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1922218 No.1922218 [Reply] [Original]

What is time? What causes it? Is it material? Is there subjective and objective time?

Is our present the only present?

>> No.1922243


I dunno, but i need more of it

>> No.1922271

this is more of a philosophical question than a science one. Pick up some books on metaphysics

>> No.1922299
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>What is time

Time is a dimesnion, similar in form to our other three spaitail dimesnions. It is orthnormal to the spatial dimesnions, hence allowing for the concept of a 4d space-time "object" to be meaningful.

>What causes it

Well, the 4 dimensions used to be unified into one. The big bang broke the 4-d symmtery, seperating out time and space as two distrinct objects. Consquently, the newly formed "conservation of energy" is the reason why time progresses linear forward, and visa versa.

>Is it material?

It is material, in the sense of a coordinate system being "material"...lol.

>Is there subjective and objective time?

yes, there is subjective time, aka relativity. There is a universal time as t=0 is the big bang, hence you can constauct a universal time clock, a objective time.

>> No.1922313
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>> No.1922348


except you can't cause time because causation implies temporality which implies the time dimension is already in effect

you have no access to objective time, in theory or practice, it isn't conceivable

it isn't material either

a dimension is just a metaphor, you haven't said what time consists of and includes, and how it behaves, etc.

basically fail on all 4 accounts. try again sir.

>> No.1922412

>causation implies temporality

LMAO....Thats some good thinking, although it is very very "simple thinking". It is nice that you tried, but it is obvious dont know to much about the big bang or physics in general.

You can have the same "temporal" like propeties without time. All you need to have is a progressivly changing varible. This will alllowd you to build your precious causuality arguments without time.

Before time when the 4dimesnions were one, there were associted varibles that "progressed". Hence, time was "caused" in refernce to the causaility that existied before the big bang.