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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 500x736, pi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1866027 No.1866027 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this pseudo-scientific garbage?

>> No.1866033

what is this i dont even......

>> No.1866035

It's a movie, buddy.

Were you expecting science in a movie?

>> No.1866036

The movie is about how much math sucks. The climax is ended when the main character finally drills the math out of his head.

>> No.1866041

Worse then The Social Network?

>> No.1866054

This is complete bullshit.

>> No.1866057

They didn't even get all the digits of pi right.

>> No.1866063
File: 32 KB, 400x342, robert_j_aumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

problem, goy?

>> No.1866064

It's a movie about a numerologist.
And that's all it is.

>> No.1866067

Seems like you need a bit of trepanning.

>> No.1866077

why so surprised? when was the last time you saw a scientifically accurate sci-fi movie?
(except 2001 A Space Odyssey)

>> No.1866078


>> No.1866115



>> No.1866117


>> No.1866131

maybe the first minute of avatar was scientifically accurate
(the spaceship)

>> No.1866165


they made copter models that worked inrl, and with the xenobiology i trust more that UC Riverside professor they hired as consultant than some random anon telling me it was all bullshit.

Avatar was accurate.

>> No.1866365

>Precluding the possibility of such life forms evolving on a planet with such environmental conditions.
Oh you.

>> No.1866368


>> Avatar was accurate

>> Floating mountains and inter-species telepathy

>> No.1866374

Hey, OP. I was extremely disappointed with that movie as well. I thought the ending was pretty fucking epic though.

>> No.1866385


>> No.1866389

/sci/ likes avatar more than Pi. /sci/ confirmed for /r9k/ tier board

>> No.1866394

"Accurate", as the person you're responding to said, is the wrong word. Feasible is better.

And fyi room-temperature super conductor ore + strong magnetic field => floating mountains, planet-wide neurons in all foliage and most species => telepathy.

As far as the science in science fiction films goes, Avatar is pretty good.

>> No.1866398

I think it mainly involves Neytiri.
Point in question: Colonel Coffee Mug

>> No.1866403
File: 44 KB, 450x298, pandora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful, your fanboy is showing.

>> No.1866412

babylon 5

>> No.1866414

>room-temperature super conductor ore + strong magnetic field => floating mountains
it's called meissner effect.
but do you have any idea how strong the magnetic field would have to be? strong enough to rip iron out of your hemoglobin. no-one could survive
>planet-wide neurons in all foliage
evolution tends to eliminate constructs that are demanding on resources but don't offer any advantage for survival.

>> No.1866428

>tends to

But you're right about the bloodsucking sky-mountains.

>> No.1866432

Yes, the mountains shouldn't hover very high at all, but that's a quanitative proble/problem of scale more than something fundamentally stupid.

Fairly wishy-washy argument about neurons. There could be several benefits which weren't elaborated on in the film. It's still feasible.

>> No.1866457

the only benefit i could see for a planet-wide intelligence would be if it also had the ability to influence other objects in space.

you don't really need it to manage natural disasters, earth biosphere is pretty dumb and it managed to survive quite a lot of extinction events.

>> No.1866474


You don't need it to survive natural disasters. Birds don't need wings to survive, but it sure does help, no?

>> No.1866504


The evolution of wings was a gradual one wheres species that coculd run up steeper and steeper hills survived more running from predators.

Eventually the angle they could run up was a 90 degree vertical wall, so they could lift their entire body weight.

>> No.1866509
File: 91 KB, 800x367, coffee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this guy?

>> No.1866523
File: 495 KB, 1920x1080, 1264884529612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He means me, I think.

I used to be a low-level (Not obsessive) avatard on /tv/ in the good old days, but I have since then abandoned most of my /tv/ waifus.

Old waifu: pic related.

>> No.1866531

pi is a good movie. i liked the style.

>> No.1866549

Yes I know he meant you Colonel.
I was being outlandishly facetious as always, you see?

>> No.1866556
File: 38 KB, 763x570, 1264958553041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well geez

>> No.1866559

> The movie is about how much math sucks.

You must have been watching a different movie, because that's not what Pi is about at all.

>> No.1866573
File: 323 KB, 1934x1088, 6a0120a7e55e7c970b01348043e746970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old waifu: pic related.
But not even a full year has passed. How could you.

>> No.1866591
File: 56 KB, 420x348, sci-trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's still something, but I have moved on.

Pic related.

>> No.1866597

The Human Centipede

>> No.1866599
File: 411 KB, 1260x400, 1262366172020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1866610


Why do you do that every time I post that? "Should not want"?

Man it's not even the full version... But there's a nipple slip :3~~

>> No.1866630
File: 111 KB, 698x618, 1266903586208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1866647
File: 46 KB, 933x342, spx-weekly-07high-fibonacci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know not all the stuff in that movie was bullshit.
fibnoacci tools are some of the most popular technical analysis tools for financial markets.

course that don't mean it's not a pseudo science. if enough people use it, it becomes real in the markets.

>> No.1866663


whoa there buddy

every avatar thread i've seen on /sci/ has produced a resounding conclusion that it is a complete shit of a movie.

it is immediately obvious that the blue paint fags were engineered from the ground up to be as lovable as possible, while the humans are portrayed as walking masses of military and capitalistic stereotypes. toss in some chariots of fire moments and release in the middle of winter with no competition and a massive ad campaign and result is >2 billion dollars gross because people are retard.

my family convinced me to go so i went with a coworker between christmas and new years. it was like 50 bucks for two imax tickets and like halfway through the movie i entered "there's a bar 2 blocks away" into my phone and showed it to my buddy and he immediately stood up and we got the fuck out of there. SHIT TIER FILM.

>> No.1866671


>every avatar thread i've seen on /sci/ has produced a resounding conclusion that it is a complete shit of a movie.

>has not been on /sci/ for over two weeks

>> No.1866676

>walking masses of military and capitalistic stereotypes

What's wrong with a little realism in a fantasy film?

>> No.1866684

I love this movie and I'm a math major. You know why? BECAUSE IT'S A MOVIE.

To me it was a glimpse into the mind of a genius trying to cope with his loneliness and the bleakness of our world by involving himself obsessively in his work, and then losing faith in whatever they were trying to find answers in. Even Lenny, the religious Jew, is trying to find the "answers" in religion, the same way Max is in mathematics.

>> No.1866685


i'm talking about all the avatar threads that used to be much more common but tapered off and stopped many months ago. any avatar threads here now are started by avatarfags and are mostly ignored by most of /sci/ because that shit is old and everyone has grown tired of hating it.

>> No.1866692
File: 62 KB, 275x311, 1259696441419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to find the "answers" in religion

>> No.1866702


Every Avatar thread exists only to talk about Neytiri. Even those threads that start with something else are Neytiri threads in disguise. That is a fact. Just watch it. This thread exhibits danger signs already.

>> No.1866716
File: 241 KB, 594x811, Neytiri_by_orpheelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In another Universe, she watched the Pandoran equivalent of Avatar, where You were the equivalent of Neytiri. Well, not totally You, but an almost perfect clone of Your personality and looks. And she fell in love with it.

Every night, she'll look up at the night sky, thinking about the Multiverses, wondering in which one You exist.

Every night she'll cry until falling asleep because of the impossibility of Interuniversal travel. Because she'll never be with You.

For Love alone cannot change the laws of Physics.

And both of you will age. You'll both die on the same day, the same minute, the same second. And on your deathbeds both of you will remember the other, and how sad it all was.

But the important thing to remember, my dearest /sci/, is that she still loves You. No matter what.

>> No.1866727


Oh! I wrote that copypasta!

Amazing that somebody still has it :3

>> No.1866728
File: 404 KB, 1280x1050, Neytiri_2_by_FallingDark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1866750
File: 80 KB, 522x800, zoe-saldana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are now aware that neytiri was an actress covered in blue paint. and due to her african heritage, if you have a boner for neytiri then you are a nigger lover. pic very related.

>> No.1866763
File: 748 KB, 1002x1280, 1283190879880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't look anything alike!...oh.

>> No.1866764

blue nigger catpeople