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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 164 KB, 1221x1558, 1283666672143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1865239 No.1865239 [Reply] [Original]

What's is your IQ /sci/?

>> No.1865244
File: 16 KB, 479x361, 1286446468074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "it's this thread again"


>> No.1865251


/x/? Either you have the wrong board or /x/ is raiding /sci/.

>> No.1865255
File: 10 KB, 400x400, Efg_2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fail faggot here. Lurking both boards, forgot where I was.

>> No.1865262

Mine was 136 when I was 11. My last test at 19 showed it had dropped to 103. Doctor predicts I'll develop Dementia in 7 years. Got brain cells dying faster than your mom going down on me. Chicken wings.

>> No.1865272


Sucks to be you. I hate IQ tests and usually lose interest after about 5 minutes and just fuck around with the rest of the questions.

>> No.1865282

My only experience with an IQ test was for entrance to GATE in 6th grade. I got in and felt like i owned it, but they didn't give my my IQ score.

Any websites with even semi-accurate tests?

>> No.1865284



>> No.1865285


Nah they all suck dick.

>> No.1865290


I was thinking of searching pirate bay for some pdfs...I mean this is the internetz; got to be something.

>> No.1865294


Yeah probably, me personally I think IQ in general sucks dick.

>> No.1865324


>> No.1865358


Same. Only tests for pattern analysis really reveal anything special.

>> No.1865369

I got 110 when I was 16, and I still got 10 A*+ 2 A in GCSE and 5 As at A-Level. Then I proceeded to get into LSE to do BSc Economics.

Guess it means shit. Either that, or the Test the Nation they did on British TV for a mass IQ test shit is fail.

Anyone get a proper one done with a psych?

>> No.1865372

162 according to MENSA

U mad?

>> No.1865379

Most IQ tests place me around 125-130, haven't taken one in a while though. Also, I find that IQ tests only really test a certain type of intelligence...

>> No.1865383

Or it means you study alot.

>> No.1865386

IQ tests if you are retarded, or not.
If you score high, congratulations, you are not a retard.

Well, I still think you are.

>> No.1865388

187, I swear.

>> No.1865389


Not really


>Also, I find that IQ tests only really test a certain type of intelligence...

Agreed, what if some dude who trained alone in a cave as a child with weapons and shit and he became some super bad ass. Then by the time he was an adult he was some genius with weapons and yet he scores 17 on an IQ test.

>> No.1865401

The only thing I've taken thats close to legitimate is my reading comprehension score in grade school.

at grade 6 I was rated at reading at a 12.9+ reading level.

>> No.1865406


Mine's 188.

U maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad?

>> No.1865430 [DELETED] 

eight hundred million.

But I still don't understand calculust.

>> No.1865438

Naw, I played rugby for the school, I go out drinking with friends one night every weekend. I think it maybe that I just have a thing about memorising what teachers tell me and just regurgitating it in exams. I guess I just pay attention in class.

Kinda felt sorry for some of the poor bastards who were studying in the library while I was playing Starcraft right next to them, tapping away at my hotkeys.

>> No.1865483

Leonardo da Vinci's IQ was guesstimated to be 220. Anyone know of any other person living or dead who has a higher IQ than that?

>> No.1865500

120ish but i think its bs, its meant to be a relative with the average around 100, so each score above 100 will lower everyones (i guess its not pc to say someone has <100 neway)

>> No.1865506

My IQ is the two last digits of my post.

>> No.1865511

The IQ of Goethe was estimated to 210, and I thought it was the highest that had ever existed.

>> No.1865517


>> No.1865519

stupid estimates. there is absolutely no way this can be legit

>> No.1865584

this is bullshit even if it's true, any true scientist knows that even if Goethe had a big IQ, he didn't showed his genius out of poetry. Some people like Einstein or Gauss are more intelligent.

>> No.1865590

Never taken an IQ test, even you have a low IQ, with hard work you can achieve whatever kind of knowledge, it's not like your neural connections are different from the rest you know

>> No.1865614

that was an IQ test? I never knew that.

>> No.1865651

No, but they might be weaker, fewer, slower, less dense, and so on. That would lead to a 'stupider' brain, no doubt.

>> No.1865654

They let you do 12 GCSEs? Then just 5 A-Levels? Am I missing something?

>> No.1865655

I got 128 about 5 years ago when I was 14, don't know what it is now.

>> No.1865660


And my dick is 12 inches.

>> No.1865732


It could be true Marilyn vos Savant is reported to have an IQ of 228.


Kim Ung-yong has an IQ of 210

However these would be very unlikely to be true. These people may very well be highly intelligent but to have IQs in that range it just doesn't seem probable.

However I am leaning towards agreeing with the estimate that Leonardo had an IQ of 220. He invented fucking scissors.

>> No.1865736

150 when I was 6, 149 at 9, 140 at 16.

>> No.1865772

163 Myself. Never had the urge to apply myself though.

>> No.1865773

132 when I was 15, don't know what it is now.

>> No.1865776

130. Eh, it doesn't matter. I can still program, and that's where I get the cash.

>> No.1865785

136. I'm happy with it, anything over 120 is respectable. Those under that figure, however, must agonize over it...

>> No.1865788

Goethe is brightest ever

>> No.1865799

104 at age 13 or 14. Will get tested again soon.

>> No.1865842

126 on one test, 115 on another. I suppose it's somewhere between the two.

>> No.1865845

Somewhere between 116 and 142.

>It's probably 116 lol.

>> No.1865851

How come everyone on /sci/ is well above average or well above genius. HURRY THE FUCK UP AND INVENT SOMETHING USEFUL.

>> No.1865854

We're also a bunch of procrastinators and underachievers.

>> No.1865857


Because online IQ test scores.

>> No.1865863



>> No.1865909

>get tested when I was 13 years old
>IQ of 142
>Teachers said that I should skip grades but my parents refused
>Next year I went to the physics Olympiad and placed in the first 20 at the national stage(1st locally) despite working very little compared to others
>in 2006 i moved to Spain and started high-school here
>leaned Spanish in 2 months and aced all of my exams
>in 2007 i discovered 4chan and have been browsing ever since
>one year ago I failed 5 courses and had to repeat A levels
>my Spanish hasn't improved since 2007 and I lost all of my friends that I made when I first came here
>haven't touched a girl for 4 years and I get anxious when they are around
>last week I did the IQ test at school and got 110
>I'm a total shut-in and I spend 7+ hours a day in front of the computer doing nothing and I can't even get the motivation to do my daily homework
>Parents are disappointed that their 18 year old son will live his life alone as a complete failure
The only advice I can give you is: GET THE FUCK OFF 4CHAN BEFORE IT RUINS YOU LIFE TOO!!!!

>> No.1866110

i have all the time in the world....

>> No.1866114

I don't care how smart I am.

Most people enjoy being smart only to elevate them above their peers purely for an instinctual urge to be competitive.

a true wise man would feel sad for the lesser minded, not able to truly understand the marvel of the universe not cast them down to elevate yourself.

a persons worth is measured by what he contributes to the the world. Potential is meaningless unless used to better oneself and/or others.

A perfect example is Jonas Salk, he cured one of the worst plagues of his time (polio) and asked for nothing in return saying"could you patent the sun?"

Have that attitude and you are more likely to make a major discovery or invention.

>> No.1866144


hi fellow Deist <3

>> No.1866148


Actually those estimates are very likely considering the fact that an IQ is relative to a distribution. Compared to the other people of their time, DaVinci and Goethe very easily appear über genius.

Compared to society today I'd estimate them around 165


There are different types of intelligence, Einstein had them beat in mathematics and logic, they had him beat in linguistics

>also, tested IQ of 156 my freshman year of college

>> No.1866149

120 the last time I checked

>> No.1866161

there are more then 1 deist on /sci/

>> No.1866163

150 last checked 1/1/10

>> No.1866170

Took a test in Psychology in 12th grade and it was 145, but the teacher said they will be inflated slightly since there weren't age brackets for people who are 18. Then I took one online (don't know how reliable that one was), and it was 135. So somewhere around the 130s?

>> No.1866176


my political stance: European supremacist aristocratic eugenic socialist

philosophical stance: metaphysical naturalist and deist

>> No.1866179

Agree, but it doesn't hurt to know your potential.

>> No.1866186

my iq is 186 i'm so smart.

>> No.1866189


MY political stance: who cares
MY philosophical stance: Buddhism

>> No.1866196


We should fuck. That is all.

>> No.1866199

141 currently, 13. 153 at 8; then I met 4chan.

>> No.1866204

standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation
standard deviation

also, standard deviation

>> No.1866207


>> No.1866208

You're 13? Gross.

>> No.1866210

my political stance: Don't be a dick(IRL), Be humble, Advance mankind wherever you can

philosophical stance: deism

>> No.1866215

Yeah. Typical bored teenager on 4chan. I wouldn't be surprised at all to encounter another.

>> No.1866221

What's your favorite food? I can hook you up at my place and we can just... "hang out" :)

>> No.1866225
File: 10 KB, 200x324, Pedobear_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1866227


lol what a faggot

>> No.1866231

Should've expected such a reply. Stating one's age on 4chan can never end well.

>> No.1866241

Especially considering it's illegal to even browse 4chan if you're under 18.

>> No.1866245

You sound very mature for your age. Maybe you could use some mature friends? :)

>> No.1866248

How many 18 movies did you watch at my age? How many 15? How many porn sites did you traverse in your later teens? Few people obey age restriction laws; fewer enforce them.

>> No.1866253
File: 56 KB, 350x282, pedobear_drool_AGES_RESULTS-s350x282-56449-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1866261
File: 57 KB, 911x698, atw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember the numbers but I remember the pictures. Here's what it looked like when I took intelligence tests and was compared to the rest of the population. Those tests were taken between age 6 and age 12.

Also, sometimes, the results were shown in public. You could hear ppl say "OMG", "wow", "Ahhhhhh" or "Holy shit".

I was never sure what those tests actually ment, I kept on thinking that I was especially retarted or something and felt pretty stupid until I've grown old and understood that those tests challenged my intelligence and I've excelled at all of them.

Why am I telling you guys my story?

Because those tests don't mean shit. Life is all based on luck. I've skipped the first few years of school, I could do algebra when other kids couldn't even add 1+1 and cute stuff like that. The problem is that if you don't have academic&competent parents, you're not gonna get through puberty while still maintaining that level. You lose control over yourself, you start taking drugs and blablabla.

I wasn't lucky enough to have strict parents that would keep me from doing those things. I was in 9th grade, high as fuck 24/7 and the teachers wouldn't even care. Why? Because my results still were the same as everybody elses even though I was never really taught anything. How would they be able to tell? They didn't know about me, they thought I was a retard and that they still did a good job in teaching me.

High iQ means nothing, especially if it's only in the 140-160 range. Beyond that, it's mostly a curse.

>> No.1866265

Brilliant picture!

>> No.1866272



>> No.1866273


This is such weak-minded bullshit

Going by what you have said in your story, the only difference between you and I is that I matured while you herped a derp.

Life is only about luck if you let it be such. Take some initiative

>> No.1866274

Do you actively link new information to old information you already know?
EX: I inform you of A you think oh, that makes sense because A is similar to B. Where B is related knowledge you already possess.

Since IQ is relative this comes as no surprise. If you test against a large group of uneducated, non-thinking fucks, you might score that high as well.

>> No.1866277

130-140 on raven´s test

>> No.1866304

I can agree with your last statement.

Too high an IQ can actually be a problem. More specifically, knowing way more than those around you can be a problem.

For one, people have an insecurity about it big time.
This usually means you have to suppress your own intelligence around most people in order to be socially accepted.
Same problem as everyone else has really except that you realize this and it can cause you to rage.

You also end up with the issue of mental atrophy. Constantly working on a more simplified level than you would like can cause you to lose interest in people. If you do not get regular mental challenges then you end up not caring about anything.
This further exacerbates the social problem and can prevent you from putting checks in boxes like high school. Even if you know everything, if you fail high school because you were not interested you still can't get a job.

>> No.1866306

145, Mensa Spain exmember.

>> No.1866333
File: 12 KB, 251x215, 1276775732505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So almost every on /sci/ is well above average or genius.


I knew everyone on here had in inflated ego when it came to their intelligence but seriously. Let me guess the reason everyone in here is a nameless nobody who probably gets average in school or college or whatever is because you all fit the "lazy genius" fucking stereotype.

I made this as a troll thread come back hours later and see this shit. I swear you fucking egotistical nerds may be fucked up but at least you're good at doing my homework.

>> No.1866393


You've posted in here several times now. This is also a poor troll. Most of the replies do not include IQ scores and/or question the validity of any IQ test.

The scores that were posted are only so such that we can discuss the validity of IQ tests.
You are a fail troll, your bait was okay, but your methods are lacking.
Work on it some more and come back when you have something better to present to us.

>> No.1866405
File: 40 KB, 185x185, 1271995242934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well maybe "troll" wasn't the best word. I merely posted this thread to see how many of the fags on /sci/ would post IQs in the extremely high range to make them look like geniuses.

It was pretty much everyone in the thread. LOL FUCKING EGOTISTICAL TURBO NERDS. Have fun debating how shit IQ is and what not.

>> No.1866409
File: 150 KB, 462x495, Trolltwo-Aether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1866418

I searched around for ages and just settled for one of the mensa tests, got 140, personally I don't don't think IQ tests should even still be used, everyone now knows they are a load of crap.

>> No.1866430



Thought I'd add a 1 to that to make it more accurate.

>> No.1866433

>This usually means you have to suppress your own intelligence around most people in order to be socially accepted.
Sometimes I find that I have to almost convince myself that I have a social disorder just so I don't go on a verbally violent rampage through society. I really hate how some people can be so naive.

>> No.1866435

Last time I checked (which was when I was still in high school), 114.

>> No.1866441

proper IQ test?

lol. I got 154 on an 'official' one from school, and 147 on the mensa one. (which was done for lulz, not posterity). I can't do basic algebra.

>> No.1866450

>implying you can't be very intelligent and inept at math.

which I think was your point anyway

>> No.1866455

I have just one thing to say about this, IQ tests are the worst possible way of determining intelligence.
Someone who scores 180 on one version of the test could score 120 on another, each test seems to vary hugely in difficulty, with some seemingly like they were designed for retards. I took one of the mensa tests and got 153, I then took a regular test and got 180. Just to compare, I took yet another and got 124, there is little to no consistency.
There is also the fact that someone who scores 180 could be a kid who dropped out of school in stage 8 and took drugs.
Another thing is the average, the average is supposedly 100, oh come on are you fucking kidding me, I do think you would have to have a severe mental problem to get that low.
Feel free to share your opinion too, I really don't care how many trolls respond to this. Just putting my word out, for what I believe is correct, you can believe what you want.

>> No.1866489


I'm not even quite sure why anyone would bother taking an iq test..

who cares how smart you are? if you dont have the work ethic it doesnt even matter.

>> No.1866494

You still missed the point there anon.

It was not pretty much everyone, you just want that to be the result.
Wanting it to be true, does not make it so.

Additionally, those who posted scores also submitted that IQ does not accurately judge intelligence.

This means that you premise in the OP is flawed.
The postings are not egotistical, they actually modest since people are discounting the meaning of an IQ score.
It is similar to saying, "I got an A on a test that doesn't mean anything, so I don't think I am very intelligent."

Try to consider other perspectives before you make a conclusion, jumping to an answer because that's what you were hoping for just makes you look immature.

>> No.1866498
File: 119 KB, 1365x767, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an official test of 148 once.

>> No.1866507


i say that about myself all the time.

i have had a 4.0 gpa in electrical engineering for the passed 3 years, and i still think im a complete fucking retard. i just work hard as fuck. i would be willing to be my iq is within 100-110 range.

>> No.1866513
File: 5 KB, 155x143, Haha-Aether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to know how dead you were, lol

>> No.1866527

If you need a guide on how to kill bugs I'm assuming you really dont have a 148 IQ.

>> No.1866530


When I worked as a high school tutor I was fooling around with the online test the MENSA website has and thought it was ridiculous that every question was incredibly easy and I received a perfect score. Convinced the test was rubbish I had asked 3 other tutors take the test and see how they performed

I still cannot believe they did not see or understand such simple patterns

>> No.1866542


Hey I fully agree IQ is a shit way to measure intelligence my friend. But it's clear to see everyone in this thread is posting well above average IQs I'd quote the posts compared to the posts where people said average IQs but I am lazy.

As for the egotistical part, people can give the illusion of being modest and humble but they are really arrogant and have a superiority complex. Now don't misinterpret that, I am not saying everyone here is arrogant but I think you all are for I am judgmental. DEAL WITH IT

>> No.1866544
File: 332 KB, 399x477, 1286254579771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were the kind that you can't kill with a shoe, and they were fucking tiny. Diatomaceous earth took care of them nicely.

>> No.1866554

Here is some random information I picked up about Intelligence quotient scores over the years

- the average doctor has an IQ of 115
- The IQ scores of men tend to be more sporadic than the IQ scored of women, i.e. - there are proportionately far more men than women who are geniuses, but there are also far more men than women who are retarded
- There is more than one form of intelligence, most IQ tests only test for mathematical and linguistic intelligence
- An intelligence score is not based solely on whether you get the answer correct but how you get to that answer

>> No.1866568



>> No.1866571
File: 28 KB, 339x382, Chrisff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

210. Any problems?

>> No.1866574



>> No.1866583

There aren't enough people to compare to my level of intelligence. IQ test doesn't work for me :(
I hate taking tests made by people dumber than me to test how smart I am.

>> No.1866598


I watched an interview with that guy in it. He's like a smart obese Hitler.

>> No.1866600


It takes true genius to say FUCK THE RULES I'M CHEATING.

>> No.1866604

IQ measures how well you did on an IQ test. Don't assign it any more meaning than that.

>> No.1866617


Then use your superior intellect to make a better test, so geniuses of your level can be adequately measured, you arrogant jackass.

>> No.1866634

Also, http://www.iq-tests-for-the-high-range.com/

>> No.1866643

its pretty high
and it's cool solid sounding number.

>> No.1866749

In comp sci, we call this crowd sourcing. :D

>> No.1866761


>> No.1866774

I scored 141 on one test a few months ago.

...and 158 on a test I took in the fifth grade.

Who really knows?

>> No.1866775

somewhere around 150, shame really that pattern recognition and deductive reasoning get rinsed by a solid work ethic when it comes to exam prep.

>> No.1866779

I don't know, where the hell do you even take legitimate IQ tests?

>> No.1866794

Online IQ tests are not legit, fags.

Stanford-Binet, WAIS, WJ-COG, and other tests along those realms are the legit ones. Had a friend test me and I got 128, but it might not be legit because they were still somewhat new to assessing IQ.

>> No.1866797

I took an IQ test 3 times in grade 10 because my guidance counselor hated me and wanted reasons to remove me from the school, anyway the average of the three test was 151.

>> No.1866812


Glad to see the average IQ of forum-goers is approaching genius territory. Of course everyone here is being honest, with not one below average score yet. I take it you are all well armed with a ten-inch penis as well.

>> No.1866818


I feel retarded.

>> No.1866821

>Citizen Snips

I've played TF2 with or against you numerous times. Hello.

>> No.1866823
File: 182 KB, 582x600, CatWearingScubaGear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe an IQ test is possible with our current levels of technology, nor would such a scale be of any use.
"IQ Tests" are culture tests. They don't demonstrate a person's ability to solve 'hard' problems but to decipher text and images into stupid puzzles that could literally mean a dozen things other than their intended meaning. Also, they test you on how well you know the definitions of rarely used words. What's up with that?

Fourth year physics major at a top 50 school btw
Pic related it's me

>> No.1866827


that's pretty low for someone who would be posting on a science board, brah. shouldn't you be off playing beer pong and watching football somewhere?

>> No.1866840


No. I'm interested in science, so I read these boards. Yes, it's a very low IQ but I've learned to adapt. Don't assume from my test score that I'm interested in typical frat boy entertainment.

>> No.1866843
File: 44 KB, 351x440, 1270972308920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here BACK TO CHECK ON MY THREAD. I fucking lol'd.

>> No.1866852

dude, an 86 couldn't form a coherent sentance; an 86 could barely wipe their own ass. that's 2 sigma away from average. that's High Pitch Eric territory.

>> No.1866856

Cat in scuba gear is talking about "dumb" person.

>> No.1866949

After reading your posts, I find it difficult to believe you would score so low.
Do me a favor, take this little bastard for a spin, will you?
Post result. It will tell you quite a bit about yourself, I guarantee it.

(This also goes for the rest of you).

>> No.1867029

Took an IQ test in school at 11 years old since I acted strangely, and tested at about 155, or around 3.5 standard deviations above the mean.

As a person who has taken a real test, I would bet that no accurate test exists. Online tests have given me results ranging from 250 to 70; and none have gotten closer then about 20 points to my real IQ.


I assume the test I took was a real one. It took about 4 hours of one-on-one testing with the tester to reach the result. How was your test conducted?>>1866148


While IQ does not guarantee success, it makes it statistically more probable. Six years after I took the IQ test I took the SAT and scored a perfect 2400; now I am a Junior at Harvard majoring in physics.

>> No.1867038

168 and 145.

...You've taken tests on different measures, right?

>> No.1867042


By definition IQ tests are normalized around an average of 100. σ = 15 for nearly all IQ tests; this places anon at slightly less then 1 standard deviation below average, or at around the 30th percentile. Not genius, but hardly retarded as anything from 85 to 115 is considered about average.

>> No.1867055
File: 104 KB, 450x600, 1266901842749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.1867075


IQ "numbers" mean nothing.
I can create a test where a retard earns a score of 120 and an average human gets 220.
Does is mean anything?

That said, on today's most common tests, a ranking of ~40 is a retard, ~105 is the average, and ~135 is "Mensa" level.

What really matters when you want to find out "how smart you are" is σ. That is, how smarter you are from the average.

>> No.1867385

A friend of mine says that IQs can rise and drop over time. It all depends on whether or not you keep your brain "in shape" by participating in mentally stimulating activities such as geometric puzzles and chess.

>> No.1868110

Mine was 132 and I was told I was in the top 99.something percent of people... So you guys must ALLL be geniuses.

>> No.1868122

mine is 139

>> No.1868129

that's what is was when I took an official IQ test when I was is 5th grade

I recently took it again but was not given a number.. just that I scored exceptionally above average in everything

>> No.1868133

I'm proud of it but I don't think it makes me special

>> No.1868141


>> No.1869364

Fuck me sideways and call me an elephant how long do threads on here last. I go to sleep come back and it's STILL going.