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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 658x434, Paternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1961007 No.1961007 [Reply] [Original]

So for some reason it is illegal to have a paternity test without the mothers consent.

Since we all know you cant trust a women, how can I test the babies dna myself?

>> No.1961034

if she wont get it tested then its not yours. If she wants you to pay child support, get a lawyer and demand a test.

>> No.1961050

go back to r9k

>> No.1961051
File: 13 KB, 330x346, zFKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since we all know you cant trust a women
nice stereotyping faggot! ...Also *woman* / *'you can't trust women'
...either way...GTFO my /sci/ bitch.

>> No.1961063


no woman, you get off of MY /sci/

you do know moot is gay and wouldn't have much a problem banning every single one of you're kind

>> No.1961064
File: 101 KB, 400x400, 1285618578242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem, feminists?

>> No.1961072





>> No.1961084

>Implying if you fucked two men you wouldn't tell the one with the most money that it was his

Oh women

>> No.1961090

Women have evolved to cheat.

It is why the males mother often has resentment towards the males wife.

>> No.1961091
File: 13 KB, 366x339, z29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a femenist, i'm a humanist. men are equal to women.
no, i doubt MOOT is gay
>banning every single one of you're kind
>my kind
what, women? ban all women? yeh rite! i don't see that happening.

>> No.1961100


There is nothing equal in nature.

Women are just there to reproduce, men can do everything else better.

>> No.1961102

u mad cristina?

>> No.1961105


Who's the blonde whore?

>> No.1961106
File: 14 KB, 290x313, z8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i wouldn't!
first of all, i personally don't even want to get pregnant.
secondly, if i did, i certainly would not lie about it, and i definitely would not choose they guy with the most money. there are far more important things in life.

>> No.1961108
File: 127 KB, 744x614, 1265653635403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you going to cite actual laws or what?

>> No.1961113

OP here

How do I test my babies dna? I have some cotten buds, litmus paper and common house hold chemicals.

Help please

>> No.1961115

did your husband let you use the computer? get back to cleaning those floors.

>> No.1961119

I'm pretty sure this is something you need to send its blood to a lab for.

>> No.1961124

Who is the true enemy?

>> No.1961125

Here's what you do: Take some ammonia and bleach, mix together for a while. Get a syringe, inject it into you baby's heart. (You might want paper towrls to stop any bleeding.) Wait one hour, draw blood, and measure pH. Do the same for yourself. If the pH is equal, you're genetically related.
Protip: Also, ingesting a small amount of mercury beforehand will improve accuracy of test results.

>> No.1961126


>> No.1961131
File: 18 KB, 417x359, z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh yeh you're really funny arn't u? like women can't use computers, yeh?
fuck you! you fucking troll, ive had it with all the "tits of GTFO" "women should be in the kitchen" "make me a sammich, bitch!" etc.
it's not funny, and i am not going to do what you say...ever!

>> No.1961138


Timestamp a pic of you with a manwhich you skank.

>> No.1961141


Why do you retards respond to this troll?

>> No.1961144

check it oldschool style first
just get to know this information about blood and paternity
you might not even need to test the dna
i know for a fact one of my 'brothers' can not be from my father
he has both a and b antigens and my father has type o blood = can't happen ( barring freak situation involving a 'dead in womb' twin having the other antigen but that would involve the mother having ab blood as well)

>> No.1961148


>> No.1961156

just find out your blood type and your wife's blood type.

>> No.1961169

obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.1961197
File: 12 KB, 306x301, z10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i am a troll

...how am I a trolling?? i am dead, fuckin, serious!
w/e i don't care what i think, if you think IM trolling then clearly you are fucking retarded...

>> No.1961202


are you aether?

>> No.1961213

lol that's hilarious. Come and get me tough guy.

>> No.1961215


We give you the benefit of the doubt.

We assume you aren't jaded and stupid enough to make those rediculous arguments, so we assume you are trolling us to watch our reaction.

Well... some of us feel obligated to consider you a troll because some people seem to care about being trolled, so only some of us are actually giving your the benefit.

sage for science

>> No.1961221

no i stopped trolling for a while but its nice to see my fans miss me :)

>> No.1961223
File: 42 KB, 461x371, 1271294639234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>i am dead, fuckin, serious!

You are dead, fuckin, and serious? That's impressive. Most corpses can't even emote, let alone have sex. Then again, I suppose you'd still technically be fucking if someone dug you up and fucked you. Still, impressive on the serious part.

>> No.1961226

>>1961091i'm not a femenist, i'm a humanist. men are equal to women.
>men are equal to woman

bahaahhahahahaahha I'm sorry remind me what percentage of the population are women. Now remind me what percentage of the best people in any field are women. Even traditionally feminine hobbies like crocheting the best people are men.

>> No.1961228



>> No.1961229

Aether meet EK, I think you two will get on.

>> No.1961234

>>1961156just find out your blood type and your wife's blood type.

Actually that's a good idea. You can test the kid's blood type at home. While this won't 100% tell you it's yours, it could show you that it's 100% not yours.

>> No.1961239

If she wants child support you can force a DNA test for her to get it.

>> No.1961238


How do you test a kids blood?

>> No.1961249
File: 10 KB, 278x258, z16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...don't compare me to that asshole, clearly i am not him, he is a tripfag, and he has about 3 accounts at least....maybe more.

>> No.1961251


first result from google you fucking retard.

here's a tip: kill the baby if it's yours. then the stupid genes won't pollute the gene pool.

>> No.1961255

>implying i am dead
...wtf? you fucking idiot, how would i be typing??

>> No.1961263

>implying a namefag isn't the same as a tripfag.
>implying someone who posts a picture of themselves with every post isn't worse than any namefag or tripfag.

>> No.1961264

disregard... i just got it..
we've met...and we do not get on...trust me.

>> No.1961274

i don't post a picture of myself with every post...just some of them..like if the text is in the style of an emotion that you will need my face in order to understand it etc..

...and yeh, you are probably right...the only difference is that i can be impersonated, while a tripfag cannot.

>> No.1961279

timestamp or gtfo troll.

>> No.1961314
File: 14 KB, 445x359, z12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh? i suppose you want 'tits' as well?
how about YOU GTFO, you dickhead.

>> No.1961324

Is there any way you could fix your hair? It's horrible, you look like some sort of offbrand cabbage patch doll.

>> No.1961330


i'd like for her to fix her face. but we both know that's impossible.

>> No.1961333


what? straighten it?
...well i have hair curlers...and i kinda like me with curly hair... u don't like it? ... aww...:(

>> No.1961345

the fuck is wrong with my face??

...oh wait, disregard that, you are a troll.

you probably wish you looked this good.

>> No.1961348


Idiot... well, judging by your capacity for language, I take it that you really are a woman, even if you're not the camwhore in those pictures.

>> No.1961353

you have serious issues.
most dwellers imitate attractive young females on the internet, and that's pretty fucked up.
but you, you my friend, you need help. this bitch is rank.

>> No.1961350

I think it should be required by law to text each child for paternity before it leaves the hospital.

>> No.1961369

>>1961333u don't like it?

It's over the top and I can't stand looking at it. It looks like the way touching fiberglass or chalk dust feels. Tone it down, TOO MUCH CURL.

>> No.1961377

i'm not imitating anyone.
and i'd prefer you to keep your childish bigotted opinions to yourself.

>> No.1961380

It just looks like that because it's falling out from all the meth she does.

>> No.1961385

i don't give a shit what you'd prefer you fucking mong.

fancy a coffee x ?

>> No.1961388
File: 32 KB, 400x331, 1273848467351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really think she looked like a meth addict, just kinda skanky... until I saw this post. Meth addict for sure :/

>> No.1961394
File: 32 KB, 400x300, CSP_WOODSK_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow that dumb bitch gives me wood (pic related)
can she make sammiches too?

>> No.1961399
File: 11 KB, 262x342, z19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you're like the sixth person who wants to go out for coffee....does /sci/ just love coffee?
secondly, i don't plan to meet up with anyone over the internet.
thirdly, if you reply so disrespectfully to me, why would i want to meet up with you anyway?

>> No.1961401

Look at the hair, eyes, cheeks and arms. No question, meth addict.

>> No.1961405


because if you really look like that, you don't have a chance with a guy who'd treat you nicely. so take what you can get, have some coffee with me, i'll put a bag over your head and we'll both get some benefit out of the encounter that night.

>> No.1961406

>>1961399..does /sci/ just love coffee?

Coffee was the development that made scientific progress possible. Yes sci loev coffee.

>> No.1961408

you are stupid as well as ugly as well as a basement dweller imitating some rank gash

>> No.1961412

hey stop chirpsing my gal you chief

>> No.1961414
File: 12 KB, 480x360, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a meth addict.
i don't even like drugs
if that is supposed to be insulting, you fail.

>> No.1961422

You need to eat a sandwich or talk to fit. I didn't think it was possible to have an anorexic looking body and a fat face.

>> No.1961428


she's the female version of pete doherty, somehow simultaneously flabby and emaciated.

>> No.1961429

show tits please

>> No.1961431
File: 12 KB, 500x375, 1287321041076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kinda scitzoid the effect the pics give
with different clothes on and different appearance each time
not hard to imagine they are realtime and she is a psychochic

>> No.1961433


>Ugly attention-seeking whore

Also, I'm tired of seeing these pictures all over /sci/.

>> No.1961437
File: 17 KB, 502x357, z15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a basement dweller. i just like science. and ive helped a few people out on this board.

>> No.1961443


it's very possible

ever seen a 9 year old?

>> No.1961456

good thing you matter

you dont

>> No.1961460

seriously though.. goldilocks?
if you are gonna take a stand on an issue why this one?
do you for a second trust any female with anything that they might want for themselves or might be jealous of you over? especialy anything they can spend, fuck or wear?

>> No.1961462

Cristina uses 4-chan?

Oh my. Your youtube channel is GREAT, but this isn't the place for a sparkling mind like yours.

Don't ask why I'm here, I guess I'm a masochist.

>> No.1961458
File: 10 KB, 348x259, z18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired of seeing these pictures all over /sci/.
get used to it. I'm the 'queen of /sci/' apparently :)

>> No.1961465

I hate that excuse for a women.
Deserves to die.

>> No.1961466

I find the blonde pictures extremely attractive, actually.

>> No.1961467

more like the bitch of /sci/

anyway, show tits now

>> No.1961468

lol at thinking that people are different
women are no different than men

>> No.1961474

>>1961458I'm the 'queen of /sci/' apparently :)

Alan Turing beat you to it decades ago. You're just an ugly troll. Also I don't think you've helped anyone, you just respond to religious trolls.

>> No.1961481

Studies show men to be significantly more trustworthy.

>> No.1961486


>> No.1961489

This will work. It may be somewhat inaccurate, but you will get a general idea, and if the results are vague you should probably get an actual test.

>> No.1961492

Completely not a mastertroll, with a db of pics of a slightly less than average woman.

It's not coincidence she's wearing something different every time, has no timestamps and the only picture including anything related to 4chan was obviously shooped.

Get with it, /sci/.

>> No.1961496


thats because maternal instinct drives women to make decisions that benefit herself or her family above all else. men on the other hand look to help others in order to get laid.

>> No.1961499

Lol women cant science

>> No.1961502
File: 13 KB, 475x347, z14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i avoid troll threads with a passion. and i have really helped people. i was on last night... i helped a couple of gys out with a chemistry problem or 2.

>> No.1961506

>w/e i don't care what i think
I lol'd

>> No.1961518
File: 175 KB, 604x453, Lookatmeumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly bitch is ugly.

>> No.1961523

not all my pics were taken on the same day. i saved them, they are on my hard drive, so i can post them without having to take a new pic every time.
>the only picture including anything related to 4chan was obviously shooped.
it wasn't shooped
...you don't believe?
well, see if i care :)

>> No.1961527

you are wrong there. do you understand why evolution delivered to us two genders? from not long after red algae started it off natural selection has favored this certain biological condition.
not burdened with the task of reproduction men gain tremendously in matters that benefit the individual. the individual thusly strengthened; he then has more to offer back to his mate, offspring, and community.
you are slave to your internal biology in ways that affect your life for the worse, causing instability and chaos that has developed to benifit your offspring moreso than yourself.

>> No.1961529

> it is illegal to have a paternity test without the mothers consent
Or a court order. They're not that hard to get.

>> No.1961536

I solve this problem by only having sex with women I trust.

Works for me - sorry if you can't have your cake and eat it.

>> No.1961542
File: 19 KB, 263x327, troll_thread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no timestamp = troll.

>> No.1961552


You're falling behind already, and the lack of proof is making it worse. Better shift tactics before it's too late, brah. And please respond, I'm enjoying myself quite thoroughly.