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1954282 No.1954282 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, how do we kill off every member of the Baby Boomer generation?

Would it be possible to create a virus that attacks anyone who is the age of 55?

pic unrelated.

>> No.1954283

and make the US even more swarthy?

i think not, faggot

>> No.1954284

wait a few decades

>> No.1954288


I don't think the earth can handle a few more decades of baby boomers.

>> No.1954290

Or we could just wait...

Is it only me or are other people also pissed that they live in the times and the world which makes their lives boring and insignificant?

I mean hell, during the war you could at least get enlisted and go kill some japs or nazis and come back(possibly...) with a load of awesome stories.

Now you can... go to school, then maybe college or university and get a job.


Am I a bad person wishing for some serious shitstorm?

>> No.1954297


no, i wish something would happen too. life is fucking boring. you know what would be cool? ALIEN MOTHERFUCKING INVASION

>> No.1954301

Yeah. Where we're the invading aliens.


>> No.1954305

yes, you are a bad person. I hope you die a painful death

>> No.1954316


Oh, oh well.

But seriously. What can you do today to have an actually exciting life?

Truth be told I don't want to kill people or see people die. I just hate how boring this life has become. I don't know, maybe I should volunteer for Red Cross after I get my degree or something like that and go do something productive in Africa or wherever.

Does the Red Cross still do that?

>> No.1954339

>What can you do today to have an actually exciting life?
do something instead of sitting around thinking about doing something
run a marathon
paint a picture
write a book
learn an instrument
learn a language
build something
DO something

>> No.1954342


I run, I draw, I play 5 instruments, I contribute to open source software and so on.


I want to be a part of something significant.

>> No.1954351

Do something illegal. Pretty fun.

>> No.1954352

join the army

>> No.1954353


Forgive the philosophyfaggotry, I know a lot of you /sci/borgs are blatantly opposed to non-machinated thought and artistic sentiments, but perhaps...

Your problem doesn't lie in finding something exciting to do, it lies in finding what you do exciting.


>> No.1954355

>I play 5 instruments
try actually playing one well

>> No.1954367

Well, right now I'm improving my harmonica play. It was always my favourite instrument. So portable.

I already smoke weed. That's as illegal as I will probably ever get.

Killing people isn't very nice.

Thanks for the advice man, I'll check it out.