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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1992972 No.1992972 [Reply] [Original]

so i am looking for someone who has a year subscription for encyclopedia britannica and can get me this article

So Queer Yet So Straight: Ang Lee's The Wedding Banquet and Brokeback Mountain.
Journal of Film & Video, 2008 by William Leung

i would be truly gratefull
thx in advance

>> No.1992986
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Is this for some engineering project?
You may want to ask /cm/ or /y/, alot of engineers hang out there

>> No.1992990

it's a book study so it's science because it's in a scientific magazine with true facts

>> No.1993011


>> No.1993018

yeah but still i'm searching for this book study
please someone help me out

>> No.1993026

This really isnt science
Go to /v/ or /lit.

>> No.1993033

just because it is a "study" doenst mean it is science. This is just /lit/ bullshit! Go there!

>> No.1993049

all scientific articles are science
if you don't see that you are just a noob
don't they teach you these things in school

>> No.1993058
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The Journal of Film & Video is not a scientifc magazine/book. It does not contain scientific articles!


>> No.1993069

i contains studies about film and video and therefore it is a scientific book

what are studies about meanings about a movie and how the movie was succesfull. isn't that scientific if they did a statistic research about something

you are just to narrowminded to math and physics

>> No.1993106
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Doing some stat research doesnt make it scientific. That is some faulty logic bro.
Just cause you know how to use some simple science, doenst make you are scientist. Would you say that a fastfood worker is a chef? Do you call a cashier a mathematican? NO!

Do you really think all stats, for all products, all markets, comes from scienistist? LMAO

>studies about meanings about a movie and how the movie was succesfull.

That is not science, the meaning of a fucking movie is "opinion"....JUST GTFO!