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1877908 No.1877908 [Reply] [Original]

"Waiting for Superman"

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFN0nf6Hqk0

Anyone seen this movie/read the book? Any thoughts? School being underfunded are old news, but are we finally up against a wall?

There 2,424,279 total prisoners and 4 453 000 teacher in America. Including people on parole/probation, there are 4 200 000 law breakers as of 2006-2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States

Are the laws wrong? Basically, any society that has more prisoners than teachers is pretty bad, and the US is heading that way fast.

>> No.1877929

>Are the laws wrong?

Some laws are fairly retarded, but its more the education system more then anything.

Go to a poorer neighborhood and take a look at most of the schools. They're usually complete trash and its almost impossible for a kid to go somewhere with it. Social life is more important then education, its pretty rage inducing.

But I'm also bitter because I was forced to drop out.

>> No.1877937
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Don't something like 750,000 cannabis smokers get incarcerated every year?

>> No.1877982

I had trouble too, but got into a special school with only tutoring, no classes. I probably would of crashed hard if I'd stayed in the public school I was in.

Everyone knew there was a big problem, but no one want to help in the public system since I wasn't acting out yet. About a few months before I would of flipped out, my parents got me transferred. I was pretty lucky...

Hang in there, and don't give up!

>> No.1878003


>> No.1878021


i am so fucking over the 'OMFG THE END IS NEIGH' crowd.

seriously faggots. we are offered better education now than our parents did.

these days crime in NYC is actually far lower here in NYC than when my parents grew up in it.

a 100 years ago if you got sick, you were basically as good as dead. these days you have to try hard to die.

a century and a half ago there was no infrastructure to speak off, and we were slaughtering each other over slaves.

have the wherewithal to appreciate what you have, you gigantic ungrateful faggots.

worry about yourself and your education. join the marine corps. get bitches. and retire.

>> No.1878047

This. Trailer and movie are probably far more alarmist than they need to bring to bring attention to the issue, just like An Inconvenient Truth, which surprise surprise, was directed by the same person.

>> No.1878058

actually schools are over funded. their budgets should be slashed 75% to start. see how the cope.

>> No.1878070

It's a result of culture. America doesn't value education.

The sky high prison populations are due to the culture, capitalism, and the idiotic war on drugs.

>> No.1878078
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1253940970808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha oh wow

>> No.1878106

Yes, but that was 40 years ago. High speed train is being hammered at by all political sides, power transmission cables need to be updated/upgraded and investment in renewable energy (for solar at least) is bigger in China. America does contribute more to the world then most countries combined, I agree with him on that, but the tools to do all those things are being passed to the next generation.
End is neigh is pretty lame, I agree. This is about a failure to educate people so they actually be upstanding citizens, who understand both technical and social problems and can do something about it. Prisoners are basically turned into sheeple, with no voice or power. They never learned that short term gains are inferior to long term gains plus interest.

Now there are almost as many short term thinkers as there are people who teach other to invest and understand.

>> No.1878193


The biggest issue is that there is going to be a notable lack of highly-educated students right at the time when America is shifting from depending on raw industry to more of an intellectual/research-driven economy. Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Apple don't hire dropouts or people with only a high school degree to go work in factories, because all the factories are in China and they'd need a degree to work there otherwise (apart from Wal-mart where you can get a minimum wage job which will peg you below the poverty line in many cities).

Over 42,500 factories CLOSED in the U.S between 2001 and 2008. Within another 20 years we won't have much consumer goods left to offer that cannot be produced somewhere else cheaper (besides expendable resources and things like food crops), so we need to keep an edge by designing things better than everyone else in an age where we aren't building anymore. Aside from like, fast food jobs and cabbage pickers etc (of which they are already mostly done by poor immigrants in many parts of the country) there won't be much space left in the workforce that doesn't need some kind of education, and we need kids to become more academically and scientifically oriented, more introverted and focused than extroverted and putting off doing their homework for social reasons.

>> No.1878217

>The biggest issue is that there is going to be a notable lack of highly-educated students right at the time when America is shifting from depending on raw industry to more of an intellectual/research-driven economy

Its kind of depressing when my options are between trade school and university I'm way better off going to trade school.

I want to be an astronomer, but plumbing us way more "useful" ;_;

>> No.1878343

This guy is a plumber too!