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File: 53 KB, 425x369, and heroin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1974232 No.1974232 [Reply] [Original]

how do you feel about the fact that there are tribes of people around the world who are no more advanced than, say, an ant colony.

>> No.1974242

To be honest, i, quite a bit in fact, don't care.

>> No.1974248

>no more advanced than, say, an ant colony


>> No.1974256
File: 137 KB, 1024x837, How can people not know what beauty this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Secondly, I doubt they mind that they aren't implementing modern technology and are, in fact, quite happy living the life that they do. Those who want to change should be able to, though. We should provide means for people to advance themselves. However, we must also not force our way of thinking on other people. We should allow them to be happy in their own way.

>> No.1974264

>We should allow them to be happy in their own way as long as they're harmless.
Fixed, sort of.

>> No.1974271
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I agree. Generalized to "as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others to be happy" and I think that we've got it.

>> No.1974280
File: 62 KB, 188x171, 1251317593807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hunter gatherer societies can get more food with less work hours

>> No.1974286


Does that mean whatever you want it to mean?

>> No.1974290

Basically yeah.

>> No.1974295

Id argue that ant colonies are more advanced.

>> No.1974296
File: 164 KB, 500x372, brazil-tribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they don't have Christians, Microsoft and Paris Hilton.

>> No.1974302


>> No.1974317

Considering ant colonies live in a hierarchy with a simple caste system and pretty advanced arcitecture thats not so different from the UK a few hundred years back

>> No.1974323

I don't really care, although I do often wonder what they think about out planes and such.

>> No.1974336

I would have to say that they are better because they don't have all the facebook, myspace, and twitter faggotry, used to perpetuate this cult of me

>> No.1974350

Who owns their land? The tribe or the country they're inside?

>> No.1974363


>> No.1974371
File: 60 KB, 500x332, native.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In and of themselves they are just as well off if not better than modern societies.
I mean, they live, experience happiness and sadness and then die. Same thing we do.

The problem for them is that others can and have exploited them and fucked up their society. Basically they can't defend themselves as well.

And the absurd idea that we should help them by giving them our technology I think is usually a horrible idea. This has happened many times where we want to exploit there resources so we give them shit. Usually turns out badly.

>> No.1974396


Might makes right, though. At least, that's how history usually plays out.

>> No.1974405

I wasn't saying it was right or wrong, i was just saying that that is what puts them at a disadvantage.

>> No.1974415

they are just evidence of how unorganized, detached, and alien we can sometimes perceive our selves as a species.

>> No.1974420
File: 17 KB, 321x375, 1251488814114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw civilization and the state turn out to be passing fancies and we enter the biological age as mighty trans-humans

>> No.1974429

I think that they are probably living sustainably in their environment and that's something that we are yet to implement.

>> No.1974430

I don't feel that way at all about homo-sapiens. Everyone is my bro.

>> No.1974434

Who owns their land? The tribe or the country they're inside?
Their insides own their land and their tribe owns their country.

>> No.1974447

You guys may not be the best. Some of you may be short or fat or weak or antisocial, but you know what? That doesn't matter. You're sentient and you have the ability to royally fuck over any other living thing on our planet. You have the ability to logically figure out a creature's weakness, construct a battle plan, and forge weapons to kill the son of a bitch that challenged your superiority.

Fuck yes, humanity.

>> No.1974448

Yeah that isn't going to happen for awhile, we are to gay for freedom....

>> No.1974454


>> No.1974463
File: 98 KB, 540x700, Sexy Transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.1974467

I think they need shame.

See fags and niggers.

gays have produced some of the best technology in the world, I feel this is because gays are shamed into ignoring their sexuality and become depressed and introspective, then attempt to learn the sciences because they would get made fun of constantly in civil or service jobs. Plus science allows them to make a difference in the world that would normally be made by having a kid. Plus because they don't have relationships they have more time to spend gaining information and working on their projects. Plus the introspection lets them improve themselves greatly compared to normal straight individuals.

niggers have a high sex drive and spend a good portion of their time looking to fuck, fucking or abandoning their kids. However during the highest period of racism in the U.S. we produced very few true niggers. in fact it was mainly upstanding black citizens produced from shaming them. Since we have loosened this shame to almost nonexistence in the media they have begun to revert.

Same with fags. Truly promiscuous gays who only look for attention and wild sex produce very little and have high entitlement, not only that but their emotions are high and they lack introspection that being ashamed of their actions would bring.

So, to truly advance a civilization or ethnic group we need copious amounts of shame and hatred. Gay marriage and niggers allowed to run rampant would destroy the progress that the shamed versions of fags and niggers produce.

It's a sad fact, but hatred is necessary for galvanizing those people, especially gays, who produce tech marvels from their isolation and self hatred.

>> No.1974469

As the effects of peak energy come into fruition we'll be force to learn to live sustainably. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.1974479
File: 96 KB, 375x500, 1288124814448_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys are your "bros"?

even if you simpathize with them, they wouldnt with you, they wouldnt even understand a lot of things you might say to them with a translator, unless you talk to them in the same level.

>> No.1974487
File: 2 KB, 180x142, dramatica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail.

>> No.1974501

Yes, I don't have to like them but we are a humans. I don't care that they wouldn't understand me. It's their choice. If everyone acted alike it would be boring. Humans are fuck awesome.

>> No.1974521


's not on there.

I think it's hand written.

>> No.1974556

Well, "niggers" and other races I think should have just been left to themselves. We don't have to live side by side with everyone to respect them. Although I think the problem with blacks today is that they feel entitled to things too much.

I really don't see any problem with gays.

>> No.1974570


It's just a comparison.

Gays will become like niggers if the shame for them drops.

Niggers will become upstanding citizens if shame increases.