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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1985997 No.1985997 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/, any Engineers here? I'm a freshman at university trying to plan for my concentration. I've narrowed it down to Civil/Environmental or Bioprocess. Anyone who's an Engineer of any kind, could you provide some insight on a day in your job? Thanks in advance!

>> No.1986008

I have a Civil Engineering degree. Like most degrees, what you do in yoru job will have little to do with what you learned in school. And it's fine this way.

That being said, you could probably find a job studying the effects of bombs and missiles on bunkers and such, just to give you an idea of what else is out there other than building bridges. (Building bridges is pretty cool, by the way. I was the project manager by unanimous vote for our Senior project. We did a lot of cool stuff and actually came up with a working design for the county to use.)

>> No.1986006

Gay sex.
In the Bathroom
In the Breakroom
On the desk
In the ass

>> No.1986022

Computer engineer specialized in biomedical tech. I write algorithms to visually identify cancer cells in microscope pictures. Its at a research center funded by grants and donations, so the pay isn't super good, but I get to wear a badass ID badge that impresses girls and gets me random sex frequently.

>> No.1986020


It's mostly this, but you still get paid fuckloads more than those in the pure sciences, so it works out.

>> No.1986035

idk bout the random sex, but sound pretty cool. will i learn to write algorithms in my Engineering foundation?

I'm not so big on the Civil aspect of the degree , more the Environmental, its just that the only Environmental is both Civil and Env. but thanks!

>> No.1986039


Chemical Engineer here. I took an industry job, so I spend most of my days troubleshooting problems in the mill where I work and the rest of the time either thinking up ways to make it better or drinking beer/playing golf with vendors.

Also $70K a year.

>> No.1986043

>idk bout the random sex,

sounds like engineering is perfect for you

>> No.1986051


>> No.1986054


>> No.1986058

>>1985997 will i learn to write algorithms in my Engineering foundation?

You'll get an introduction to programming, probably in C.

>> No.1986061

>idk if i believe that you have a lot of sex
is what i meant
I would have done Chemical if i wen to U of Utah, but after i learned that its pretty much the hardest engineering, i wasn't so determined. do you work at a brewery?. thanks

>> No.1986064

idk what C means but ok

>> No.1986067


Nope. Brewery would be ideal, but I work at a mill that makes the material for diapers, oil booms (and other absorbent shit) and other fun things like that.

>> No.1986072

yeah if i could work at a brewery my life would be complete. i imagine a bioprocess degree would lead there.

>> No.1986084


Not really, just a knowledge of the process. There's not really anything new in beer, unless you're looking to make nonalcoholic beer.

>> No.1986095 [DELETED] 


You've never heard of C++
... Wow and you what to be an engineer

>> No.1986100

i don't really care what field i go into. i just want to work to make that industry more efficient and more environment-friendly. Although a brewery would have awesome perks

>> No.1986113

I am mechanical Engineer and I'll only tell you this:

Mechanical Engineers build weapons
Civil Engineers build targets

>> No.1986116



>> No.1986132
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>> No.1986159

>mechanical engineers build weapons
>chemical engineers do the rest

>> No.1986165



Also, don't forget the third part:
>Industrial Engineers pretend that they're engineers.

>> No.1986185

weapons >> the rest
ME >> ChemE

>> No.1986193
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>/sci/ - Science & Math

gtfo faggots

>> No.1986204

yep lets build some weapons and not bring them to a functional and more efficient level!

>> No.1986209
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Engineering - Applied science and math.

>> No.1986217

>any list of "best college majors" or "highest paying careers"

>> No.1986222

Your point? Porn is applied biology, but you don't see (many) lesbian threads around here.

>> No.1986225

>>1986209 + >>1986217 = correct

Hey look, I just applied science and math in a real world situation! = $$$ WINNER $$

>> No.1986231
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>applied biology

>> No.1986271

why is /sci/ so mad at engineers.

>> No.1986274

They mad cause we stylin' on them with our $$$ and ability to directly effect the everyday life of millions of people.

>> No.1986276


>> No.1986277

they are butthurt because engineers get the jobs. theres not enough funding for all /sci/entists.

>> No.1987169

Whoah whoah whoah, back up. Have you read any ME thesis in the past hundred years? Improving efficiency or yield by fractions of percentiles gets venture capitalist and other investors moist as hell. It's the hottest topic there is. Most lower level research is dedicated to improving existing technology in any way imaginable.

Do not listen to this man. Do what YOU want to do because you want to do it.

Because grad school and tenure hunt is hard as balls and unrewarding. We engineers trot off with an undergrad degree or maybe a Masters and accumulate wealth and clout almost immediately. Natural Sciences take time, patience, and a will of iron to get to a useful point. I have the utmost respect for the people willing to throw themselves into the Natural Sciences knowing full well how much bullshit they'll have to deal with.

>> No.1987221
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Engineers are responsible for bullshit like this.

Looks great. Well designed. People will by it in droves.
It will never do what it is suppose to though.

Does it matter to engineers that bats enter spaces from the bottom and never from the top because they hang upside down when they snooze?

Or maybe the lack of a roof letting the bats heat escape or, say for example, rain in, might make it undesirable for the critter?

probably not.
Engineers have a hard time understanding the concept of teamwork.

>> No.1987241

That's art school bullshit. As far from engineering as you can get.

>> No.1987248

Middle Schoolers are responsible for posts like this.

Poorly thought out, sweeping generalizations, no basis in fact, and obviously uninformed regarding the subject matter.
The post will not accomplish what the poster intended though.

Does it matter to this 14 year old that engineers are under the most scrutiny by high-paying industry to develop solutions that are not only functional, but must be proven to be optimal before construction?

Or that at a hardware development level, most natural scientists concern themselves with sub-optimal prototypes, carefully guarded by phrases such as 'proof of concept' or 'to be improved/implemented professionally by engineers'.

Shouldn't you be in bed, little one?

>> No.1987272
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yes. yes i should be i bed.
but you know youth and all.

let's go down memory lane instead, and celebrate the triumphs of engineers and reflect why they are better than mere "artists".

A toast to....
Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse
The Titanic
The Boston Molasses Disaster
St. Francis Dam
Ariane 5
Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosion
Tacoma Washington Bridge Disaster
The Vasa
R101 Airship
Hurricane Katrina Levees
Denver International Airport baggage handling system
Subsynchronous resonance in power systems
Space Shuttle Challenger
Deepwater Horizon

>> No.1987275

LOL... i really do think it is time for bed

>> No.1987300
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>mfw dear lord it hurts when I realize this is a real person

>> No.1987304
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engineering? take your homoshit outta my /sci/!

>> No.1987309
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>> No.1987314
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my diet of jolt cola and twizzlers prevents this.

So sorry.

at least we know the engineers don't think any of those were their faults in any way.

I'm told by far wiser sources (reliable too) that the products of engineers must be proven to be optimal before construction, AND functional to boot!

Clearly those disasters were acts of some vengeful god or a mismanagement of public relations...or something...but never the engineers lack of foresight or poor team player skills during the designing and testing phase.

it's a funny thing too when engineers get sued for a botched job...they don't make near enough to cover a loss.

>> No.1987323

Engineers warned about the deep water horizon but managers were all like: fuck you guys, safety is too expensive. Pretty much the same story with 75% of those disasters.

>> No.1987335
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So are engineers are faggots?

>> No.1987338
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Take your homosex to /cm/!

>> No.1987342
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you mean that the engineers designed and built stuff that was inherently unsafe and prone to explode in your face if you farted wrong in the first place?
Then they actually gave it to someone?

no. That is not how engineering works.
Engineers aren't like that at all.
I assure you, my sources are quite reliable.

>> No.1987343

Its a 4chan meme. Therefore it must be true.

>> No.1987341
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Engineering Pride

>> No.1987349
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>> No.1987350

Thanks for the laughs, kind anon.

>> No.1987355
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engineers are the equivalent of an adult that gives a loaded gun to a five year old, and is absolved of responsibility simply for warning the child of it's dangers.

>> No.1987368

engineers are fine, but they have no place on /sci/

just like faggots are fine, but have no place in normal society

>> No.1987418
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I suppose you stopped walking the first time you fell down, threw away your computer the first time it took longer than normal to boot up, swore off women the first time you were rejected by a pretty girl, discarded your precious little game boy when the batteries died and for that matter released your squirtle the first time he was bested, so for consistency's sake you should stop posting after the first time you make a retarded post (though I am quite sure this was neither the first nor the last).

By your given logic, I also presume you believe progress and research are dangerous as the consequences of such are not fully understood, that anything that has potential to make a mistake must be avoided at all costs and that we should all stay frozen in our beds in the morning for fear of doing or producing something that may turn out not quite as planned.

There is a reason /sci/ is not the place for children, little one.

Far too many of those disasters were predicted well in advance by the engineers and ignored by management and investors. Those elements aside; I will grant you that engineers are fully capable of making mistakes, either from poor training or poor judgment. I've also heard that *gasp*, some doctors, generals, motorists, and teachers have also made mistakes in the past! By your reasoning you should avoid hospitals and any conventional medicines at all costs! Also we should disband the military chain of command and fight with stones because stones have never jammed or misfired. Nobody should be allowed to drive (Toyota produced dangerous vehicles last year, you know, so you should take a bat to your mother's minivan, it's an automobile designed by wretched engineers and it's use must be discouraged at all cost!) We should fire all teachers because parents understand Partial Differential Equations better than some professor who may have dropped a sign while scrawling a proof on the board.

>> No.1987423


isn't 75% of 17, 12.75, or is there something i missed in all that new math stuff?
fucking up 4 jobs out of 17...okay i get that.
Not so bad.
but how do you fuck up only a quarter of a job exactly?

>> No.1987452
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All the failures you mention are multi-billion dollar projects. Given your obvious neglect of the concept of insurance I'll assume you are, in fact, genuinely surprised that a single engineer is paid billions per project.

Also given your obliviousness to how many steps there are between the engineer's design and the contractor's construction, I'll assume you are genuinely surprised to discover that in most technological disasters, the engineer's specifications were ignored that the contractor (usually a technician, not an engineer) might cut costs or time.

Your tenuous grasp of the basics of rudimentary sarcasm is clearly leaps and bounds ahead of your knowledge of the design and manufacture process, might I recommend you watch some Jewish comedians that you might at least be proficient at something.

Engineers are the equivalent of an adult who sells an adult, paying customer a loaded gun, and is absolved of all responsibility because he warned the buyer of it's dangers.

>> No.1987457

Nothing wrong with engineers, it's just that they're so goddamn smug and tend to spit on anyone not studying the hard sciences, and god forbid you study any humanist field. Especially the engifags on 4chan (and there seems to be a lot of them... go figure) are guilty of this.

>> No.1987458

>>1987452 ...single engineer is NOT payed billions per project.

My mistake. (oh no!)

>> No.1987460
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All excellent and valid points...
For an extremist. I don't think of myself as one.
If i were one though, i might ponder why people are so miserable with all their wonderful tech and science and the monkeys swinging in the trees simply enjoy being...yes. Natural lifespans/ailments are preferred as we are part of a natural process. Rocks would indeed be best. Makes you take responsibility for your action...and think twice before doing so.

However i won't dare to argue with you about my obvious flaws and lack of education seeing how you have me pegged so well already.
It saves time in the long run.
Engineers like saving time.
I simply believe in giving credit were credit is due.

I can't imagine why anyone would hate engineers.
They are such nice people.

no bed for me. It's actually time for school.
Peace out old grumpy anon.

>> No.1987468


>> No.1987476


Engineers...or niggers

take your pick.

Engineers however may have the option of picking contractors to blame after designing something they KNOW won't do the job, and then claim they were ignored.

>> No.1987488

If I recall correctly, that was a landslide in Taiwan happened in april or may this year. Trapped 4 cars and buried alive 9 people.

Still looking for source.

>> No.1987498


Reuters video's pretty good.

>> No.1987524
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>>1987460 I'm not an extremist...but engineers are evil because a bridge collapsed that I'm SURE must have been the fault of the engineer, not the contractor!

>>1987460 I'm not an extremist...but we should all, like, go back to nature man. Technology is, like, wicked man and, like, makes man irresponsible. *puff puff* Man wouldn't be irresponsible without technology, man, it's science that makes man do bad things, man. *puff puff*

>>1987460 I believe in giving credit where credit is due, btw I have no idea who designed the computer I'm typing on, the bus I'll be taking to middle school, the building I'll be in most of the day, the cell phone I absolutely must have or I'll throw a fit, or my EXXBAWWKS!

Please go, go and enjoy what years of analysis and manufacture has given you. Know that it is not by chance the building you are in does not collapse, but by analysis from the poor soul you hold in so little regard. Maybe when you're older you'll learn not to take for granted what takes work, patience, practice, and wisdom.

Though, a whippersnapper ya be, I reckon' yew ungrateful li'l git'll just keep thinkin' properly designed stuff'll just keep growin' on trees as it always has.

>> No.1987546
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You're right.
It was much better when they just asked us to do their homework, wasn't it?

>> No.1987587

Thanks, my feathers are ruffled and it does me good to hear a mature voice.

On one hand, it haunts me to no end that if/when I raise a child s/he will at some point in their life hold beliefs this incorrect.

On the other hand, I would be disappointed to some degree if they didn't hold on to at least some their beliefs this stubbornly.

>> No.1987614

Electrical Engineer here, enjoying my 20:1 male:female ratio.


>> No.1987621

>aerospace engineering
>first years of calculus, physics, thermodynamics
>40% of the midterms is a problem where you PROVE theorems.
>at the end of the career gained as much knowledge as a physics and math majors in mechanics, dynamics and analysis put together.
>good abstraction capabilities
>good application capabilities
>big $$$ for doing research in aerodynamics aka SCIENCE.

you jelly

>> No.1987632

> electrical engineer
> any boy I want
> 100 dicks starting

>> No.1987660

mechanical engineer here
almost all of my exams throughout undergrad (math & otherwise) were proof based. shit sucked, but i was forced to learn material better. i feel bad for people who just had to plug and chug to get an A.

>> No.1987665
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>> No.1988119


Can't wait. (:

>> No.1988150

>Ph.D in mathematics
>Any job I want
>$300k starting

You chose the wrong profession my friend