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1890497 No.1890497 [Reply] [Original]

I really need some help on this:
I can't figure it out

>> No.1890511 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">p=\frac{17x + 5}}{6y},[/spoiler]

Now go away.

>> No.1890510

Foil that shit, brah.

>> No.1890518

<span class="math">p=\frac{17x + 5}{6y},[/spoiler]

>> No.1890519

Did and got to this: p=(18x/4y+2/4y)-(5x/3y-1/3y)

>> No.1890536

Self bump. What to do next?

>> No.1890540

Good. Now reduce where you can and find a common factor between (2y) and (3y).

>> No.1890554

(2y)? You mean (4y)? Or what?

>> No.1890570

Start reducing fractions, brah. For example, (14z)/4 reduces to (7z)/2.

>> No.1890581

Take one piece at a time

Give them the same denominator

that would be 12y you're shooting for
so multiply by 3 and 4 respectively. This gives you

3((18x + 2)/4y) becomes
(54x + 6) / 12y

and 4((5x-1)/3y) becomes
(20x - 4)/12y

then you subtract and are left with

(24x + 10)/12y

reduce it by removing 2 from all terms, and you get

(12x + 5) / 6y

Or not, whatever, I haven't taken a math class in 10 years.

>> No.1890591

Sorry, I cannot into subtraction.

When subtracting
you are left with

(34x + 10) / 12 y

You then remove 2 from all terms

And you get

(17x + 5) / 6y

>> No.1890637

Thank you all :D! I got it now ^^

>> No.1890641

Brah's right, but I would have foiled out to
<span class="math">p=(\frac{18x}{4y}+\frac{2}{4y})-(\frac{5x}{3y}-\frac{1}{3y})[/spoiler]
reduced to
<span class="math">p=(\frac{9x}{2y}+\frac{1}{2y})-(\frac{5x}{3y}-\frac{1}
then found my common denominator
<span class="math">p=(\frac{27x}{6y}+\frac{3}{6y})-(\frac{10x}{6y}-\frac{2}{6y})[/spoiler]
and then simplified out to
<span class="math">p=\frac{17x+5}{6y}[/spoiler]

Comes out to the same answer. Just a different way going about it.

>> No.1890643
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>> No.1890657

Oh shit, I wouldn't even have thought of that.
I think your version might be easier for him to understand, too, when written out.

>> No.1890679

Just checking if I got everything right :D!
I made another one to check!



>> No.1890702


Fixed! I wrote the start wrong