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1921067 No.1921067 [Reply] [Original]

So when is homosexuality finally going to be recognized as a mental disorder?

>> No.1921072

When is somebody going to get so tired of your homophobia that we place you in a room full of gay engineers and let them do the rest?

>> No.1921073


they are happy fucking other males, how can that be called a disorder?

>> No.1921078

they are happy fucking horses/dogs, how can it be called a mental disorder?

>> No.1921081

engineering general thread?

>> No.1921085

when is there going to be a mass religious genocide? ill be honest i really wouldn't mind

>> No.1921088

So when is religion finally going to be recognized as a mental disorder?

>> No.1921094

So what your asking, is how can something that does not contribute to society (being gay doesn't let you have babies a durrr.) be altered to assist society (acknowledging it as a disorder so that they can get "treatment" and conform back to fucking like the rest of us.)?

>> No.1921099

It's really too bad the conspiracy theorists aren't right or we'd be having one right now.

>> No.1921102

So guys, computer vs electrical engineering.
Scott says that I should go for electrical since I get to work with circuit boards, but Rico tells me that computer engineers make better money.

>> No.1921110

LMFAO, no babies is a GOOOOD thing.

>> No.1921111

>So when is religion finally going to be recognized as a mental disorder?


>> No.1921113

Not a conspiracy theory, just a logical conclusion based on historical fact.

>> No.1921116

the only solution for faggotry is to develop a cure, or castrate them

>> No.1921122

We should all get together and plan one.

>> No.1921129

Those Muslims aren't going to kill themselves you know. Well actually they will but not fast enough.

>> No.1921132

I wouldn't call it a mental disorder. Maybe sexual disorder.
And let's get the facts straight, it is a disorder because distributing your semen in another males anus has very slim chances or producing offspring, thus making sure your species does not become extinct.

HOWEVER, as (sexual) disorders go, being sexualy atracted to your own gender in your own species should be quite low on the list of things you should care or be threatened about. Infact if you do care about it, i would say there is something wrong with you, perhaps you have a few disorders of your own ?

>> No.1921134

No.White people need to have more children.Niggers/spics/sand niggers need to have less.

>> No.1921136

Only /b/ would plan such a thing as a genocide of religion.

>> No.1921137

>>1921078they are happy fucking horses/dogs, how can it be called a mental disorder?

The dogs don't really seem to mind. What's not to like?

>> No.1921143

kk off to /b/ to see what they... oooooo almost got me

>> No.1921144

lets pour acid in there holy water!

no but seriously killing off majority of christens/Muslim would solve 70% of our "no peace" problem

>> No.1921148

hah, I agree. He must have real problems if he is concerned over what other people do in bed.

>> No.1921152

if anything that would make them more effeminate.

>> No.1921158
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Why you gotta pick on the engineers?

>> No.1921160

No.It would make them asexual.

>> No.1921165

I was thinking more along the lines of a pogrom but I like the creativity.

What do you do to lesbians?

>> No.1921169

Lesbians you give penises to. Hot futa on futa action the way god intended!

>> No.1921170

>he mentions christians first, mudslimes second
>he hates christians more than mudslims, who openly advocate killing infidel(YOU)
>butthurt 15 year old detected

>> No.1921176
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So laughable these threads. Such insecurities OP! You remind me of this women.

>> No.1921178

Isn't the whole argument that not reproducing and continuing the species is the problem with homosexuality?

>> No.1921184
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>> No.1921189

im 26 and have a phd you faget

>> No.1921193

Seems to me that not reproducing is the solution.

>> No.1921195
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Only if we get to use this as our logo and troll the living fuck out of people.

>> No.1921198

Its better they stop their faggotry,

than keep doing it and cause MORE deadly viruses like aids(which exclusively affects faggots and niggers, no surprise there).

>> No.1921204


>i have a phd

I'm not even the same person you were arguing with..just thought your stupidity should be emphasized.

>> No.1921208
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Deluded much?

>> No.1921211

Where did you get your phd from? captain butthurt faggot university? Too bad they didn't teach you how to spell there.I bet you got a phd in sucking brown dicks.

>> No.1921213
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Great! an engineering thread!

>> No.1921223
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OP a message for you.

>> No.1921225
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stop shitting up /sci/ with these engineering threads! They do not belong on this board, take your engineering bullshit to /cm/ or /y/

>> No.1921234

Is there any rasonable argument against homosexuals that is not bassed on religion?

>> No.1921241
File: 30 KB, 292x302, whywouldyoudothat_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a dick stuck up your ass

>> No.1921246

nope, people only bash engineers for religious reasons.

>> No.1921250


>> No.1921256

AIDS. But by that method, lesbians are fucking AWESOME. Come to think of it by any measure lesbians are awesome.

>> No.1921265

Irrelevant as straight men are just as likely to catch AIDS too.

>> No.1921273


For an individual culture to survive, it must increase its population growth such that it dominates other cultures around it. Should a population fall in birth rate, the surrounding cultures with higher birth rates will consume it.

Basically the only ways to preserve Western Civilization are to increase our birth rate to match the baby firing hajji vaginas (something that can only result in extreme overpopulation) or conduct massive xenophobic ethnic cleansing of populations that would destroy our culture should they become to numerous.

>> No.1921281

>implying social assimilation doesn't exist

>> No.1921282

There are plenty of reasonable arguments, all hinging around the fact homosexuality reduces the gene pool while continuing to consume resources, homosexuality has no useful role in nature (inb4 herpaderp population control) and that because homosexuality is not genetically beneficial or practically beneficial it should have the same stigma as impotence/disability.

>> No.1921283

>>1921265straight men are just as likely to catch AIDS

I'm not anti-gay but don't just make shit up. Being buttfucked by a man is significantly more likely to transfer AIDS to you than fucking a woman.


>> No.1921284

Real life lesbians are fucking hideous.They try to look and act like men.The daddys money "lesbians" that pollute colleges are NOT real lesbians.I hate lesbians as much as i hate faggots.

>> No.1921287

>implying social assimilation works on European Muslims

>> No.1921288

>not anti-gay
>pro-bashing gay people

>> No.1921289
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Why you gotta have no engineers?

>> No.1921291

The only correct solutions is to sterilize the third world/third worlders(all niggers, all sand niggers).They should not be allowed to keep breeding.

>> No.1921293

Gay people can perfectly have childrens, with artificial insemination. And also raise them.

Besides, the world is going to be overpopulated soon. I don't think having people with no kids is really a problem.

>> No.1921295

This is the typical butthurt faggot/liberal response to the truth about aids(that its a fag disease).

>> No.1921296

I be hurpan and derpan
I think what he intended to say was that he wasn't homophobic, which is usually a synonym for anti gay but isn't in this case.

>> No.1921299

OP is walking breathing talking dildo that doesn't like being in someones ass.

>> No.1921303
File: 61 KB, 1205x881, Wtfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/ is goddamned retarded
>I bet there's something interesting going on in /sci/! Maybe a logic puzzle or a troll physics thread?

>/sci/ is goddamned retarded.

>> No.1921304

>Gay people can perfectly have childrens, with artificial insemination. And also raise them.
Now you're just being ridiculous.

>> No.1921306

>>1921282homosexuality reduces the gene pool while continuing to consume resources, homosexuality has no useful role in nature

Just because you don't understand its role in nature means it doesn't have one. Last I checked homosexuals worked for a living, provided for the economy, and take care of their family's children. Just because they don't have children themselves doesn't mean they don't contribute and the gene pool isn't changed because homosexuals have siblings that reproduce.

>it should have the same stigma as impotence/disability.

Herp derp your mom is no longer capable of bearing children, let's stigmatize her. Women over 40 shouldn't live.

>> No.1921308

Lesbians are often feminazis. This rules out any form of sanity.

>> No.1921309

Tell that to the niggers.

>> No.1921311
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>> No.1921317

Eh I'm rather fond of the tomboyish but still cute lesbians I know.

>>1921288hurr I don't understand the difference between a moral argument and a fact

Fact: anal sex is more likely to transfer AIDS than vaginal sex is from female to male

This doesn't make homosexual sex wrong, but it is a fact of the world. Sky diving is a little dangerous, but that doesn't make it not awesome.

>> No.1921318

80-90% of niggers are closet faggots.

>> No.1921320

And this is the typical religius argument that says that aids is only for fags.

>> No.1921325

I've been saying this for years. Why is it we haven't learned to spay and neuter our Muslims?

>>1921293Gay people can perfectly have childrens, with artificial insemination

Being gay means you prefer to sex the same sex, it doesn't mean that sex with the opposite sex is physically impossible. Plenty of lesbians decide they want a kid so they fuck a man.

>> No.1921328

Its high time they outlawed faggotry.start publicly executing homos, problem solved.The faggots decide to turn straight and if they don't, they are removed from society.

>> No.1921330

Just so you all know, the APA has *changed* its decision regarding homosexuality. It is no longer viewed as a disorder - as in, it USED to be - but rather, an orientation.

Get with the times.

>> No.1921335

and man with woman having anal sex is more or less likely to trasfer AIDS than vaginal sex?

>> No.1921338

You can agree with a theory and still be critical about flawed logical arguments that support it. We should be concerned about the arguments we use to support our conclusions, without that we don't have rational thought.

It's Muslims that have to always agree with other Muslims even if they're wrong, this is the sort of thinking we should be fighting against.

>> No.1921340

>Just because you don't understand its role in nature means it doesn't have one.
Yes, but I do understand, and I know not being able to breed is not an advantage.

>Last I checked homosexuals worked for a living,

Completely irrelevant to my point, but yes. This doesn't qualify them as of equal importance to homosexuals from an evolutionary point of view.

>provided for the economy,

See above.

>and take care of their family's children.

This is true, but caring for your relatives' children is not as advantageous as, caring for your own. Heterosexuals and Homosexuals both do this, so it changes nothing.

> Just because they don't have children themselves doesn't mean they don't contribute

Agreed, though not as much as heterosexuals.

> and the gene pool isn't changed because homosexuals have siblings that reproduce.

But those siblings are heterosexual. , there's no reason for the homosexual trait to be passed down. In a family with more people more resources are needed for the same output in terms of genetics being passed on; the small advantage gained by having a homosexual adult to protect and nurture does not counter the disadvantage of having to feed that adult.

>> No.1921344

People with foreskins are more likely to get HIV/AIDS other STDs ergo everyone should be circumcised at birth.

>> No.1921355

>>1921335and man with woman having anal sex is more or less likely to trasfer AIDS than vaginal sex?

More, but being penetrated is always significantly more likely to transfer AIDS to you. So having anal sex with women is still quite a bit safer than receiving anal sex from a man.

This factor results in gay men being more likely to contract AIDS which means their partners are more likely to have AIDS which compounds the problem.

Yes. Hot dirty man on man sex is more likely to result in AIDS.

But that doesn't mean it isn't still fun on occasion.

>> No.1921359

Anal sex can be riskier for a number of reasons. First, there is less lubrication, so tears are more likely to occur. Second, some don't use a condom during anal sex because: "lol. why would you? girls don't get pregnant there."

>> No.1921360

Why so naturalistic fallacy?

>> No.1921366

Homosexuality does not fit the medical definition of a mental disorder. You can call it a disorder if you want, but you will forever be known as a pseudointellectual chunderfuck who abuses technical terminology to defend his ignorant preconceptions.

>> No.1921370

Then what is the criteria for a mental disorder?

>> No.1921371

Why isn't not wanting to have children a mental disorder?

>> No.1921378

care to explain how it doesn't fit? I see no problem with classifying it as one, given it is a paraphilia with no benefit from an evolutionary of psychological point of view, and the 1600% higher suicide rate indicating mental instability

>> No.1921379

>>1921340Yes, but I do understand, and I know not being able to breed is not an advantage.

You obviously don't understand. Nature is subtle but not completely insane. Often traits are linked - the evolution of one trait that's beneficial brings with it another trait that is neutral or harmful. Studies show that women with gay brothers are significantly more fertile. Does this mean that women with gay brothers increase in fertility because they know their brothers will help raise them? Possibly, especially if their brothers have decided on the reproductive strategy of helping their family instead of direct mating so that their genes reproduce best.

There are a lot of possibilities. Nature is more clever than you are.

In short, the only people that are really devastating to the gene pool are people like the Duggars who spit out dozens of retarded religious babies.

>> No.1921387

First, you'd have to define abnormality. The four criteria for that are: distress, impairment, risk to self or others, and socially and culturally unacceptable behavior. From there, once you know that a behavior is abnormal, you attempt to diagnosis it following the DSM.

>> No.1921391

Congratulations, you proved that you're a pseudo-intellectual.Pulling random unrelated "Facts" out of your ass doesn't help your case, faggot.

>> No.1921392

>no benefit from an evolutionary

>he thinks he can simulate everything nature and human genetics are doing in his head

>1600% higher suicide rate indicating mental instability

Is this true of all places or only among homosexuals of religious upbringing?

>> No.1921403

Why does everyone care about childbirth so much?

1. Gays get together, can't have children, they die without passing on their genes. If homosexuality is passed genetically (and that seems pretty goddamn unlikely to me, but I've heard it) then this solution makes everyone happy.

Population growth is "bad" for the economy - that is, it spreads resources thinner. Even going back to the Neolithic Revolution, surpluses accommodated a larger population. So now, in times of economic difficulty, why is our interest in *increasing* the population? Shouldn't we encourage homosexuals, because they're not going to damage the economy? Think about it this way: the 'double-income no-children' heterosexual couples rake in cash without having to worry about the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to provide children with the most basic of needs. They're not sleep-deprived or tied down in any way. They can pursue an education at any point in their lives. Now imagine those couples as homosexual. They're productive, they're sharing a house, they probably won't have debts, they can be well-educated... they have a considerable advantage without children.

>> No.1921406

So, when is living finally going to be recognized as a disorder?

>> No.1921407

I didn't need solid evidence to refute you, only to demonstrate that there are possibilities in which homosexuality provides an evolutionary advantage.

If it's an evolutionary disadvantage then why does it exist? Do you not accept evolution as the cause for the development of our species?

>> No.1921410


>> No.1921411

Homosexuality fits in perfectly as a mental disorder.

>> No.1921416

Gay uncles usually have brothers. The chance of being gay, for men, increases with number of older brothers because of hormonal changes in the womb. Studies show that sensitive, caring gay uncles help their neices and nephews a lot.

Naturally gays are good and they help their genes.

What about those people who don't get wives or who don't want children? Maybe we should assign a negative moral evaluation to them because they aren't trying vigorously to promote their genes.

>> No.1921417

If down syndrome isn't a evolutionary advantage, why does it exist?

If being born with two heads isn't an evolutionary advantage, why does it exist?


>> No.1921420

> no benefit from an evolutionary of psychological point of view

Have you ever heard of those frogs that change genders when the gender ratio is skewed? It might be something like that, only with population control instead of gender control.

Other animals are prone to developing into sexuality, too, so it's not just a manmade construct. I think dolphins are one of the species that can be homosexual.

>> No.1921421

>>1921403Population growth is "bad" for the economy - that is, it spreads resources thinner.

It's a little more complicated than that. Total population size spreads limited resources thinner, but larger populations allow for more R&D to be done which causes efficiency increases and production of most goods is elastic with population.

Shrinking population on the other hand means that a greater portion of your population is above retirement age which is terrible for the economy because you have a smaller percentage of the population producing things and a larger percentage retired or taking care of the retired. Japan is beginning to have trouble with this.

What you need is a fine tuned population change. The longer your population lives the more difficult this is so for the economy it's really good that our lifespans don't keep increasing. Eat shit food, smoke cigarettes, living to 140 is terrible for the economy.

>> No.1921428

No, it doesn't. It doesn't fulfill all the criteria. Yes, you can consider it socially and culturally unacceptable. It is not harming you or others around you. Your functioning is not impaired. Yes, homosexuality could cause a certain level of distress (more for others who may be feeling like social pariahs and facing judgment and criticism).

>> No.1921429

>we cannot make unsupported assumptions and expect our reasoning to be sound or helpful
>Muslims are mindless and violent by nature of being Muslim.


>> No.1921430

>spit out dozens of retarded religious babies.
Epic mental image.

>Studies show that women with gay brothers are significantly more fertile
[citation needed], sounds interesting though.

>Does this mean that women with gay brothers increase in fertility because they know their brothers will help raise them?

Probably not, I would put it down to the fact that a homosexual brother is likely to be more feminine and/or sympathetic to the sister's situation, meaning she feels more supported, meaning she is more relaxed/outgoing/etc. By designating specific jobs for homosexuals, like caring for children, you *really* don't help the notion that they're not different/disabled.

The disadvantage is still greater than the advantage.

>no counter argument

>He thinks nature is somehow mystical and natural selection is inconceivably difficult to grasp

I can't find the original statistic so it's probably pulled from some "ok to be gay" propagandal I can find this though:http://www.soulforce.org/article/653

>> No.1921435

>>1921416The chance of being gay, for men, increases with number of older brothers because of hormonal changes in the womb.

That does make sense given that traditionally younger brothers would have inherited less property and been less likely to acquire a wife, so their best reproductive strategy is to help their sisters create surviving children.


Those things don't make up 10% of the population, and we are well acquainted with the genetic issues that cause down syndrome.

>> No.1921444

is a troll, disregard that.

it's a disadvantage yet it persists because homosexuality is not genetic in nature, it stems from developmental factors such as womb acidity (I think). Evolution is the only theory I know of that makes sense; It is the one I follow.

>> No.1921449

>>1921430The disadvantage is still greater than the advantage.

What disadvantage? We aren't desperate for greater population numbers.

>He thinks nature is somehow mystical and natural selection is inconceivably difficult to grasp

Understanding the concept of evolution is one thing. Predicting every single change with any sort of accuracy is another.

>> No.1921452

>implying evolution is ever complete

>> No.1921464

No, faggots make up 1-2% of the population.The 10% number is a outright lie, similar to "people only use 10% of their brain".

You are proven wrong, once again.

>> No.1921467

If it was such an issue then why wouldn't women evolve to maintain the hormone balance in their womb? Probably because it had some sort of advantage in early humans.

Does that mean it's good or bad for modern humans? Don't care, there is no such thing. If it makes you happy then fuck another dude. If not, then don't.
>there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

>> No.1921470

consider a gene that increases a womans fertility when in a woman but increases the chances of being gay in her male offspring

now consider the fact that the mothers side of the family of a gay person is larger than average even when discounting homosexual offspring. (more aunts & uncles and cousins on the mothers side)

>> No.1921471

Genes are not one-dimensional and they do interact complexly with other genes and environmental factors. Homosexuality does seem to be associated with chemical factors in the womb, but genes work both on creating the mother's womb and its chemical output and on creating the embryo's response to the chemicals.

>> No.1921477


Geez, you're not the person who was bashing transgender people yesterday, too eh?

Anyway, stop being butthurt. Nothing wrong with gay, don't other animals practice homosexuality too? Just because it doesn't further the gene pool doesn't mean it's bad, heck I find it worse when people decide to have a crapload of babies.

The world is getting overpopulated, and if gays can contribute to society just like everyone else, then I welcome them. What else is different between them and everyone else?

>> No.1921481

I find it amusing how faggots actually use "population control" as an argument.No, faggot, third worlders are breeding like rabbits; whereas white people are not.Your one and only argument has now been disproved.What now faggots?

>> No.1921484


>The Family Research Report says "around 2-3% of men, and 2% of women, are homosexual or bisexual."

Though these are only the ones that know they're gay and not the religitards that can't even admit it to themselves because then Jesus would cry.

>> No.1921486
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Bitches don't know about epigenetics.

>> No.1921498

I don't see you doing anything about those over breeding niggers. Maybe you're focusing on the wrong problem.

>> No.1921503


Let me know if I missed any.

>> No.1921506

The human population is huge and increasing rapidly, if some people do not have children, whether they be gay or straight, white or black, that is a very good thing. >implying significant genetic differences between whites and blacks.

>> No.1921510

>we aren't desperate for greater population numbers
This is not how evolution works. Natural selection is about cramming the planet with as many as your offspring as possible, with the weakest dying off and the strongest living, and nature does not regulate population numbers (it has no means of knowing how many other humans there are, and the total lack of regulation in every other observed species backs up the fact this isn't the case.)

>Understanding the concept of evolution is one thing. Predicting every single change with any sort of accuracy is another.

Please highlight where I am incorrect so I can see what your problem is. As far as I'm aware my conclusions correlate with the way evolution works.
because lesbianism's causes are different to those of heterosexuality? I'm not entirely sure, as I make a point of not knowing anything about lesbians just to piss off feminists.
good point. Still, if homosexuality is a byproduct of something actually useful in evolution, and not advantageous on its own, why is it not a disability?

>> No.1921517

on what grounds? do you report other memes too?

>> No.1921520

>faggot says niggers and white people are the same
your opinion is now invalid.Confirmed as a retard.Not surprising you're this stupid, considering you're a queer.

>> No.1921524

>natural = good
>good for your genes = good for individual or humanity at large

You don't understand evolution. Also, read up on the naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.1921526

oh god what is this
Racism is utterly irrational, as is homophobia. Overall, the groups may tend to have lower intelligence, higher suicide rates, or whatever, but this is not justification for genocide.

>> No.1921527

>third worlders are breeding like rabbits; whereas white people are not

That would be a cultural/social thing, not a biological one.

>> No.1921529

quick reply cannot into tripfaggotry. Whoops.

>> No.1921531

In the case of niggers and their very close relative, sand niggers, its a justification for complete sterilization.In the case of faggots, they are to be either cured or castrated.

>> No.1921535

>implying I said natural=good when talking about anything other than evolution in which case the assertion was valid
>implying I said this has any practical relevance

>> No.1921540

No, its a biological one.Proof: niggers, spics, and sand niggers in america breed as much as their african/middle eastern counterparts.

>> No.1921542

>>1921510Natural selection is about cramming the planet with as many as your offspring as possible

That's right, YOUR offspring. If you are capable of supporting babies have babies, if someone else is unwilling then they are evolutionarily weaker. They aren't propagating your genes, you are. Only obviously you aren't because no woman will have you.

> with the weakest dying off and the strongest living

No, the ones with the fewest offspring dieing off and the ones with the most surviving offspring surviving. Evolution doesn't care how large, powerful, or intelligent you are, it only cares about how your features allow you to reproduce.

>nature does not regulate population numbers

Correct. If there was a gene that caused an animal to stop having babies when it reached a population limit, the others of its kind without that gene would continue to populate and the gene would be lost. Without some way to enforce population limits on Muslims they are going to dominate the world.

>why is it not a disability?

Disabilities are largely concerned with how someone functions in the workplace. Homosexuality doesn't really make any jobs more difficult. By your reasoning "left handedness" should be a disability because lefties are not the norm and can't use certain tools as easily.

>> No.1921549

>good point. Still, if homosexuality is a byproduct of something actually useful in evolution, and not advantageous on its own, why is it not a disability?

because the net benefit is greater than the net cost?

consider mr&mrs prude have 2 kids & those 2 kids have 2 kids each etc etc none of them ever gay

now consider mr&mrs sexy have 4 kids but 1 of them is always gay, but each of the straigh kids has 4 kids but one of them is always gay

2 -> (4-1)
3 -> (12-3)
9 -> (36-9)
27 ->(108-27)

obviously simplified exageration, but the principle stands

>> No.1921553

>Taking a nonevolutionary comment and making it evolutionary

>Still, if homosexuality is a byproduct of something actually useful in evolution, and not advantageous on its own, why is it not a disability?

Yes you're right I did imply what you just said.

>> No.1921557

But faggots ALREADY ARE essentially sterile. There's nothing to cure.

>>1921526Racism is utterly irrational, as is homophobia.

Black people are more likely to commit all types of violent crime. This is a fact. If someone breaks into your home it's significantly more likely to be a black male.

Racism is not irrational, it is backed up with mountains of evidence.

Homosexuals have surprisingly low crime rates. They aren't out to eat your babies. Homophobia is irrational because gay people are mostly harmless.

Learn the difference.

>> No.1921561

It's not their race that causes that. It's their SES.

>> No.1921563

>>1921510if homosexuality is a byproduct of something actually useful in evolution, and not advantageous on its own, why is it not a disability?

Because removing homosexuality might remove whatever it was that nature found beneficial in it.

>> No.1921564


Then what's your problem with homosexuality?!

>> No.1921566

Until you find a way to separate black people from black culture the distinction is moot.

>> No.1921569

The distinction is hardly moot. Races are not significantly different. The differences in race are caused by SES. Knowing that, you then move on to try and tackle this SES problem. You don't go around killing random people because of their race and the ignorant opinion that they are inferior.

>> No.1921570

Getting back on topic.


You never state what you find wrong with it except that YOU think it's not natural. If this were even true, giving a moral judgment based on this is a fallacy.

Moreover, what do you propose is DONE about gay people? Are you saying humanity would be better off if we inflicted needless pain on people like gays?

>> No.1921572

also gay people have higher empathy

>> No.1921575

>>1921569tackle this SES problem.
>>1921566Until you find a way to separate black people from black culture

I'm all ears. How do you make niggers stop acting like niggers?

>> No.1921578
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What's going on in this thread?

>> No.1921582

>No, the ones with the fewest offspring dieing off and the ones with the most surviving offspring surviving.
You know what I meant, and this is semantic.
>Disabilities are largely concerned with how someone functions in the workplace.
ok, why isn't it considered a disorder?

but if every person requires 5 pieces of food then the consumption looks more like


the growth in population doesn't match the growth in resource usage. Unless food wasn't an issue, homosexuals would still be a burden.

I'm not going to pretend I remember how we got to this stage of debate, but homosexuality is not a direct advantage to the person, and reduces their ability to procreate, therefore from an evolutionary point of view it is a disadvantage to the individual and to their family.
Don't you go all naturalistic fallacy on me, I'm not arguing homosexuality is good because it means there are less people.

>> No.1921583

because niggers in africa aren't as stupid and violent as the ones in america and europe, right?

>> No.1921587

>>1921572gay people have higher empathy

Pfffff people like to think that about women as well. Feminine gay men are even more shallow and selfish than straight women.

>> No.1921589

>How do you make niggers stop acting like niggers?

Taking an attitude like this is sort of a catch 22. You're part of the problem.

>> No.1921590


Are you seriously comparing people who fuck animals to people who simply like the same sex?

>> No.1921591

Southern Evangelical Seminary?

>> No.1921594

They need to be cured, if they refuse to be cured, then castrate them.As it stands they are notorious for being carriers of deadly disease.Its a fact that STDs have an astronomically high chance of spreading during man to man sex.

>> No.1921597

I like how people are ignoring epigenetics.

>> No.1921600

How do you get niggers to stop being violent criminals?

Fixed. Go on. I've got my chair pulled up. I'm all ears.

>> No.1921601

White men aged 15-25 have killed more people in history (both proportionally and overall) than any other ethnic/age group. It's only safe that we kill them too, no?

>> No.1921604

>Lays out argument 100% contigent upon an "evolutionary point of view"
>Don't you go all naturalistic fallacy on me

That's my line. I'm done here. If you can't see what you're doing then no useful debate can be had.

>> No.1921612

I think you have the wrong place for this. /sci/ isn't science.

>> No.1921615

my argument was originally, and still is, for a single point against homosexuality not religiously based, and mine fulfills that criteria as homosexuality reduces ones ability to procreate significantly, hence is a massive disadvantage from a genetic point of view.

>> No.1921616
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>> No.1921617

>>1921594Its a fact that STDs have an astronomically high chance of spreading during man to man sex.

Unless you're having sex with men how does this effect you? If they die from AIDS then they aren't your problem are they?

>>1921582 if every person requires 5 pieces of food then the consumption looks more like

You're trying to imply that a human's value only exists if they can personally produce offspring. You seem to think that gay people are less capable of living fulfilling lives compared with people that spit out babies.

I think that you need to think about the purpose of mankind for a while. Are we only machines for propagating our genes or are we capable of becoming creatures whose purpose is to learn everything we can about the universe, unravel its secrets, and explore the cosmos? This is /sci/.

>> No.1921618

oh god are you telling me


>> No.1921624


>> No.1921626

The Rootless - One Day Full Song - 4:30 minutes



>> No.1921627

No, thats darwinism at work.The weak subhumans deserve to die and thats how it is.If you dont like it, keep living in a fantasy world.

>> No.1921628
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>not vidya

>> No.1921629

The former. Though I love the idea of acquiring knowledge, I understand humans are biological machines for propagating genes, and that the brain power is a happy consequence. I don't romanticize the truth.

>> No.1921631

>>1921601White men aged 15-25 have killed more people in history (both proportionally and overall) than any other ethnic/age group.

That's not even true. Asians have killed a LOT more of each other than white people have. Of course they had more to work with...

Though there probably is something to be said for taking males aged 15-25 and putting them to something useful until they get out of their "gotta fuck/kill something" phase.

>> No.1921643

If you didn't need a brain to pass on your genes you wouldn't have evolved one, you'd just be a dick with legs. Humanity has gotten to the point where we CAN, should we decide to, take control of where we go as a species.

We can't just keep increasing the population forever, eventually something has to give. Eventually we have to figure out some way of sustaining our species that doesn't rely on exponential growth.

>> No.1921648

ok, white or asian men aged 15-25 are responsible for more deaths than any other ethnic group or age bracket. This is not, however, justification for culling them, or taking away rights, because individuals vary massively. The same applies with average intelligence vs race, religion, gender, or sexuality.

>> No.1921649

Why are you acquiring knowledge when you should be out cultivating relationships and having sex? Guys who get dates aren't the ones who are always successful at asking people out, they just ask out the most girls. If you're a girl it's even easier to have children.

>> No.1921653

Just because a robot was built for one function doesn't mean it can't be used for a different function. Function is a property that is given by humans. We decide our purpose.

>> No.1921654

Actually, whether its bad or not, being gay is a mental disorder. Humans are naturally attracted to the opposite sex. Being attracted to the same sex it due to being mentally wired that way, a deviance from the norm. In that way, its a mental disorder.

>> No.1921659

Black men kill a lot more per capita in tribal warfare.

>> No.1921664

Being interested in science is a deviancy from the norm.

>> No.1921666


pick one.

>> No.1921667

Hopefully scientists develop biological weapons that kills niggers and sand niggers exclusively in the near future.Then cut off aids research and let aids kill all the faggots for us.The world is now a better place.

>> No.1921670

Please don't encourage him to reproduce.

>>1921654Humans are naturally attracted to the opposite sex.
>Gay humans are naturally attracted to the same sex

You have a problem with your logic somewhere.

>> No.1921673

>>1921667Hopefully scientists develop biological weapons that kills niggers and sand niggers exclusively in the near future.

Maybe some kind of chemical weapon that only works on people that don't bathe.

>> No.1921674

>If you didn't need a brain to pass on your genes you wouldn't have evolved one
then how do other mammals work? I don't explicitly need a brain, it just happened to help my ancestors where less intelligent versions of them died out.
>If you didn't need a brain to pass on your genes you wouldn't have evolved one

This is what most men are.

>Humanity has gotten to the point where we CAN, should we decide to, take control of where we go as a species.

And we should try to get rid of our humanity as soon as possible. Emotions get in the way of logic, as do built in flaws, as do x number of other human traits. If you want to be happy, do drugs and bungee jump. If you want knowledge, don't romanticize and work towards it.

>> No.1921678
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>> No.1921681

You're a bit too late for that. The number that die because of AIDS has declined greatly. Maybe if you were a terrorist and targeted pharmaceuticals.

>> No.1921684

So what's this meme about engineers being gay? I don't get it.

>> No.1921695
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>> No.1921701

I would become an engineer if it meant I was allowed to be a sexy anthropomorphic raving wolf.

Just saying

>> No.1921707

Butthurt mathematicians not earning 300k per year starting made it.
Oh lawds.

>> No.1921713

You would fit right in, tripfag.

>> No.1921718

I only started using a trip because someone was trolling as me. Still, I agree; gay furry raves are every research scientists' scene

>> No.1921730

>I only started using a trip because someone was trolling as me.

That is like saying
>I only started trowing gasoline on my house because it was on fire.

>> No.1921736
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I lol'd

>> No.1921741

only it isn't because that analogy doesn't work
Shut up inhuuurdaes, I know what you do on fridays

>> No.1921745

No u, and what do I do on Fridays?

>> No.1921750
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I would think some people in Papua New Guinea or some people in the Amazon have killed more people proportionate to population size.

Some of the groups there kill each other a lot and probably have been doing so for a while.

>> No.1921758

I'm not posting because I know you'd hate me for doing so.

They do small skirmishes and scuffles. We do wars that wipe out 50 million and mass genocide. We win.

>> No.1921761

why doesn't that analogy work trip fag?


>> No.1921767

>>1921758We do wars that wipe out 50 million and mass genocide. We win.

Quite a large percentage of deaths in WWII were dead Chinese caused by Japanese soldiers.

>> No.1921768

fail, a secure tripcode would be what I'm using now.
The analogy doesn't work because- assuming you think adding a tripcode to my posts worsens trolling- throwing fuel onto fire != throwing fire onto fire. It kind of works in some obfuscated way, but you should try harder

>> No.1921773
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>I'm not posting because I know you'd hate me for doing so.

>> No.1921776

but a much larger proportion were because of us crackas, AND i've already admitted that the white/asian catagory works better than just the white.

>> No.1921777


trust me.

>> No.1921782

Several genocides have taken place in Africa.

There are places in modern Africa where people will kill all of the men in a village.

>They do small skirmishes and scuffles. We do wars that wipe out 50 million and mass genocide. We win.

These groups of people that repeatedly kill a handful of people are not as numerous as Western societies.

>> No.1921791

but not 50 million of them. I could argue that the main reason for those killings was the fact we messed up africa in the late 19th and early 20th centuries then left and ignored them for 5 decades, thus we were responsible, but I won't because this is boring and I swore never to use history more than I had to

>> No.1921799

Some people in this thread should be classified as having a mental disorder.

The people who are trying to explain how homosexuality is an evolutionary disadvantage are fucking hilarious. you dont know shit.
>>1921582 >>1921340

to the people who are saying its not genetic, you're idiots. everything you can become is because your genes let you. YOU ARE A FUNCTION OF YOUR GENES. The environment you're in does play a role, but genes are way more important.

Firstly gay people are almost never 100% gay. My gay friends in real life have slept with more women than most of my straight friends. I have never met a gay person who hasnt fucked a woman. Have any of you ever had a gay experience? ever shown your dick to your friend when you were 10? you're showing gay traits. Romans used to fuck the shit out of each other, it was the norm.

Just because your gay it doesnt mean you cant have children. In fact i would guess, if any of you actually tried to look up the statistics, that gay people would have almost exactly the same fecundity as a heterosexual. Every homo man i know has kids.

Some of you are saying that because having gay sex doesnt produce children its worse for the species and therefore wrong or something like that. Why dont we classify masturbation as a mental dissorder aswell? Everytime iv had sex, iv used some kind of contraceptive, im basically doing the same thing as the fags, i fucked someone without the chance of getting them pregnant.

>> No.1921812

Maybe those people were bisexual. There are some gays who feel nauseous at the thought of sex with a woman.

>> No.1921816

so glad no one on 4chan actually ever does anything, i can sleep easy at night knowing the worlds dumbest people are in no position to do anything with their lives

>> No.1921819

I'm scared that the opinions and reasoning here are reflective of most humans.

>> No.1921830

>look at links
>both me
>feels bad man

>to the people who are saying its not genetic, you're idiots. everything you can become is because your genes let you. YOU ARE A FUNCTION OF YOUR GENES. The environment you're in does play a role, but genes are way more important.
>implying the environment does not entirely determine what your genetics are
>implying I have not already said this

>I have never met a gay person who hasnt fucked a woman.
How would you know this? do you make a point of asking strangers for their sexuality and details on their past relationships?

>Romans used to fuck the shit out of each other, it was the norm.
disregard my previous post; You're thinking of the greeks. Romans were pretty normal.

>Just because your gay it doesnt mean you cant have children. In fact i would guess, if any of you actually tried to look up the statistics, that gay people would have almost exactly the same fecundity as a heterosexual. Every homo man i know has kids.

>Why dont we classify masturbation as a mental dissorder aswell?
because masturbation isn't a sexuality, because masturbation doesn't take the place of traits allowing one to procreate, and because masturbation is entirely natural and physiologically beneficial.

>> No.1921836

There are certain things that genes do play a more important role in, but the environment has a very strong influence and can help to correct any negative predispositions a person had because of genetics.

>> No.1921839

>>1921812There are some gays who feel nauseous at the thought of sex with a woman.

Hardly the majority. A hole is a hole you retard.

>> No.1921847

Black people don't have smaller wars because they don't want to have larger wars, they do because they aren't able to organize as well. If Africa somehow ended up with the atom bomb you can be sure they wouldn't have let rationalism or morals stop them from using it at will.

>> No.1921848

you said white people have killed more people proportionatly.

I assume you mean proportionate to population size of the killers and the ones being killed.

Those people I talked about kill a lot of people proportional to the size of the two groups and have been doing so for a while. These genocides in Africa also kill a large number of people proportional to the size of the killers and ones who are killed.

>The Rwandan Genocide was the 1994 mass murder of an estimated 800,000 people. Over the course of approximately 100 days from the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana on April 6 through mid-July, at least 800,000 people were killed, according to a Human Rights Watch estimate.[1]

>Other estimates of the death toll have ranged between 500,000 and 1,000,000,[2] or as much as 20% of the country's total population.

>> No.1921858
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u mad

>> No.1921862

That, and they like to go out with a bang, so to speak. Fucking attention whores.

>> No.1921871

You shoot them while they're fucking. Shoot them with a camera, of course.

>> No.1921880

ouch. Still, if this is the biggest that has happened I seriously doubt that the rates from it could beat the 105 million killed by the USSR, or the additional ~65 million from the world wars, plus many others. We still did tribal combat, only we moved on to mass killing sooner than they're doing/

>> No.1921961

>Francisco Macías Nguema was the first President of Equatorial Guinea, from 1968 until his overthrow in 1979.[221] During his presidency, his country was nicknamed "the Auschwitz of Africa". Nguema’s regime was characterized by its abandonment of all government functions except internal security, which was accomplished by terror; he acted as chief judge and sentenced thousands to death. This led to the death or exile of up to 1/3 of the country's population. Out of a population of 300,000, an estimated 80,000 had been killed, in particular those of the Bubi ethnic minority on Bioko associated with relative wealth and intellectualism

>> No.1921992

Yea they are. Everyone here is using the term gay to mean any man who likes other men regardless if he has sex with women though.


>How would you know this? do you make a point of asking strangers for their sexuality and details on their past relationships?
haha, no i dont talk to strangers. But if you have friends you talk to them. and a friend used to take me out to the gay bars with her gay friends. They fuck, a lot.

>because masturbation isn't a sexuality, because masturbation doesn't take the place of traits allowing one to procreate and because masturbation is entirely natural and physiologically beneficial.
Natural? every species that has sex demonstrates homosexual behaviour.
"No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis...[19]"

I just tried to find some articles but it was taking to long so i gave up. Anyway they probably dont have as many children. Mothers on the other hand have a way higher fecundity when they have bisexual sons. You cant argue its not evolutionarily successful.


whatever. nurture nature debates are boring.

>> No.1922023


>> No.1922053

sage for trolling