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1893685 No.1893685 [Reply] [Original]

So, why haven't we created life yet?

>> No.1893689

Only God can create life

>> No.1893687

I just came, and therefore have created life.

>> No.1893691

Well, if you consider injecting synthetic DNA into bacterial cells and then having them multiply on their own as "creating life"

Then we already have.

>> No.1893696

yeah stfu jordary le faggot
rgds, unlce dolan

>> No.1893697


>> No.1893703

Well, no, why the fuck would I consider that creating life?

>> No.1893707

Thats modifying life, not creating it.

>> No.1893720


what would you consider "creating" life then?

>> No.1893724

this, define life, it's not because you insert batteries in a radio-controlled car or automatic robot you have created life

>> No.1893744

a TOTALLY new organism
>This was done by synthesizing a very long DNA molecule containing an entire bacterium genome, and introducing this into another cell,
>and introducing this into another cell,
see what I mean?

>> No.1893757

It's obtaining a self replicating organism starting with nothing but organic compounds, not living structures or information such as DNA

>> No.1893761


you need materials in order to create anything, a brick house needs bricks.

>> No.1893765

yes but the bricks must be created from many other compounds. That "synthetic organism" is far from being created by the most basic elements, they're just improving on and combining what they already have.

>> No.1893780

yet the credit for building the brick house goes rightfully to those who assembled the brick house and not to those who created the bricks. You can be a total pro in creating bricks and know nothing about building a brick house. Building a brick house is like adding a whole new quality to bricks, just like assembling DNA from amino acids.

bricks brick brickhouse bricks ... brick

>> No.1893784


If abiogenesis is true, you could easily recreate the conditions of early earth in a laboratory, you can give electrical discharges, create whirls and regulate temperature, if it succeeded it would shut the creationists forever, but no luck yet, we must be missing something

>> No.1893787
File: 212 KB, 1424x1136, H.Lesch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why haven't we created better things than theories (geusses) yet?

>> No.1893789

but building a house isn't that hard if you have all the materials at your disposal
>but no luck yet, we must be missing something
Yeah, exactly, so what the fuck are scientists doing with their time?

>> No.1893800


You do realise the house thing was a metaphor?

Building a hundred thousand or so string of atoms and then putting it inside a cell, is not infact, easy.

>> No.1893808

It is in the 21st century.
Okay i'll rephrase my question for you before you call me out on it again.
Why haven't we managed to recreate the beginnings of life on Earth?

>> No.1893815


Are you fucking kidding?!

You think that shit was easy?! Jesus christ. You need your head checking. We haven't done anymore because biological life is an incredibly complex topic and we do not understand it enough to make it in a lab yet.

>> No.1893818

Easy is all relative. Flying wasn't easy 100 years ago but it is now.
So why dont we understand how life came about? We know the size of the universe but we dont know that?

>> No.1893819

You mean creating an actual organism from a primitive earth setting? Probably because it's boring.

>> No.1893821


Creating synthetic life is on the brink of new science. It is incredibly complicated and it is not fully understood if it is even possible.

Put it this way, we can't recreate something if we don't know how the fuck it got there in the first place.

>> No.1893824

We have a good understanding of the development of the organic molecules, but due to the fact that the whole planet had good conditions for life to start but it still took hundreds of millions of years shows that we aren't going to be able to just emulate it in a tube.

>> No.1893830


>> We have a good understanding of the development of the organic molecules

Yep, but the very first stage, where a series of molecules came together to form a self replicating system, is not understood in the slightest.

>> No.1893833

Why weren't men earlier on the moon than 1969?
Why haven't we achieved time travel yet?
Why haven't we proven or rebuked the Riemann hypothesis yet?

Shit is difficult and takes time bro. It'll be done, when it's done.

>> No.1893846

I duno I thought the point of a science board was to discuss these things? Should I reply "when its done" to every speculative thread from now on?
Also can ya'll explain the Cambrian Explosion?

>> No.1893888

thats no excuse

>> No.1893903

Conway's Game of Life has created replicators. They satisfy the basic fundamental definitions of life, within their universe.

>> No.1893906


>Cambrian Explosion

Yes. A sudden, rapid diversification of life resulting from an arm's race between predators and prey, involving the appearance of hard-shelled organisms, which made for far better fossils than the soft-bodied organisms of previous eons.

>> No.1893916

see that thats word again, considering multi-celled organisms have only been a fixture of life on earth for about 2/60ths of the time of life on earth I find it more than a little odd. So SUDDENLY this diversiifcation happened?

>> No.1893923
File: 22 KB, 406x604, 1284031837998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause you havent given me your phone number yet. How big are your tits?

>> No.1893927

OP here, I was waiting for this

>> No.1893928


Fucking sauce on that pic?

>> No.1893931

we had, multiple times - Craig Venter did it and some sciencists in 70's recreated the atmosphere and conditions which occured on earth when life formed there and after shocking all ingridiens with electricity they got an organic mass growing inside of glass container

>> No.1893934

also lol
Im gonna puke on that whore. Shes fugly. Get some propper taste.

>> No.1893935

Godamn right you're not op. I wouldn't fucking say something that stupid.

>> No.1893940


When I say sudden, I mean a period of tens of millions of years, not an eye-blink. Geologically sudden.

>> No.1893946

yeah, after BILLIONS of years of single-celledness (not a word I know stfu)

>> No.1893951


Get your facts straight my friend, he only managed to synthesise RNA. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't get DNA to appear, let alone a single celled organism.

>> No.1893969

what he said