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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1892672 No.1892672 [Reply] [Original]

>7 billion population already
>consuming resources beyond full force

what do?

>> No.1892696

>implying there's going to be a resource crisis in the next 50 years

>> No.1892704
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Problem, sir?

>> No.1892715

Resources will always keep up.
Problem, Malthus?

>> No.1892724
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>> No.1892728

I say fuck it. We were doomed from the start.

>> No.1892739

*Producing* food does seem to be a problem in the foreseeable future. If the price of food increases due to production limits, more people will turn back to a vegetable-based diet no much meat. Shitty, but not dramatic.

Real problem will be *transporting* food. As soon as we reach peak oil, food will become virtually impossible to economically carry accross the world, and THAT can be a problem.

But then, when's peak oil predicted to be nowadays? It changes every year.

inb4, someone gives me a round number with no uncertainty.

>> No.1892740

Overpopulation general.

>> No.1892744

The most important resources are recyclable(aka not oil)

>> No.1892745

fukin cornucopians, ...

>> No.1892749

If graphene takes off, it could potentially extend the world's oil supply for decades through reduced use of plastics.

>> No.1892754

What? How?

>> No.1892755

A 2002 study[18] by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization predicts that world food production will be in excess of the needs of the human population by the year 2030; however, that source also states that hundreds of millions will remain hungry (presumably due to economic realities and political issues).

>> No.1892756

overpopulation is bullshit, industrial nations replacement rate is going into the red, the numbers don't add up for your soylent green doom world you all jack off to so much

>> No.1892757

not the guy but it seems pretty obvious. we use hella oil in plastic

>> No.1892765

through reduced use of plastics

Google is your friend, you know. There's probably still a thread floating around about graphene, /sci/ was talking about it earlier today.

>> No.1892774

Yeah but I'm not sure how graphene could be used to make less plastics/using less oil. Googling now.

>> No.1892776


>> No.1892779

>As soon as we reach peak oil, food will become virtually impossible to economically carry accross the world, and THAT can be a problem.

some people think decentralizing may be the solution to dilemmas like "government control" versus "free market", so who knows this works with food, and meybe we endup eating better, organic farms near home and such...

>> No.1892790

instigate war between india and china. instigate famine in india and china. obliterate the population centers of india and china with nuclear weaponry.

>> No.1892791

Lets just start a technocracy!

>> No.1892809

Too early. ~20 years at least.

>> No.1892833

lol just my own forced meme, man. i say it to you whenever you are in a thred and trying to address a problem lulz

>> No.1892837

its a race. singularity or extinction.

some people would say both.

>> No.1892845


organic food is just a sales pitch, you're a moron if you believe its better
the only difference? costs more, smaller serving.

>> No.1892848


Yep, that's what I think too. It will certainly stabilize into smaller local markets reminescent of the pre-industrial world.

But that's in the long term. There are many places that don't produce enough food for themselves as they can import it more economically: the US, China, India, all the small countries with very free markets, most of the first world (don't quote me on that, I didn't take the time to re-check that import-export stats, but it sure includes a shit ton of places).

All these countries will be faced with a food crisis that will only stabilise with the death of many people (read: the poor).

Depending on what the govts do about it (give incentives to devlop agriculture before hitting the crisis; invade agricultural countries; place price ceilings on food...), it can have many consequences. The agricultural countries situated near the food-lacking ones may greatly prosper from the close export during the starvation times.

This will totally reshape the equilibrium of powers in the world. There will be a lot of drama.

>> No.1892850


Wonder what it says about fresh water.

>> No.1892856

complete social upheaval.
controlled population growth, public shooting of the dumb,
think tanks created around the world organized to solve localized problems, and radically new government

>> No.1892920

>implying that wouldn't just reduce the planet to clans and tribes killing each other for food

>> No.1892929

<implying running out of oil is the end of the world

all that would happen is city dwellers die, everyone else is fine.

>> No.1892932

I see.

>> No.1892944

>>1892756 industrial nations replacement rate is going into the red, the numbers don't add up for your soylent green doom world you all jack off to so much

World pop growth drops to 1% immediately:
13 billion people by 2080
26 billion by 2150
52 billion by 2220
104 billion by 2290


>> No.1892947

Not the end of the world. The end of science and losing the last 200 years of technology, absolutely.

>> No.1892951

>>1892947The end of science and losing the last 200 years of technology, absolutely.

The bits of the Muslim world not propped up with oil money won't even notice the change.

>> No.1892969

I thought we were bros with the technocracy joke ;_;

>> No.1892972

Ah, no, you misunderstand. I sage my posts that aren't specifically about the topic the OP posted.

>> No.1892970


Losing more than 50% of the human population, most of them the actual ecocomic and intellectual force that forms the backbone of EVERYTHING in our society is not something important?

>> No.1892981

The Venus Project, that's what.

>> No.1892987

Only the parts of science that uphold the "AMERICAN DREAM." HAving a car and a lawn mower and all the crap that people have but don't need.

There are still organic oils, and biodegradable plastics made from trees and crops, it is not a lot but more then enough to fuel and maintain progress in science. People just need to stop working 50miles from their homes.

and if we really need it we can start landfill mines. Recycling a little to late, but it works.

also hydroelectricity and wind power

>> No.1892990
File: 31 KB, 600x450, derp (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus project is one of the most poorly realized, fundamentally flawed programs out there.

>> No.1892998

You really, REALLY think science isn't going to fucking collapse when the civilized world enters WW3 over oil struggles?

God, talk about deluded.

>> No.1893002

Hi Turdaes!

>> No.1893005

>implying science won't be a lesser priority to the rural fags than 4 wheelers

>> No.1893006

>implying it isn't already collapsing

>> No.1893010
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silly, the world won't "collapse", it will implode into the black hole made by the LHC.

>> No.1893015

If they are smart they will forsee it and have a plan. And if they are truly smart a government will protect them.

You also forget that the vaste majority of urban jobs are superficial, like bagboy, telemarketeer, real estate agent, hair dresser, model, lawyer, all these jobs provide nothing to the world.

>> No.1893016

Naw, not yet. Discoveries are still being made, shit is still being learned.

inb4 "but bawww sociology" or whatever the fuck

>> No.1893023
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>if they are smart

>> No.1893025

I think jesus and zenu will come take our problems away

inb4 you're wrong

>> No.1893035

And when the infrastructure for those superficial jobs collapse, you have a fucklot of desperate hungry people eating food.

It'll be Fallout 3, just without super mutants. If you really think science is going to flourish when people are struggling just to eat and survive, you're the worst kind of irrational.

>> No.1893040

We end the glorification of competing to powerful and rich by controlling resources and instead embrace a responsible and symbiotic relationship with the planet.

>> No.1893041

When I read people as stupid as you, I pray to every diety known to man in hopes that they exist and will keep you out of science.

>> No.1893046

In the end it'll all come down to corporate interests versus human interests. Since our society and government structure is tilted towards corporations and private profit, I don't see much hope.

>> No.1893049

No one is going to have a plan (except for /k/ who already have their bugout bags packed). Humanity is stupid and vain enough that we'll probably still have lawyers and models when 98% of the population is starving.

>>1893035just without super mutants

We'd better start working on making super mutants!

>> No.1893057
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>mfw I witness the birth of the Enclave

>> No.1893063

>resources will always keep up
>millions starving

>> No.1893067

>confuses distribution for scarcity
Oh you.

>> No.1893069
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>resources will always keep up
>millions starving
>my face when an American was fat near me

>> No.1893070

You're just mad that I'll survive. My guns at my side, hiding out at my mountain retreat, with years worth of dried food. Tools and equipment.

With my Short-wave radio, broadcasting world wide, a global dark-net that only the 13373 have access to.

Feels good to be intelligent.
The way of a /k/omando.

>> No.1893075

Nope, I'm just thanking Odin that you're just another useless /k/ommando.

>> No.1893079


>implying i was doing that and not just pointing out that it doesn't matter if our resources will keep up, because we're always going to be wasteful fucktards

>> No.1893093
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>> No.1893096

Nobody cares about Africa now, nobody's going to care about Africa later. When we don't have enough food for the west, shit happens.

>> No.1893100

>people are starving because of global resource shortages.
>mfw marxists actually believe this

>> No.1893926

americans won't be fat near me

great news

>> No.1893939


>> No.1893950

No need to worry. Things will sort themselves out. Population growth will stop around 2050 and our technology only becomes more efficient. From then on, humans will slowly die out and the earth will recover.

>> No.1895805

/k/ is nothing but trigger happy hicks whose solution to survival is kill everything else.