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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 63 KB, 520x306, biology-chemistry-physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1902311 No.1902311 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that the ranking from easiest to hardest in terms of an undergrad degree goes: Biology, Chemistry, Physics?

>> No.1902315

Chem is hardest. Applied science. In physics you can just pull something out of your ass. As long as we don't have the technology to physically test your theory you're in the clear.

>> No.1902344

But learning physics concepts which have already been proven or accepted is very hard. How many physics majors would have trouble with chem? Not many. The reverse isn't true at all. The barrier of entry to physics is much higher than chem. Bio majors could not handle it. They would fair slightly better than psyc or liberal arts majors.

>> No.1902357

>im a bio major
>smarter than everyone in my physics class
>your argument is invalid

>> No.1902360
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I don't know where you go, but if you want a B.Sc. here, you have to specialize within biology. There is no 'Bachelors of Sciences of Biology'.

>> No.1902364

Do you enjoy any of the following?
Nuclear power:General relativity
Microchips:Quantum physics
LEDs:Quantum physics
Lasers:Quantum physics
If you do and you still disagree, you're obviously another butthurt engineer and I don't mean butthurt from the loads of cocks that you had up your ass this evening.

>> No.1902371

You are just one person. On average Bio fags are bad at math and problem solving compared to chem and physics majors.

>> No.1902375
File: 89 KB, 377x310, durst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first quarter physics class for pre-meds doesn't count

>> No.1902380

I think you are a little off, but right overall. Of course, I know Chem majors that are pretty damn good in physics, and I know Physics majors that suck at Chem. I personally suck in Biology, or at least did in high school. I'm using a psych class for the biological science requirement for the BS.

But that is all in terms of subjects. But if you look at the work required in all the majors,
Chem = Physics, I don't know any Bio majors so I don't know how they fit in. I imagine they have the same level of work, especially since they have to actually KNOW shit instead of figure shit out for themselves.

>> No.1902383
File: 220 KB, 1300x842, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll agree with this if you leave the ecologists out of it. I use calculus and matrix algebra all the time (in before some mathfag descends from his thrown to berate me; it's still more complicated math than most biology majors have to deal with).

Still, saging tier thread.

>> No.1902408

Opposite is true. In order to solve problems chem and phys people have to know. Bio fags can get away with memorisation, especially at lower levels.

>> No.1902419

>I'm a Physics Major
>"Smartest" in my Physics class
>Tied at first in DiffEqu's
>Third in Chem
>Better than Math majors, other Physics majors, and Bio majors.
Your major doesn't determine your ability, your ability determines your ability. Normally Bio majors suck at math and rock the memory. Even Psych majors use more math than you guys.

>> No.1902445

why leave ecologists out of it

>> No.1902443

I think you misconstrued my point.
Physics and Chem majors require the ability to figure things out on their own. Which is instantaneous work. You are given a problem, and you solve it.
As opposed to Bio majors. That have to study their field. Like, actually STUDY. Note cards and everything. That's what I meant by 'know'. When given a question, they have to KNOW the answer, not solve it.

>> No.1902468

difference between biology, chemistry and physics
Physics:Stare at a board or a piece of paper with equations until you can come up with something
Chemistry:Come up with theoretical models for chemicals and then test them
Biology:Go to remote place on earth, collect specimens, study their body functions, look for signs of what family it stems from, analyze its molecular make up and dna, see what chemicals make it up, understand it various bodily reactions, study their behavioral patterns and their environments and how they affect the environment...

>> No.1902475
File: 279 KB, 875x750, [gasp]X7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because even I hate some of the other bio majors. The human bio majors can't math to save their lives (and they're you're future doctors). At least in population ecology we do a fair amount of math in the models that we use. We also deal with many species where the human bio guys know exactly ONE SPECIES.

I've never used notecards in my entire academic career. They're a waste of time that encourage memorize things one piece at a time instead of connecting it with things you already know.

...So I guess I'm saying that they're are irreconcilable divides within biology that keeps us from ranking it as a single group.

Also, I'm cool with both of the other areas. I have no need to prove which is 'best' or 'hardest'. You also don't know how many times I've facepalmed trying to explain how harmonics affect birdsong to biology majors who weren't paying attention in physics.

Again, still a tier thread.

>> No.1902484

hey im thinking of studying ecology. where do you go?

>> No.1902496
File: 116 KB, 986x630, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH, I have a good graph for this WITHIN biology. This is, again, why biologists can't be lumped together.

>> No.1902505
File: 16 KB, 320x240, Coyote in Quiznos Cooler 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have the best ecology profs, no lie.

>> No.1902511

awesome thanks. the only thing is im sort of unsure about big schools...feel like smaller schools are better, but ill def. look into it

>> No.1902520
File: 29 KB, 470x324, African Painted Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do whatever suits you best.
Remember that, in the end, this is about being happy.
If making money makes you happy, do that.
If stumbling through the chaparral at midnight on a 'night hike' with the rest of your class while trying to call in coyotes makes you happy, do that.

>> No.1902540


*Physics: Explain how the universe (thats right, not just life, not just matter, but the entire universe) works and why it does what it does, from the most fundamental quantum level up. Everything that can be explained through chemistry and biology can also be explained through physics.

I fixed that for you.

>> No.1902544

>tumbling through the chaparral at midnight on a 'night hike' with the rest of your class while trying to call in coyotes
sounds fucking amazing!! fuck money.
thats also why i want to get into ecology, youre not stuck in a lab all day, you do research in the outdoors, you see things and go places.

>> No.1902569
File: 6 KB, 640x480, Lotka-Volterra[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and math... but it's fun math because you realize that it represents something very real world. This graph is an illustration of the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey equations.

...Also, get used to finding things in languages other than English. Historically, this is a European field, so you'll end up on a lot of German websites and a few Spanish ones too.

>> No.1902585

My progress through majors:

Physics: Fuck this shit is tedious.
Math: Fuck this shit is tedious.
Chem: Fuck this shit is tedious.
CS: Fuck this shit is fun as hell.