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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1978339 No.1978339 [Reply] [Original]

is mathematics a branch of science? Or is science a branch of Mathematics?

Serious question.

>> No.1978354

Philosophy is derived from psychology is derived from biology is derived from chemistry is derived from mathematics.

inb4 philosophy kids try to tell you otherwise.

>> No.1978350

Neither, though the epistemology of reality can be explained solely through mathematical function, you could explain science through mathematics.

Mathematics is an advanced logic tool.

Also, troll.

>> No.1978355
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well science mean knowledge in latin, and it emcompasses all the specific branches of science, including mathematics.
so mathematics a branch of science

>> No.1978359

Whoops, insert physics between math and chemistry.

>> No.1978360

heheh... http://xkcd.com/435/

>> No.1978363

That comic comes up on /sci/ every day, doesn't it.

>> No.1978373

you just said "the (theory of knowledge) of reality can be explained solely through mathematical function". does that mean that the universe itself thought of an epistemology, and that that epistemology, as opposed to that of somebody or something other than the universe, can be explained solely through mathematical function?

>> No.1978377

ITT: nobody answers the question

>> No.1978383

Well, the the the natural and social sciences are basically extensions of mathematics, I like to think of math as an extension of logic, which is an extension of epistemology.

>> No.1978382

Science is a systematic method with the end result of theories which make correct predictions about an objective reality. Mathematics does not deal with reality, but an idealized universe with a set of absolutely known ground rules. So, mathematics is not science and science is not mathematics.

>> No.1978380

no, philosophy is by no means derived from psychology, you're an idiot or a bad troll

inb4 "hurr durr but i'm a whiny teenager with no concept of what philosophers are beyond silly stereotypes and comics"

>> No.1978385


I'd rather be the guy holding the octopus.

>> No.1978386


I was implying that one must believe that the knowledge gained through our senses, then branches out upon through application of logic are in fact valid explanations for the universe.

One must believe in a rational and materialistic universe in order to believe that mathematical function may encompass (abstractly) all of reality.

>> No.1978388


The question was comprehensively answered in the first reply






>> No.1978389

Philosophy is the parent of all knowledge. Too bad it is usually shat up as an arts/humanities study on the university level. It'd be nice if they treated it like a science, I may have actually minored in it.

>> No.1978392

the first reply did. they are heavily related but not branches of each other.

>> No.1978393

mathematics are theoretical. Which means people had to experiment with equations to see if they worked.

Surely that means Maths IS a science.

>> No.1978395
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>using wikipedia to prove a point
>wikipedia considers mathematics a science

>> No.1978401

Math is a science in the same way social science is a science. By that I mean, they are not natural sciences, which are based off of experimentation.

>> No.1978407

>Philosophy is derived from psychology
Wtf am I reading?!