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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1974110 No.1974110 [Reply] [Original]

melting point of water = 0 C

melting point salt 801 C

melting point salt/water mixture = -20 C

for why?

>> No.1974112


Because Chemistry says so

>> No.1974128

idk but it's useful for preventing roads from freezing over.

>> No.1974135

The salt impedes the freezing.

>> No.1974148

The ions of the salt inhibit the formation of Hydrogen bonding necessary for water to become solid.

>> No.1974151

The presence of salt, or any solute really, makes it more difficult for ice crystals to form. Also the salt isn't melted, it's dissolved.

>> No.1974152

Because saltwater isn't 50-50 salt and water, obviously.

>> No.1974153

although "inhibit" may not have been the best word for me to use in this context...

>> No.1974154

Who the fuck knows dude. Chemistry is an enigma.

>> No.1974156

the melting point is determined by the organization of the molecules, and their respective intermolecular forces, and that's all.

well there are some other factors like pressure and volume, but that's mainly it.

>> No.1974180

As I said, Intermolecular bonding (hydrogen bonds)
They depend on charge, the ions interrupt this.

>> No.1974183

>Also the salt isn't melted, it's dissolved.
please explain diff between something in solution and something melted


acetic acid melts at 16 C

solution of acetica acid in water below and above 16


for why

>> No.1974205

things in solution don't have individual melting points any more

>> No.1974222

I'd much rather be on Minecraft than homework threads, perhaps one more post...

Same reason, except here it's the H-bonding from water interrupting the COOH groups from their own H-bonds.

>lrn2 solutions vs. melting
(I need to lrn2 explaining the same thing)

>> No.1974308


OP here

melting point wood, maybe 1300 C
burns before melts
melting point wood actually infinity

for why?

>> No.1974320


No, wood is mostly carbon and the melting of carbon is around 4500K at around 0.01GPa.

>> No.1974334

noh wood is mostly



mostly hydrogen so melting point of wood actually -259 C


>> No.1974338

So wood is a liquid? Cool.

>> No.1974342


by molecular weight, would is mostly oxygen, so melting point is -219 C

>> No.1974345

wood is a gas at standard conditions for temperature and pressure

>> No.1974349

OP here

what is wood's triple point?

>> No.1974380 [DELETED] 
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9.35 rounds UP to 9.4 to two sig figs

-9.35 rounds UP to -9.5

PS i have a degree in maths

i disagree with the pic related

>> No.1974433


Ignore the trolls. Cellulose breaks down under high temperatures into water, carbon, and carbon monoxide. The only solid component left is carbon.

The triple point of carbon according to wikipedia is at 10.8 ± 0.2 MPa and 4600 ± 300 K

>> No.1974452
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but i am the trolls

and you just tried to tell me the triple point of wood

i win 59 interent points

>> No.1974478


what trolls want you to believe

what is actually happening

LOL I TROL U!!!!1!!1!

>> No.1974484

what is the triple point of troll?