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1881573 No.1881573 [Reply] [Original]

Who is smarter?
Doctors, Engineers or Physicist?

>> No.1881577

What a superficial question...

>> No.1881582


In that order.

>> No.1881583

i'd say engineers typically are the dumbest on average simply because they don't need to spend as much time in school to have a fruitful career.

then probably doctors because they spend less time thinking analytically and more time memorizing a shit ton of things.

>> No.1881587

Doctors are obviously smarter since they have to go to school longer.

>> No.1881589

comparative vs. superlative

can OP? i say nay

>> No.1881593

Doctors get the most vagoo thats for sure

>> No.1881603

No doctors are smarter than engineers
But yes physicist are the smartest of the three
I'd go as far as saying that mathematicians are smarter than physicists
I don't know enough to make an informed decision about it, but superficially to me Euler seems smarter than Newton

>> No.1881608

A physicist, engineer, and doctor walks into a first grade classroom. A student asks them "What is 2 + 2?"

The physicist, after taking a moment to think, answers "Thanks to the development of mathematics and number theory, we can conclude that 2 + 2 is equal to 4."

The engineer promptly pulls out his trusty calculator, types in some numbers, and answers "Thanks to the marvel of modern technology, the answer is 4."

The doctor looks at both the physicist and engineer and answers "4."

The physicist and engineer both glare at the doctor and asks "How do you know?"

The doctor shrugs and said "I memorized it."

>> No.1881610 [DELETED] 


This shit isnet even debatable. Everyone knows this shit.


>> No.1881616

Depends on what type of engineers...

Electroengineers would be at the bottom, hands down.
Doctors don't really need much intelligence to complete their education, but they need a buttload of ambition and will.


Some engineers are dumber than that, though.

>> No.1881620

Doctors in pysics are the smartest.

>> No.1881627

moar of OP's pic

>> No.1881649

Doctors are smarter than engineers
Despite the common notion that engineers think critically about problems, most of them lack substance.
They don't go beyond what they've been taught and their view of the world is very narrow minded and dry.

>> No.1881653 [DELETED] 

i'll agree with that. Engineers really are dumbshits!

>> No.1881657

Engineers, are smart enough to pick a program that doesn't drag on till eternity. Therefore:
Engineers > doctors = physicists.

>> No.1881661

From what I'm seeing, engineers are the smartest. They don't have to spend as much time or money on their education and they can get careers that pay reasonably well. Now, they may lose in a Jeopardy match, but at least they aren't saddled with the equivalent debt of a new home like a doctor, or spending the better parts of their lives fretting over whether or not they'll have the funding to continue their work like a physicist (physicists who mock those who aren't educated like they are, but nevertheless require the generosity of the unlearned's pocketbooks).

>> No.1881665 [DELETED] 
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Every other post seems to disagree with you

Everyone knows engineering is shit tier, sorry bro.

>> No.1881670

Further proof that engineers lack substance
Science is not destination, its a journey and if you can't appreciate that you're not any more enlightened that the rest of humanity.

>> No.1881672

Anyone who can't teach them selfs the above subjects and need to go to college to learn are not smart at all.

>> No.1881678


>> No.1881681

FYI I'm not an engineer. I simply regret taking a science major over an engineering one.

>> No.1881679 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1277217600381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thinks the world is all about money. Have fun being a wage slave the rest of you life.

>> No.1881687

Have fun eating dirt pies and mud biscuits.

>> No.1881689

It depends on the level of schooling. If all three have PhDs, I'd say Physicist > Engineer > Doctor, but all three are probably close. The reason most engineers overall are not as smart is because they do half (or less) the amount of school as physicists and doctors before becoming specialized and their particular job.

>> No.1881698

Except you fail to realize that undergrad programs for both the physicists and doctors a re easy as tits in comparison to eng.

>> No.1881718 [DELETED] 
File: 809 KB, 797x576, 1277256137270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When is the last time you met an unemployed physicist? Engineer is actually more prone to layoff and shit. It is an oversaturated field.

>> No.1881728

says who?

>> No.1881725 [DELETED] 
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>thinks engineering undergrad is hard

you sir are the true joker

>> No.1881730

Curious to know why you think "Electroengineers" would be at the bottom.


>> No.1881735 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 225x329, 1277328551861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying US engineering 4 year programs are not being phased out in favor of certification programs.

Have fun with your worthless degree, as younger and younger kids with less schooling take your jobs.

>> No.1881742

Not true. Physics ugrad is probably more challenging than all disciplines of engineering from a conceptual standpoint. The main way that engineering is more difficult is that you have a ton of project obligations going on every semester by the time you get to your senior year.

>> No.1881753


You need to quantify "hard", "challenging", etc and then run statistics with p<.05 before you can say anything definitive nigger.

You know how I know you're an undergrad?

>> No.1881756

Engineer-fag here. Question is BS. There will always be exceptions to any generalisations that you make, so why generalise?

>> No.1881757

you don't, because i'm working on a PhD in control systems :)

>> No.1881761

How can engineering by replaced by certificates?
Would like a civil engineer who made bridges be like replaced by bridge technicians or something?

>> No.1881759


I thought that was compsci

>> No.1881774


i dont think he knows what engineering is :l

>> No.1881785



>> No.1881805

Physicist > Engineer > Doctor

Physicists are the smartest because they are the ones that are conducting the pure science that everything else stems from. Engineers then take the findings of physicists and apply them to create some new technology. You don't really need to have any form of critical thinking or problem solving skills to be a doctor. They pretty much just memorize what does what.

Also, there is much truth in this. >>1881608

>> No.1881876

>Engineers then take the findings of physicists and apply them to create some new technology
okay. Lets see...
Paul Lauterbur( a chemist) invented the MRI
John Heysham Gibbon Jr(a doctor) invented the artificial heart along with the lengthy and complex procedure, which made not only heart, but organ transplants possible
Willem Einthoven(a doctor) invented the first practical electrocardiogram (which had been preceded by technologies develop by engineers, however those were very rudimentary equipments used to measure electrical activity in the body)
If engineers today develop medical technologies it is strictly tweaking, engineers do not create, they duplicate.

>> No.1882030

1. the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences

Their professions are irrelevant. They were applying the findings of pure science in order to develop new technology. That's engineering regardless of who does it, even if they don't have the title "engineer."

>> No.1882093

Doyou guys realize this is pertty subjective?

>> No.1882119

That depends on the doctors, engineers and physicists in question.

>> No.1882169

What the gesture means...
-Kiss on the stomach: I'm ready.
-Kiss on the Forehead: I hope we're together forever.
-Kiss on the Ear: You're my everything.
-Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
-Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
-Kiss on the Neck: We belong together.
-Kiss on the Shoulder: I want you.
-Kiss on the Lips: I like you.
What the gesture means...
-Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
-Slap on the Butt: That's mine.
-Holding on tight: I don't want to let go.
-Looking into each other's Eyes: I just plain like you.
-Playing with Hair: Tell me you love me.
-Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
-Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.
Don't ask for a kiss, take one.
If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
Post this again after reading
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.
If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now
and can't get them out of your head
then Re-post this within One Minute and
Whoever you are missing will surprise you!!