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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 89 KB, 400x300, immortality_gateway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1869730 No.1869730 [Reply] [Original]

If immortality exist, how do immortals survive the destruction of Earth and the Sun?

>> No.1869733

Every field.

>> No.1869735

Can humans truly acquire immortality within our lifetimes?

>> No.1869740

Saging a science thread, oh how this board has fallen.

>> No.1869744

Very carefully.

>> No.1869764

Explain their method please?

>> No.1869772

Probably in space somewhere.

The possibilities are endless when they're immortal.

>> No.1869773

1. Develop intergalactic space travel
2. Find suitable new galaxy to live in
3. ????????????????
4. Continue profiting by being immortal

>> No.1869774

you mixed up immortality with invicibility man.
Ive read some science press lately, there was huge article about scientific predictions about humanity, it said that in 2050 average lifetime will be around 100y, and in current aquisition of new scietific metodes and materials around 2080 ppl will make some kind of surrogates where we would transfer our consciousness again and again, which would be immortality of some kind.

>> No.1869775

The only good thread on /sci/ at the moment and no responses?

I am disappoint.

>> No.1869777

Is this good news for transgender people?

>> No.1869779

Does this mean humanity will go robotic?

>> No.1869781

>you mixed up immortality with invicibility man.

Samething dumbass.

>> No.1869789

well probably yes, plastic surgery will be developed so much that differences in sexes will be easly missed and changing genders will be a lot less problematic than it is now.
If this scenario would work we would have sex only for fun cause having babies wouldnt be that needed if we could grow ourselves a child without a macabre of preganancy and labor

>> No.1869798

Would transsexuality even exist then?

Surely, society would stop imposing gender rolls.

I want a machine where you step into it and it turns you female and come out to where they charge you to keep your old identity on a USB device for extra currency.

>> No.1869801

not really sure robotic civ is soo from year 2000 - now with great invention from Craig Venter biotics will get 1st place and somekind of biomechanics in future

>> No.1869803

No, if you're immortal you can't die.
If you're invincible every moron with a green glowing rock can kill you

>> No.1869810

Do immortals need to breath?

>> No.1869813

no, immortality is living endlessly however you can be killed in some bizzarre way (at least in every book or movie I seen/read)
and invicibility is beeing indestrucible - that kind of beeing would survive destruction of home planet.

However I think that we will leave Earth long long time before sun exploding and Earth destruction (6 billion years or such ?)

>> No.1869820

Immortality is agelessness. Invulnerability is undestroyable.

>> No.1869825

>immortality is living endlessly however you can be killed in some bizzarre way
Does this mean God can be killed?

>> No.1869835

In other words, immortality is useless?

>> No.1869846
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>> No.1869847

god doesnt exist, your argument is invalid.
if agelessness is useless for you, immortality is useless too, but you should see bigger perspective. Best ppl on earth, guys with nobel prize will live endlessly and discover new things from time to time.

>> No.1869862

>god doesnt exist, your argument is invalid.
Proof? Source?

>> No.1869859

another scientific thread would die If I wouldnt participate.

>> No.1869863

Science can do marvelous things except change a chromosome. LMAO The reason for this is because God made things closed source.

>> No.1869866

I need to know if I'd be the last or first generation.
Birthdate: 1990

>> No.1869868

Bumping the only interesting thread on /sci/ at the moment.

>> No.1869875
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You're practically guaranteed to be the first.

>> No.1869877

How can you discredit something without evidence?

>> No.1869883
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>> No.1869884

Now I have new motives to take care of my body.
Will I live to see surrogacy?
I would love to be implanted into a female body.

>> No.1869887


>> No.1869886

I thought the burden of proof lies on EVERYONE?

Sounds to me like you're trying to get out of something you cannot disprove.

>> No.1869888
File: 62 KB, 490x769, 1271860540462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't offer me proof of the flying spaghetti monster not existing, that means it's real.

>> No.1869889


It relies on EVERYONE you little twat.

I hate atheists who use this line to get out of arguments and I'm an atheist myself.

>> No.1869895

Acting like a child isn't going to help your case in a debate about God. You need to have something prepared or else nobody will listen to you. Making claims like you prove to me but I ain't gotta do no shit won't cut it.

>> No.1869898
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I agree with you and I'm an atheist.

>> No.1869900
File: 565 KB, 3510x2484, 1272480933409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I am telling you right now, that I will not argue with you, for I know that you will not concede and keep believing even if I proved conclusively with a 50 book volume of facts and statistics disproving God's existence, so I will leave you with one simple remark;
Pics or gtfo

>> No.1869902

You have just been reported for the crime of being underage. This website is for users over the age of 18.

>> No.1869906

Why are you trying to avoid an debate?

Seems so unscientific.

>> No.1869908
File: 66 KB, 500x400, 1271158050567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned 19 on the 24th. Have fun spamming the report button.

>> No.1869914

What are the parameters of being immortal? Like common elven immortality? Being able to die but the body doesn't destroy itself so you dont die naturally? Or are we talking actual indestructability?

>> No.1869912

Tips to the newbies here, Inurdaes is our resident troll.

Just filter him out.

>> No.1869913
File: 5 KB, 376x270, 1286167783208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because dozens of other users that go on /sci/ every day start shitposting either about religion or atheism and hurr durring all over the place over a 200+ reply thread spanning days and guess what, I can't be fucked with it.

>> No.1869916

Then why bother posting in a thread you don't have time for?

>> No.1869919

actually, no. not by scientific method standards at least:

1: you make a number of observations
2: you form a theory
3: you predict other observations
4: you experiment to confirm or deny said observations
5: depending on outcome you change the theory or reinforce it

religion is stuck on point 2. "burden of proof" here would mean that they should predict falsifiable data.

>> No.1869920

I would assume true immortality means being an unvanquishable god-like figure. And yes I know unvanquishable isn't a word.

>> No.1869924

Sounds like you're just avoiding an angry much like the religious do when it comes to scientific matters.

>> No.1869926

My face when you pulled something from your ass because you didn't want to talk about something you cannot disprove nor prove.

>> No.1869927

protip: nobody ITT is going to be potentially immortal unless his parents are rich and is gonna stay rich 'till the end of this century (which seems unlikely since he sends time in 4chan)

>> No.1869928

im avoiding "an angry"? i dont know what youre saying.

>> No.1869929

Does this mean God is something that cannot be proven nor disproven?

>> No.1869931

Well in the case of agelessness: "just engineer" chromosomes to have tremendously long telomeres.
Aslong as the telomeres dont run out (and god forbid mutations happen) your body will continue to regenerate itself.

>> No.1869932

Money is irrelevant and capitalism is fail.

>> No.1869934


>> No.1869935

He thinks Wikipedia is a credible source.

>> No.1869936
File: 7 KB, 191x234, 1272277816838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately, you're wrong, because the free market doesn't actually work like that. There is unimaginable demand for a product such as this, and the sooner pharmaceutical companies make this affordable to most people in the public the faster they make the most money. It won't be that expensive to synthesize a drug to do the necessary shit to extend lifespans 100 years, the main hard part is knowing what to actually use.

And if they don't they'll have millions of very angry aging people showing up to their doorsteps with leaked facts of the actual cost for producing and distributing the drug. Unless it contains 20 pounds of gold it won't be rightfully expensive.
tl;dr the pharm companies earn more money with more people buying it

>> No.1869937

Cool fake source bro.

>> No.1869941

If he does not exist, he cannot be disproven until we know every piece of information in the universe. As he cannot be proven until you have 1 bit of data that would let you form a theory and a prediction that is falsifiable.
the probability of his existence can be estimated though.

in short, believe does not belong in the science realm. it can only lose.

>> No.1869942
File: 209 KB, 1105x785, ohgeeiwonderwhattheseare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hummm I wonder what those small bracketed numbers are...
Maybe, just maybe, they're links to credible outside sources that the original author put in!

>> No.1869945

When it comes to God, this quote says it best...

"If you do it right, people will think you've done nothing at all."

God and science need to learn compromise.
More people are becoming Christian Scientists instead of just Christians.

>> No.1869948

You mean what you put in to cover your ass.

>> No.1869949


>> No.1869950

He uses the Internet for his research.

>> No.1869952

you did a good job beforehand with credible sceptic trolling. now, youre just trying too hard. be more creative. trolling is an intricate art.

thats actually a lie.
nice try though

>> No.1869956


I'll be dead before then

Sucks I was born before we could create some form of immortality. I'll never be able to explore the galaxy.

>> No.1869959


>> No.1869962



>> No.1869965
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1259314025218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1869972

1) It's very unlikely that there will still be humans on Earth and in the solar system by the time the Sun will extinct in my opinion. If they have reached the technology to become immortal I think they won't fear to travel to another star system.

2) Humans as we know them will not exist in a few million years, due to evolution, unless of course we find ways to prevent it, but the odds are low. I'm not smart enough to predict what will have taken over the world at this time, but I'm pretty sure it will be a different species from ours. The continuation of our race maybe. Maybe not, who knows ?

But if your question is to know what would happen to immortal humans stuck in space after Earth and Sun disappeared, away from every planet and star, then... They would be there, with no way to move, because swimming in space is impossible. So they would just stay here until an asteroid or another planet appears.

>> No.1869973

If immortality exists, what would be the point?

There is a physical limitation to how much you can remember.

So if you start forgetting the earlier parts of your life, isn't it like not having lived those earlier parts? Then immortality would not really feel that immortal.

>> No.1869974


>> No.1869977


>> No.1869981
File: 4 KB, 129x86, stalinface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism is fail.
maybe... what are the alternatives?

>> No.1869983
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>> No.1869984

The point if the mixing of immortality and invincibility. Being immortal without being invincible seems useless.
If you are both, you can survive the destruction of Earth and Sun, alone in the space for millions of years.

>> No.1869986

I assume he asked for the good alternative.

>> No.1869991

Well yeah. Why replace capitalism with something inferior?

>> No.1869992
File: 50 KB, 689x588, commieface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hippies!

I'll take militaristic authoritarian socialism as an alternative.

More badass more vodka.

>> No.1869995
File: 8 KB, 456x414, 1262446676417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in Manna you could buy MEGALITRES of vodka with your 1000 credit allowance!

>> No.1869999
File: 29 KB, 120x96, China_red_guard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rieing reformist scum!

<shoots back of the head>

>> No.1870004
File: 19 KB, 306x230, 1261169107076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah you fool, my brain is actually in my ass!

>> No.1870031


don't age, stay in physical peak. possibly live forever though unlikely.

>> No.1870032

I want to start a new country and call it 4channel.

>> No.1870050

How do I register for citizenship?

>> No.1870068

Be a registered sex offender (or have been registered in it at least once), especially towards people age 17 and below.

>> No.1870085
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>> No.1870124

You're not affiliated with me.