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1966498 No.1966498 [Reply] [Original]





Notice how the guy in the thread says the internet goes out of service in 2029. The Singularity is expected to have happened by then.

Need some reassurance please.

Also: the thing he mentioned..letheters. My friend who I showed that to recognized the word from his granddad who claimed he was from the future.

With all the advances in nanotechnology and our understanding of the brain, it is very possible.

It was once said that if time travel were real, we would of noticed time travelers. Well, I think thats because society as a whole hasn't been able to understand species wide consciousness. Until now. Thanks to globalization and the internet, we are so interconnected that it is driving people insane because they cannot handle the idea of social consciousness.

Everything we do affects everything around us. If want society to advance as a whole, we are going to have to establish a world-wide communist state.

Can I have my award yet please?

>> No.1966502

I am tripfag now.

>> No.1966508

Sorry if I don't have proof of this, as most of it comes from my own logical thinking and thoughts.

Live your life by Murphy's Law and you will see how I am correct.

>> No.1966527

Now excuse me. Randroids, assemble.

>> No.1966533

Get back to /x/, you're a retard etc.

>> No.1966562

People who live stressful lives die quicker. Why? Because stress is something that has to go somewhere.

Stress is connected to awareness and thus I am more stressed because I realize how humans operate.

I know, time travel and humans consciousness are unrelated.

HOWEVER: the events I pointed out only prove this.

>> No.1966587


If only that were the case. However, because our well being is influenced by those around us.

Basically, I that event set me off and I understood things far to well.

I know, sounds stupid and silly. That's why I cane here to /sci/, so the nice folks of academia could make me feel nice and stupid.

>> No.1966612

And look how my sentences became uncompromisable just then. I am having a panic attack.

Why? Because I came to the realization that stress is relative to everything. And, being apart of a stress society, that kind of awareness causes me to be more stressed.

The more aware of how things work you are, the more stressed / dehumanized you became.

I need to get rid of of stress, now.

>> No.1966622

>all notions of race and nationality evaporate under a planet wide Technocracy

Fuck yeah. Not that /b/tards know what a technocracy is.

>> No.1966628

This sounds like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

>> No.1966630

smoke weed

>> No.1966640

don't have any atm :(

>> No.1966654

Alright, feeling a bit better now.

I apologize if I sound like a nutcase, I truly do not mean to.

However, if I am right, my situation is caused directly from the inability to predict the future myself (which is happening to everyone atm thanks to technological advancement) along with the knowledge that everyones emotions are just human nature and my awareness is causing me a lot of stress. It is for everyone.

Look at the Tea party and shit. Look how people are going nuts...we are living in increasingly uneasy times as people loose the ability to control themselves.

This event is probably what set me off. But even that proves the reason why I'm so stressed.

>> No.1966668

All the Tea Parties mean is that Fox News is as least as influential as 4chan or, soon, the Daily Show. They can get a bunch of people to walk around outside holding signs. How shocking! Modern-day "protests" are weak.

>> No.1966673


Nope, human faggotry will be translated along with everything. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.1966710
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/sci/ assume we have time travelers in our midsts. What are artifacts and evidence that we can use to positively identify them? How do we comb our historical evidence to see if time travelers have visited from the future?

We have a hypothesis, we need testable predictions and experiments.

>> No.1966720

We can't really, can we? If they are from the future, they appear to be doing it to study civilizations of the past. Civilizations that were not as aware of thus. Because we are detecting their presence now tells me that time travel will become possible soon.

If they are from the future.

>> No.1966731

as us*

>> No.1966836

I realize now: my stress is from looking so far into the future. The farther you look into it, the more stressed you become and your lifspan shortens due to your body's natural aging process.

>> No.1966839


Idk what the fuck you've been smoking, but you're going to die no matter how much you think about the future.

>> No.1966863

Yes you are. And have you noticed, the more you think about events that haven't happened yet, the more you become stressed?

I think this stress may actually be related to this knowledge of Time Travel. The farhther into the future we are focused on, the more stress will happen.

>> No.1966884

No. It's because we are under a suggestion to not think about future events. I don't know why, but we're all born with it now. That's why everything's gone to shit in the past few generations (The Hospital-born).

>> No.1966885

Looking at past paranormal events may be a good place to start.

See that article (check the sources too) His time was after the singularity, Time Travel may very well be possible by then. And he just may have saved humanity at the expense of his own existence.

So let's all assume Time Travel is possible. Because, theoretically, it is. We are just unable to harness that ability at this point.

I found this video to be very enlightening:

>> No.1966891

Why do you think that?

>> No.1966903

Consider a few points. I must admit that I can't think of many experiments to test this, given ethical requirements these days.

Generations ago long projects were kinda routine. Pyramids, dam systems, countrybuilding, huge civic projects, even the moon race - they were the last big projects reaching beyond a few peoples' involvement of a few years.

Hell, these days most of us can't keep a job for more than a decade. It's all temp/short work, and nobody really does anything about it. As mentioned, thinking about the future causes deep worry - even situations that shouldn't be worrying. These indicate a change in much of our slice of humanity, and I don't know what parenting change have been universal for our kind.

>> No.1966924

Well, here is my idea: Over the past 200 years, we have made so much progress that it has been hard for a lot of people to cope with. It creates stress and insanity. And along with technological achievement and enlightenment, we loose sight of our humanity.

We are reaching a point of such global awareness that intervention is NEEDED or our governments and people will kill ourselves. This is why the Singularity is so important. The AI will be that 'divine intervention' and we will finally advance to the next phase of civilization.

Think of our present time as transcendent, and exciting. Live in peace with it and let things flow. It is important to have alone time due to all the stress human society is currently having. Live in the present and you will have an advantage over everyone you know. If that means drugs, I say go for it.

>> No.1966927


I know this is a troll thread but this specific post is entirely untrue. High stress might be linked to heart troubles and the like but..

Stress = motivation. If you are stressed, obviously you have a goal, or you've assumed purpose. Thusly, if you are stressed, you have motivation, if you have motivation then you have a will to live.

>> No.1966939

Oh this isn't a troll thread, but thank you.

Maybe it is that my stress is my motivation. I just need to figure out what my true motivation is.

>> No.1966951

You'll invent time travel. Again.

>> No.1966957


>> No.1966967

Better hurry, though. They're coming.

>> No.1966971

Lol. Everyone should go on 4chan.

>> No.1966977


Alright well sorry to assume you're trolling then.

Either way your thoughts are interesting, but you must remember that fantasy is not a path of change.

If you really feel vehemently about any of these things you're talking about then you need to base your answers to these questions in reality. But you need to understand that you HAVE to remain objective through-out these thought processes. I haven't really read through or hashed out what you're talking about, but it seems to be a baseline concern with the amalgamation of issues affecting life and the future of said life.

You seem particularly concerned with stress. Most would argue that the lifestyle the first world leads is only plagued with superficial stress, and that our needs are met (and they are for the most part). So that is not a basis for change, and you must progress in your thoughts.

Tread these waters without ego, my friend.

>> No.1967024

Thank you for that.

What I'm basically suggesting is kind of spun out of a single event...the thread that happened on /b/

The idea that Time Travel could be possible and that I spoke to a person from the future excited me. Then, as time went on, I have learned to think of this idea rationally. Along the way of course I have, you're right, let my ego take over. And if I am truly going to get to the bottom of what exactly happened, I am going to have to learn more about it and try to prove it wrong.

But let's say Time Travel is possible. The fact that I have become aware of this and starting to piece things together almost proves this, doesn't it? That Time Travel is going to be proven in our lifetime, and the more 'aware' the people of a civilization are, the more they will notice odd, 'paranormal' events.

And I suppose I kind of gooped it together will global conscious and the singularity shit because those ideas are so popular with the people I look up to...intelligent, aware people.

Thank you /sci/, this has been very enlightening. Perhaps I was driven to post here because I subconsciously knew that the people here are so intelligent and I just needed advice.

>> No.1967090

But let's forget all of that non-sene.

/sci/ how does one go about testing this hypothesis? That time travelers do exist and that it could possibly explain a lot of unexplained, 'paranormal' phenomena?

I am truly curious and would finally like to get to the bottom of all of this.

>> No.1967093

>people here are so intelligent
Hah! Good luck though.

>> No.1967097


>> No.1967104

I believe they are, but that's simply my being an optimist.

>> No.1967142




>> No.1967148


>> No.1967217


Is it possible?

>> No.1967287

Bump bump.