'rational belief' anything makes sense? It only makes sense because we put faith into a belief that we can make consistent sense out of it.
This makes perfect sense, if you can't compute it then you're the idiot I'm afraid.

>> No.2008443

Aether, I'm from /x/.
We NEED you there. We have no one. T_T

>> No.2008449

We put faith into rationality, that the universe isn't nonsensical, and we can make sense out of it. Yes, without this 'faith' the universe does not make sense. OP is correct, you can stop saging now, we know you're trying to keep the truth away from us. It doesn't matter, I'm still doing science for a living.

>> No.2008455

You are OP.
Go away.

>> No.2008464

No I'm not. I can understand exactly what OP has said. You explain to me why it's wrong, and why it makes no sense. Don't pull the logic of science card cause that was clearly disputed reasonably in the above posts.

>> No.2008470

>implying you aren't OP
>implying I'm going to argue with you

>> No.2008576

If it made no sense it would be easy to dispute and resolve. Why wont you take a second of your time out to dispute and resolve it?

I'm not OP and I'm not the last poster.

>> No.2008593
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i agree where doesn't it make sense

pic related
>mfw sense

>> No.2008617

what's hard to understand? the belief that we can make sense out of the universe is a belief, it's not true. there is only one truth. everything is cubic (timecube cubic) - this truth is god and everything else is gods imagination, we apply knowledge to gods imagination with a belief that we can find sense to our existence. there are two paths nihilistic and meaningful.

>> No.2008623

Why a cube? I like triangles

>> No.2008629

that wudnt make sense. you havent got three sides and doesnt relate to you as much as a cube. hence 'wisdom' holy shit OP is smart

>> No.2008636

someone should teach op about pyramids
Egyptians were right
Mayans were right
you don't see no cube buildings

>> No.2008643

Rules for /sci/
1. All science and math related topics welcome.
2. Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
*** 3. No "religion vs. science" threads.***

Why hasn't this thread been deleted?

>> No.2008657

no op, the earth hasn't got a significant top point, the top and bottom are just duality. therefore cubic.

op: this thread is epic. truly impresses. genuine jelly and i will research this.

>> No.2008663

you mean spherical

the earth is a sphere

>> No.2008672
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Timecube. Earth has 4 corner days.

>> No.2009125
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companion cube > time cube

or are we living in minkowsky space? meh...

>> No.2009550
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ITT: nonsense