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1932901 No.1932901 [Reply] [Original]

If the mean IQ in the general population is 100 (let's assume sd 15), what is the mean IQ for students in ivy league universities?
How many standard deviations above the mean should their mean IQ be?

>> No.1932903

2 Standard Deviations higher is roughly good enough for an elite university

>> No.1932912

Wow, really? So I was just a lazy cunt, not stupid.

>> No.1932915

That is for overall. If you wanted to do science or math, you should be a higher than that.

>> No.1932919

average isn't 100

is 97 in the US because of non-Europeans

is 103-105 in a few European countries

>> No.1932922

Cool story. But 105 will still get your ass handed painfully back to you at any one of those schools.

>> No.1932924

I'm 2.33 standard deviations away. This makes me feel pretty bad.

>> No.1932930

Meh. 135 is probably okay for those subjects if you don't mind busting your ass (9+ hours a day 7 days a week) for B's and maybe C's, depending on the school and program.

>> No.1932932


You should probably stick to engineering or a soft science.

>> No.1932937

Heh. I don't have much of a work ethic. If only I'd actually tried in school. Fuck me.

>> No.1932938

>implying engineering is easier than science at good schools

>> No.1932939

Of course it is.

>> No.1932945

The difference isn't that great. Anyway, I'd advise OP to go into a slightly less prestigious school and do the subject they want to.

>> No.1932950

There is nothing you can't do with a 130.
Deal with it.
Fucking elitist bastards.

>> No.1932955

>Implying a 1 in 50 person is the same as a 1 in 500 person.

>> No.1932957

130 is good enough for a PhD in the soft sciences

135 is good enough for a PhD in the hard sciences (math, physics, etc.) but your thesis is going to suck

you need a 145+ intellect to contribute original things on your own

>> No.1932963

This isn't the case with IQ, I know, but in some cases the differences at higher levels can be much lower.

>> No.1932968

i have an IQ of 119....
i love physics, math and philosophy, and is studying them at an gymnasium in denmark.

Physics A
Math A
Philosophy C

would i get my ass handed, if i choose to study physics or math at an university?

>> No.1932969


if ten 100 IQ people could perfectly sync their minds, they could have the computational power (not creativity or anything else that makes a person "intelligent" or a "genius) of 1 person of IQ 126

>> No.1932974


depends. Don't consider IQ as something deterministic, it's an imperfect measure of reasoning ability. A much better test of your intellect is to see what the most difficult thing you've *mastered* is. Mastering Euclidean geometry, for instance, likely requires a 126-130 IQ.

>> No.1932977

Depends on where. So at a respectable state university in the US, you'd be quite successful. At a top 20 school, you would probably struggle. Top 5, you'd not do well.

>> No.1932978

>implying IQ measures intelligence

>> No.1932981

well im still at first year, just learning functions and thermodynamics... so i don't think that test would be consistent and/or legit :)

you saved my day! well im thinking of AUC or RUC, don't know how respected they are, but i know that the average IQ in one of the physics-classes at AUC is 129 <_<

>> No.1932982


between 70-130, it has a strong correlation with educational and career achievement

>> No.1932994

and past 130?

>> No.1933001


past 130 it's better to take a high-end test that isn't designed for the majority of people

many people over a certain intelligence do poorly on some normal tests because they see legitimate answers that aren't officially accepted, or think in a divergent manner that isn't measured...really intelligent people usually don't answer with the first thing that comes to mind, like normal people do

but 130+ still has patterned implications, its just less measurable and reliable because higher-end intelligence is harder to measure

which is why I prefer to measure intelligence by the hardest thing that someone has conquered or created

>> No.1933003

>a strong correlation

The problems with IQ testing are twofold.

The first is purely theoretical. We have no universally agreed upon definition of intelligence, thus, it is at the least slightly problematic to say that it is a thing to begin with, and--further--a thing that we can measure like temperature.

The second is purely statistical. Put most simply, correlations explain g, the general factor of intelligence, not the other way around. This is especially disturbing if one understands exactly what factor analysis is and how it works, as it is really the main pillar of support that holds up psychometry in the modern day.

A relevant paper from the journal "Philosophy of Science":

>> No.1933004

It's good for online e-peen competitions for sad virgins.

>> No.1933006

and how do you measure which is the hardest?
there are some obvious flaws with that method...

if i have a IQ of over 130, but is 16 and still going to school, and is just learning to comprehend basic physics, i will score very low in such a test... but a person with a bachelor in physics would score much higher, without necersarily being smarter....

>> No.1933008


I already called it an imperfect measure

I already stated that my method of measuring intelligence is more objective

You seem to be of the assumption that I am a person that concludes that a score is absolute, and that I am person scoring 137 on some test is brighter than someone who scores 133

>> No.1933010

>but i know that the average IQ in one of the physics-classes at AUC is 129 <_<
How can you possibly know that?

>> No.1933011


then I guess you should learn something difficult, huh

my testing method makes a lot more sense for adults

>> No.1933012

So how would you do that? Mastery is a subjective term. I could say I conquered multi-variable calculus, because I got an A in the course. But the more I learn about something, the less I feel I have conquered something. The list of conquests I have now feels shorter than it ever has.

>> No.1933017


I would consider 'mastery' to be the degree to which you can create within a topic on your own. Such as asking you to derive Stokes Theorem from a particular equation, or (harder) to try to calculate a three body problem somewhat accurately

>> No.1933019

>You seem to be of the assumption that I am a person that concludes that a score is absolute, and that I am person scoring 137 on some test is brighter than someone who scores 133
No, not really. But in any case, why even claim that it is measuring anything useful at all at that point?

>I already stated that my method of measuring intelligence is more objective
I can't really say if it's more or less objective than an IQ test, but I'd definitely say your method in and of itself isn't objective.

Granted, this could be helped a good deal if you gave a theory of intelligence to go along with it.

>> No.1933021

my best friend is studying there, and the hole class took the test...

>> No.1933022
File: 67 KB, 540x761, 1157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ measures the ability to logically solve problems. Having 130+ and not being able to play the guitar just says your eye prescription is some where close to -10.00 and your face is probably so oiled up from not washing it, you can grease a rear differential axle by punching your face with it.

And if anybody wants to raise their IQ's just look for reading enhancements like eyeQ or AceReader to improve comprehension and minimize reading time. Also at the same time play brain teasers to target certain problem solving abilities.

Good luck getting laid with those programs!

>> No.1933023


>> No.1933024

I have an IQ of 153.
I am currently in university, with a 4.0GPA.
I am Math/physics double major.
I am not the smartest in my class.
I do all of the assignments.
I study copiously.
Hard work is the reason for my continued success, not IQ.
Only a fool will think that IQ is any kind of determinate.

>> No.1933027

University or it didn't happen.

>> No.1933029


intelligence: evolutionary sum of cognitive ability

genius: the high end of creativity

the three cognitive spectrums: intelligence, creativity, associative horizon



also the Einstein quote is sad, considering that he stole relativity from Poincare. talk about 'hiding your sources', he didn't even cite all of the ideas that Poincare and the others had

>> No.1933030

Obviously some autistic fuck.

>> No.1933031

>Transcript or it didn't happen

>> No.1933037

>ignoring sensible advice, focus on irrelevances.
Also he sounds more Asspie.

>> No.1933049

That's not really a theory of intelligence, nor--as I'm guessing what you're shooting for--a theory of cognition. I mean, I'm not really expecting you to write a book here, it is 4chan after all, but still--you're gonna have to define your terms.

At the least what you mean by "evolutionary," as I get the feeling it's not "evolutionary" in the "modern evolutionary synthesis" sense; and what you mean by "cognitive ability," because without defining that, you're talking about I-don't-even-know-what.

>> No.1933054

Oh hai.
Fill my pedantic whore mouth with cocks!
also, I<3buzzwords

>> No.1933060

ITT: Misapplications of IQ results.

>> No.1933074

Do you have any insight of your own, or do you just blindly follow everything that Cooijmans says?

>> No.1933104

Lemme ask you all the most basic question.
What KIND of IQ test are you takling about?
Fluid or crystallized?
Crystallized is mostly based on popular knowledge = very VERY inaccurate.
Fluid is pure,doesnt need knowledge just see the differences,patterns,correlations between images etc.

Fluid compared to crystallized is much more reliable.
And note that even so, IQ tests are very inaccurate by their nature,for many reasons.

Here is one fluid.

Its kinda short so if score low or high dont get your hopes up or down.

>> No.1933138


I disagree with him on many things. But I agree with his model, for the most part.

>> No.1933147

This is all bullshit.

>> No.1933152

The man has a 190+ IQ and listens to Lady Gaga.
What the hell?

>> No.1933154


he isn't 190+, probably about 170

he's only in Giga as the organizer/etc.

>> No.1933180


>> No.1933188


Idk. It's not like she's a nigger. He also composes for guitar and <3s Bach.

>> No.1933241

if you have an high IQ you don't necessarily believe everything you're taught is true
just because you can memorize a lot of bullshit does not automatically mean you must have a high IQ

>> No.1933264

> if you have an high IQ you don't necessarily believe everything you're taught is true

true, though sometime its easier to accept what you've been taught and told, example: leftists

> just because you can memorize a lot of bullshit does not automatically mean you must have a high IQ

true, IQ is largely reasoning, and memory doesn't help you reason to any great degree

>> No.1933483

"People who boast about their IQ are losers" - Stephen Hawking

>> No.1933497


>mfw when there are lots of people smarter than Hawking

>> No.1933500

Didn't say there aren't. He's still got a pretty good handle on things I'd reckon.

>> No.1933514

for ivy league it is more important to have your income be a few sigmas above the mean instead of your IQ. They like to have students and parents who can donate money

>> No.1933520

He does, indeed, have a very good handle on things, anyone who says otherwise (without excess clarification) is trying to show off.

>> No.1933521

Being a pretty good handle on things when one wishes to be the be-all-end-all arguments about IQs isn't enough, I'd reckon.

>> No.1933524

>implying that there is a correlation between IQ and leftist views.

[citation needed]

>> No.1933529

No such citation exists.
Leftists are idiots.
Case in point: attitude towards niggers.
Case has been rested.

>> No.1933531

lmfao, there's a clear correlation between higher intelligence and less religiousness. There's also a correlation between higher intelligence and more liberal / unique views. Mostly because people with higher intelligences are more likely to think for themselves about things, and not accept blindly what they assume to be the truth.

>> No.1933539


The same man who took a Mensa test as fast as he could to make sure he didn't lose his genius after he fell and hit his head that one time.

Stephen Hawking is a faggot. A brilliant faggot, but a faggot nonetheless.

>> No.1933543

Who the fuck talked about religion or unique views?
I'm talking about leftists.

>> No.1933547

meh, im going to college to major in mathematical physics, and i strongly hate both the religious and the anti-religious, and both liberals and conservatives

>> No.1933551


>There's also a correlation between higher intelligence and more liberal views.

[citation needed]

Also, if that was true then the reverse would be true in China/Russia so that the geniuses there would be capitalist.

>> No.1933553

I hate indecisive people.

>> No.1933555


>implying American liberalism/republicanism are the only political ideologies.

You do realize that American politics is a very small window in the whole political spectrum, right?

>> No.1933556

> implying liberals can't support capitalism
Stiglitz? Krugman? Ever heard of them?

>> No.1933559


There you are, from the American Socialogical Association.

>> No.1933563

its not being indecisive... i make decisions on all political aspects... i just hate people who join idealogical parties to make them for them ie; (I,m just going to vote for him because I'm a Republican/Democrat)

>> No.1933575

Voting for someone because they're a democrat seems rational to me. But then, I tend to think like an economist, so I would say something like that.

>> No.1933581



>In the current study, Kanazawa argues that humans are evolutionarily designed to be conservative, caring mostly about their family and friends, and being liberal, caring about an indefinite number of genetically unrelated strangers they never meet or interact with, is evolutionarily novel. So more intelligent children may be more likely to grow up to be liberals.

They had a strange definition of "liberal" which basically excludes right-wing views, and could include far-left ones.

Either way, a mixed economy clearly works best (and in retardia (america) that would be considered "left"). Only an idiot or someone completely unable to think for themselves and brainwashed by cold-war propaganda could think otherwise.

>> No.1933584


liberalism != left

I'm talking about in Communist countries, according to your theory, that the geniuses their must be capitalists.

Liberalism is pretty capitalist. Bill Clinton was probably the most capitalist president we've ever had.

>> No.1933586

I'm not an amerifag, but aren't some of the Ivy universities more intellectually selective in their students than others?

I would expect Harvard to have a more intellectually and academically gifted undergrad student body than Columbia or Cornell.

also lol at the delusional morons ITT who think that IQ tests are not in general a decent measure of intelligence.

If you took a hundred people who scored 130 on their IQ tests and pitted them against 100 people who scored 80 on their IQ tests and had them each perform a series of mental challenges and puzzles, there is no way that the group with IQs of 80 would ever win.

>> No.1933588

At this point, it's like voting for someone because they're Christian. The term Democrat has become so diluted in meaning that when one calls one's self a democrat, I have no idea what they stand for, other than being to the left of the far, far right republicans, which helps very, very little.

It's a virtually meaningless moniker that few Democrat politicians truthfully adhere to.

>> No.1933591

It wasn't my logic, but even if it were, I don't see how the post you responded to implied what you're saying it does, except possibly by deliberate equivocation.

>> No.1933592

> i don't know the difference between liberalism and leftism


>> No.1933596

Democrats, broadly, since Clinton, support paying our government's bills (higher taxes), support people so that the market can function (health care, welfare, unemployment), support people so that democracy can function (education), and believe the purpose of an economy is to serve its agents (regulation). They may, internally, disagree on the best means to accomplish these various goals, but that's why it's their job to convince each other, and why it is my job to do something else besides engage in politics.

Yay specialization.

>> No.1933597

No, I really don't, and I don't think most of the politicians in America seem to either, it seems as though it's a vacuous word that's tossed around for fun and votes.

Then again, America's politics are fucking idiotic: 'leftism' and 'rightism', very bi-polar.

>> No.1933598


Okay. I just think you and I have a different view of liberalism. You view liberalism as political ideologies that have less government control over daily life, and that can stretch anywhere from ultra-liberalism and egotist-libertarian to international-communism and socialist-libertarian.

I view liberalism as only going as far left as capital democratism and progressive-ism.

we're just getting confused on definitions.

>> No.1933600

anyone else notice that the study assumes we are evolving to become more intelligent. This is a fallacy perpetuated by antievolutionists. Natural selection does not select for intelligence (or any other trait for that matter) it selects against traits that hinder reproduction. In modern society, being a moron does not really affect your ability to reproduce.

>> No.1933602

but welfare and free healthcare dont help anybody... it makes the idea of being a mooch so much more enticing... its like persuading the american people to not do shit... i say all that money gets put into making sure every child goes to college, then they can make their own money by helping the economy not hurting it

>> No.1933606

Fucking bullshit, most well-known tests such as Ravens, Binet, etc. measure it at 102 and lower. Germany and Italy are the only higher scoring countries(even then, Italy is suspicious).

The only countries I've seen with 105+ range are East Asian countries.

>> No.1933608

I'm sorry, it doesn't seem that the definition of liberalism was the problem. The original post you indicated pointed out that more intelligent people were likely to be liberals. You suggested, in my view in error, that this implied communist intelligensia should be capitalists.

I don't see how that follows. The link under discussion indicated that more intelligent people broke with a narrow, evolutionary view of caring only for close associates, instead caring about more people. It's not obvious that there is anything which requires a specific form of economic organization here.

>> No.1933610


This post is so childish and the poster lacks any understanding of how economics or "the real world" works.

>> No.1933612

ivy league schools have a more intellectually and academically gifted faculty because their gobs of funding attract the best practitioners in a given discipline, but that has little to do with the quality of students that get accepted.

>> No.1933621


I was commenting on this part* of the original post in question

*Mostly because people with higher intelligences are more likely to think for themselves about things, and not accept blindly what they assume to be the truth.

This means that higher intelligent people are more prone to going against the grain. So I inferred from the statement that in opposite land (russia/china) the geniuses must be more capitalist leaning.

>> No.1933625

I think person who wants to master physics,geo or maths need to +130 and knowledge

>> No.1933632

>implying Krugman is a capitalist and not a Keynesian asshole

>> No.1933636

lol... then enlighten me... tell me why welfare is any different than being retarded and a burden of the state

>> No.1933640

I'm retarded and on wellfare, yet I can tell you, it's not the same thing
open a dictionary, bro

>> No.1933642


>I think person who wants to master physics,geo or maths need to +130 and knowledge

I scored 120 in an iq test. I also did the DATs and got 99th percentile in numerical ability (and i never did work in school and came out with a C in maths so it's not because i knew lots of maths :D).

I'm pretty confident that being in the top 1% i could have mastered maths if i wanted to.

>> No.1933644

Show me a nobel prize-winning economist (in economics) that isn't a capitalist.

>> No.1933648

lol... nvm, i got meta-trolled

>> No.1933651


>> No.1933657

> derpppppppppp

>> No.1933670

ITT: people who actually believe there is practical difference between liberals and conservatives.

>> No.1933676

sheeple, sheeple everywhere

why do i try to help you?


>> No.1933678
File: 88 KB, 750x563, miseslol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related it's two ACTUAL liberals laughing at your stupidity.

Myrdal, shared his prize with Hayek. Oh the irony.

>> No.1933699

> Hayek
Great economist.

> The libertarian economist Walter Block has observed critically that while The Road to Serfdom is "a war cry against central planning," it appears to include a lukewarm support for a free market system and laissez-faire capitalism,[19] with Hayek even going so far as to say that "probably nothing has done so much harm to the liberal cause as the wooden insistence of some liberals on certain rules of thumb, above all of the principle of laissez-faire capitalism".[20] In the book, Hayek writes that the government has a role to play in the economy through the monetary system, work-hours regulation, and institutions for the flow of proper information.

I couldn't agree more.

>> No.1933700


those are the jewiest jews i've ever seen

>> No.1933706

Mises is much better than Hayek. The Road to Serfdom is a very boring book.

>> No.1933708
File: 9 KB, 119x150, YoungRothbard-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mises was Jewish (and had to flee the nazis because of it; being very anti-nazi didn't help) but Hayek wasn't as far as I know. Pic related it's another Jew.

>> No.1933786

IQ is very decent when we are talking about big differences like 20 and beyond points.No questionable that it has numerous holes but it still usable for statistics.

I consider liberals bit better because most ppl now have close foreign ancestry.
But also liberalism is more open to new paths and ideas,which is Essential in this dynamically changing world.

Systems,species etc that survived were not the strongest ones but the most flexible ones.
Conservatism has it good points but its less suitable in this fast globally unifying world than liberalism.

We have internet which slowly erasing the main reasons racism existed : lack of knowledge of other races.
Thus being less conservative.
Racism and hatred on foreign groups are rooted on the past as one here posted the evolutionary origin.

We no longer survive as little groups,tribes or countries,right now we're at the continental unity part of humanity.
If you notice the pass from bigger and bigger groups was accomplished via better communication (roads,letters,telephone,internet),and now its going to the final stage which is global.

Its inevitable,you'll see throughout history the exponential rates which groups of people are getting bigger and bigger,started of small groups for thousands of years then countries for dozen of centuries and in few decades continental groups.
Though humans have linear understanding of future so this post might sound strange when it comes to globalization.

>> No.1933790


I suggest that you invest in a gag.

>> No.1933810

Conservative: a liberal that's had his wallet stolen
Liberal: a conservative that's been to jail

>> No.1933891

what is your point?

>> No.1933943

Keynesian economics is inherently anti-capitalist. It advocates centralized control and regulation.

>> No.1933945

and I suggest you take your butthurt to /b/

>> No.1933949


/sci/ is my home, gtfo nigger

>> No.1933957

hey now don't get offended, it was just a tip
emoness just doesn't suite this board

>> No.1933966


how is a quip 'emoness'?

>> No.1933969

Depends on the State too. Massachusetts has a standard of 106.

By the by. If I took a fluid IQ test and only got 128, should I just give up and take engineering or something?

>> No.1933977

well, you refuse to argue, and try to provoke into emotional attacks
if that's what you're interested in that's fine by me, but take it elsewhere where people are equally retarded

>> No.1933990



>> No.1934000

okay good sir, be alone with your gayness forever

>> No.1934011


not a sir, neckbeard

>> No.1934026

nah just a butthurt boy who likes to pretend he's a girl

acts like a little boy, talks like a little boy, walks like a little boy, hence it is one
women are actually smart, you know

>> No.1934030


>mfw i'm not insulted by a rambling child

>> No.1934035

nice to know you don't have a face

>> No.1934055

Girls have no place in science gtfo.

>> No.1934094

> i'm not insulted by a rambling child
> I just got butthurt by someone with superior intellect, hence my quietness

>> No.1934168

i thought i was really smart but then I took an IQ test and scored like 115-120. I never realized I was so much dumber than the general population. My question is, where are all these smarter people hiding? everywhere I go I feel like I'm the smartest one there

>> No.1934170

Bump for Goethe_girl

>> No.1934192

Uhhhh, as far as I know Keynesianism is basically "if shit fucks up, have the government inject cash into the economy to stimulate consumption"
Also you sound like one of those people who thinks capitalism is god and that it will solve all our problems and that anyone who has any problems with it whatsoever is an evil enemy nonbeliever who must be exterminated

>> No.1934207

They don't leave the house. Also I think once you surpass 120 your chance of having depression or certain other mental disorders goes up tremendously.

>> No.1934209
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 65472564455646464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red glass squid is smarter than you think.
Red glass squid went to harvard.

>> No.1934214

That's because people are dumb.

>> No.1934247

>That's because people are dumb.
>Looks at the front page of /sci/
>Sees /b/

>> No.1934269

Here's a thought: Instead of worrying about what your IQ is, just do what you can. You're just going to limit yourself if you say "Oh, my IQ is only this high, I guess I can't write my own papers".

>> No.1934299

It does not. It is about stimulating demand when productive capacity is excessively underutilized.

>> No.1934314

didn't read thread.

but, someone said this re: pursuing science,

>Meh. 135 is probably okay for those subjects if you don't mind busting your ass (9+ hours a day 7 days a week) for B's and maybe C's, depending on the school and program.

lol. okay, guy.

link related: http://duende.uoregon.edu/~hsu/blogfiles/dmu.pdf

SAT score, which correlates fairly well with SAT, does not appear to exhibit any "cognitive thresholds" for fields outside of mathematics (and even there the conclusion is fuzzy because the data set is so small).

tl;dr, i don't know what my iq is and i don't give a fuck. anyone who knows their science history knows why pic is related.

fuck y'all niggas.

>> No.1934322
File: 57 KB, 460x370, squid_1445705c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piglet squid has iq 2000

>> No.1934325
File: 722 KB, 1543x2128, feynman-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol typos everywhere.

here is pic.

also, i meant to say SAT correlates with IQ.

>> No.1934340

Well of course we won't look so hot compared to squids.

>> No.1934412

Haven't seen a UOregon link from someone on here before.

>> No.1934625

I wish to have a threesome with goethe_girl and squid anon

>> No.1934705

how much IQ is needed to master general relativity on your own?
how much for quantum mechanics?

>> No.1934750


Define master

>> No.1934762

112 and 115.5

>> No.1934764

Rofl.. It's funny how definite you're basing IQ results off of. My IQ is only about 135, but I grasp high level subjects in sci/math MUCH better (difference between a 4.0 and a 3.2 while they study 5+ times what I do) than people I know who have 145-155 IQs

>> No.1934769

>>1934750 hmm let's say ' to understand it well enough to be able to use it in practical situations and maybe try to push some borders'

>> No.1934774

If that's actually your IQ then it's not surprising. That's pretty high by most standards, and you might have a talent at that sort of thing. IQ tests can only get you so far.

>> No.1934777
File: 241 KB, 1000x952, nytimes_knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are making these questions..

you are not capable of doing so.

If you are over 120+ you are good to go.. the rest is just commitment, effort, luck, etc etc.

After a certain point it doesnt matter anymore. and actually starts to be a Burden if you have IQ of 150+, because the pressure and the goals people around set to you are very high.

As for me

I have done like 4 official IQ tests for different reasons. and i always score around 130 +-5

Currently im studying a PhD degree in Life Sciences at a Public Ivy.. and a lot of my peers are retarded as fuck, easily below the 120..

So, dont worry too much about it.

>> No.1934786

The fact that you people honestly think IQ scores mean something makes you automatically fucking stupid.

>> No.1934801

>>1934777 well, most of the tests give me 155+/- 5 but i don't feel too smart :( but i'm extremely stubborn so i hope it might work.

>> No.1934811

Also, i know a lot of people that have very high IQs.. but they are just a bunch of tools.. its like something else is missing.

I which i was less lazy, but meh..

>> No.1934816

what gymnasium?
i go to one in copenhagen, first year too

>> No.1934830

You don't need a high IQ for anything, because university is all about memorization

>> No.1934842

>>1934830 i suck at memorization, i have to understand everything :( i'll never achieve anything :(

>> No.1934854

If you just want a job and not an education you're absolutely right.

>> No.1934861

Ivy leagues just mean you work hard but doesn't mean you're smart.

>> No.1934865

I know I'm way late but Electrical Engineering is considered the hardest major at MIT.
Your move.

>> No.1934866

I find IQ tests to be decent indicators, but should not be considered absolute. I have a strong ability to visualize and I think this is why I'm able to excel in physics to such a high degree with much less studying compared to my peers.

>> No.1934870

Hey, I have an IQ of 115 and I'm lazy as fuck. How useless am I to the world, on a scale of one to an hero?

>> No.1934873

people implying that IQ is a good and valid measure of intelligence
also implying that ivy league schools accept people based on intelligence
also implying that ivy league schools are the best schools (problem, MIT?)

>> No.1934877

No, I think he means for both a job and an education. People with high IQ scores rather waste their lives on matrix reasoning. It's fucking hilarious how many people in this thread claim that their IQ is 120+, yet they can't even take the time or the minor effort to write a decent sentence.

>> No.1934883

My IQ is 160. To make it relative, imagine seeing a retarded boy or girl on the short bus who has an IQ of say -- 40. Well, to me, the person with an average IQ of 100 looks the same. There is no difference. Even intelligent people are barely worth talking to.

This is a sad and predictable world. A place where, if it isn't on Google, then I'm obviously a liar.

>> No.1934889


If your IQ is 160 then I assume you've got the MacArthur Genius grant.

What are you currently working on to better the world with your 500k over the next five years?

>> No.1934912

Do you realize the SAT barely even correlates with what it's actually supposed to measure? And lul at IQ tests. Constructs on constructs on constructs.

>> No.1934933

I've been educating others as I meet them, changing lives for the better, and focusing on advancing mathematics and combining them with words. Fuck money.

>> No.1934936

Since this is still here now that I'm awake again, read this article.

IQ doesn't measure intelligence; not that we have an agreed upon, "scientific" definition of intelligence to begin with, in any case.

It measures a statistical construct--a general correlate--that one would expect to appear when all other correlations are positive. Factor analysis is no way to make a causal inference.

>> No.1934957


You're not a genius then.

Post a pic of the results of an IQ test.

>> No.1934973

It's also important to point out that the true purpose of IQ tests is to find deficits. Sadly, today we have to see a bunch of asperger's kids clinging to a number.

>> No.1934995
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How do you quantum gravity?

>> No.1935001

The highest IQ ever recorded belonged to a female janitor.

>> No.1935030

>>My IQ is 160. To make it relative, imagine seeing a retarded boy or girl on the short bus who has an IQ of say -- 40. Well, to me, the person with an average IQ of 100 looks the same. There is no difference.

Really? You have experienced what a person with an IQ of 100 feels like relating to an IQ of 40? I didn't know high IQ's also imparted perfect empathy as well. Sure is great to be you.

>> No.1935031



No one can really measure IQs above 160. you'd need someone with a higher IQ than 160 and who has been studying psych for a couple of decades to make a test for those around his area. Actually, it'd probably take multiple geniuses to create a good IQ test to test upper levels.
By the way no test ever measures above 150/160. Above that they have to guess based on how fast you completed the test, your body of work, ect.

>> No.1935092

Yes, it is called relativity and emotions are blanket. My apathy comes from the fact that most of what you consider 'problems' are actually very small. I hate having to pretend to care about who died, what you think about the latest TV show, or your insane 'football team' attitude towards most subjects including politics.

I hate to group you if this doesn't describe you. I find this to be a very common quality of most average-above average people.

I generally find the average person to be detestable and lacking humility -- unlike the retards most of you make fun of. I cannot blame you too much; your environment caused you to be who you are and the controllers are the responsible ones.

>> No.1935100

I don't need too much high IQ to see what you're doin' to me

>> No.1935104


Okay, some one has been watching too much Dexter and House. You're not a genius just because you don't care about shit, you actually described major symptoms of depression.

Also, post a picture of the results of your IQ score or you're lying.

>> No.1935109

I'm 121 IQ. Is that ok?

>> No.1935120

I'm a 142.
Try telling me something that you think only you'll be able to understand.

>> No.1935127

That isn't how the development of IQ tests works.

>> No.1935134

Im not gonna lie and make shit up like
but I am at 147 and I go to an average university and I feel like IQ does not mean anything, its just a number they assign you.

>> No.1935137

>The controllers are the responsible ones
And who might those be?

>> No.1935147

Yes but you need certain minimal levels in various subsets of your g factor intelligence in order for them to assign you this number.
Why can't you people seem to understand this?

>> No.1935154

because the number they were assigned was too low to comprehend the meaning of the low value :P

>> No.1935158

Depression... You don't understand my emotions. I'd love to explain to you positive apathy -- but I have the feeling it would be lost on you because of its seemingly contradictory nature.

Imagine, that literally, there are retards operating everything you see. Everyone thinks they are God's gift going "durr no i am smart u r not", making arbitrary decisions that have absolutely no standing logically. Could you imagine that? Your world dictated by completely retarded people? Making decisions that lead to bad areas for yourself, knowing full well and predicting what will happen? Idiots praise my name all too late.

I don't live a depressing life as much as a stressful psychotic one because no one can fucking understand my wavelength excluding highly educated people that understand my plight and push me along where I need to be to help people like YOU, ungrateful, pushy, consuming, ignorant people.

My proof is in the pudding, not some intellectual standardized test that is made by people who aren't as smart as me. Most of the tests I encounter are asking the wrong questions -- and when I point them out -- the system looks confused and threatened.

I hate this place and most of all, I hate the people I'm helping, which is you. Its unfortunate that most people like me run your world and laugh while they lead you around by the nose.

>> No.1935184

than leave. you aren't really helping anyone here if you think you are. also you're not as special as you think you are, after a certain point people get the ability you are describing, but where you say they lead people around by the nose is where you fail to use your gift. I know what you mean with all of this, and have experienced the sensation of being surrounded by retards, it never helps to brag though they just don't understand it.

>> No.1935185

This is such an accurate description of my world view.
I didn't think anyone would simply come by and articulate it unprompted.
I'd ask for some sort of form of communication with you, but due to:
>Even intelligent people are barely worth talking to.
I doubt you'll accept.

>> No.1935189
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>> No.1935199

This is what he meant by not understanding his perception of the surrounding world.
Anyone who ever encountered this position and made such realizations would know better than to dismiss it.

>> No.1935200


You two sound like you're both 13. It's true that there are too many retards in power, but you act like it's some new discovery (this has been known by everyone with an IQ over 100 for at least 2500 years), and you act like you're special. There's a good chance that a lot of people see you as being part of that set of retards you complain about. I mean, you're spouting clichéd, self-indulgent drivel that could easily be a Lisa Simpson quote.

>> No.1935206
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>I didn't see that coming

>> No.1935209
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>> No.1935210


Yes, everyone who has made those realisations has become severely depressed by it.

However, everyone who has known this for all their life (probably most of /sci/, but not you, apparently) has got over it and has stopped whining.

>> No.1935213


I am the person you were responding to. You do exhibit symptoms of depression.

I've been searching the last 15 minutes, but to no avail, for my packet that shows my IQ is in the 170s.

You maybe smart, the clarity and verbose nature of your post serve as an example of that, but your outlook on life is that of someone mentally ill.

I used to think like you too, when I was a teenager. The truth is, yes a lot of people are dumber than you, but if you haven't done anything that demonstrates your worth above theirs then you're nothing. Focus on contributing, which is why I asked you originally what you do to contribute. The process will make you go from depression to excitement.

And you are depressed, I'm fairly well read on psychology and you listed several symptoms. You may not be clinically depressed but if you don't change your brain chemistry can alter so that you stay in the depressed state constantly. You're using the "I'm so smart, that's why" as a crutch for your feeling of uselessness in a world you imagine controlled by retards. If retards can do all this but you're still stuck doing nothing then what does that make you? That's the source of your outlook on life. Fix that, change the world.

>> No.1935214

I don't know who they are, but their work is obvious and everywhere. For example: Your global warming scheme is caused by ionization in the ionosphere by all your radio/tv transmissions-- not from CO2. CO2 is a symptom of heating oceans. The particle measurements of CO2 do not match the total growth of CO2 globally.

You should all do yourself a favor and throw your TVs and newspapers away.

>> No.1935219

IQ tests measure your ability to take IQ tests. But if you actually are smart, why do you care about it? Also, it's not all about IQ, but more about EQ, or your empathy quotient, which you apparently have an extremely retarded score in if you think anyone gives a damn about your menial problems while complaining about how menial other peoples' problems are, or how you've seemingly given no effort to truely understand why the "stuff for dumb people" like crying over the deceased or watching sports enthusiastically.
Your supposed intelligence isn't special; go die in a fire you massive faggot.

>> No.1935223

honestly its just so much easier to act dumb and get out of helping people. whenever people find out I am better than them at something they don't like/know how to they ask for my help and its hard to say no because I know if left to their own devices they will fail and resent me for not helping them. the worst part of this is when Im in crowds, people always get so excited over such trivial shit and they cheer over whatever we are watching. all Im saying is if you are the guy that everyone thinks cant help them, they wont bother you anymore.

>> No.1935225

Admittedly, it is not a new discovery.
I never claimed otherwise.
Its old age doesn't detract from its validity in the slightest.
And as for
>you're spouting clichéd, self-indulgent drivel that could easily be a Lisa Simpson quote.
If it's a cliché, it is only because so many others would like to feel special by excluding themselves from the group of people they deem to be retarded, without being aware of their own shortcoming.
And it is hardly a self-indulgent drivel, as I sorrow over this fact of nature constantly.

>> No.1935232

I don't want to be special. I wish I could be average. I wish I could be nothing. It doesn't matter how great you are -- no one will notice you. Look around you and imagine an actual being created the entire universe. Barely anyone can understand it, believe its there, or appreciate the fact that they are capable of experience at all.

Intelligence is a curse -- and as silly as it seems -- the old bible story about Adam and Eve couldn't be more correct. Most of what is happening today has unforeseen consequences by the scientists and policy makers of today. They are lunatics parading as saviors, and because you poor people do not know any better, they run around ruining your lives while blaming the victims that lash out at society.

Most of you don't even realize there is an evolutionary trend in crime caused by the curtailing of crime itself.

>> No.1935240

you don't see that

>"so many others would like to feel special by excluding themselves from the group of people they deem to be retarded, without being aware of their own shortcoming."

could easily apply to you because you don't understand other people's thoughts intrinsically as if they were your own? they could be just like you, and you could be judging them without seeing your own shortcomings. if you claim that you have no shortcomings than you are kidding yourself... or you are a troll.

>> No.1935243
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>TV and radio ionize the ionosphere causing global warming
>TV and radio ionize
>Non-ionizing radiation ionizes

>> No.1935248

>Your outlook on life is that of someone mentally ill.
Humanity can easily drive a person into that state, and tag him as one as a punishment for dissent.
Your point?
>which is why I asked you originally what you do to contribute
I may not have gone out of my way to contribute anything of great value, but the merits of simply not being destructive are overwhelming.
>The process will make you go from depression to excitement.
It simply will not.
>If retards can do all this but you're still stuck doing nothing then what does that make you? That's the source of your outlook on life. Fix that, change the world.
It makes me a single person against an ocean of retards. I am HOPELESSLY outnumbered.
The world cannot be changed, nor can it be "fixed".
Such is the nature of our species.

>> No.1935251

There are no retards in power. That isn't what I was saying at all. Those in power are actors.

>> No.1935255

Very true. And I've considered it far too often.
However, I can see their choices. Their actions. The paths they take.
So vastly different than my own in their destructiveness and irrationality.
Trust me, I know of what I speak.

>> No.1935265
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>Higher IQ than you (210)
>Ph.D. in mathematics
>Any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.1935269

Laugh if you want. The properties of the ionosphere change as it continues out into space and reflects/absorbs/transfers different bands of EM generated by us.

If it wasn't true there wouldn't be a HAARP and a changing of your TV station system.

>> No.1935279

One of the many reasons I hate humans.
Their consuming nature.
How do you geniuses suppose we change this?
Indulging them would only serve to increase this tendency and award them for it.

>> No.1935283

this is a science board, citations or gtfo

>> No.1935296

after careful analysis of other people who are intelligent I have decided the opposite of what you say here, I have decided that I (while boasting an extremely high IQ and reasoning skills) am simply separating my self so that I can feel different. I believe that since I will never be anyone else and never have been anyone else than it follows that neither has anyone else and because of this nobody will ever understand anything anyone does fully. therefore I am the stupid one, for all my intelligence I understand the curse and am trapped into a world of introspection.

>> No.1935301

If I were smart... I would blow up buildings and then...
immediately put out a retarded conspiracy theory so that further conspiracy theories would be rejected immediately because humans are quick to generalize.

I would... put legitimate information in entertainment so it would be thought of as entertainment and impossible?

I would... make the news trustworthy.

>> No.1935303
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Oh hey guise, can I play in this thread too?

>Waaah waaah they won't understand me, now that im in hs my teacher expects me to be mature and concede in discussions and not be stubborn little brat, people wont bend over backwards to accomodate my autism, waah waah this sucks

>waaah waah so alone, so much smarter (I don't accomplish anything cuz i dont wanna ok) than everyone

>so depressed, my heart is black like the darkest night, the tears crawling in my skin, these wounds the will not heal, on my wrists the scars of pain

>> No.1935307

Ah yes, the well known solipsistic measurement problem.
Ain't it a bitch?

>> No.1935315

You don't need to be intelligent to influence the entertainment and news industries, you just need to be Jewish.

>> No.1935318


The feeling of constant hopelessness is depression.

Face it, you're depressed. It doesn't matter what caused it (see look, you're scapegoating again) all that matters is that you fix it.

What do you want to do?

Why do I bother? I don't even know why I'm talking to a fucking 15 year old with an unjustified superiority complex. You haven't earned the right to call your self smart yet. You say you are, prove it.

>> No.1935324

that isn't funny. I have autism.

>> No.1935340 [DELETED] 
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just getting dubs in a nerdy teenage angst thread
no srsly youre all gay

>> No.1935336


Now add up all the megawatts of energy being pumped from everywhere into the air. Its not just the transmission, its the generation of them as well. You can light up a light bulb in mid air not even standing near them. That energy goes somewhere -- and that is the air -- and it doesn't stop -- it just disperses -- until its absorbed.

You need to think about how waves move and the properties of an expanding field.

>> No.1935347

the one who made the comment is probably autistic as well

>> No.1935350
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It's not your fault.

>> No.1935351

Apathy is a lack of response or emotion. Depression is a sense of hopelessness.

They are different. They are closely related but aren't directly. It is possible to be apathetic and happy or apathetic and depressed.

>> No.1935357

>doesn't understand humor
Well, gee. Big surprise there.

>> No.1935359


this is /sci/, we're all autistic.

>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody not look each other in the eyes

>> No.1935364

well that does make me feel slightly better. besides I overcame my autism through sheer force of will... and off label medication.

>> No.1935370

>thread about IQ springs up.
>everyone boasts about their iq.
>time passes.
>also turns out everyone is autistic.

>> No.1935372


yeah but this kid has depression and he says "NAH UH I HAV APUTHY, ITS DIFFERENT", but truth is he is the broken one. Everyone else maybe dumb, but he is broken.

>> No.1935373

>implying humanity's puny output into the ionosphere even with something like HAARP has anything on the Sun

>> No.1935377

orly? I just used xtc

>> No.1935383

actually lol'd

here. it was funny because you assume I don't understand humor in general when in reality I just do not find it humorous to make light of autism by comparing it to the people in this thread.

>> No.1935397

Speaking of autism, none of you got nothing on this guy:

>> No.1935406

Apathy is clearly different from depression. You are regressing into a child because you have no intellectual claim to correctness.

Intelligent people always turn into children when they are defeated.

>> No.1935415

>implying that the Earth absorbs anywhere near the full energy of the Sun and not a very tiny part of it at only sections of the day.

>> No.1935420

what the fuck?

also the caster has a face for radio :P

>> No.1935422

That's not what I'm implying at all.

>> No.1935430

>People who are "smart" but not socially well-adjusted always turn into children when they are defeated.

>> No.1935457
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>> No.1935466


No. I'm telling you what he describes is hopelessness, he even used hopeless in his post. Hopelessness is a major sign of Depression. He's saying, "no, it's apathy".

Apathy - an absence of emotion or enthusiasm. Depression - a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity.

He has stated multiple times he feels hopeless, so he doesn't do anything, and can't hope to compete against the legion of morons. That shows both major symptoms of depression.

>> No.1935467

he may have apathy but I have entropy... everyday I fall into a lower energy level and become more disorganizeg dsxz,mn vzlkm ist riunign my lief

>> No.1935494

Trust me when I say, I know what you mean. I live in a backwater farming community. I've been to many of the other states in the US, and I have to say, I am not impressed. The dilemma for me is two fold. One, the number of people who are acceptably intelligent and proficient with reason is vanishingly small. Two, the few people meet those criterion are sparse and generally do not have any interest in interacting with me.

A question for the person asserting that he and probably I are depressives/broken: if almost everyone else is insane, what will you be viewed as by almost everyone else?

>> No.1935521

You simply need to be OK with being yourself.

Seeking others is simply chasing parts of you that is missing.

>> No.1935532

Same here.

>> No.1935552


>if almost everyone else is insane, what will you be viewed as by almost everyone else

Except that not everyone else is insane. Everyone else is sane, just stupid. You can be smart and not be insane, you can be smart and happy, you can be smart and well liked. The problem is most smart people think they earned the right to be all that just because they were born smart. It doesn't work like that. Happiness is something you work hard for, it stems from something that makes you proud.

Protip: No one thinks they're dumb, everyone else walks around shouting, "I'm smart" so why should I believe you?

>> No.1935584

That is the issue. If you are smart, you can operate without needing to say so. I generally have no need to until I am challenged on something important.

In the meanwhile, you get what you want without really trying. Running around trying to get acknowledged for intelligence is asking for trouble.

>> No.1935596

Tell me. Do you honestly believe a person in absolute isolation will live a satisfying life free of psychological trauma? If that is what you are implying, you have a gross misunderstanding of the stated issue and are not in fact responding to the question I asked but instead are responding to your misinterpretation of my question. IE strawman.

Sensory deprivation leads to short miserable lives. It's one thing to be insane and not know it. It's another thing entirely to hold complete clarity about your state and the state of reality and almost no one else even comes close to being able to communicate with you.

Depression does not apply. Emotional turmoil results, but it is not always or necessarily depression. When one sees that things fall to the ground or when one sees that people die, one is justified in stating that it is a truth that people die and that things fall to the ground. When one sees that people are incapable of handling even the simplest models of reality, one is justified in stating that it is a reality that one can not reasonably expect the population of people to undergo a mass phase-shift to suddenly grasping reality.

The odds are heavily stacked against us, and our lifetimes are too short and difficult to reasonably expect for anything to change drastically enough to matter from our actions in our limited lifetimes.

If you still want to call me delusional, I'll kindly return the favor. Rejection of reality is delusion itself.

>> No.1935637


read and comprehend. this is why I think I am an idiot.

>> No.1935638

A person, no, a god, yes. He realizes that he is his own father and mother and reaches for things that are within himself, for he is the essence of infinity and is a fixed reality.

You simply crave the reality in front of you because you are not ready to live by yourself. Someday, you will understand that the only one you interact with is yourself.

>> No.1935643
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>> No.1935652

Enough of this introspectional babble.
The man is absolutely right whether he adheres to the suggestions of your post and other, or not.

>> No.1935665


You look like a colostomy pretentious fuckwit. IQ doesn't mean anything, you twat. Use your alleged "intelligence" to do something, idiot.

>> No.1935666

First off. A distinction needs to be made. There is smart and there is intelligent. Intelligence does not imply smart. Smart does not imply intelligence. The two correlate. Smart merely refers to the retention of facts. Intelligent means a curiosity and drive to solve problems. Furthermore, intelligence implies the ability to discern fact from fiction, to discern reality.

Second off, most people are not in fact anything close to objectively sane. Most people grow up abused as a child by parents, other children, state and social authorities, and other citizens. What is generally considered desirable in a child is generally not considered desirable in an adult. What is generally considered desirable in an adult is generally not considered desirable in a child. The result of a lifetime of accumulated trauma is delusions and magical thinking which manifest in various ways.

Look to the kink world, look to the psychiatric world, look to our prison systems, look to the crime and corruption in our society. Think about statistical samples for a little while. Tally up all the people who have maladaptive personality traits as demonstrated by destructive behavior. A truly sane person is rarer still than a truly intelligent person. Absolute intelligence doesn't matter if you can not exercise it.

As for happy? Happy is a transitory emotion. A series of chemicals in the brain linked to a reward circuit. If you value the subjective first hand experience of other people, it might matter to you but that's your choice. It means precisely dick in the grand scheme of things. I like the color green not that it objectively matters.

>> No.1935687

I am a junior at harvard, And I have an IQ of ~155, or about 3.7 standard deviations above the mean.

Anticdotal example, but my guess is probably around 2 standard deviations for students, more for professors.

>> No.1935693

I am a junior at MIT, my guess is -1, even lower for professors.

>> No.1935694

A human by any other name, would still be troubled by their physiology. Sensory deprivation is a real effect and it strikes down the might and the meek. Regardless of any measure of self-control or introspective ability.


>> No.1935699

Somehow, I know that's bullshit.

>> No.1935711
File: 655 KB, 800x600, ID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


picture proof I took a few weeks ago. I'm too lazy to take another.

>> No.1935713

I have an IQ of 213 and I'm a Freshman at Harvard. I published a proof recently of the Pythagorean Theorem on my blog and I have a 4.0 GPA so far.

>> No.1935716

Paper's transparent enough to do an x-ray shop on it.

>> No.1935719

The IQ figure, that is.

>> No.1935734
File: 3 KB, 300x57, imag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tralfors, every last one of you.

>> No.1935751

long shot, do you know demitri porchelli?

>> No.1935764

Keep it up, there's a super special prize for whoever publishes the 1,000,000th proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.

>> No.1935797

You are all morons and none of you will do anything with your lives. Happy?

>> No.1935801

you know... "hell is other people" there is a reason for this quote, and it isnt because of a nice happy christmas.

>> No.1935881

ITT: Fake IQ scores, autistics, and narcissists.

>> No.1935920

That's where you're wrong. Despite all that society demands of people like myself, despite all the trauma heaped upon us by those who literally can not understand us, we continue our work in silence and solitude.

I will publish a paper in a year or two which will fundamentally alter our understanding of science, physics, and computing.Within two years of that, I will develop a computable theory of consciousness explicitly accounting for the observer in quantum mechanics and publish it. Within three years of that, I will develop a true AI using what will amount to a unified theory of physics. Doubt if you wish. Believe if you wish. Eitherway, it matters not what you think or feel.

>> No.1935938

Now there's a correlation.

>> No.1935940

I don't want to come off creepy but I want to be your FB friend, I wont stalk you or shit but that sounds soo cool I want to know you when you do it.

>> No.1935946

forgot, my name is "cole james ditzler" if you deign to add me.

>> No.1935960

I don't post my contact info to 4Chan.

>> No.1935968

Do you have MSN?
If so, I'll post mine.

>> No.1935981

thats why I posted mine, so he could add me without needing to post his. I honestly dont give a shit if someone else comes to my facebook its really boring

>> No.1935982

realized there might be several of me so here is the url


>> No.1936014
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>> No.1936018

read Heisenberg's observer principle

>> No.1936817

lololol >misunderstanding the principle...

Dont read too much New Age bullshit please... Sure thats one of the interpretations.. but you are oversimplifying by stating that what happens at the quanta level reflects to the "macro" level or even consciousness..

Its funny how many faggots like yourself follow the retarded fads as fucking QM as the ultimate truth, without even questioning why we should focus on the building blocks and not in why they are put together. . people that actually made this question, are far beyond comprehension of the dynamics of reality. Caring more about emergence than what happens with static building blocks its the key to understand Life and Consciousness.

And theres plenty of people that doesnt brag about their IQs, complain how fucked up is society and about bland and superficial are their college roommates. they may agree but dont make it a big deal, IQ tests only destroy capable people.

>> No.1936876

As if it was static building blocks, as if emergence fundamentally mattered, your metaphor lacks merit, precision, and accuracy. Consciousness comes to a very simple distinction: choice and causation.

Fundamentally, the problem of observation in quantum mechanics, philosophy, and science is a problem of choice. The universe can not be described by a purely deterministic (read causation-based) system. The double slit experiment, it's variations, and Bell's theorem show us that. The system requires choice and must admit randomness. What is randomness then? What is more random than the choices of people in aggregate over recursive iterations? You can never completely predict (pre-determine) what will occur with particles or people. We have to run the experiment to find out what it's state will actually be. I call this measure of uncertainty choice. Here's the fun part, choices do not depend on the past state of the system, but they interfere with the uncertain past and future of the system. Causation is a subset of Choice. A choice entails a cause, but a cause does not entail a choice. Choice can not be justified or described in terms of causes. They are self-verifying and self-justifying. The basic argument comes from Meta Math! by Gregory Chaitin regarding randomness and Chatin's number. The other part comes from the Free Will Theorem.

>> No.1937367


>> No.1937480

I stop trying to explain the subject in the OP -> this thread goes to shit

thanks for repeatedly verifying that you're all fucking autistic narcissists

>> No.1937495

Cool story bro.

>> No.1937518

Cool new and exciting meme, chief.

>> No.1937554
File: 171 KB, 500x415, George-bush-skull-and-bones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears.

>> No.1937559

I just did that test, and although I did well on it I have some problems with it and how valid it is in testing IQ(as well as most multiple choice IQ tests). When I found the correct answer for most of my questions, I wasn't looking for the pattern that would explain why the next shape would be that shape (finding the equation for the sequence if you will) but looking for rules within the sequence that would make some the choices false. For example, I determined that the number of squares in each shape in a certain sequence needed to be constant so if the number of squares was different in one of the answers, I could eliminate the answer. I was able to actually find the correct answer to a large amount of question this way.

>> No.1937572

Didn't you hear? Having daddy donate a large amount of money to a university is the best way to increase your intelligence quotient. The amount daddy Bush gave must have easily put Dubya into at least .5 SD above the norm.

>> No.1937579

>This is what students entering graduate school actually believe!

>> No.1937667

it told me in on the top 30% :(

>> No.1937971

Try this one:

>> No.1938008

Congratulations, you obtained a perfect score. I am researching intelligence and personality so I would greatly appreciate if you would use the comment form below to answer the following questions.

Your overall percentile is 99% which means you scored higher than 99% of the people who have taken this test. The internet population tends to be more intelligent so your percentile might be higher if the test taking sample was perfectly random. Keep in mind, taking this test more than once will render your percentile score inaccurate because the percentile score assumes these questions were fresh to the test taker.

>> No.1938013

I am in 0,1 with 148 IQ

>> No.1938018
File: 13 KB, 381x330, 1265873207445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1938074

Your overall percentile is 93% which means you scored higher than 93% of the people who have taken this test. The internet population tends to be more intelligent so your percentile might be higher if the test taking sample was perfectly random. Keep in mind, taking this test more than once will render your percentile score inaccurate because the percentile score assumes these questions were fresh to the test taker.

Is this good?

>> No.1938136


>> No.1938311

If you all have such high IQs, answer me this.

Who was phone?

>> No.1938322

God. We are all his children, and He's the only one that could reasonably see you kissing her anywhere.

>> No.1938343

I have taken several tests as a kid and adolescent, and always ranged between 133 and 144, so that gets me in the higher 2% zone. Yet... I never was really good from the moment I started high school (at age 12) and had a lot of social/mental problems directly relating back to my 'high' IQ. I never found it something to be proud of and even less found it something positive in my life. I'm 26 now, have a regular job that doesn't ask a lot of my intelligence and I try to blend in as normal as possible... Sum it all up: having a high IQ sucks.

>> No.1938380

As for high IQ == depression.

Anyone who understands more will get depressed cause the world is not what they taught us,not really fun.
But also if you're so smart you'll understand that everything was already like that,so no need to cry.
The world is not made of butterflies?Ok then.
I'll have as much as i can before i die.

Its like being constantly depressed because the laws of physics work the way they work.

Now high IQ =/=depression
High IQ == people who are smart enough to realize how their surroundings work but too "weak" to accept it,trapped in their childhood view of the world.

>> No.1938491

I come to /sci/ after weeks to see if the SCIENCE!-trolling has stopped or at least lowered..

but no

still fucking IQ threads and appearently almost all the geniuses in the western world come magically together here and talk about the problems the world haves

goethe girl is fucking annoying

the faggot who cries like linkin park about his intelligence sounds like the son of my female neighbour. this son thinks hes so smart and genius, yet still fails at everything, says the EXACT same whiney things and TOUGH LIFE BOO HOO. He hasnt done anything to prove his potential, his just a teenager with too much narcissm and low self esteem and depression

as a standart term you could say ( for the males ) if the IQ score gets higher, the chance of assburgers or asstism also gets higher

but still, highly intelligent people can still be very happy through their curioistiy and creativity, hobbies and interests

only faggots cry themsevles to sleep because they are soooo smart. tough life nigger, value things more and get your ass out of your ass, if you can pull the head out first

>> No.1938517

Please die.

>> No.1938520


But he's right.

>> No.1938534

No he's not.
He sounds like a typical moron that gets upset over smart people's problem and only measures them in productivity.

>> No.1938549

no srsly, he's right

>> No.1938551

And you sound like a whiny, butthurt teenager who hasn't accomplished anything with your supposed "genius" intellect.

>> No.1938564

see these

Now stop whining.

>> No.1938561

There we go with the accomplishment argument.
One does not need to accomplish anything to be considered a genius.
Besides, why the fuck would I want to contribute anything to this poor excuse for a species?

>> No.1938570

Anotherfag here.
I score well on IQ tests.

I do fuck all with my supposed intelligence but think. I don't make things, I don't write, I don't draw. I've always loved designing projects, but I've never got around to actually doing any of them, even the most basic ones. It's the fact that I'm not reaching my potential in anything productive that makes me miserable.

>> No.1938572


>Only a fool will think that IQ is any kind of determinate.
>IQ is any kind of determinate.


>> No.1938573

Describing humanity as poor excuse is kind of stupid ,dont you think?
Which makes you stupid.
Now think,why do you think humanity sucks?
Because you're butthurt.
I mean show me a better species ,if you can't then stfu.

>> No.1938589

don't get hung up on IQ. Performance is the only measure of fitness.
Also, IQ is generally normalised against a graph of scores/ages, so age and experience are taken into account (to a degree).

Forget about IQ. If you enjoy something, you will spend more time doing it. That will make you better at it.

Find something you enjoy doing. Thats generally a much better way of choosing than saying 'I have an IQ of xxx, so I can be a brain surgeon' or 'I have an IQ of yyy so I can't do physics'.

I have spent my life (so far) writing computer programs and loving almost every day of it. Because that is all I have ever wanted to do.

Find something you LIKE then get good at it.

>> No.1938612

Smart ppl can be productive and unproductive,happy or miserable
Stupid ppl can be productive and unproductive,happy or miserable

Difference is a stupid guy will be productive but in a lesser way compared of to a smart one.
Smart can be a scientist,economist etc stupid will be your plumber.

Stupid guy will be miserable for exceptionally stupid things like "i didn't prayed to god today,omg i will go to hell!1!"
Smart guy will be miserable cause he can see through the world and compares it how his family,movies,tv etc taught him the world was and he feels betrayed ,angry etc etc .

A Very smart guy will be happy cause he can see what the smart guy sees but the difference is that he understands it,he knows that it just how it is,crying wont help him,being miserable wont help him,he might as well enjoy the ride doing things he likes.

Even if you're disabled,fugly,or something shitty and irreversible you should realize that no matter how much depressed you get nothing will save you, just accept it and be enjoy it however you can.

If its wayyy too fucked up ,like burnt all over your body + missing limbs,can't talk,see ,shit on his own etc then go for suicide,but otherwise stop whining ,you're not 5,you dont have excuses.

>> No.1938763

>Your overall percentile is 87% which means you scored higher than 87% of the people who have taken this test.

and im hungover and smoked weed an hour ago, too bad im a lazy ass good for nothing git

>> No.1938790

are you dumb

>> No.1938859

Mate you just need +110 for soft science. IQ is just numbered limit. The thing is knowledge and this IQ and higher will be same for you. Person who has 130-140 IQ may won't understand but IQ is not capacity of knowledge it's just high level limit. My IQ is 149 but I am not smartest person in my class

>> No.1938889

capacity= limit
learn English, "genius"

>> No.1938961

Wow so many ignorant morons.

I got 117 IRL test.
Before i tried the real one i tried many on the internet and it was always around 140~160,i thought i was smart and all etc.
I mean think about it,there are soooo few people with IQ over 140,dont you think its a coincidence that we all have so high "IQ"?
Actually almost everyone i asked on the internet forums of all kind ,answer almost ALWAYS that is OVER 125.

I talked about it with the doctors,they had other people that claimed having potentially very high IQ levels but most smart people they ever got were ~125 ,the rest was around 98-110 ,and he explained the reason they didn't get 80s and below its cause usually the tests are taken by average or little above average young males,its those who have this obsession with IQ.
The overly smart (above 130) actually use their time to accomplish things in life rather than debating their intelligence,which is stupid by definition.
And the overly below average are too busy of getting laid.(thats my opinion)

Those dreamy IQs you got on Online tests are RUBBISH.
Get real,wake up,you're not special,just socially awkward boys who have nothing better to do.

>> No.1939004

i must also add that am talking about real life Fluid IQ test.
Crystallized are considered to be very biased ,any person who simply studies too much can get high scores even in real ones.

>> No.1939645

Huh, nothin'?

>> No.1939902

Besides argument by verbosity, I suppose you contradict yourself by knowing so much about how IQ is measured and biased. If arguing about IQ results and their sociological or psychological implications is stupid by definition, going in depth to produce research about that same subject should be down right moronic. Also, needs more citations.

>> No.1940095

Get a good score on this, or GTFO.