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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1966347 No.1966347 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ i need help. can someone basically simplify Cos Sin and Tan? aka basics of finding all sides/angles of a triangle when you know three of them. cheers :)

>> No.1966352

bump..tutoring a chick tomo on this i need it simplified please?

>> No.1966353

soh cah toa

>> No.1966354

sin opposite/hypot
cos adajacent/hypot
tan opposite/adajacent

>> No.1966355
File: 13 KB, 288x335, z4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sin = opposite /hypotenuse.
cos = adjacent/ hypotenuse
tan = opposite/ajacent

is this what you want?
...what else do you want to know?

>> No.1966356

okay..so how does this say help find angles? it confuses me to..all i know is if you have angle, side oppisite it over hypotenuse

>> No.1966359

guess i wasnt to clear. say you have a triangle with all sides labled. how would you find the angles?

>> No.1966360
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...fucking INB4's...how do they work?

>> No.1966362


well if sin(theta) = opp/ hyp then
theta = sin^-1 ( opp/hyp )
so on and so forth in that matter

>> No.1966365

wiki the cosine rule
wiki the sine rule
find angles and/or sides on triangles

>> No.1966366

well SOHCAHTOA only works if it a right angled triangle.

>> No.1966367

your teacher may also call sin^-1 arcsin. they are same thing

>> No.1966368

you're thinking of pythagorean theorem

>> No.1966370

god i hate my math teacher...sits at her desk drinking coffee telling us to do work i have no idea what this shit means

>> No.1966369


>> No.1966374

It's actually cohsahtoa. Don't let /sci/ fool you.

>> No.1966389
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>> No.1966395

You know this is an imageboard? But I guess you <span class="math">\bf{HAVE}[/spoiler] to post the image of that one chick in everything you post...

By the way, I never learned SOH CAH TOA. I first learned about it on /sci/ a month ago. I can't believe people need a mnemonic to remember something that simple.

>> No.1966400

It's important to remember and can save your ass. Righty tighty lefty loosie, bro.

>> No.1966401

meh, it helps people to remember.
aslo, umag.jpg?

>> No.1966407

sucks at math fag here

can anyone explain how a sin or cosine function on a graph works? like y=sin2x?

>> No.1966418

The constant inside the sine, 2 in your example, just makes the variable increase faster. This increases the frequency, which means it goes through it's full cycle faster then, say, sin(x).

>> No.1966428

but how would i graph it on paper? is that even possible or do i have to use a graphing calculator