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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 539 KB, 1280x960, jennhewl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1908210 No.1908210 [Reply] [Original]

Quantum physics.

Science takes baby-steps towards philosophy yet fails to say anything new or interesting once again.

lol amirite?

>> No.1908725

I love that pic

>> No.1908732

Quantum Mechanics is actually the best theory mankind has come up with so far, not a single experiment or observation is in disagreement with quantum mechanics.

>> No.1908737

QM has given us more insight into the nature of reality in 50 years than philosophy has in 5000

>> No.1908745

> implying philosophers didn't discover the atom by pure thought

>> No.1908749

You can't discover anything by pure thought, only by actually discovering it.

>> No.1908753

> implying

>> No.1908757


ITT: Faggot OP underestimates the value of QM while asshole neckbeard replier gets mad and forgets that Science is an empirical philosophy and thus equally devalues philosophy. Necky also forgets that philosophy decides the subjective things we do with the objective information that science discovers.

(Do you use knowledge of chemistry to synthesize new medicines or build an atom bomb? Depends on your philosophy, which depends on the nature of the objective situation around you (observations beyond science))

It's all a part. There's shitty philosophy and shitty science (not shitty branches, just shitty instances within the branches).

Find the good in everything.Go go go.

>> No.1908758

19th century: determinism
20th century: lol probability amplitudes, determinism scrapped

>> No.1908765

>asshole neckbeard replier gets mad
>deride him with PARAGRAPHS OF RAGE

>> No.1908802
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Best post on this whole board

>> No.1908821


>implying six sentences that took roughly two minutes to type = PARAGRAPHS OF RAGE


Yes, I'd love some god damn cheesecake. Thanks.

>> No.1908846

probabilistic =/= indeterminism

>> No.1908868


>discovering something
>by thinking



Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww >;3~~

>> No.1908880

>implying that Josef has ever made an incorrect statement

>> No.1908884
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>> No.1908907

>implying josef isn't a cancerous newfag who gets off to scat porn

>> No.1908910

>implying josef isn't a cancerous tripfag who gets off to pretending he has some kind of image and credibility

>> No.1908916

>implying that i was implying the opposite of that, and that i don't completely agree with you

>> No.1908986
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>> No.1909001
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>> No.1909013

That's in Helsinki...

>> No.1909029


what a newfag...

>> No.1909054

Finland you fuckers, Finland.

>> No.1909059
File: 216 KB, 700x700, 1281554828739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furries are zoophiles who like to masturbate to half-animal pornography. The majority of the Internet hates them because they won't stay in FChan and Fur Affinity and continue to annoy the rest of the Internet with their persecution complex and disgusting fetishes. They are pushy, obnoxious, gullible, insecure faggots completely incapable of understanding how stupid the concept of their fandom is, and as such only take offense to the claims of it being a sexual fetish, as if without the sexual aspect, being obsessed with cartoon animals would be perfectly fine.
Normal people keep their fetishes and developmental oddities to themselves and don't try to make their fetishes into anything else. Furries believe their fetish is a lifestyle and must announce it to everybody on the Internet through their icon or sig. Society might actually hate furfags less if they didn't wish to justify their perversions so strongly that they bring their fursuits and molested dogs into every normal place and spew their crap. Every pervert must first accept that they are fucked up and either roll with it or an hero. Furries refuse to accept they are fucked up, thus making them easy targets for trolls and lulz.

>> No.1909086
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Problem finfags?

>> No.1909094

>fuck year

>> No.1909096

Who gives a shit when there's bigger problems in it! It reads SWEDEN instead of FINLAND

>> No.1909110
File: 363 KB, 879x1009, finland-winland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1909232
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>> No.1909292

gtfo namefag

>> No.1909302

> implying philosophers didn't discover the atom by pure thought

what more do you want sci fags? ancient greek philosophers already knew about atoms. science hasn't advanced in over 2000 years.

>> No.1909305

You don't talk to the Colonel like that, boy!

>> No.1909313


>> No.1909316

I love it when people state the opposite of reality as fact.

>> No.1909328

Don't give me that bullshit. They had an idea that there might be a smallest, indivisible element of the world, but they didn't know shit about it. Even what we call an atom today is composed of more elementary particles, several of which themselves are composed of more elementary particles.

>> No.1909333

Try running your computer with philosophy, idiot.

>> No.1909340

>implying there would be a computer if philosophy hadn't shitted out the scientific method

>> No.1909408

Philisophers are like hippies. Talking big about saving the world, but all they do is smoke pot and watch movies about gay cowboys eating pudding.

>> No.1909420
File: 901 KB, 1920x2560, comeatme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me bro.
You know you want some of this philosophizin' ass.

>> No.1909430
File: 32 KB, 251x251, laughing nigra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he uses an engineer's argument to defend science against philosophy.

>> No.1909443

Eh. I do theoretical physics and even I produce more than some dude thinking about how he thinks about certain things ..

>> No.1909447

Scientists are like hippies. Talking big about doin' sciences, but all they do is smoke theories and watch Heisenberg and Einstein have gay revenge sex.

>> No.1909458

And the engineer does more than circlejerking with other physicists and actually makes shit.

Quit using arguments based on practicality.

>> No.1909950


Did you... read my diary?