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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1883529 No.1883529 [Reply] [Original]

Just here to remind you that /g/ is superior to this board in every way

>> No.1883537
File: 42 KB, 423x358, 1262056436500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you shitting me? I came here to run away from that piece of shit board.
You have a far higher post count per minute on average, with the trade-off for quality. And /sci/ isn't exactly a quality board.

>> No.1883551

Inurdaes, you still there?

I used your unrealistic long term goal as an idea as a foundation for my paper I'm writing.

>> No.1883553
File: 34 KB, 340x468, grinman lieks to grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just here to remind you that macs are superior to PCs in every way

>> No.1883554 [DELETED] 

bump for you

>> No.1883559

Bump for you, Inurdaes.

>> No.1883565

Oh shit, just saw this.
I have many long term goals that could be considered unrealistic by people that have not seen the videos and sources I have. Could you please specify?

>> No.1883570

I have never understood why the people of /g/ are so obsessed with computers.

Seriously, who gives a fuck about whether your home PC has a 2.8 or 3.0 ghz processor? Or whether your fucking keyboard is mechanical or not.

They only use their computers for gaming and surfing 4chan. Its not like they are conducting cutting edge nuclear weapons research with it.


>> No.1883574

>To become political revolutionary, ushering in a new era for humanity with the robotic revolution and post-scarcity

I think that was from you, right?

I'm writing an essay for my writing class. I'm using that as the foundation for it. Tomorrow I'll elaborate on it with depth and clarity as to how I could achieve this.

>> No.1883578
File: 7 KB, 125x107, 1259213960558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I'm listening.

>> No.1883580

by what metric?

>> No.1883581

robotic revolution, post scarcity? Are we talking Manna or that Zeitgeist thing?

>> No.1883588 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately bro, I really can't elaborate on that. I'm under the impression that I'm treading a thin line as it is by using your goal as my own. More importantly, I haven't started on it yet! I'm starting tomorrow morning but figured I'd get an idea tonight, you know.

Accepted 'quadslayer' you have MSN

>> No.1883589
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1259314025218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate Manna the most and if that world became a reality I would probably cry from happiness.

>> No.1883593

Unfortunately bro, I really can't elaborate on that. I'm under the impression that I'm treading a thin line as it is by using your goal as my own. More importantly, I haven't started on it yet! I'm starting tomorrow morning but figured I'd get an idea tonight, you know.

Accept 'quadslayer' you have MSN

>> No.1883595

or are we talking self-replicating robots?

>> No.1883596

>Accepted 'quadslayer' you have MSN
I'm assuming you mean Windows Live Messenger, but if you're saying you added quadslayer then that isn't me.

>> No.1883599


Nope, the protocol is still called MSN, you dumb tripfag piece of shit

>> No.1883601

Yes but specifically to keep production and services at cheap level and keep up with demand. Subservient to humans.
>I'm under the impression that I'm treading a thin line as it is by using your goal as my own.
Huh? I welcome more people for sharing a goal like mine. The more bros the better.

>> No.1883604

You mad.
And most people called WLM 'msn' for some reason.

>> No.1883605

yeah it was a typo. I noticed your e-mail and figured i'd add you (if you have MSN) in case I need more inspiration.

>> No.1883607


I don't see why you're singling out one board.

/g/ only talks about computers because they know nothing about technology.
/sci/ only talks about religion because they know nothing about science.
/v/ doesn't even like video games.

>> No.1883609

>Huh? I welcome more people for sharing a goal like mine. The more bros the better.

Yeah. Well you know, I'm a freshman in college (Oregon State) and I guess I'm a little nervous about how plagiarism works. I mean your idea isn't terribly unique, but still I don't want to risk fucking up a damn thing, you know. Figured I'd add you (if you have MSN) if I really am in dire need of inspiration though

>> No.1883612

/mu/ is probably the worst out of them all, though.

/v/ can at least be fun. /mu/ .....Just...All of my hate.

Hmm I have been a regular there for a few years now though. oh well.

>> No.1883613

>most people called WLM 'msn' for some reason

That's because it was once MSN Messenger.

>> No.1883617

Hey inurdaes, you faggot. Where's my technocracy?

>> No.1883618

Well shit.
I never post my MSN as usually people can get my personal info through that.

>> No.1883620
File: 34 KB, 305x400, Lisa+for+President[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call back when robots can do pretty much every menial task. ~25 years or so.
You can be... Minister of Keepin' it Real.

>> No.1883623

you're not from /g/ and /sci/ doesn't care

>> No.1883627

People occasionally try to stir up conflict between boards, and I suspect you are one of them.

>> No.1883628

>usually people can get my personal info through that

I'm pretty sure registering on every site on the internet with the same name should be your larger privacy concern.

>> No.1883629

Meh. Just to minimize the amount of /b/tards spreading my information over all the major boards going TEE HEE I ANNOYED A TRIPFAG I guess.

>> No.1883630

I was actually one of the dudes that was for it, but that project went to shit lol ;_;

>> No.1883631

>>1883391 10/12/10(Tue)03:41
>>1883529 10/12/10(Tue)05:10
so fucking juvenile, and not in that good /b/ sort of way.

stop trying to take up people's time and distract them from science like a spoiled cunt

>> No.1883634

To be honest, after the first couple of threads I could see that it wasn't going anywhere, and the actual process of everyone meeting from other countries and making a corporation or whatever was far-fetched. If it started picking up steam again, who knows. But Anonia or whatever it was called got like over a thousand members and never went anywhere.

I just don't think the technology to start a new thriving country is available yet.

>> No.1883646

Lol, we can't even get started on a game and we wanted to make our own country. Really, the most anyone can do is do research, or getting funding for research.

>> No.1883650

Projects initiated by naive and uneducated teenagers tend to end that way.

>> No.1883653

Shuddup. We'll build our technocratic society before my 20th birthday.

>> No.1883654
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>> No.1883658
File: 117 KB, 967x889, peoplewantthefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like it's not in demand. Pic related

>> No.1883663

I like you.

New plan. Start a group to fund amateur science and engineering research, even if it's something like Hampture. Have one of the conditions of the funding be some kind of open source license on any plans after an agreed upon period of time, so we can all benefit from the research people are doing for fun. Nobody loses.

btw, inb4 niggers

>> No.1883677
File: 222 KB, 666x852, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@ op