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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1878449 No.1878449 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, you are a polymath researching bionanotechnology, physiology, neuroscanning, yadayada. You have developed the ability to target and kill (or be more creative?) any group of people defined by any arbitrary but specifiable criteria. E.g., you could target males between the ages of 33 and 49 with dark brown hair who like blue vein cheese. Or you could simply target all humans over the age of 35.

What do you do?

(inb4 homos, niggers (or people who like fried chicken), jews, beiber fans, and all the other usual suspects. be creative here people.)

>> No.1878460

All people who have killed another person outside of war and prior to the activation of whatever allows me to kill those people so that I do not inadvertently kill myself.

Basically, Death Note for the win.

>> No.1878459
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Oh, I don't know...

>> No.1878518

just kill the stupid and rude people and the world will be just fine

>> No.1878543

so far i got nazis, murderers, and rude people. way to go people. are there, like, lots of engineers on here today or something?

>> No.1878548

People who strive to be selfish.

>> No.1878552

Kill everybody below 110 IQ

>> No.1878553

Based on? We'd have very few women left in the world you know.

>> No.1878556




>> No.1878563

Anyone who has read Ayn Rand or Karl Marx and took them as legitimate theories.

>> No.1878568

Also most would probably be the uglier ones who had to be smart and get a personality to survive...

Personally, I would kill anyone who actively wishes to stop or delay scientific progress for superstitious reasons or thinking that everything is fine the way things are.

>> No.1878570

That's a good start. I'll add anyone who read Twilight series and thought it was good must die.

>> No.1878571



>> No.1878587

Anyone who blindly votes for a political party without knowing anything about the election at all.

>> No.1878596

And then you wiped out almost 80% of all voters in American elections, I think.

>> No.1878621

No one.

If I can decree that someone is worthy of death, than I too am worthy of death. Unless they themselves want to die, for repentance perhaps, that is up to them.

>> No.1878634

Yeah I'm just gonna change my answer to this guy, he's kinda a douche.

>> No.1878637


>> No.1878644

Women who think that men should do and buy everything for them because they are pretty. I would give them facial cancer that leaves them disfigured.

>> No.1878655


it has to be a combination of all three though

>> No.1878661

i'm w/ this guy

>> No.1878684

All Christian teenage Philipinos who wear skinny jeans and listen to mainstream music.

>> No.1878686

Anyone who thinks they have the moral authority to decide the fate of another human.

That covers rapists, murderers, some on /sci/, OP for sure, genocidal megalomaniacs . . . people like that.

>> No.1878694

And you.

>> No.1878695

All African Americans with a highschool GPA below 3.99.

>> No.1878703

>all of them
>disregards OP's inb4 statement
>is a faggot

>> No.1878715


There's no way to be sure that they aren't getting a 4.0 in basket weaving or that the tests haven't been so watered down that a 10 year old could achieve the same.

>> No.1878721

Ironically, yes it does.

>> No.1878740

thats not what irony is

>> No.1878757

>>thats not what irony is

Yes it is.

Irony: an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.

>> No.1878763

Atheists. All athiests. Scientists should be agnostic.

>> No.1878771

well you killing yourself inadvertently through the way the OP described isn't entirely unexpected

>> No.1878795
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I kill anyone who smokes a cigarette within 4 meters of the doorway or air intake of a commercial or government building during its business hours.

Smoking while walking down the street is OK, but you will die if you breathe the smoke directly into someone's face. Directly is defined as the second hand smoke having exited your mouth less than 1/2 of 1 second before it enters theirs, unless they are actively attempting to breathe in said smoke.

what do you guys think? can we refine this?

>> No.1878796

inb4 everyone dies

>> No.1878812

Do you give most of your money to charities? If not Mr Singer would like a word with you.
And on that who do farmers think they are, deciding who lives and who dies just based on their income?

>> No.1878843

I'd rather be held hostage by a group of niggers who'll kill me if needed to (or they just felt like it) than to live in a world where scientists are agnostics. I would rather nuke the entire world than to live in one where the majority scientists are agnostics.

Hell, I trust theistic scientists over agnostic ones.

>> No.1878884

MALES with an IQ under 110. I must admit, I haven't seen ANY attractive, intelligent women in my time..

>> No.1878891

they hide it really well. but the smart ones are out there

>> No.1878958

How many fucking times do I have to say this? Grab your listening seat and buckle yourself the fuck in, because I'm hijacking this motherfucker.

Now, you have two axes, like a fucking graph in some math class or some shit. Are you fucking listening?

On the X coordinate, you have agnosticism on the far left, and gnosticism on the far right. This is labeled as the axis of knowledge/certainty. Agnosticism/gnosticism is a measure of certainty in one's belief/nonbelief. Agnosticism is essentially, "I don't know, but I think it's more likely that it's this way" and gnosticism is "I'm really fucking sure."

On the Y axis, you have atheism at the top and theism at the bottom. This is the axis of religiosity.

Your degree of religiosity and certainty can change, but THERE IS NO MIDDLE FUCKING OPTION. THERE IS A REMOVABLE DISCONTINUITY AT (0,0), MOTHERFUCKERS.

You are on the side of religious or nonreligious. There is no middle fucking option, so stop being a fucking pussy and pretending like there is. God fucking damn.

>> No.1878970

To answer the OP, I would kill everyone who believes that there are no unicorns. Everyone should be agnostic about unicorns. You can't disprove them, so you have to use just as much faith who believes in them.

>> No.1878971

poison all kfc
kill black people

>> No.1878986

all OP's..starting with you faggot

>> No.1878989

you obviously do not understand the intent of agnosticism. Though is is highly probably that there is no god or that even if there was it might as well be a flying spaghetti monster, I do not possess the data to prove this. Therefore I am agnostic; I cannot saw with total certainty that there is no god. I can only say that it is probable that there is no god. Please go troll elsewhere.

>> No.1878996

Niggers, Muslims, Indians, Americans, feminists, jews, aboriginals, white people who like aboriginals, single mothers, rednecks, arabs, china, indonesia, pacific islands, tween girls who like miley cyrus and justin bieber

off the top of my head

>> No.1879003

this means you are an atheist agnostic. stop fucking pretending that there's a specific middle option. you just declared yourself an atheist agnostic; "there's probably no god, but I'm not sure." it's impossible to be completely agnostic, because there's no third option. stop being fucking retarded and accept it.

>> No.1879009


oh yeah, fat people, anorexic people, cripples, retards, and bisexuals

>> No.1879019

I'd kill all people with dementia/alzheimer's.

>> No.1879020


The scientific method cannot disprove the existence of gods (or any made up thing for that matter). This does not mean gods and everything we imagine is real. To anyone with half decent logical thinking, the notion of a god seems completely absurd.

It's retarded to claim that gods may still exist just because you can't disprove the existence of something imaginary and don't want to appear arrogant.

>> No.1879028
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One of the dumbest comments I've ever read on /sci/. Please leave.

>> No.1879029


The scientific method isn't some infallible god either you fuckwit

>> No.1879036

All sodomizers
All HIV/AIDs infected people

>> No.1879041
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>implying that I, in any way, likened the scientific method to a god.

>> No.1879043

I don't think anyone should be killed*, but I do think that anyone with any disease or negative condition that is hereditary should be stopped from having children.
*People that go out of their way to make others unhappy should be killed.

>> No.1879057

going off this person, I'd say anyone with an incurable STD.

>> No.1879062
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>> No.1879089

I'd target anyone with psychopathic tendencies, anyone who I determined to be a bad person who also sought power so they could manipulate others. Anyone who is incredibly greedy and seeks to manipulate society by increasing the wealth gap between classes. I'd make sure everyone knew that by being a bad person they would be marking themselves for death. And I'd render anyone with a bad hereditary trait sterile.

>> No.1879093

I would kill walter bishop.

>> No.1879095
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Every Tea Partier that attended Glenn Beck's rally.
Also aether and AMDG from /new/

>> No.1879105

Alright. I am atheist agnostic. I am sorry that my imprecise language has offended you.

>> No.1879191

just don't let it happen again.

>> No.1879198
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if only there were a smiley that represented finger guns...

>> No.1879215
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>33 and 49
You do realize that age group creates the best topics on 4chan. Not to mention always give the best advice socially and technologically.

>> No.1879220

But then you'd die....

>> No.1879227

Everyone. I kill them all. Every ape on earth.

>> No.1879244

go back to /b/

>> No.1879254

why did someone bump a 4 hour old thread......?........
answer: OP

>> No.1879278

Quite possibly. Also, I am in that age group, have brown hair and like blue vein cheese. It was just an example, bro. u mad?

Actually, OP was out of the house for the last 4 hours or so. Just got back and quite surprised to see my vacuous thread still alive. Must be a slow day here or something, no?

Let's now make this a troll physics thread.