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1992221 No.1992221 [Reply] [Original]

USA = christian talibans

>> No.1992238


>> No.1992265
File: 58 KB, 600x450, 1287731204826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA = Zionist beating stick.

>> No.1992266

Yeah, yeah we're pretty much that.

>> No.1992277

+ bacon

we like bacon

>> No.1992713

the new dark ages begin

we must hide in asia and mars

>> No.1992715

>implying china won't be the next world power

>> No.1992718


but china is pro-science/secular

>> No.1992735

Wrong. France = Christian Taliban. The U.S. is very good with religious tolerance.

>> No.1992745


I don't see people attacking science in France

>> No.1992752

What the... No we're not!

>> No.1992764

Name 15 atheists that were able to get a job in a southern political office.

>> No.1992772

Atheists aren't people or real Americans, they don't count.

>> No.1992779

Because not being able to win an election is equivalent to being kicked out of school for your religion, amirite?

>> No.1992802

So science is a religion now? No, France attacks religions it doesn't like. I suppose you're okay with that, though.

>> No.1992805

>The U.S. is very good with religious tolerance.

"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." George H W Bush

read full story


>> No.1992813

people get all kinds of shit from their schools for refusing to say "one nation under god"

>> No.1992821

Wrong. Nobody can be required by any public institution to recite the pledge of allegiance at all. This was settled in the Supreme Court 30+ years ago.

>> No.1992832

In south USA, if you don't believe in some kind of higher power or deity, you're banned from applying for a political position or even being allowed to work in one.

>> No.1992837

George Bush was not some kind of fuhrer. He had no power at any point to put what he "thought" on that matter into practice. The criteria for citizenship status can't be adjusted without constitutional amendment. Surely we can discern a difference between actual persecution on the basis of (ir)religion and statements without any force of policy?

I guess I shouldn't expect rationality in this thread, considering the entire premise is absurd.

>> No.1992845


>> No.1992846


The Australia Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

>> No.1992855

That clause is wrong then since no southern state has allowed any atheist to work in their government, and those who managed to sneak in are considered for impeachment once found out.

See: Cecil Bothwell

>> No.1992856

who said required? i said they get shit. ostracised, bullied, etc

lrn2 read herp derp

>> No.1992860

1). Australia, not southern USA
2). And where are the other 14?

>> No.1992863

Lets put it this way: G.W. Bush is a religious nutjob warmonger who has no appreciation for progress or reason. The legacy of his family is the PATRIOT act, the destruction of the US social security fund, and two wars for oil/religion (pick one) that generated in the hundreds of thousands of casualties from all over the world.

If his government was ever able to secure power on the scale that Hitler managed to in Germany in the 1930s, we'd have a repressive, totalitarian and backwards regime on our hands.

>> No.1992862

what you don't get is there can be de facto prejudice without it having any legal or constitutional basis.

it's as if you are claiming civil rights legislation wiped away racism

>> No.1992869

autists on /sci/ don't understand or recognise the difference between de facto and de jure

like they can't tell a happy face from a sad one

>> No.1992880

no, the president's beliefs and values have no influence at all. did not inform their presidencies. don't say anything about the country that voted for them based on those values. they are actually just a figurehead and anything they say can be ignored.

>> No.1992891

face it, america's values are just primitive and vile

>> No.1992894

You're the one(s) conflating the two by suggesting that voters choosing not to elect atheists is somehow analogous to the fucking Taliban.

>> No.1992902

Fucking this.

Also it's the fucking South. Nobody educated has ever expected better from them. The industrialized North and innovated adventurous west has always been the forefront of the USA.

>> No.1992910

i'm saying nothing about democracy, that is another poster, but my take on democracy is that if a whole country (or an effective majority) decides to be prejudice, it is still prejudice. democracy doesn't justify wrong.

my point is that even with legal safeguards, atheists in america still meet many prejudice in many walks of life. far far more than in any other rich nation.

>> No.1992920

That depends on where you live. Nobody cares what the fuck you believe in a state like California.

At least we're not Italy. Religious as FUCK

>> No.1992926

>Fucking this
fucking american retard


OP, i wouldn't bother. basically america is shit, but they have that my country right or wrong so ingrained it's pointless to argue their flaws.

the best you can do is try to ignore them and be happy you live in a civilised country.

beneath their white skin they're all praise the lord niggers

>> No.1992933

>implying I can name 15 atheists
Also, being religious is not the same as being the Taliban, retards.

>> No.1992934

i've lived in italy. italian catholicism is very easygoing. the real european taliban country was ireland until very recently. the church basically ran a hell of a lot

>> No.1992935

HA! I've been all over this great country, and no where in the North or West is there a sign of advanced culture. That is to say, they can't cook barbecue correctly, and they can't speak correctly.

>> No.1992937

You are JOKING

Italy almost went communist on several occasions.

They have all the beautiful churches, but they don't have the religious fervour.

>> No.1992940
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Typical non-American imbecile who actually believes the garbage he's spouting. Beyond the fact that you're nothing more than scum, you're a typical racist bigot with no opinion worth a damn.

>> No.1992944

>two wars for oil/religion (pick one)
>LMAO when you can't even decide what you want to accuse him of.

>> No.1992951


I find it funny how people are still blaming EVERY christian for the crusades. The majority of us are Protestant. Do you kids just want an excuse to blame religion for fucking everything? It helped shaped western civilization, not destroy it.

>> No.1992954

>meep meep meep derp

say again? did an american just say something?

>> No.1992963

Typical southern trash. Your shitty southern drool for a language will never amount to anything. Nearly every American advancement has been done everywhere BUT the South. You guys are only good for a quick laughing at and pride yourselves on stupid shit like BBQs. This is a /sci/ board and the South sure as hell doesn't have the same scientific infrastructure as the North and West.

>> No.1992967

having no control group, we can't tell how western civilisation would have proceeded without christianity

all i can do is judge current christianity, and it seems a great big pile of herpity derp

>> No.1992971
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Oh I'm sorry. I remembered you non-American racists were vastly inferior in the art of comprehending the human language.

>> No.1992969

guys guys, please destroy each other again

we will look on and laugh

>> No.1992982
File: 36 KB, 280x280, fuck yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're still the most powerful country on the planet and people don't have a choice but to care what we think which is why they bitch about us. It makes me feel good knowing I couldn't care less.

>> No.1992984


Lets look at Asia which had no strong Christian influence. REAL nice.

Current Christianity is a joke. Nobody really cares or follows the teachings or even understands it. Everybody following watered down garbage with less than 10% of the Christian population going to church. The fact of the matter is we've advanced more in the past couple of decades than we have in all human history. Religion doesn't hurt it THAT much at all.

>> No.1992987

Uncultured heathen. You might as well eat road-kill if you're going to eat northern food, and let's not even start with California. No science infrastructure, huh? Excuse me while I visit the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, or Mission Control in Houston, or the Cape Fucking Canveral in Florida.

>> No.1992999

>understanding the human language
>human language

lol. 14 yr old american alert.

go to bed

>> No.1993010
File: 753 KB, 200x86, GFUAJHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying racists are human, much less non-American ones
>respond 10 minutes later

You definitely have trouble reading human languages. It took you that long to get a person to translate and write that for you huh? Typical subhuman non-American racist scum.

>> No.1993012

>Lets look at Asia which had no strong Christian influence. REAL nice.

currently fastest growing economy in the world
next superpower
had a good civilisation when europe was in dark ages

europe had the renaissance, the enlightenment and the industrial revolution to make it win

maybe 1 of those has a christian basis to it

>> No.1993015

>still believes in the dark ages

You're an absolute moron.

>> No.1993020

>american assuming he has my full attention.
>american can't compute that there may be other things more pressing to me right now than his bruised ego

>> No.1993025
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>still replying to my posts despite claiming otherwise
>is incredibly asspained
>nothing implying a bruised ego but projecting his own bruised ego onto others
>is still a non-American bigot

How expected

>> No.1993029

it's a handy term for the early medieval period when europe didn't do much of cultural significance.

i guess you believe that after rome there wasn't a decline in culture or something.

>> No.1993034

You're the one blaming Christianity/religion for everything. Don't try to divert the subject.

>> No.1993037
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>no you
no you

>> No.1993041

am i?

maybe lrn2 read my posts

christianity is shit, but it's not to blame for everything bad, and it did some pretty cool stuff.

it's just made up nonsense is my assertion.

>> No.1993046
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Americans 0
Rest of the world 17

>> No.1993051

Newton was a deeply religious guy.
Lots of the greatest artists and thinkers were influenced by Christian teachings during the renaissance.
The enlightenment and the industrial revolution was full of Christian influence and values as well.
The fact of the matter is, Christianity helped shaped the western world greatly both positively and negatively. If Rome hadn't won a certain war, we'd all be Buddhist or something.
But like you said before, we're talking about the now. Asia currently is full of troubled 3rd world shitholes who were easily taken over by westerners who believed in their Christian colonization all around the world.
A fast growing economy maybe but world superpower is nothing more than a mere speculation that could all end up in dust.
Maybe not even when we're all in our 40s and 50s or lifetime.
Christianity help made sure that the western world would be dominate on Earth. It has shaped our very CULTURE.
Stop blaming everything on it.

>> No.1993054

pure broscience

lrn2 hubris

>> No.1993057

cool story bro

>> No.1993059

Of course it is and nobody on /sci/ except trolls would be saying otherwise but even today it still has uses. Christianity has been in deep decline for a long time now. Eventually in the future it will be gone but just not yet.

I agree with this because we're counting faggot levels, obviously.
Indeed the rest of the world is at a 17th level of faggotry.

>> No.1993062

more like Christians 1
secularists 5

>> No.1993064
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Lrn2British, French, and Spanish empires.

>> No.1993067

can somebody please troll this thread?

>> No.1993070

>christianity = faggotry
>america = christian
>america =/ faggotry

does not compute

>> No.1993073

well we're in agreement then

pure hubris there

>> No.1993074

um. i am?

>> No.1993075

COCKS = phallic talibans

>> No.1993078
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doesn't make sense.

No gays allowed, faggot.

>> No.1993082
File: 248 KB, 901x680, 1288084810523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only gay Christians are the Catholics and they're all fudge packing little boy molesting Latin/Spic scum.

America is a Protestant country.

>> No.1993085
File: 55 KB, 440x587, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking scary shit

thank god I don't have to deal with any kind of Taliban directly

>> No.1993091

glad we agree. america is a gaynigger country.

>> No.1993097

I agree, niggers are gay. It's a lot better than being gay normally like the rest of the world. I'm glad we could come to an understanding.

>> No.1993099

troll harder faggot and make them think you are one of them; I don't care who they are!

This belong's on /x/
/r9k/ would be fine too but I hate it (it being /r9k/)

oh shit teacher is walking over here, gotta go.

>> No.1993110

epic win!!!

>> No.1993111

um, i am?

>> No.1993339

lol bump

>> No.1993346

sure is incredibly asspained europeans in this thread

>> No.1993348

says a european troll

>> No.1993354


>> No.1993359
File: 4 KB, 146x169, eee..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem... it's pronounced eurotroll thank you very much.

>> No.1993360

naaah. it's pretty easy to be totally serene while pointing out america's flaws

>> No.1993364

Singapore troll here. Please don't equate me with the white devils in euramerica

>> No.1993365

every country has flaws, i'd say all first world countries are generally about the same to live in

>> No.1993374

unless you're faggot or an atheist

then europe wins

>> No.1993387

you finished those noodles yet?

>> No.1993399

My life is constant delicious noodles, azn girls and maths

Feels good man