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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 226 KB, 600x900, charmane-star-avn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1919149 No.1919149 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women like overgrown children half the time? What is the scientific reason for it, I ask.

>> No.1919158

Behavioral conditioning. They are allowed to act like children so they continue to act like children.

>> No.1919159

picture not related

>> No.1919160
File: 26 KB, 571x600, 1261781490085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches is filthy whores

also smaller brains

>> No.1919180

What're you talking about? Her nipples are delicious.

>> No.1919187

This is the correct answer.

>> No.1919218


low social-dominance due to small physical size, coupled in with women's decreased ability to provide for themselves in prehistoric evolutionary times, making them less secure and more dependant on other bigger humans to survive. Much like children.

Couple into this the fact that males are often drawn to females who display some child-like features (cuteness), because it helps bring out a male's nurturing instinct and may have helped ensure the female was taken care of better by her mate.

>> No.1919344


>> No.1919367

>coupled in with women's decreased ability to provide for themselves in prehistoric evolutionary times,

>Couple into this the fact that males are often drawn to females who display some child-like features

[citations neeeded]

>> No.1919463


>[citations neeeded]

You really need citations?

Do you honestly think a prehistoric woman with large hips and ample fat stores could hunt as well as a man? Do you think she could protect herself from attackers or rapists or wild animals?
And then when a woman became pregnant she would be completely vunreable (like a child).

The 2nd one is widely acknowledged in evolutionary psychology. It explains everything from why men like women with soft-featured faces, to why blonde hair is considered attractive to even the preference for non-saggy boobs.

The first two sections on this page are a good jumping off point if you're interested;


>> No.1919474

>child like features
>0 results

>> No.1919483
File: 200 KB, 800x666, evolutionary psych bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>evolutionary psychology


Seriously though, that bullshit has no place in /sci/. What passes for peer-reviewed research articles in evolutionary psych reads like a fucking dressed-up /new/ thread.

>> No.1919484


>mfw you think you are so smart
>mfw i'm not even that guy
>mfw you've never heard of neoteny

>> No.1919487


>mfw i realized he never read the 1st sub heading