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File: 37 KB, 500x400, america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1909857 No.1909857 [Reply] [Original]

OK so for my culture class I need to ask people questions on what is an American. If you answer you have to state your first name second is optional, what country your from,and if your American you have to list what state. You don't have to answer all the questions just a few would be fine.

So anyways here we go

What is American culture?

How do Americans live?

What does America stand for?

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?

List any stereotypes of Americans.

Have you been to America?

Additional Comments relating to Americans:

>> No.1909860

And I know this isn't /sci/ related but its probably one of the only somewhat intelligent place on the internet

>> No.1909878

For intelligence, I suggest the xkcd forums.
Also, please tell your teacher to go fuck himself with a rusty chainsaw, for asking names on a survey.

>> No.1909886

Yep, knew the name thing would be a problem...

>> No.1909898



>> No.1909905

>>What is American culture?
Taylor Swift and Kanye West @the MTV VMA awards
>>How do Americans live?
Slowly encroaching into poverty but to blind to see what is causing it while charging off their new Iphone while pointing and blaming a Mexican.
>>What does America stand for?
Democracy, but in this Presidency it is Cosmopolitanism.
>>Give one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
>>Generally, how do most American's live?
Slowly encroaching into poverty but to blind to see what is causing it while charging off their new Iphone while pointing and blaming a Mexican.
>>List any stereotypes of Americans.
They are all fat, they are all Republicans.
>>Have you been to America?
I live here (in a very BLUE, LIBERAL state.)
>>Additional Comments relating to Americans:
"Can I have fries with that?"

>> No.1909935

What is American culture?
Mass market idiocy

How do Americans live?
Americans live in ignorance

What does America stand for?

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
with their heads buried in the sand relying on crap like religion.

List any stereotypes of Americans.
fat,lazy,violent, and apathetic. always trying to be the best.

Have you been to America?
I live in America

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
Public education is such a disgrace its leading the population to believe in retarded religious beliefs like Creation Science.

>> No.1910296


What is American culture?
>Food, entertainment, and gossip
How do Americans live?
What does America stand for?
>Making mistakes, but still coming out okay
Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
Generally, how do most American's live?
List any stereotypes of Americans.
>Fat, ignorant, warmongering, overtly religious, unable to think critically
Have you been to America?
>Born and moved about the whole country.

>> No.1910327
File: 37 KB, 637x720, 1263844577958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is American culture?

How do Americans live?

What does America stand for?

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
A sad meaningless life worshiping imaginary friends

List any stereotypes of Americans.

Have you been to America?
I am American

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
Dont go to america

>> No.1910332
File: 159 KB, 800x802, 1263844976874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry forgot to put the name, That was Mike from TEXAS

>> No.1910346

holy shi- i stand and applaud this answer from you seeing you live in texas, and all.

well done.

>> No.1910390
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1266953551886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know what you mean...Thanks.
Texas is mostly full of alot of DUMB ISOLATED BIBLE THUMPERS. But there are exceptions. Austin for example is Liberal Hippie Heaven....lol.

The thing I hate about Texas the most is the stupid amount of religious bullshit everywhere, 1/2 of all radio stations are "jesus this" and "jesus that"...It fucking annoying.

>> No.1910414


There is a town in your state where one can buy donuts the size of donut BOXES.

I will always respect your state for that fact alone.

>> No.1910432


What is American culture?

How do Americans live?

What does America stand for?

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
Generally, how do most American's live?
Happily and lots of money unlike other countries that are poor
List any stereotypes of Americans.
Rockford Fosgate
Single 10" 150W Subwoofer,

Sony CMT LX20i Micro system
Have you been to America?
Additional Comments relating to Americans:
WE ARE NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1910434

Sadly, That sounds about right...lol

>> No.1910443

What is American culture?
>a clusterfuck of the cultures from every other country
How do Americans live?
>in cities, or suburbs or in the country...in houses or trailers or apartments...just like the rest of the world
What does America stand for?
>FREEDOM...but really, absolutely nothing.
Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
Generally, how do most American's live?
>by breathing.
List any stereotypes of Americans.
>fat, stupid, lazy, pricks, giant dicks
Have you been to America?
>yep. born and raised.
Additional Comments relating to Americans:
>we have massive cocks and don't give a flying fuck about your country.

my name is David D. Davidson

>> No.1910447


No, exactly right.


>> No.1910446
File: 333 KB, 768x1259, 1284372527168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid American Detected

Notice how he equates Happliness to money and material possessions. Its a sign of the consumer culture. Little does he relize that america isnt actually #1 in anything, it just thinks it is (pic very related).

>> No.1910451

The average american may be fucking retarded and ignorant, but it's still a great country to live in

>> No.1910454

Ok, I wasnt arguing with you


>> No.1910463
File: 87 KB, 790x1185, jana_defi_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even been to other countries?
America is ok to live in, not the worst, not the best.

>> No.1910465

why are you posting this on every board you fucking retard?

>> No.1910483
File: 126 KB, 450x373, 1277329215232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you posting this on every board you fucking retard?

OP is polling, trying ot get a good amount of answers, wtf is so wrong with that? You do know how Polling works right?

>> No.1910494


hurrrrr wide body of evidence durrrrrr

>> No.1910523


>> No.1910538

Hey, Lawrence from New York

What is American "culture"?
Well, that can be described as a bunch of fat pricks with money doing nothing for America saying we are #1. There is poverty, but we try to hide that from everybody else.

Americans live in urban apartments, suburban houses, rural houses, or giant mansions in California. I personally want to kill every single fucking mansion person.

America stands for not giving a fuck abou anything. Either that or they pretend to give a fuck. Our politicians are corrupt, we are not helping anything in the world with these wars. Also we have people who say guns kill people when they don't actually do shit.

One word that defines America.

Stereotypes of America are actually true.
Fat, lazy, rich, loud, drunk, listen to nothing but rap, waste money on useless shit, ignorant.

Yes, I have lived here for the last 7 years, wish I could go back to England though, hell even France.

Additional comments:
England did not lose the American revolution, they dropped out because it was starting to be too expensive. Saying they actually lost is like saying America lost the Vietnam War when they actually dropped out. Also America's past is just as violent as England's.

>> No.1910544
File: 24 KB, 375x601, 004b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1910565

Francesco, Italy.

>What is American culture?
There is no culture in America

>How do Americans live?
Spending everything they have and not giving a fuck about the day after, often ending up in debt. They also display a keen hatred for all forms of social security.

>What does America stand for?
Wanton capitalism and violations of international law

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

>Generally, how do most American's live?
See answer #2

>List any stereotypes of Americans.
Fat, retarded, gun-toting

>Have you been to America?

>Additional Comments relating to Americans:
I'd rather not.

>> No.1910579
File: 61 KB, 500x375, 1277836704185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is American culture?
Failed spin-off of the great European culture.
>How do Americans live?
In ignorance and surrounded by world-class idiocy.
>What does America stand for?
One nation under God.
>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
>Generally, how do most American's live?
They got big houses, eat at Dunkin' Donuts for lunch and roll with those machines made for invalid people because they're so goddamn fat. They can't even move their greasy ass and most of them have no manners whatsoever.
>List any stereotypes of Americans.
America is awesome.
>Have you been to America?

>> No.1910593

I live in Minnesota

What is American culture?
a mix of many world cultures, but mostly baseball, american football, drinking beer
How do Americans live?
Lazily and unhealthily generally
What does America stand for?
Freedom, although I feel that many people in America don't understand that concept
Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
Generally, how do most American's live?
Lazily and unhealthily
List any stereotypes of Americans.
Fat, stupid, lazy, overly religious, racist
Have you been to America?
Additional Comments relating to Americans:
Most of the stereotypes are accurate for most Americans

>> No.1910594

American here

>What is American culture?
A mix of every other one

>How do Americans live?
By maintaining homeostasis

>What does America stand for?
That varies on the american(again we are very diverse)

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

>Generally, how do most American's live?
By eating and drinking on a regular basis

>List any stereotypes of Americans.
World police
Sexier then Europeans

>Have you been to America?
I would think so

>Additional Comments relating to Americans: Im staying here only due to the fact that we have the best Space industry Hands down

and its not a bad place to live

>> No.1910619

>What is American culture?
A mesh of many cultures into on steaming stew. Which used to be segregated, but with every generation, integration is more prevalent. Mostly due to people getting richer.

>How do Americans live?
Cheaply, expensively, comfortably. It all depends on you economic status. On average, I would say we are pretty fucking comfortable. As I like to put it "even our poor people are fat".

>What does America stand for?
Fundamentally: justice, rule of law, liberty, mixed government.
Actually: whatever the fuck we want, corruption, misunderstanding of democracy and liberalism.

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
Casually polite.

>Generally, how do most American's live?
...You asked that... but comfortably.

>List any stereotypes of Americans.
Loud, obnoxious, stupid, impolite.

>Have you been to America?
Born, raised, and presently living in Wisconsin.

>> No.1910631
File: 930 KB, 2340x2355, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad eurofags

can't even into space

>> No.1910654

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

>> No.1910740

What is American culture?
There's no contigent culture and it depends heavily on your socioeconomic background. The average "culture", however, would be consumerism and escapist entertainment.

How do Americans live?
Oversized everything with complete disregard to practicality and sustainability for the environment and economy (think running your AC day and night in your 6 bedroom house for two people to live in is cheap and practical?).

What does America stand for?
Allegedly freedom, but words are not actions.

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
Again, with little concern to practicality, sustainability and overall welfare of themselves, the environment and others. Instant gratification is all they live for.

List any stereotypes of Americans.
Oh boy...

Have you been to America?
I live there. Also, the very fact that "America" is used is in itself a telling symbol of this survey.

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
Did I say they were ignorant and gullible? It's not recommendable to have a country being run by irrational, religious prejudiced people that constantly scapegoat their blunders on minorities or redirect scrutiny to circumstantial sensationalism to avoid paying for their own actions.

>> No.1910772
File: 193 KB, 1418x1023, 1271886750508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is American culture? -eating/football/work

How do Americans live? -in houses, that are worth less than their mortgage, and they live with a ton of debt

What does America stand for? - it depends on who you talk to but most people would say freedom -> this means different things if you're a republican or democrat. Republicans want freedom of business in a nearly Laissez-faire economy where personal/social freedom is governed by religion. Democrats favor helping the poor through government regulation of business and distributing the wealth but republicans argue that this hurts the economy. Democrats don't want to limit social freedom as much.

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American? - enterprising/religous

Generally, how do most American's live? in debt

List any stereotypes of Americans. fat, baseball (but it should be football (not soccer football, but american football))

Have you been to America? i am american

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
we hardly get any vacation/sick days. If you're salary the minimum is 2 weeks per year for both sick/vacation combined. -fail

>> No.1910785 [DELETED] 

>That pciture

Fucking inaccurate generalizations everywhere.

>> No.1910835

Englishman here

What is American culture?
Reality TV and fatty foods

How do Americans live?
By exerting the bare minimum amount of effort necessary

What does America stand for?
Stand? It sits on the sofa and watches television of people standing

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
See second answer

List any stereotypes of Americans.
Redneck, obese, ignorant, like to pretend that America is the greatest nation in the world

Have you been to America?
Not once

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
All of my comments pertaining to Americans are based on misanthropic stereotypes

>> No.1910856

Chavis Smith, USA, California.

Americans are uneducated, fat dumb ass scum. We use religion and pseudoscience to justify most of our ridiculous beliefs in all sorts of nonsense.

The Tea Party is the perfect example of most Americans...Illegal, dirty mexican scum with no less than 8 kids represent the other portion of Americans.

>> No.1910879

By David Davidson

What is American culture?
I don't know.

How do Americans live?
I already bombed the test, shit, sorry.

>> No.1910884

>What is American culture?
they don't really have one
>How do Americans live?
they work their asses off, until they die.
>What does America stand for?
>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
>Generally, how do most American's live?
in mass-produced houses built from materials europeans use for tool sheds.
>List any stereotypes of Americans.
fat, dumb, obnoxious.
>Have you been to America?
yes. never again.
>Additional Comments relating to Americans:
they are easy to troll.

David, Czech Republic (that's in Europe, in case you are American)

>> No.1910889

>What is American culture?
A mesh of different cultures, depends largely on what part of the US you live.

>How do Americans live?
Depends, living standards are high and some states are home to the highest living standards in the world, it varies from place to place though, the USA is a large country.

>What does America stand for?
Originally? Liberty, individualism and ambition. Those ideals still remain, but not as strongly as they use to.

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
I don't think it's possible to sum up a diverse population of 300,000,000 in one world.

>Generally, how do most American's live?
Already answered this.

>List any stereotypes of Americans.
Fat, ignorant, nationalistic

>Have you been to America?
It's where I live.

>Additional Comments relating to Americans:
A unique country, that has flaws just like every other, only it's flaws are on parade in front of everyone. Grand wilderness and natural wonder. Big with open spaces. A country with many pros and cons. The country I prefer to live in.

>> No.1910901

>The Tea Party is the perfect example of most Americans

Yeah, that's why Obama is in office. They are a minority, smaller than republicans.

>> No.1910911

>What is American culture?

Wildly variant.

>How do Americans live?

In many different ways.

>What does America stand for?

Many different things.

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?


>Generally, how do most American's live?

By breathing.

>List any stereotypes of Americans.

They are human.
They live in America.

>Have you been to America?


>> No.1910919

>What is American culture?
American popular culture is sports, hollywood movies, and pop and country music. Our historical culture is jazz, blues, broadway, barbeque, and other regional food cultures.

>How do Americans live?
Americans work longer hours than their European counterparts. Work ethic is important to most Americans. Many aspire to the "american dream" of being your own boss, even if it means working very long hours. The majority working people can afford to own their own home and at least one car.

>What does America stand for?
It stands for freedom, innovation, independence, and government of, by, and for the people.

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

>List any stereotypes of Americans.
Innovative. Loud. Rich.

>Have you been to America?
I live in America.

>> No.1910931

>It stands for freedom, innovation, independence, and government of, by, and for the people.
i think i'm going to vomit

>> No.1910943


A bit "holier-than-thou", are you?
You could have just said "I don't know."

>> No.1911077

(was me)

After reading the above posts, just to add a few more points

I need to emphasize that we really don't have vacation days, and i suppose it's why we don't see the rest of the world and are essentially culturally isolated from europe and other countries.

religion is absurdly strong and polarizing especially right now, but this was brought about during the cold war and america's hatred of communist russia that was atheist.

the wars we're in are due to the fact that we are strong, we put in 500billion a year into our defense budget (defense/offense) -that's a lot! After 9/11 happened bush and his cabinet decided that no price was too high to pay for protection -apparently even our personal freedom. Amazingly we'll get into wars over 'freedom' yet we're blind to what's being taken away from us here.

/just a few thoughts

>> No.1911105

Hate to break it to you folks, but this "Tea Party" sure does have the face of "REVOLUTION" that Ron Paul had a few years back. Shit sucks that grass roots gets infiltrated so hard, so so fast, in this country.
The fucking fall, can you see the floor yet?

>> No.1911119

proof, or it didn't happen:


>> No.1911137

Hate to break it to you, but the Tea Party is just the Republican Party.

They are jumping onto hype for the votes, that's how politics work.

>> No.1911151

Started by an Independent that had GREAT policies, until he got busy running for President.. then the party was hijacked by the Republican party.

I just said all this, learn to read, liberal.

>> No.1911155

What is American culture?
hollywood movies, pop music, fast food, hard work.

How do Americans live?
like every other developed nation, it does not take a genius to work this one out - except with more religion

What does America stand for?
freedom, creationism/religious fanaticism and retardations (lolmormon), democracy, voting against one's own interests.

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
answered that question already

List any stereotypes of Americans.
fat, retarded, religious retard, creationist, elitist/delusional (we are only free cuntry in world derrpp!!)
Have you been to America?

having said all that, im sure most americans are not fat retard dickheads, but rather nice people. im british.

>> No.1911186

I don't even understand what you said.
"Shit sucks that grass roots gets infiltrated so hard, so so fast, in this country." Is not a sentence.
What I ASSUME you are trying to say (after looking at your link), is just what I had said.

>> No.1911190

What is American culture?
An amalgamation of other cultures. Also MINDLESS CONSUMERISM

How do Americans live?
By eating, sleeping, and breathing.

What does America stand for?

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
Comfortably. Suburbs/medium cities. Many do live in poverty or extreme wealth through.

List any stereotypes of Americans.
Fat, ignorant, gun-toting fundamentalists eating hamburgers.

Have you been to America?
It is my current place of residence.

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
We're safe and democratic, that's about it.
If you want education go to Norway or something.

>> No.1911202

you sound pretty underwhelmed, brah

>> No.1911220

You dumb fuck, you are an Americant. The OG TEA PARTY WAS STARTED BY RON FUCKING PAUL.
/cruise control
The Tea Party movement was started with other policies, great ones, that were taken over (grassroots infiltration) by the NEOCONS.


For everyone here talking shit on Tea Baggers, you should not only talk shit but to fucking pepper spray their faces for taking over what was, at one point, a great political movement.


>> No.1911221

Just a reply to the obvious europeans. If you haven't been here you shouldn't say shit. No we are not all fat. Our countrys culture is mixed which is why we stand for freedom. Bill of rights for teh win. We are pretty ignorant. No we are not gullible. Don't say it unless you have facts eurofags. We are also pretty well educated.

>> No.1911254

>What is American culture?
American culture is whatever the governing political party says it is at the time.

>How do Americans live?
Americans live with an unwarranted air of superiority over everyone else. Not just countries, but their neighbors. The Self-esteem movement in America has failed to prepare Americans for cohesion.

>What does America stand for?
America stands for the good and the bad in the world. America is in and of itself, a microcosm for all nations.

>Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

>Generally, how do most American's live?
American's live with a love of self. They love themselves during the good and pity themselves during the bad.

>List any stereotypes of Americans.
Americans are stupid. Americans are fat. Americans are lazy.

>Have you been to America?
Average at least one trip there per year.

>Additional Comments relating to Americans:
Americans are so caught up in wanting to help the poor that they talk more about helping them than actually helping them. Americans who claim that entitlements are the best for the poor are to unwilling to bring them into their homes or volunteer at the local soup kitchen etc. Rather than help bring up each other, they insulate themselves from the problems and beg government to deal with it. They have become too complacent since industrialization and have much too good a view of their country. Americans often whitewash their country's checkered past. You see it from conservative nationalists and liberals who claim America stands for greatness and freedom when less than 50 years before doctors refused to treat poor blacks with STD's to use as studies and injected South Americans with diseases to study them.

>> No.1911265


So anyways here we go

What is American culture?
>A mix of many many different peoples and whatever
How do Americans live?
>generally, very well
What does America stand for?
>No one can agree on what
Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?
Generally, how do most American's live?
List any stereotypes of Americans.
>lazy, fat, unintelligent
Have you been to America?
Additional Comments relating to Americans:
>most stereotypes are false, like really

>> No.1911280

What is American culture?
Whatever the corporations tell you it is.

How do Americans live?
In a delusion, be it one of infallibility, or superiority or wealth or morality.

What does America stand for?
At its best, the USA stands for the things your people honestly believe their government stands for: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Justice for all, that sort of thing. Your goverment, be they red or blue, on the other hand, stand for the status quo, for neo-imperialism the kind of which was thought disregarded in the post WWII world. It stands for flagrant Human Rights violations, both of their own citizens and of foreigners over whom they have no domain. It represents corruption, inclemency and disregard in their purest forms.

Given one word what would be most suitable to describe an American?

Generally, how do most American's live?
Beyond their means. The average bank balance in the USA is $2400 in the red. Your drifting into the domain of a third world country, in terms of your public education and your healthcare, not to mention the rampant lack of regulation and corruption of the richest in your society.

List any stereotypes of Americans.
Well meaning but ill-informed, overtly religious. Most liberal American politicians are conservative by European standards, so I guess that carries over into public perception too.

Have you been to America?
Yes, to Ohio, Vermont and Pennsylvania.

Additional Comments relating to Americans:
Save yourselves, because no one else can.

>> No.1911297


>Have you been to America?
>Yes, to Ohio, Vermont and Pennsylvania.

Ooh, man you got three really shitty states.