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1896106 No.1896106 [Reply] [Original]

neurofags report in.

monkeyfag here.

>> No.1896123
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>> No.1896136

you useless faggots wouldnt know real science if it dickslapped you


>> No.1896151



look up sleep walking cats. shit brix

>> No.1896178

sure u dont mean decerebrate cats, indicating presence of locomotor central pattern generators in the spinal cord, brah?

>> No.1896228
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Neurons are irrelevant to consciousness, more and more people are showing up with around 85% of their brains not working because of overflow of cerebrospinal fluid (hydrocephalus) as babies. If a man has an IQ of 120, normal memory functions, normal psychological behavior and is missing 85% of his brain...something is dramatically wrong with our current idea on the origin of consciousness.

>> No.1896235


obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1896236

I love how many people actually believe this to comfort themselves. =) Delusions sweet huh?

>> No.1896305

I'm sorry what did I say to delude myself? I'm simply follow the empirical evidence here, I'm in neuroscience...

Look it up man, like I just said its called hydrocephalus, 85% of some completely normal individuals brains are non-existent, not trying to be a troll just trying to talk about this, so reply with something productive or an argument against me or don't reply at all...lol?

>> No.1896329

107 KB

Old pet cats are irrelevant to new cats, more and more cats are showing up with around 85% of their bodies not working because of overflow of trollium. If a cat has a litter of 12, normal memory functions, normal psychological behavior and is missing 85% of his body...something is dramatically wrong with our current idea on the origin of new cats.

>> No.1896333

citations, faggot

>> No.1896383

really man? you cant type hydrocephalus into google?
first story I found with a google search, there are lots.

again, not trying to troll guys, i just wanna talk, i want you to open up your souls to me /sci/....

>> No.1896390
File: 451 KB, 500x500, 1286941539549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol man fail city

>> No.1896402

You forgot, we don't have souls.

>> No.1896426

So if we make a computer with the transmitters equal to the number of neurons we have, then add some basic software that discriminates toward favorable conditions of its existence, we will should have something that behaves exactly like a human!! This what you believe dawg?

>> No.1896459


>citations faggot

>> No.1896483

newfag here doesn't know wtf your saying...
if your expecting scholarly citations, I have none, but you should be able to realize this condition does exist from the source i gave. Also i doubt academia would dare to tread on such paradigm shifting grounds.