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File: 91 KB, 335x454, liberal-media-bias2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1946651 No.1946651 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/ so liberal?


the government is far more corrupt then corporations

>> No.1946660

There is a clear correlation between intelligence and liberalism. It stands to reason that liberalism is the more intelligent choice.

>> No.1946664
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>implying a smart person would be republican

>> No.1946669

We're not liberal; we're all conservatives who like to troll each other.

>> No.1946671

What if I don't trust the government or corporations?

>> No.1946673

Reality has a well known liberal bias.

>> No.1946678


>> No.1946680

we aren't liberal, everyone just confuses conservative with the dumbshit teabaggers

>> No.1946682

I'd like to think that this is the truth.

>> No.1946683

I have a 165 IQ and am a registered Republican. Where's your Stalin now?

>> No.1946684


Implying the government isn't a corporation

>> No.1946685

>implying correlation is causation.

>> No.1946689

All the smartest people in the blue states voted for Bush. The average IQ of those who actually voted for Kerry is around 95.

>> No.1946696

>People who voted for John Kerry are better at identifying word and shape patterns.

>> No.1946697

The government is owned by corporations.

>> No.1946700

I'd say this is true for a good 50% of the cases; as a scientist, myself and most of my colleagues are socially and economically conservative.Being liberal means denying scientific evidence(such as intelligence gap between races, survival of the fittest, among other things).

>> No.1946701

Your source?

>> No.1946710

both are retarded

liberals are just less retarded

>> No.1946712

Ideology is by definition unscientific, i.e. you all suck.

>> No.1946713
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The government is made of politicians that just want to fuck each other.
Corporations want to fuck me. For a profit


>> No.1946716

It should be noted that niggers, beaners, and mixed raced people exclusively vote liberal.Its a known fact that those people are genetically and intellectually inferior.ALL intelligent whites and asians vote republican.

>> No.1946720

Most of /sci/ just jizzes over the Australia Project.

>> No.1946723

Why can't we agree that corporations and the government are evil bastards?

>> No.1946729

Darwin told me in a dream.

>> No.1946732

BAM, here is why I consider myself republican.

>> No.1946734

No. Most corporations are fucking awesome. The government plain sucks.

>> No.1946735

Thats like asking everyone to agree that 2+2=4

its obvious and therefore redundant.

>> No.1946736



>> No.1946740

my iq is 169 and I have 3 phds from harvard and me and all my friends voted for bush so you liberal faggots can go suck obamas black dick lol

enjoy ur obamacession you turds

>> No.1946743

cause they are not

>> No.1946745


>> No.1946747

Nobody with three PhD's types like this.

>> No.1946748

The government has a bigger track record of fucking people over

5. Japanese camps in the 40's
6.Patriot act
7.Making weed ilegal
8.Spanish inquisition
9.every war ever
10.Guantanamo bay
11.109,000 deaths in Iraq

Should i go on?

and no im not a conservative

>> No.1946750
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>recession caused by Regan and Bush
>blame it on the new guy that showed up after the recession was in full swing
>my grill

>> No.1946751
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>> No.1946753

I don't know, or care, what popular scientists think. I do know in the labs in my particular neck of the word, most "scientists" are conservative. The challenge in relaying this to people is they don't understand conservative has nothing to do with the Republican party or the libertarian movement. Most of us end up voting for democrats as a lesser-of-the-evils thing.

>> No.1946756

Liberal and Conservative politicians have been battling to see which can get the most retarded people in office. Recently the conservatives have been winning

>> No.1946760

Yes i agree corporations are better then the government

Small ones are usually AWESOME

like the private space industry


>> No.1946761
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The holocaust didn't happen.

>> No.1946762

Democrats: Tax and Spend


>> No.1946766

Pretty much motivated by popular hate and taking jew money
Yeah okay, but communists are retards.
Corporation puppet
Ideological fuck up, granted.
>5. Japanese camps in the 40's
It was war.
>6.Patriot act
Response to religious extremism
>7.Making weed ilegal
Corporations wanting to outlaw hemp
>8.Spanish inquisition
>9.every war ever
Religion, dick waving, etc.
>10.Guantanamo bay
Response to religious extremism
>11.109,000 deaths in Iraq
Granted again.

Ok, government fucks up, but don't you try to tell me that the current crysis is not a direct influence of corporate lobby on republican leaders like Reagan and Bush.

Then again the US is a de facto corporatocracy, so fuck it

>> No.1946768
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>most "scientists" are conservative

LMAO, sure bro...whatever you say....LMAO

>> No.1946773

How can you not know that this chart is a hoax?

>> No.1946776

Conservative is less government interference in our lives.Smaller government basically.Liberalism is bigger government, more and harsher laws, history revisionism, in addition to being proponents of white guilt and affirmative action.I could never vote for a liberal.It would be like signing my own death warrant.

>> No.1946785

I'm a student.The scientists I've worked with have all been conservative.Popular scientists(whose views reflect those of the liberal media) are not taken seriously by the scientific community.

>> No.1946788

Except that we have all these people running for office claiming to be conservative but wanting to control our lives just as much as the "liberals". If there was a less crazy version of the Libertarian party it'd be nice...

>> No.1946793

Non-USfag here.

How the fuck did you cunts turn the term "liberal" into the exact opposite of liberty?

>> No.1946798

Dude its the corporations there like evil yeeeeaaahhhh

hey man want try my weed? its good shit

now lets play shitty music and fuck

>> No.1946799
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>doenst know the real defintions of political terms

LMAO, you probably think comminism is the same thing as socialism. Stop listening to Glen Beck and TAKE A FUCKING HISTORY OR POLYSCI COURSE FAGGOT!

>> No.1946801


where i live that is the opposite of the meaning

>> No.1946803

Perhaps so but at least the so called "conservative" politicians don't push white guilt and affirmative action or racial quotas like liberals do.

>> No.1946806
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>> No.1946808
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see pic
thats whose responsible

>> No.1946810

this was caused by the retards that voted them in, and the government was also the ones that stopped the nazis

meh, other than being a dick he didnt really do anything that bad, on the other hand there have been loads of other presidents that are really great.

this was the government, fighting the communists, a much more tyrannical government.

>>5. Japanese camps in the 40's
governments vs governments

>>6.Patriot act
good point

>>7.Making weed ilegal
pfffttt, dont do drugs you fucking hippy :P

>>8.Spanish inquisition
once again, good point

>>9.every war ever
these are fought by "the people"

>>10.Guantanamo bay
so they're trying to stop even eviler people, big deal

>> No.1946812
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>What is /sci/ so liberal?
because so-called conservatives - they're not conservative about anything though they're radical reactionaries - are scientifically wrong

>> No.1946818

You are not a scientist.You are a high school student or liberal arts school student, admit it.Every scientist I know is conservative.

>> No.1946827
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I've talked to many people in different parts of the political spectrum and the self-proclaimed conservatives are usually the least receptive to large projects and government funding for SCIENCE,

>> No.1946837

Generally, in the U.S., the people we call "liberals" are social liberals, who support personal freedoms/civil rights (privacy, abortion, gay rights, abolishing the death penalty) but don't care as much about market freedom. They also support increased government spending to help the needy. Neither conservatives or liberals are pro-freedom on every issue.

>> No.1946849
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US Fag here
There are tons of dumb undecuated americunts who dont really know the defintion of political terms. There ignornace is often the result of crazy right-wing goofballs (Beck, teaparty), who dont really know anything about politics or history as well. Its esentially the blind leading the blind.

>> No.1946856

>meh, other than being a dick he didnt really do anything that bad, on the other hand there have been loads of other presidents that are really great.

Hh fucking shut down nasa

if he went with the admisitrator at the time we would have been to mars by 78(using NERVA) and have a moon base by 81

he damned space exploration to mediocrity

>> No.1946862
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>Every scientist I know is conservative.

Troll harder nigger
Hint: A good troll makes up somthing kinda believable, not just nonsense

>> No.1946866

leaving out the gulag

name 1 time a corporation killed 10 million people

>> No.1946885
File: 166 KB, 416x416, nike_child_labor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coporations usually manipulate governments into doing their dirty work. it's less of an extermination so much as they suffer. Of course you're going to jump on me how PROFITS BLAH BLAH NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY, but usually they leave the place they came in a worse condition they found it in if it is in some backwater South American town or something.

>> No.1946886

Here in the US the liberal party is typically lead my jews and has a grossly imbalanced media in favor of them.The liberal democrats typically love to give tax money to niggers and mexicans, support illegal immigration(as well as give tax dollars to illegal immigrants, whom pay no taxes themselves), give free housing to minorities(all off our tax dollars btw), are big proponents of white guilt and interracial copulation, the denial of scientific evidence when it doesn't suit their purposes(for instance they will use science as proof god isnt real, and turn around and deny racial intelligence evidence) among other vile disgusting crap.

>> No.1946900



>> No.1946903
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52% of US scientist are liberal
35% of US scientist are moderate
9% of US scientist are conservative


>> No.1946916

again give an example where a corporation kills 10 million

>> No.1946917 [DELETED] 

I like IBM now.

>> No.1946920
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Uneducated americunt detected. STOP WATCHING FAUX NEWS!!!

>> No.1946924


Wow, this just in, smart people are more liberal. Just watch some interviews with Tea Party supporters, conservatives are fucking stupid.

Are you conservative? Bad news buddy, you're probably a fucking idiot.

>> No.1946927
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Well, technically...

>> No.1946932
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eurotrash detected.You enjoying those sand niggers raping your women and culture?

>> No.1946936

I wouldn't say that. There's a strong statistical correlation, but I know plenty of smart people that are conservative.

Also, every Jew I know supported McCain because of his policies on Israel.

>> No.1946941

Wow. No, really, stop watching Fox News.

>> No.1946958

>Richard Bernstein, writing for The New York Times Book Review, wrote that Black's case "is long and heavily documented, and yet he does not demonstrate that IBM bears some unique or decisive responsibility for the evil that was done."[37] IBM quoted this claim in a March 2002 press release "Addendum to IBM Statement on Nazi-era Book and Lawsuit

and cigarettes?

nobody forces you to smoke

unlike the gulag forces you to die

>> No.1946962
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Nope im from the US, I just choose to educate myself. You should try it sometime.


>> No.1946964
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No seriously, stop watching the daily show/msnbc/cnn.

>> No.1946968

they are contractors for the people that actually pull the trigger

the government

>> No.1946979
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>> No.1946981
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Emotionally charged, buzzword/ad hominem filled rant.Are you on your period? Typical liberal.

>> No.1946987
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>babbys first troll

>> No.1946990

ITT:liberal butthurt reaching critical mass

>> No.1946995

Please reference a study that shows a direct correlation between political views and education or better yet political views and IQ. Any correlation is likely weak at best. The perception that liberalism (in the Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama sense, not the John Locke and Adam Smith sense) is the hallmark of intelligence is a myth that arises from liberals being far more obnoxious and elitist about their level of education.

>> No.1946998
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have fun in your dying party son!

>> No.1947008
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>> No.1947015
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Have fun supporting a party for niggers/mexicunts that's actively trying to commit genocide against the white race.

>> No.1947022
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FAUX news/republican party thread?
I could use a good laugh

>> No.1947023

>derp I can make up crazy shit to attribute to people in the opposing party to draw attention away from how batshit crazy my party is.

>> No.1947024


"if it ain't broke don't fix it"

pygmies in the jungle live just fine, they don't starve, and they don't get things like myopia, acne, and a shitload of other skin conditions common only to the modern world.

By your logic, if we lived like that, it'd be okay.

>> No.1947025

A large majority of /sci/ believes the Democrats are shit too.

>> No.1947031

This is correct

>> No.1947032

The demographics of self-described tea party members and sympathizers is a fairly close match to those of the United States as a whole. Yes, most of them are white. News flash, so is most of America. Alot don't have college degrees or jobs that require one. Big deal. What portion of your H.S. class never graduated college?

>> No.1947034
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Let me guess you are one of those crazy tea baggers.....lol

Racist Lately?

>> No.1947040


are you color blind or some shit

the last guy is a nigger.

>> No.1947045

by you're logic, it wouldn't. They're a shit-ton happier than you or me.

>> No.1947052



>> No.1947062
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>Implying the united states is nothing but dumb uneducated racists.

The Tea Party only really represents some parts of the south. Even if you dont go to colege it doesnt mean you have to be a fucking retard. There are plenty of high school grads with some critical thinking skills (somthing the tea party lacks).

>> No.1947065
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let me guess you're a jew or a white race traitor liberal scumbag?

Promoting genocidal policies(for whites only, naturally) lately?

>> No.1947073
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>less corrupt than the government
>less than 5% of the mortgages that collapsed in 2008 were regulated at all
>bribes and lobbyists
>Bayer knowingly injecting medicine into africans with AIDS infected needles
>corporate corruption in Iraq while business friendly Bush turns a blind eye
I could go on but there's not enough gigabytes on the internet

>> No.1947086

Instead of slinging insults around, explain to me how giving free money to niggers/mexicunts/other minorities, giving marriage rights to fags, basically fucking our country over is beneficial to our country? Those are essentially core liberal policies.

>> No.1947095

lol crappy troll
if that's all you can muster then youre just faking it

>> No.1947096
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both parties are shit (tea party included because their controlled by the republicans anyway) and the real power lies with the bureaucracies and lobbies.

>> No.1947097
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all of these things caused by statism

once violence enters, all bets are off.

>> No.1947103

Are we still talking US politics because I don't see how that relates to the democratic party at all...

>> No.1947109

>giving marriage rights to fags
Is it a detriment?

>> No.1947112
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The lolohaux never happened, deal with it

>> No.1947118

Clearly giving gays the right to marry will destroy us somehow. I don't know what way, but IT WILL! BALLS TOUCHING AND NOBODY TO HANG THEM FOR IT!
Tell me why giving gays the right to marry would destroy our country. Although I can only expect that tired bullshit about "teaching our kids to be gay" that's been disproven time and again as you have no understanding of how sexuality works
Also why are you opposed to giving welfare to poverty stricken minorities and whites, you werent bitching about affirmative action and welfare when whites got all of it to themselves for 200 years

>> No.1947119

Seeing as how male/male is unnatural(no chanced of producing offspring, also the cause of aids, and highly socially unacceptable), yes its a problem.

Now what do you have to say about niggers/mestizos on welfare? I predict you will ignore this one.

>> No.1947132

>Also why are you opposed to giving welfare to poverty stricken minorities,

You do not deserve one single dime you didn't earn.It's morally wrong to give free money to niggers and mexitrash.

>you werent bitching about affirmative action and welfare when whites got all of it to themselves for 200 years

Whites never got "affirmative action" for 200 years you fucking nigger.In case you hadn't noticed this is a white country; if you dont like it you can get the fuck back to africa or mexico or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

>> No.1947134

You clearly know dickall about the tea party. It is not centralized in the south. Its members come from a huge variety of economic, social, and educational strata. The charges of bigotry have never been substantiated. It is a group united by the common belief that everyone should be left the fuck alone.

>> No.1947139

>Seeing as how male/male is unnatural
>also the cause of aids
>and highly socially unacceptable
Dumbfuckistan =/= Earth
>Now what do you have to say about niggers/mestizos on welfare? I predict you will ignore this one.
If I was to run America my foremost goal would be to make it like http://www.marshallbrain.com/manna5.htm
However, the side effect of this is that welfare queens are no longer a burden on the system, since the system would be specifically set up so there's no burden from them on hardworking people.

>> No.1947141

To answer the question that your little picture asked... I'm a "hippy". I didn't vote for obama, though, because I never vote. The only options that voting ever consists of is murderous mother fucking social conservatives who suck the dick of corporations and international banks. Oh, sure, there may be one or two semi-decent members of the human species on stage, but they're not the chosen ones. They're not the ones who are pre-decided to win. Democrat or Republican... Two sides of the same oligarchical coin.

I hope the USA is nuked from head to toe. That's right.

Yeah, we're not all so docile, anymore. Watch out for the hippies, cunt.

>> No.1947142

photo with blue stains comes from a death camp and auschwitz photos clearly show blue stains
fail harder
and watch "Shoah"

>> No.1947146

troll harder

>> No.1947160
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I hope you die a painful death you parasite
>he didn't read the picture, and he doesn't understand evidence.Retard confirmed.

>> No.1947169


No american says that.You are confirmed for a GAY british troll, possibly a paki.

>> No.1947190

I'm American and I say fuck all. Otherwise I agree, the guy is a moron.

>> No.1947195

why are backward-looking know-nothings always so conservative? Where government is corrupt, look for a corporate toady doing the bidding of someone whose interest is his own and not the people's.

>> No.1947217
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So many trolls...

>> No.1947220

why are uninformed, parrot-speaking, intellectually vain, elitist asshats always liberal?

>> No.1947228
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>> No.1947233

replace intellectually vain with pseudo-intellectual and you just described every single liberal.

>> No.1947237
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The enslavement and deaths of millions

>> No.1947244
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Actually, bisexual Australia.

Umad, conservative Christian dumbfuck?

>> No.1947247
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>mfw liberal idiots near me

>> No.1947250

Darwinism at its finest.The weak died serving the strong like they were destined too.Since you're on the /sci/ board you should accept it as a fact of life.

>> No.1947262

You are every wrong and immoral in this world, faggot.I hope you contract aids rather quickly; aids was designed by nature to wipe out the faggots and its doing a helluva job.

Secondly, I'm an atheist., though I fail to see how thats relevant you ignorant dipshit.

>> No.1947271

Oh great, libertarians are now coming out as buttfucking stormtroopers.

>> No.1947277

sage goes in every field. Don't feed the troll.

>> No.1947289

buttmad libtard got absolutely destroyed in argument; proceeds to sage.I can practically see the tears in your eyes.

>> No.1947312

OP here

lol i trol u

>> No.1947332

Because if you had a brain and actually read history you'd know corporations are fucking assholes.
Also the way they manipulate rednecks with "patriotism" is just sad.

>> No.1947371

Because corporations will not fund science
You don't make money with science until AFTER you make the discoveries.
Engineers on the other hand don't give a shit because they use our findings and want less taxes.
Although Obama cutting NASA's budget really pissed me off.

>> No.1947391


>> No.1947409

sage does in every field. Let it die.

>> No.1947420


>> No.1947435
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>> No.1947456



Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1947491

Immoral and wrong = a detriment to humanity

So yes, homosexuality(aka YOU) is wrong.I hope SO bad you contract aids like all the other faggots.

>> No.1947506

> What is /sci/ so liberal?
Reality has a high liberal bias. Science sides with reality.

>> No.1947519

Bullshit.Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.1947561

science is incredibly anti-liberal. It shows women to be different from men for one thing.