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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 503x283, Female_engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1873429 No.1873429 [Reply] [Original]

So, yea. I've been busy with classes and all, so I haven't posted in a while. It's time for this thread again!

Ask a female engineer anything.

>> No.1873438

>white woman
lol good one

>> No.1873454

Do your coworkers hit on you a lot? Are you the only female at your job?

>> No.1873462

>busy with classes
shes not even a real engineer yet

>> No.1873457

What kind of engineer? Civil engineer? Software engineer? What?

Are there more female engineers in your class(es)?

>> No.1873461

You guys are pathetic. It's no wonder there are so few girls here.

>> No.1873465

train engineer?

>> No.1873469

Forgot to clarify that. I'm not an engineer yet; I'm an engineering /student/.

I blame the alcohol.

>> No.1873470

>>implying there are women on the internet without dicks.

>> No.1873471

Fuck off bitch, you're not an engineer yet. Don't taint the title me and others acquired with your faggotry. Do not ever fucking call yourself something you're not.

>> No.1873472

engineer = likes dick? umm thats ok i guess but you know you wont be able to merry an engineer

>> No.1873474

I'm studying electrical engineering. So far I'm the only one not male in my engineering classes.

>> No.1873478

How much money did your university throw at you for being a woman in a major that is mostly filled with men?

>> No.1873479

I'm sorry. Please see: >>1873469

>> No.1873483

I always call myself a software engineer online, even though I only have an internship right now, and won't get my degree until another next year. You don't have to be sorry.

I also would like to know what kind of engineer you are... Seems like important information.

>> No.1873486
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So, yea. I've been busy with planning my takeover and all, so I haven't posted in a while. It's time for this thread agin!
Ruler of the fucking world, ask me anything

>> No.1873490


There are 4 girls in my EE class of about 30. They're all insulated by about 3-4 guys in lecture (at-least).

Do you get surrounded by men in lecture?

>> No.1873491

Oh, didn't see that. I don't think I could be an electrical engineer, it seems really boring to me.

>> No.1873492

First Question: Are you fat?

>> No.1873497

Well, yes. I'm surrounded by men in my EE classes because I'm the only woman in my EE classes.

>> No.1873499

There seems to be no other way if she wants to sit nexts to anyone, unless she wants to sit all by herself.

>> No.1873501

150lbs, 5"6'

On the verge of being overweight, but not obese.

>> No.1873504

Why are there so few women working in intelligent geeky fields? This lack is painful and lonely.

>> No.1873506

As a woman studying something which is widely regarded as a "man thing", do you sometimes get shit from your family and/or friends? Like, have they ever told you "you're studying what?! that's for boys" or some shit like that.

>> No.1873511
File: 22 KB, 432x288, 1261732366626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or did the overall niceness of /sci/ go down in this thread?

>> No.1873510

If students take random seats, what is the probability she will be surrounded by guys?

>> No.1873518

Depends on the number of seats and number of students, obviously.

>> No.1873519

/sci/ HAS A NO GURLS ALLOWD RULE! Dont u no?

>> No.1873523
File: 27 KB, 429x410, 1286630889578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, certainly sounds like butthurt anons that got their hearts broken a few too many times.

>> No.1873527

It's just you.
Seriously, the fact that you JUST NOW realize that /sci/ hates retards makes you the worst kind of white knight.
Get the fuck out, you piece of shit.

>> No.1873529

my dad's girlfriend is a female engineer lol I could just ask her anything

>> No.1873531

Why aren't you in the kitchen?

Lol no but seriously, help me with my homework. Intro to electric circuits scares me.

>> No.1873535

There's a stigma for women associated with doing "male" things. Engineering and most "Geeky" things happen to be among them. I've been interested in science fields ever since i was 13, so I guess they grew on me. Like other girls, I kinda got into chemistry and biology early on, but I had a few teachers in high school who made Electrical Engineering more appealing to me.

>> No.1873538

Why did you go into engineering?

>> No.1873545

Over $9000.

>> No.1873546

Chubby electrical engineer? I feel like my dreams came true.

So i'm studying to become an electrical engineer as well. I know a pretty decent amount about vintage audio stuff from repairing my amps and learning how they work. Is this stuff going to be mostly useless once I get into the class room? Will I even be taught or tested on how to set vacuum tubes in a push/pull configuration?

Also I'd really like to specialize in high voltage government type stuff... once again, working with vacuum tubes. How realistic is this?

>> No.1873557

That sort of stuff will probably help out when you're studying about low pass and high pass circuits. If you know anything about Op-amps then you'll be ahead of the game. Although, the first class I took having to do with EE was about logic and microprocessors/register level design.

>> No.1873563
File: 10 KB, 336x261, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you find the transfer function of this circuit?

E1 is the voltage input, U1 is the voltage output.
R1 = R2 = 1k Ohm
C1 = C2 = 0.1 uF

>> No.1873568

How do I get my girlfriend to give a shit about academic things that Don't have to do with her lousy english/psychology/squishy subjects?
I would love to debate likelihood of life on 581g with her, to help her with math, or even to just to avoid that inevitable groaning moody feeling she conveys whenever something reminds her that she has to take a natural science class in the next few semesters.

>> No.1873569

Really? I mean, REALLY?

>> No.1873574
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1272141482688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knight
Perhaps you didn't notice the whole bunch of swearing in-proportionate to the offense of accidentally calling yourself an engineer.
It's a person with a vagina, christ.

>> No.1873583

Show her a circuit for a robot which will talk about her feelings and have her build it. If you can't find one, don't worry; I'm doing my master's on such a robot. It should be completed in about 2 years. I'll pass the schematic on to you when I'm finished.

>> No.1873584

>thinks girlfriend is stupid because she doesn't share his aspie interests
>thinks english/psychology is bullshit
>would rather debate about pointless popsci shit

hows that psuedo intellectualism working out for you?

>> No.1873591

Anything eh? Are you seeing anyone? Do you like to totally geek out? Interested in space at all? Interested in working with a mechanical engineer?

>> No.1873594
File: 167 KB, 1177x570, humanities plot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying English (book-reports) class isn't bullshit
How are humanities treating you?

>> No.1873595
File: 48 KB, 455x325, 1286578304390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tie your shoes?

>> No.1873602

My family and friends have mostly been all "Awesome! You're going to make a lot of money. You're really smart." among other things. I do, however, get some odd looks and hesitant nods now and then when I explain what I'm studying.

>> No.1873605


Yeah, I already know about high pass and low pass circuits, op-amps, I can read schematics and identify the purpose of pretty much any component, as well as recognize some configurations... like if I see a push/pull circuit, I can name it off, or I can recognize coupling/decoupling on simple schematics.

How far "Ahead of the game" would that put me? I've never had a real electrical engineering class in my life and I'm real afraid that everyone else will know a lot more shit about this stuff then me. Not even in high school, middle school or elementary school did I ever learn a single thing about electrical. I'm worried that other people have.

>> No.1873609
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> thinks psychology is anything more than tarot reading

>> No.1873613
File: 9 KB, 191x263, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said vagina

>> No.1873612

Are you still a virgin?

>> No.1873619

>doesn't know about legit psychological experiments like pavlov's dogs and the dick-in-a-box experiment

>> No.1873627

I use a Bow-knot.

I /love/ space. I think part of the reason I decided to study electrical engineering is that i wanted to become an astronaut when i was young.
I'm not seeing anyone, and I geek out when I see interesting mathematical or physics proofs and solutions.
I'll work with anyone as long as they're aren't douches or creeps (IE: 70% of engineers.)

>> No.1873632

Yes. >_>

>> No.1873636

Do you want a hand with that? ASL?

>> No.1873637

How? You are surrounded by men. Are you a lesbian?

>> No.1873641

She can't read a clock unless it's digital.
I don't see the point in spending a class period every year from middle school up through first year of college and even basing your childhood around learning an arbitrary as fuck constantly changing torrent of words when it may have next to no bearing on the subjects you actually end up pursuing. I couldn't care less what specific childhood traumas as passed off as excuses for what adult misbehaviors. Get over it.
Yes, yes I would.

I never claimed to be intellectual, just a bit above average, which isn't saying much around here, thank you.

If you think so little of hard sciences so much why are you here other than to troll or otherwise elicit enraged responses?
Oh I forgot, there need not be an alternative.

>> No.1873646

>anyone as long as they're aren't douches or creeps (IE: 70% of engineers.)

>> No.1873654

I study business management, I am not a business manager.

>> No.1873657

True, but that leaves 30% and women available for you. Seeing as you didn't answer that question.

>> No.1873658

Does OP have msn/skype, and would OP like to talk to another electrical engineering student?

>no homo

>> No.1873664

Sounds about normal to me.

>fix their computer again. "Awesome you're so smart, you're gonna be rich."
>explain why the computer was not working they way they wanted it to. ">Odd look. >long pause >hesitant nod ....OK."

>> No.1873666

gender-neutral question:

what would you say is the most important characteristic in determining whether or not you'll be a successful engineer?

also, if you could go back to your freshman year and select a different major, what would you select?

>> No.1873677

Question for OP: what do you think of psychology and faggots like this:
who think psychology is a real science?

>> No.1873680

the other 30% either already have wives or girlfriends.
Since you're pushing the issue, I'm (somewhat) bisexual, and I've been in one relation with another woman; however, it never led to anything other than cuddles.

>> No.1873682
File: 178 KB, 637x458, LAUGH - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1873689


Applying biology to attempt to study mental illness by patterns of chemical imbalances.. sounds fairly legit to me.

The application, however, is a totally different story.

>> No.1873690

Wow, I never thought female engineers would have difficulty finding mates.

>> No.1873694

You are confusing neurology, the science, with psychology, the art.

>> No.1873695

Among teh womenz I understand cuddles does not mean anything.

I think op is still squarely on the heterosexual side of things.

>> No.1873709


I always confuse Psychiatry and Psychology. I wanted to be a psychiatrist when I was younger, mostly to work with the mentally ill I guess. I kinda have a soft spot for people with problems like that.

>> No.1873710

You never thought female geeks/nerds existed?

OP, how does it feel when males universally exclude you even from groups generally cast in a negative social light?

>> No.1873723

A gay engineer? Really?

>> No.1873720

I think that men are afraid of smart women. I also think that the men who aren't afraid of smart women have issues with being in relations with smart women.

My last 'boyfriend' left me because he happened to be gay. :D

>> No.1873727

Encourage her to read a history of science book like A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson so you both can "have something to talk about". Get a copy for yourself and read so you can discuss the gossip-y bits with her (this is what's she's going to be most interested in at first) and while talking to her about how much of a dick Fritz Zwicky was to Baade, throw in a little science. Remember which bits she was most interested in and buy/download a related documentary and watch it with her.

>> No.1873730

>how does it feel when males universally exclude you even from groups generally cast in a negative social light?

You might be surprised how much that isn't true.

>> No.1873735

I believe /v/ has this phenomenon already figured out and sorted into a joke of sorts:


That being said OP keep doing what you're doing I wish you well and maybe post nudez

>> No.1873736
File: 375 KB, 567x1000, 1264189954359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a female EE once. She dropped out 3rd year though. Good luck OP, build something awesome when you get a chance.

>> No.1873742

My AIM is Boomer116, feel free to contact me. We shall talk about SPACE!

>> No.1873785

Determination for getting the work done is the most important quality of an engineer. I spent a week of my vacation time getting a project done for a client (read: friend). I felt pretty emotional after it was done and working; not sure why.

If I could pick any other major, i'd probably do Art.

>> No.1873788

You meet girls on 4CHAN? Really?

That's about as low as you can go. Not that I'm one to talk.

>> No.1873797

disregard him he thinks a Kenyan giant nuclear cannon is the best way to launch things into space

>> No.1873908
File: 851 KB, 1024x768, robotnik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contextualize you got into Engineering for robotics. Under that assumption, what drew you into Electrical Engineering specifically, as opposed to MechE or CompSci?

What made you decide to get your masters immediately as opposed to going into industry first?

What's your long term goal or dream?

>> No.1873916

Are you on ok cupid?

>> No.1873928
File: 29 KB, 400x400, sandwich_engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1873957

I'm surprised nobody has said this.

Tits or GTFO. Even on /sci/.

>> No.1873987

280,000 tons in one shot.

Better than spending the entire world's resources several times over for a 30,000 mile diamond rope that can only carry a few tons at a time and it takes three days to get it up there.

>> No.1874007

YOU DO NOT EXIST; or rather, I've never seen your location on the poke'dex :V

>> No.1874015

>Ask a female engineer anything.

how come only 15% of my graduating class in EE was female, and furthermore how come at my place of employment there are over 100 engineers, only one of which is female and she also happens to be the owners niece? even though we have an incredibly sexist "if it menstruates it gets a job" hiring policy? how does this happen, and why is it that i will probably never have sex with a coworker unless i turn gay?

>> No.1874033
File: 90 KB, 504x1005, female engineers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can answer that one with pic related.

>> No.1874139

This is true.
If barbie was an engineer... If only.

>> No.1874191

blame parents.

>> No.1874219

how does it feel to know that you'll be paid less than all your male coworkers?

>> No.1874412


I wish I had the link, but there are studies about kids' attitudes about their own skills in school, and girls who get B's and A's in math are consistently less confident in their math skills than boys who get C's and D's. Basically, the idea that girls are bad at math/science is so pervasive that a lot of them never consider the sciences, or at least nothing more mathematical than biology. Shitsux.

>> No.1874444

If you mean i'll be paid less because I work less due to maternity leave and vacation among other things; feels good.

>> No.1874455

Are you feeling any residual effects from the sex change?