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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 680x450, spaceport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1944121 No.1944121 [Reply] [Original]


>A new runway has been completed at the world's first spaceport in a remote region in the US state of New Mexico, pushing space tourism closer to becoming a reality.

>Richard Branson, the British tycoon, opened the 3.2km-long main runway at Spaceport America near the town of Las Cruces on Friday.

>SpaceShipTwo, a six-seat craft scheduled to carry paying customers into sub-orbital space by early 2012, made its maiden flight above the Californian desert in March.

>When it takes off, WhiteKnightTwo will carry SpaceShipTwo to an altitude of around 15km before dropping the smaller spaceship and allowing it to fire up its rocket motor to blast up to the brink of space.

>Once it has reached sub-orbital space, SpaceShipTwo passengers will be able to view the Earth from portholes next to their seats, or unbuckle their seatbelts and float in zero gravity.

>The aircraft - renamed the VSS Enterprise - flew high above the new 60-metre wide runway in tandem with its mothership, WhiteKightTwo or Eve.

>Branson said the company started taking deposits from people wanting to become astronauts in 2005, and has now collected $50m in deposits from more than 380 people willing to pay the $200,000 ticket price.

>> No.1944134

what happens when the terrorists hijack this too?

>> No.1944141
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>first spaceport in US

>> No.1944149

Why the fuck does every spaceship have to name itself after the Enterprise(s)???

>> No.1944155


Al Jazeera reports unbiased world news, and is probably more credible than any American news outlet. Fox and MSNBC always have their own political agenda

>> No.1944172


>> No.1944173

Fuck yeah.

Now if only I had 200 thousand in disposable cash.

>> No.1944176

sandnigger detected

>> No.1944183

dat ticket price

>> No.1944227

Redneck detected. Get the fuck off /sci/.

>> No.1944246

sandnigger lover detected. go fuck yourself

>> No.1944392


>> No.1944401


>> No.1944948

one step closer to interplanetary travel

>> No.1944960


A full 137% of NASA Employees are Star Trek fans.

>> No.1944962

Radical Islamist enabler detected. Its faggots like you that are paving the way to Islamic world domination. Go read the Qu'ran for a change, you'll see how much of a religion of peace it really is.

>> No.1944980


>implying Al-Jazeera doesn't have a political agenda that makes it just as unreliable as Fox News or the Daily Mail

>implying there's a single news source in the world that doesn't have a political agenda

>implying the only news sources with political agendas are the ones you happen to be butthurt about

>> No.1944981

oh piss off Al-Jazeera is probably the best and least partial news network in the world

>> No.1944984

>Al-Jazeera is probably the best and least partial news network in the world
Wow, you really are an idiot.

>> No.1944993
File: 48 KB, 600x750, islam-religion-of-peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1945000

ITT: Mad Bible thumpers

>> No.1945005

Don't worry. They're letting Jews in. Israel will own it in 5 years.

Soon it will be a retarded shitfucking fagfest like all the other news networks.

>> No.1945006

will paypal $100 to the first person who can show me ONE biased article that is on Al Jazeera.

>> No.1945013

>implying it isn't an islamic bearded fagfest

>> No.1945021

Sure thing.

They are saying that we trained them on purpose to do this, when they simply were trained by us because we thought they would be soldiers for us.

I'll take that $100 now.

>> No.1945022

I would think that an Arab news network WOULD be the most unbiased, since it has the least amount of Jewish influence.

>> No.1945034

Al Jazeera is right up there in bias next to Faux News, MSNBC, and Russia Today.

>> No.1945039


They're even more trustworthy than the Christian bible.

>> No.1945062

>>1944155Al Jazeera reports unbiased world news, and is probably more credible than any American news outlet. Fox and MSNBC always have their own political agenda

To be fair, Fox doesn't set the bar very high. I'd sooner trust Pravda than any of the above though.

>> No.1945072

samefag retard

Islam is a religion of peace, not because you posted a picture with a moron who appears to be muslim will change it.
Also, you never read the Qur'an, fuckface

>> No.1945079

>Islam is a religion of peace
>Killed a European cartoon creator for drawing a picture of Mohammed
sure is peaceful in here

>> No.1945095

You can't be more fallacious in logic. Why are you on /sci/ seriously ?

Nobody killed nobody for a cartoon, retard. Theo Van Gogh was killed because of a movie.

There are 1.5 billion of muslims in the world. 1,499,999,999 didn't killed the movie maker. 1 killed him.

So obviously, muslims are peaceful.

>> No.1945104
File: 3 KB, 103x126, 1279501874062s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taliban is Muslim
>Oppression of women
>mfw 1 guy killed the cartoon maker, and another 50 helped out
>mfw protests errytime someone bad mouths them
>mfw you still think it's peaceful
There are plenty of Muslims that are peaceful. However, Islam is a fucking primitive religion. It gives no rights to anyone. Christianity is just as fucked, but Islam is as well.

>> No.1945109

Where's that faggot that promised me $100 if I showed him a biased article? You fucking gave your word you dick mouth. Durka news is very biased against people that aren't durkas.

>> No.1945110

>Mfw an article about space tourism turns into a debate about radical islam

>> No.1945114
File: 48 KB, 350x461, 1287791390836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no cartoon maker in the story, the guy who died was a movie maker and where did you take this story of 50 people helping him ?

>> No.1945119
File: 6 KB, 251x170, 1279589255773s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you didn't post a face

>> No.1945123

>>1945072Islam is a religion of peace

Islam only endorses peace when everyone agrees to submit to Sharia Law. If you don't want to submit to Sharia and pay the Jizya there can be no peace. Personally I'd much prefer war.

>> No.1945128

You're thinking of a different guy than I am. But thanks, now I know that they killed some other poor guy as well.
Fuck your shitty Taliban and sand nigger countries. Have fun living with 18th century technology.

>> No.1945129

fuck off, only 2 muslim countries out of 57 apply sharia, go suck faux news zionist propaganda's dick

>> No.1945130

>>1945095There are 1.5 billion of muslims in the world. 1,499,999,999 didn't killed the movie maker. 1 killed him.

After the first one killed him it wasn't like the rest had much of a chance. That doesn't mean there weren't plenty in line if the first guy failed.

>> No.1945131
File: 44 KB, 173x209, 09827364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you beat me to it

>> No.1945135
File: 576 KB, 1704x756, 1284059764802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, rain monkey

you got told, nobody was killed for a cartoon, retard

and ask your sister if she enjoy being sodomised by a nigger

>> No.1945139

He most certainly did get killed over a cartoon. Can't remember the guys name, but someone made a cartoon with Mohammed and they killed him. Also, they won't let you do shit with Mohammed. They just whine and complain and threaten people with terrorism until they get their way. Sounds peaceful, doesn't it?

>> No.1945140

source or it didn't happen

>> No.1945143

>Arab Muslim
>master race
>hasn't invented a single thing in almost 1000 years
>doesn't produce anything, lives off oil revenues, oil rigs operated by Americans and Brits
>women wear tents
>burns witches

I'm sorry... what?

>> No.1945145

Sure thing, give me a second.

>> No.1945147

Well after all nobody should have a right to insult their magical sky daddy.

>> No.1945153

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward."

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Sure is a peaceful book.

>> No.1945154

While looking for the story I was telling you about, I found this as well.


Death threats. For posting Mohammed. They just love to whine, don't they?

>> No.1945157


That what you're looking for? You Europeans are a bunch of faggots with your panic rooms. If that sandnigger tried that in America he'd leave in a bag.

>> No.1945158

I weep for this thread it could have turned at so good

>> No.1945161

In addition to those death threats, 139 people were killed and 829 injured due to protests

>> No.1945168

Maybe if OP didn't use some sandnigger Durka news site like Al Jazeera this wouldn't have happened. Now we have to show some faggot sandnigger why Islam is a violent religion and why sandniggers are retarded.

>> No.1945173
File: 71 KB, 487x600, 1275162833412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burn witches

what indeed ?

And white man :

>invented faggotry
>invented racism
>invented coprophila
>invented segregation
>invented killing of natives
>invented gay prides
>fucks exhaust pipes
>uses a japanes basied imageboard
>uses jewish relativity theory
>uses arabic algebra
>is going to be the puppet of chinese superpower


>> No.1945174

At least it wasn't from The Christian Science Monitor.

>> No.1945178
File: 32 KB, 450x600, 1272817887361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody was killed for the cartoon, nigger

I was right and you was wrong.


>> No.1945180

>OP posts interesting science related news article
>butthurt retards cause thread to devolve into religious bullshit
>thread successfully derailed
every goddamn time

>> No.1945186

>Burning and cutting off heads of homosexuals
>stoning of women
>Killing people for oil
>Being lazy as fuck and wiping their shit with their hands
>Cutting off the heads of people that insult them
>Whining like a bitch when they don't get their way
>Whining like a bitch when civilized countries won't let them buy nuclear warheads
>Whining like a bitch when someone does anything they don't like
>Whining like a bitch and then starting protests that result in hundreds of deaths
>steam engine
>the entire modern age

>> No.1945189
File: 42 KB, 500x400, religionofpeace-500x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

>> No.1945193

Yes, they were. Did you read the article I posted? A journal decided to post a few comics of Muhammed, which led to protests by whiny sand niggers, which led to 139 people dying.

>> No.1945196
File: 46 KB, 370x310, keep on trollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, >>1944141, >>1944176 here. Very pleased with how this thread is turning out. Maybe next time, you will take 2 minutes to find a proper link before reposting news stories.

Now back to fighting among yourselves, children.

>> No.1945197

Wow, you are a BAD troll.

>> No.1945200


i am disappoint

>> No.1945221

Not samefag. I love it when Al Jazeera interviews the opposition politicians in my country. (Singapore)They are one of the few media outlets who gives voice to the weak.

>> No.1945222
File: 116 KB, 640x480, 1272833998438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arabs :

>enslaved 2 millions of europeans
>Burn and cut off heads of homosexuals : i'm ok with this.
>stoning of women : before being a muslim punishment, it was a christian one, lrn2history
>Killing people for oil ; you mean YOU : because 9/11 it was Iraq
>Fuck animals and prtend to be civilised.

>mechanic pump
>scientific method
>the entire middle age scientific advances

>> No.1945232

This might be the subtlest troll I have ever seen. Impressive OP

>> No.1945233
File: 43 KB, 208x199, 1280099992707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire middle age science discoveries
I don't think so, Tim.
>mfw Greeks invented pretty much all of math
>mfw all middle age discoveries pretty much came from middle Europe.
>mfw Whites invented all the advancements from then on
>mfw your sand niggers could have been great, but all scientific advancement stopped once Islam took over

>> No.1945235

Lol, I live in a muslim cuntry, I love it how the fuckers go to yurop or murka and then rage hard about how "omg only paper everywhere, cant play with my shit every time QQ"

>> No.1945236

India, China and Greece.


>> No.1945241

>>1945233 your sand niggers could have been great, but all scientific advancement stopped once Islam took over

The combination of greek rationalism and Indian science would have been pretty good if Islamic theologians in the 10th century didn't decide that reason is damaging to faith and to persecute anyone that advocates reason.

>> No.1945242
File: 19 KB, 456x297, staring ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>singles calling triples troll

>> No.1945247

you are a nig nog, Islam appeared before scientific advancement which appears to have been made by muslims.

You're a bad troll and kill yourself.

Notice the title of this wiki page.


>> No.1945249


>> No.1945250
File: 36 KB, 280x289, Derail_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.1945256

>He thinks the Greeks, Byzantines, Parthians, and Indians were Arabs


>> No.1945258

O rly?
then why is it all scientific advancement halted in your sand nigger countries after Islam finally took over the government?

>> No.1945260


>> No.1945263
File: 52 KB, 447x376, 1267687715134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I was really excited about hearing we had a spaceport now.

Then you guys had to bring religion into this.

Goddamnit religion, stop fucking things up.

Just keep your mouths shut about religion.

This is /sci/, we should be talking about advancements in science and other exciting new things.

Feels bad man...

>> No.1945264

>>1945247 Islam appeared before scientific advancement

Islam was around in the 3rd century BC? The more you know!

>> No.1945270
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1276280251796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about people flaming religion in thread
>flame religion in thread
delicious stupidfag rage

>> No.1945274

Islamic leaders want enough math and science to follow the Quran's retarded laws exactly (hurr durr which was is Mecca) but any more than that would be dangerous.

>> No.1945275

wtf did you dared at least reading the first sentence in the link I posted ?

>> No.1945278
File: 31 KB, 413x599, 413px-Delta_II_Dawn_liftoff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1945282
File: 44 KB, 749x582, 1287885024913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like someone's mad

>> No.1945290

If only moot made a religion board. We'd be even slower than /an/!

>> No.1945298

Oh, so you want to bring up ugly women? It's amazing that 99% of all the female models and porn stars are white. What do your women look like? That's right, you aren't allowed to see them. The ones you can see are fat, hairy, and bruised because they were beaten for taking off their cloths.

>> No.1945308

you're a retarded white racist, and it was a pleasure to troll you

And wtf are you doing on /sci/, people like you are too dumb for this shit.

now, this, just THIS, because i don't want to waste my time


>> No.1945323

I'm not racist, and wait wat

Have you seriously been trolling me?

>> No.1945333

PROTIP: We have all been trolling you.

>> No.1945429
File: 43 KB, 426x282, suicide1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only /sci/ could take a science thread and turn it into not science

>> No.1945732


>> No.1945774

>mfw one of these space tourism crafts ends up burning and crashing, killing several people, effectively halting space tourism for several centuries

>> No.1945778


Maybe in the overregulated USA, but other countries will still do it.

>> No.1945779

This is not even a step towards orbital flight. The system is an order of magnitude underengineered for that. This is merely the world's most expensive roller coaster ride. At most it is a step towards suborbital intercontinental transport (which is still pretty cool).

>> No.1945785
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>> No.1945800
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>> No.1945815

>200,000$ ticket price
Well fuck. Excitement gone.

>> No.1945864

A bit late, and I'm not the 100$ guy but:

Nowhere in the article does it day that. It says the founders of Zeta were trained at Ft. Bragg and they later defected from the Mexican army. The article further speculates that they defected because of low salaries they got in the army.
How you manage to turn that into: "They are saying that we trained them on purpose to do this" is beyond me.

Sage for shitty troll thread.

>> No.1945873


>troll thread
>OP posted pure science

>> No.1945937

Obviously space travel is still going to be expensive, but if it becomes popular or has a higher demand it could come down in years to come. It'll probably be a very long time considering the lack of demand for everyday space travel. In the meantime, save up as much money as you can and maybe you can go on a flight in 50 years.

On the other hand, I've been reading about how it's gotten pretty cheap to send up your own satellites. If anyone's eager to do something space related, there are a few DIY projects in the latest Make.

>> No.1945988

Hey now guys, the thread was just fixing itself up. Lets cut this religion bullshit and get back to that spaceflight topic...

Holy fucksters its awesome, hopefully it'll go down in price in a decade or so ):

>> No.1946017
File: 141 KB, 640x480, iss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Al Jezeera reporting on spaceport.
You know this is gonna happen.

>> No.1946042

This isn't spaceflight.

This is a suborbital joyride for 200,000 smackers.

Commercial spaceflight will be done by the likes of Elon Musk and SpaceX, not Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic.

>> No.1946058

what have the muslims/arabs done for science in the last 300-500 years?

they get more primitive every fucking year.

by the end of the century they are going to move into caves.

>> No.1946128
File: 132 KB, 810x506, orbital_station_N128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but it's the closest thing to space flight that non-astronauts can get. So far it seems like it's just near-space tourism, but if they grow this business enough they can actually get regular flights past sub-orbital space and then they'll have to make orbital space colonies so there's something to do other than just look out into space. :D

I can dream.

>> No.1946300

Bumping for science