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1992899 No.1992899 [Reply] [Original]

I haz a question.
How many times was the bible fabricated. As we all know by now, Christianity doesn't agree with money, at least in older days; so tyrants obviously implanted the parts where it claims anything to do with money.

>> No.1992912

There's no evidence that any book in the Bible was deliberately altered for political purposes. There have been alterations over the course of time, but all the proven ones derive from things like accidentally inserting a marginal note into the text (something that happens frequently in texts transcribed by hand).

>> No.1992923


Also, Thomas Jefferson.

>> No.1992924

Does deliberate perpetuation of a known mistranslation count as an alteration?

>> No.1992927

Are you completely sure that when the Church was sovereign they didn't fabricate it for political purposes. As everyone lived by the book "The bible says it, I believe it" kind of thing. I'm quite sure it was changed for this purpose, that Christians got greedy; it's mentioned in the Hindu belief also, something along the lines of "Don't take the same path as Christians and Jews" -- I think Christianity should be reborn, people who are experienced in the field should edit it for a newer purpose. Mormon was failure, it still claims God to be a man in another dimension, in the adult ego image.

>> No.1992939

When the Church had that kind of power, no one could read the Bible because it was in Latin. It was only when people started making translations and mass-printing them that things started falling apart.

>> No.1992946

>Are you completely sure that when the Church was sovereign they didn't fabricate it for political purposes.

We were talking about evidence, not certainty. You're "moving the goalposts." You then go on to offer your own theories on the matter backed by nothing more than "Hindu belief." Surely that's not a hostile witness concerning Christians and Jews.

I'm not going to debate this at length, because there's little profit to be had as I'm no defender of Christian doctrine. I just wish we could be more intellectually honest. Most people on this board seem to believe that since Christianity is wrong, every conceivable bad thing that could be said about it must be true, and if you argue the contrary, you're an apologist.

>> No.1992948

Okay. Do you agree that we should have a modern-translation of the book? A neo-Christian type thing. I think it would be good, for humanity and sanity.

>> No.1992955

I live by pages in the Christian bible. Not the whole book, I think it's stupid -- most of it anyway. I can measure God, it taught me that at least, and I have faith in my existence. I don't kill my wife when she commits adultery or ask her to give fifty silvers when she does something stupid.

>> No.1992965
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>> No.1992975

There are lots of modern translations of the Bible. One of the most popular is the NIV which was finished in the 1970's. Good translations -- that stick to the literal text -- are hard to come by. The NIV is pretty good. There are also a number of modern versions that are updates of the King James version, like the Revised English Standard Version, which is modern, and good.

>> No.1992976
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Is there an addon/plugin so anyone who posts sage automatically gets hidden. I easily ignore these no-lifer basement dwellers but it would make /sci/ much cleaner if they just didn't appear. Also, college nao, speak soon.

>> No.1992980
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>> No.1992981

i can measure god too

but i use the good old secular metric system

>> No.1992991

king james bible lol

you really are a retard

lrn2 english history

>> No.1992996
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>> No.1993475

Bump for epic thread.

>> No.1993522
File: 20 KB, 640x480, m33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with pictures of OP for epic thread.

>> No.1993605


Aether, why do you crave the cock that much?

>> No.1993719

404 the fuck outta here!
I'll aether your asshole