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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1967195 No.1967195 [Reply] [Original]

engineers suck. but at least you're better than psychologists.

>> No.1967231

Spoiler: Most engineers are also mathematicians and physicists out of necessity. A healthy number of them are also chemists.

>> No.1967256


>> No.1967269

OP is a 12 year old who still measures classes like a grade school student

>> No.1967278

Well, he is right in that Psychology is still pretty much a liberal art outside of Neuroscience.

>> No.1967279


no way.

maybe physicist but definitely not mathematicians.

the field of mathematics is hardly related to engineering, pretty much none of my engineering friends give 2 shits about proofs when I was taking freshman calculus with them.

I, as a math major, loved proofs and treated them as the the utmost form of knowledge and truth.

>> No.1967285


Most engineers /think/ they're mathematicians because they have command of some advanced calculus, partial differential equations, and scientific computing.

>> No.1967303


and they think they're physicists because they know F=ma.

biologists over engineers though? i didn't think biologists could even add.

>> No.1967305

Economics never gets any love here, not even to be made fun of ;_;

Oh well, I'm a dual major (in Math) so I can still have some vague sense of superiority.

>> No.1967308

Biology is barely a science, it's just rote memorization.

Engineering has to be better than that :|

>> No.1967310


I don't even see it as superiority any more. Engineers are just different people that concern themselves with a different set of problems than mathematicians.

I find the union closed sets conjecture incredibly fascinating and yet an engineer would look at it immediately dismiss it as worthless in most cases.

>> No.1967316

fags actually responding

>> No.1967319


I think that this is because engineers appreciate math that can actually be used; quite a bit of it is esoteric and impractical in nature.

But then again, a lot of things that are valuable to us now were seen as being irrelevant or needless in the past.

>> No.1967324

i do not understand the hate biology gets

we've given you medicine and agriculture. genetics and biotechnology will change the way we live in coming decades. what more do you spergs want?

>> No.1967327


The vast majority of modern mathematics could probably be termed esoteric and impractical for most purposes. But that's why we have applied mathematicians.

>> No.1967328 [DELETED] 

Are you fucking retarded? Chances are you won't advance shit in your life. you're literally pissing your life away.



You get the most money out of that

>> No.1967331

Are you fucking retarded? Chances are you won't advance shit in your life. you're literally pissing your life away.



You get the most money out of that

>> No.1967332


And every breed of domesticated animal. Including dogs. That alone is MFW

>> No.1967333


That was exactly what I was trying to get at.

>> No.1967335


That's chemistry, physics, and math bro.

>> No.1967341

< engineer
haters gonna hate

>> No.1967345


Because mathematicians and their like don't like making things that directly interact and help the world. They want to stay up in their private little clubs and jerk off to the stuff they can make numbers do without having it being useful.

It is like any other elitist group they are the best, the people they interact with or are associated with are just above the trash that everyone else is.

>> No.1967350


Well while most modern mathematics might be that way, the general fields they can be attributed to have all managed to find their way into practical use. Group theory, topology, real/complex analysis, Banach space theory....

>> No.1967355


Just out of curiosity, have you ever sat down for a conversation with a mathematician or anything? The ones I talk to (PhDs and graduate students) are all very nice people and very personable.

>> No.1967359

>waste of time:


>classes to take on the side:

>> No.1967354 [DELETED] 

>waste of time:


>classes to take on the side:

>> No.1967370

enjoy teaching with your phd in math

>> No.1967372


Yes, I have and they are that.

This is a troll thread and I am propagating it.

>> No.1967374


Psychology classes make for easy electives, this is true!

This is coming from a man with an M.A. in Experimental Psychology.

>> No.1967376

Yeah. I'd like to take psychology though because I'm intellectually curious to see how humans think. Anybody who'd be against psychology is a functioning retard

>> No.1967394

Biology & Psychology = Pre-Med bullshit.

We all know these kinds of people.
Scum of the earth.

>> No.1967486

Biology has


>> No.1967503


physics=how object work

biology=fucking life, how does it work?

engineering=tool+how objects work=lol i can make stuf.

psychology=lets pretend anyoen can understand the concept of human mind and try to create rules, which dont actually fit because theyre individual, oh lets just HURR DURR HERP DERP.

chemistry=the supreme science of creation.

chemistry>physics/biology>Engineering--------------------(5 MILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY)--->psychology.


>> No.1967551

I feel very sorry for your brain, your abusing it so poorly it's not even funny.

>> No.1967562

Geology = All the money

>> No.1967568
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>> No.1967572


>> No.1967573

fucking loser

>> No.1967580

derp derk job?

>> No.1967593

>PHD in Philosophy
>300k starting
>feels good man

>> No.1967643
File: 61 KB, 576x757, Engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1967279 field of mathematics hardly related to engineering...engineering students unconcerned with proofs...freshman calculus...freshman calculus

I'm sorry, I try very hard not to be a dick to people on /sci/, but you either 1. Attend a very poor engineering school 2. Have friends who will make for shitty engineers or 3. Are making sweeping generalizations about the field of engineering based entirely on how your specific 'engineering friends' at your specific university acted during their FRESHMAN year.

Way to go, no really, give yourself a hand, you deserve it.

You strike a resounding chord with the 'different people, different problems' line. Although I hope you interpret your example correctly. A GOOD engineer will recognize the implications of something and remember it in the event it could prove useful, and will therefore never dismiss anything entirely as worthless. Though I, myself, am unfamiliar with the conjecture used in your example so I can't say for certain whether there is some universal or obvious reason why it wouldn't see practical application in hardware construction.

Biology is a fascinating field, with elements and implications that can be manipulated by those willing and able. But Pre-Meds take biology or biology related fields. And everyone hates PreMeds.

>> No.1967662
File: 29 KB, 446x610, engineermass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this statement both ironic and amusing. A++ would read again.

Not quite true. It's not the role of the scientist (or mathematician) to force the relevance of his work. It is the role of an engineer to make the scientist's work relevant. Different people with different roles, different problems.

I'm not sure how you are 'ranking' these 'tiers' of sciences, and why Engineering is even among the sciences to rank. Go back to playing 'Smash Brothers', high schooler.

>> No.1967689

What a joke, physics, biology, chemistry, engineering are all pretty much also experts at math. Just math = fail

>> No.1967708

Undergrad Engineers - Generally not outsanding at math but not inept
Graduate Engineers - pure engineers and ex-Math majors pissed off because they can't get a real fucking job.