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1865023 No.1865023 [Reply] [Original]

Is it human nature to be racist?

>> No.1865038

Yes. Studies find that babies are racist. It's different from KKK racism though

>> No.1865041


>> No.1865042

Yes, in a way. Even if you were raised your whole life in a mixed-race environment, the human need for esteem means that you would naturally tend to think more highly of your own qualities, and thus your race, to some limited extent.

>> No.1865045

We're basically saying the same thing. I guess there's sort of two levels of racism.

>> No.1865049 [DELETED] 


>> No.1865053

It's human nature for basement-dwelling virgin neckbeards to blame others for their own inadequacies.

>> No.1865062

but there isn't such a thing as human races, there's only one human race

>> No.1865063

Source ?
You seem to have an odd definition for "racism".
Same for you : >>1865042

>> No.1865068

Humans have a natural and completely abhorrent fear of change and difference. While the young are a bit more adaptable, which is why racism and racial tollerance are seeded so early in life, older people can have serious problems adapting.

>> No.1865071


>> No.1865090

it is not just human nature to be racist, it is natural PERIOD. some humans are distinct enough from each other that they can be considered separate species. and as you know, survival of the species (and therefore discrimination against competing species) is perfectly natural. liberalism is the cancer keeping unfit races around when they have ZERO value.

>> No.1865095

Now THAT sounds racist. You sir really gotta think on what you just said.

>> No.1865098


that article is making me rage >_>

they say with incredulity that they discovered white families that claimed to be liberal but had never openly discussed race with their children. but i'm white and grew up in a liberal area and i've gotten extremely strong vibes my entire life that for me to even acknowledge that races exist is racist. and for parents to have an open talk with their children about black people is kkk tier shit. you just don't do that.

>> No.1865099
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To some degree, however that doesn't mean it is good or in anyway beneficial to us in a modern globalized society.
Pic related; why do we still have "nations"

>> No.1865112

Some societies haven't matured fully yet, particularly the ones that were culture shocked and are now merely roiling despots ready to burst at any second now.

>> No.1865116

Okay. . . how is that relevant to anything I said, exactly?

>> No.1865119

pretty much this

>> No.1865120

The main point of the article is that the babies are inherently racist.

>> No.1865131

Honestly, if you knew anything about the developing world you would know how full of shit you really are. While it is nature to compete with other species you've proven several things:

A. You don't know the definition of species
Species - Interbreeding organisms capable of of producing fertile offspring.
and for reference
Genus - a grouping of similar species.

B. You have very little knowledge of human genetics, almost all variation found in humans (and I really mean almost all of it) is prototypical expression as a result of natural selection to environment. Outside of that we're all pretty much genetically identical.

You are so full of shit that I would consider ending you simply due to how hateful and incorrect your ideology is. You are a harm to humanity, please off yourself.

>> No.1865136


>> No.1865142

Damn I was hoping I wouldn't have to go ALL the way into detail but either way I'm burning time.
Drop someone from the US into one of these countries. Assume they know the language, but aren't from there for simplicities sake. They come back from their horrifying experience (if it all) and tell their friends how terrifying (different) it was. Do the opposite now. Even if their country hadn't been heard of prior, both sides are going to have a shitty relationship. Another person goes to a nearby. Its similar (as in not at all to the US.) Now the entire region has a bad rep.

>> No.1865150

>A. You don't know the current definition of species as what is totally decided on and accepted by scientists within their field.
fixed that for you

>> No.1865152

Well yeah, but my point is, the world is interconnected enough that I can get to China sooner than I could walk to the other side of my city. Not everyone has to agree for us to start thinking of it was "Earth" instead of all these little segments. Look at the states for example. They are segmented in a purely geographical sense and while the ideologies are not all the same, everyone accepts that we are a greater part of the whole United States; I don't understand why this logic can't be applied globally.

Captcha: Khorsh Gettysburg <-- Lol.

>> No.1865155

I think it's more based on projection, and the inability to think of yourself, or people similar to you as being bad.

Its pretty well known that races have it easier differentiating people of their own race. Other races tend to kind of blur together.

Now, when you see a bunch of white guys commit a crime, you don't see the white, since you look past that, you see the tattoo's, the chains, the hallmarks of low income families, and you shy away from those types of people, but not whites in general.

you see some black people doing the same thing and you are more likely to attribute it to skin color than you are to the monikers of low income living they might have on, because skin colour is a very obvious attribute that you do not recognize in your own race, but would in others.

So yes, it's pretty natural in my opinion. But thats just my meta-cognitive view. I used to be pretty racist until I started thinking about it.

>> No.1865158

1. there are many exceptions to the rule of what defines a species because *SURPRISE* species isnt actually a black and white determination.

2. you clearly have no knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, or neurology. there are huge differences between the races, from intelligence to bone structure to muscle fiber to brain cavity to physiological reactions to drugs and the list goes on and on forever. please stop repeating nonsense you hear from Rachel Maddow.

3. when youre an uneducated fool with an incorrect position just shout "HATEFUL" and "WACIST" and you win the argument huh? looks like you know as much about how to argue your position as you do about human biology

>> No.1865163

That's a pretty damn good definition of species. You can't criticize current science without criticizing the scientific method. For example, Donkey's aren't the same species as Horses because together they produce a Mule which is entirely infertile. They are however in the same Genus because they are very similar species.

>> No.1865169


You're a fucking idiot. A requirement of one species is that it's members can produce fertile offspring. ALL of humans can do this.

Also, the fact remains that there is barely any genetic variation in th ehuman race. Look it up, it's well documented.

>> No.1865171

Not that your argument doesn't have base.
Asia has bonded fairly close together, even though there are clear differences(to them anyways.) Europeans formed the holy roman empire to fight the arabs. (massive irony that it's essentially[note ESSENTIALLY] the same religion), and south america works together to give the US the birdy every once in a while.

>> No.1865173

>You're a fucking idiot. A requirement of one species is that it's members can produce fertile offspring. ALL of humans can do this.

and again, there are many species, as labeled by scientists themselves, that defy this definition. my assertion is that human races also fit into this rare group of species who defy the standard definition of species.

so not only do you know jack shit about human biology, you cant read either. which makes me wonder, how is it that you know enough to repeat comical liberal talking points like "theres no genetic variation derp?" ah, i know. you saw it on tv or on youtube.

>> No.1865175

well whatever word you use I consider human races to be very distinct from one another and anyone who argues race doesn't exist is a fucking idiot

>> No.1865179


>> and again, there are many species, as labeled by scientists themselves, that defy this definition.

Go on, name a species where the members cannot produce fertile off spring.

>> No.1865185

Stop trying to make this a political argument you fuckwit. That is our current definition of species and it works pretty well. The difference aren't as great as you suggest when you consider there is a tremendous amount of variability in ALL those things you just mentioned inside of populations of the same so-called race. I stand firmly behind my position from a well educated standpoint (being an anthropology major) and I still conclude that your ideology is flawed and ignorant.

Honestly, you criticize my ability to defend my argument yet your argument actually devolved to claiming I'm informed by a political pundit. Smells a bit like desperation. You didn't refute any of my points, you talk about species being vague and hard to define as an argument in disproving my definition of species despite failing to apply this same logic to your argument that minor phenotype expressions can account for different species. Then you account me thinking you're a despicable person with me not being able to properly represent my opinions.

>> No.1865186


there is very little genetic difference.

there is a genetic difference, but it's small enough to ignore.

We don't consider dogs different species from each other because they are different sizes and breeds.

>> No.1865188


>> No.1865191

nice try, but you know very well that i meant there are different species that CAN produce fertile off spring (just like humans).

>> No.1865197

Yes and no.
Yes because we have group instincts, we will invariably trust people like us and distrust people that are different.
No because humans are not slaves to their instincts, we have minds that can override our more primal selves.
Everyone sees the difference, not everyone acts on it.
Prejudice is quite different than just noting ethnicity, and many people reject in on rational grounds.

>> No.1865202
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>> No.1865204


Once again youre being idiotic.

The definition doesn't prohibit that.

>> No.1865207
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No, NO. Get off /sci/ now.

>> No.1865209

and yet no one is scared to claim some dog breeds are more intelligent, faster, stronger, etc. like i have my doubts that it accounts for everything though. theyre scared to do with humans and pretend everyone is "equal"


>> No.1865211


The point is, they aren't seperate species are they.

>> No.1865212

then whats your basis for bringing it up in an argument about human races being different species? derpppppp

>> No.1865214

well i'm convinced

>> No.1865219


Because it's rare.

The fact is though that different races are NOT different species.

Skin colour and facial structure accounts for very little genetic diversities. The fact is that between two major populations there is very little genetic difference. The biggest differences are found within populations.

>> No.1865220




>> No.1865221

this post included some part of another boards post i made o.O weird

>> No.1865224

>the fact is

stopped reading right there, you are no authority on speciation. just because you pretend really hard there "isnt much genetic diversity" doesnt make it so. at first you pretended it was just skin color or hair, then after i gave you a huge list you started admitting to more differences. listen, you have been brainwashed by liberalism and political correctness. its okay, just embrace the truth.

>> No.1865225

if birds have different beak structure we cound them as different species, how the hell does this not apply to humans?

>> No.1865227

Dogs have been domesticated. Since you seem to be lacking in definitions I'll help you out again.

Domestication - The use and manipulation of a species that results in genetic change.

Meaning some breeds are smarter/faster/stronger because we have purposefully bred them to be. These sort of differences don't even show up in noticeable quantities without explicit direction and intervention in the type of time scales we are talking about. I have very little doubt that if you were to take 100 "white" kids and 100 "black" kids and run both of the groups through the same education programs and social standards/pressures that you would see similar test scores.

>> No.1865228


>> Argue that someone doesn't have the authority to say "the fact is"

>> Call them a liberal over and over

>> Lols I can argue

>> No.1865230


Yes. It's likely that black men have a higher proportion of fast twitch fibers for explosive speed and power, while other races have higher proportions of white muscle for endurance.

It's likely that jews have a more developed center of the brain for math, since the jewish people where often the record keepers, and a good record keeper got a good life, and had more kids.

These are slight differences in the human organism. And it's been shown definitively that acknowledging that and attempting to segregate based on that leads inevitably to bad shit.

It's better to ignore it completely than try to work it out.

haha captcha: politicism frensy

>> No.1865233

Equal is subjective.
Is every black person less intelligent than every white person? Of course not.
Can every black person run faster than every white person? No.
Intelligence is only partially genetic to begin with and the part that is has little to do with race, it is determined by the two individual parents.
In short, individuals are individuals. You can say whatever you want about a race in general, but it's still a generalization.

>> No.1865235


Look. It. Up.

It is well documented by hundreds of studies that there is very little genetic diversity between races and groups.

>> No.1865238

Segregate, bad idea, but at least acknowledge. In no way should we make judgements upon race, but we musn't be blind to the truth.

>> No.1865241

>but it's still a generalization.
and what the hell is wrong with a generalization? Stereotypes come from somewhere...

>> No.1865245


>> No.1865246

You've been brainwashed by conservative racism and Darwinist political principles. Stop throwing around the word "liberal" like it's the basis for these arguments; it isn't.

>> No.1865254


That site looks like a pruposeful troll site.

>> No.1865256
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>> No.1865257

Do note that the terms left, right, etc. are manufactured to just keep the current parties in power.

>> No.1865260

>atheismIsGay !zWU2yiNLPw
How could anyone respond to this person seriously.

>> No.1865266

except studies like that have already been conducted and they proved you wrong.

what do you mean bad things happen? like those who are inferior dont succeed as much? how is this bad? it is just the natural order of things. and this is somehow better than going bankrupt to make them feel better and lowering our quality of life by having them around robbing and killing and reducing productivity and innovation because we have to force them to have jobs or responsibilities they dont deserve?

>> No.1865267


We do in ways.

Mostly through sterotypes. and they are not necessarily true.

A poodle is statistically one of the most intelligent dogs, but you can have a stupid poodle. You can have small dogs, bred for weak bodies, which are unusually strong.

You can have black endurance runners and jews that are bad at math as well. you can acknowledge statistical differences in mass populations, but when you attribute it to the the individual it becomes wrong, because you can;t tell what the individual can do without testing him and knowing him.

thats a tricky thing to get through to people. Most people react emotionally to stimuli. It's easier to paint a race of being one color than to put the work in examining each person.

So, the time tested way to suppress racism is to ignore it and pretend we are all equal.

>> No.1865269

yeah from now on i'm just going to dismiss shit I dont agree with

>> No.1865271

Didn't say it was wrong, I said to assume something about an individual based on that generalization means you will be wrong at least some of the time.
Sure, it may be a pleasant surprise.

>> No.1865278

I would except this argument were it not for the fact that every day the "black folk" in my town continue to make me doubt they posses any sort of intelligence

>> No.1865280

>claims his ideology isn't hateful as he advocates for eugenics
Dude, there is a reason why all of /sci/ is disagreeing with you. You're fucking retarded, the things you say are wrong and easily refutable. You haven't replied to my last few arguments, so either you haven't gotten around to it or you decided it wasn't easy prey. I stand by what I originally said. You and those who think like you are an enemy to mankind and the global society as a whole.

>> No.1865286

You should engage in some self-reflection.

>> No.1865288


>> No.1865292


you would have to show definitively that their crime rates and poor income are based on biological reasons.

A 5 point difference in average IQ is not grounds to state that all black people are hopeless and deserving of being cut off for that reason.

It has been definitively proven that poor living conditions, poor families, and stupid parents produce these criminal, low income conditions. Race doesn't matter in that respect.

If you don't help the poor to improve their living conditions then they can't become more intelligent and break the cycle. They stay poor, keep robbing, and wreck up the place regardless.

What would your plan be? What would your method to fixing the issue be?

>> No.1865296

>implying I'm not tired as fuck
I would ACCEPT this if It weren't for the fact blacks in my area are all fucking idiots. Happy now? Can you not avoid my point now?

>> No.1865299

Judging by his past arguments, I expecting "KILL THE POOR."

>> No.1865305

Are there no unintelligent white people in your area? Based on the substance of your argument I'd say there are.

>> No.1865306
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>> No.1865307


I can point you towards any number of black men for any reason that show normal intelligence.

Maybe the best reasoning being that they were raised away from their low income family in a foster home. maybe they just happened to luck out and get caring parents.

Morgan freeman is the most obvious, but there are several non gang bangers which are good men.

I hate wiggers myself. I'm not gonna alienate my race cause of some retard with juggalo parents.

>> No.1865308

>global society

yea, now we know why you disagree. because youre some sort of global marxist (i.e. liberal). i ripped you apart with scientific facts and all you could do is shout liberal talking points:

>derp theres not enuff diversity derp everyones equall, those millions of differences you listed arent enough to make us separate species cant u see!? DERP but please dont bring up those finches which completely ruin my point!

>> No.1865311

Well, no their are quite a few stupid whites in my area but at toleratable levels. Not the kind of loud pretentious stupidity that blacks possess. Also the amount of good whites offsets it quite a bit.

>> No.1865312


> stop talking about liberalism you stupid leberal! hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.1865313

A great part of /new/ considers you retarded, so you're definitely not going to get any sympsthy here.

>> No.1865315
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>5 points derpy derp if i believe it hard enough it will be true

calling it now, his next argument will be:

>derpy derp IQ isnt valid111!!!

>> No.1865318

Okay, do you realize how shitty of an argument you just posed? Once again, STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS POLITICAL, YOU FUCKWIT. You provided very shallow scientific facts that don't actually support your point, then when faced with contradicting evidence you just throw around "LIBERAL TALKING POINTS" as if "Liberal" is synonymous with "wrong." I'm honestly done after this post. You've proven to me that I've won this argument several times throughout this conversation. I'll leave you with this; don't have kids.

>> No.1865319

see my next post


Stop that. You are baiting him, and the more you piss somebody off by mocking their views the more their arguments fall to emotional swings and breaks from logic.

he has the right to explain his opinion to the best of his ability without the stress of people calling him out.

>> No.1865322

or maybe these "black men" are half white or have a fair amount of white blood in them. Everyone seems to forget discrepencies like that when commending "great black men".

>> No.1865326

show me a "black man" that displays "normal intelligence" and ill show you a "black man" whos great great grandmother was raped by a white man

>> No.1865329

Sure, the ones you see on the street are probably not representative, else you would not take notice to begin with.
If that is the majority, then sure, it is.
What the anon (not me) was saying is that unless you actually take the time to know, you won't know.
Personally, I distrust anyone that looks desperate. Irregardless of race.

>> No.1865332

I've had my arguments discredited many times already as being inherently incorrect because some liberals agree. He has lost the right of a fair argument and he certainly started the shitslinging. I also find him exceptionally dimwitted and deplorable.

>> No.1865333

ITT: Everyone being trolled by a blatant and obvious troll

I just wanted to point out that the blocky and irregular nature of that graph means the sample size was far too small.

>> No.1865334
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>durr black guy robbed me all blacks are bad

>> No.1865346

oh now ive heard it all.


hahahaha, you made me laugh out loud with that one. what will liberals think of next?

>> No.1865348

>all blacks are bad
I wish people would stop putting words in our mouths. The MAJORITY of blacks are bad.

>> No.1865349


stop that.

IQ in the sense you describe is an old model. any first year psychology course will tell you that model went out of style decades ago.

A multi-factor intelligence with several different aspects is a better model. or even the Triarchic theory.

restricting it to one number would be an oversimplification.

>> No.1865357

hahaha, did i call it or what? he was trying to defend blacks by bringing up IQ and as soon as i destroyed his argument with IQ studies suddenly IQ isnt valid anymore.

oh man, liberals crack me up. i remember why i stopped coming to this board. its just full of teenagers who think shouting "EVOLUTION ROX" makes them educated.

>> No.1865359

Oh, well I concede that point. But I would never, ever treat another person upon meeting them with some prefabricated stereotype until they show me they fit it.
The majority of any other race isn't too fine either. Just look at AIG.

>> No.1865360
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Eh, I tire of this flame war. Peace out.

>> No.1865361

Okay, you're at the top of my shitlist of namefag trolls. Seriously, try harder.

>> No.1865363


I'm sure there is a reason for it.

He's too annoyed right now to be trolling. He has a legitimate reason for hating blacks, and he should explain his position.

If it falls to a matter of opinion that's fine. But he shouldn't try to pass it off as fact to justify himself to others.

I really don't care. I just want to know his opinion.

>> No.1865366
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Oh I hate going to America, it's just full of teenagers shouting atheism is gay

>> No.1865367

>As soon as I presented an invalid argument they said it was invalid
>liberals liberals liberals liberals

>> No.1865368


IQ is valid.

not your archaic 40 year old system.

>> No.1865370

no one cares how you treat people fag, stop fucking taxing us and creating shitty policies and regulations just to help uplift a bunch of unevolved animals based on a LIE that everyone is equal.

>> No.1865373

Wow, you really should stop coming to this board. You're stupid as shit. Also, it's funny how you are consistently trying to make this a political argument. Speaking of talking points and buzzwords, when did taxes become a bad thing? The greater whole working for a better more cohesive society sounds good to me.

>> No.1865374


What would you do?

>> No.1865375

tbh, you sound like a retard.
I know intelligent conservatives, and you are don't strike me as one of them.

>> No.1865378
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>/no one cares how you treat people/ [fag], {stop fucking taxing us and creating shitty policies and regulations just to help uplift a bunch of unevolved animals based on a LIE that everyone is equal.}

[] = Insult
{} = Unrelated spontaneous AIG bullshit
// = Dissin' mah street cred, yo

>> No.1865381

>implying humans have a nature other than "adaptive"

>> No.1865382

Haha neither would I but that's the funny part, whenever I simply walk past black people they are being loud, stupid and annoying.

>> No.1865395



>> No.1865400

why do we have to do anything at all? let natural selection take its course. let them die off. if you want to help them with YOUR money, thats your right. but dont tax me and take away opportunities from more qualified individuals based on a LIE. thats it, thats the only reason i care. it is destroying civilization based on a lie.

>> No.1865404
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There were a shitload of deadbeat violent abos around my neighbourhood in my previous residence and they pretty much broke every street sign and letterbox on like 10 streets just to fuck with everyone.
I had to pick up my LED TV from the post office because they couldn't find my address because they're dipshits.
One of the abos got arrested for selling meth to some highschool kids at a party.

>> No.1865407


So it's about money?

You fucking idiot. Money has literally NOTHING to do with natural selection and genes.

>> No.1865409


But thats wrong.

They wouldn't die off because they would simply rob and steal to make ends meet. And feel good about it because they were raised in a shitty environment.

You are promoting increasing crime rate and increasing the chances for honest, hard workers in getting stabbed to death over the 20$ in their pocket.

>> No.1865416

the same idiots that create policies which rob us of our money to give to niggers are the ones creating policies that disallow us to protect our property. same cancer source.

>implying you know what youre talking about

>> No.1865421

protip: abbos have as low intelligence as niggers, and yet you defend their existence in one breath while criticizing them with the next?

>> No.1865427


But even if you are raising the chances of you getting stabbed in the back by some low-life by .1% thats still statistically like hundreds to thousands of people like you getting stabbed and robbed.

The only time you are going to kill the blacks is the one you catch robbing your house. Whereas he could stab multiple made men.

don't you see how counterintuitive your argument is? If you cause them to become more violent by cutting funding than we lose more upstanding citizens than they do.

and the low class tend to breed faster, and would begin to outpace the growth of your own people.

It's purely in your interest to help them, if only so you don't drown in their failure.

>> No.1865428


Wow. You really are a classic conservative recneck aren't you.

>> No.1865432

haha it's abbos i'm talking about as well and they just amaze me with how they're evidently destroying themselves but choose to blame it on the white man. THEY snff the fucking paint, THEY'RE the ones who are dying at 30 because of it

>> No.1865433

you cant help all of them, there is no way. and you are assuming that our cash will be infinite. what happens when we waste all our money trying to civilize them and the country collapses economically? then youll REALLY have literally every nigger stabbing and robbing.

>> No.1865443


Hopefully by that point we will have dragged enough into the light of enlightenment and middle class that they realize that stabbing and looting would be counterproductive. Then they can side with us in killing the few low lifes that remain, going around stabbing people.

Above all we should try to prevent the growth of poverty and violent crime, because it just causes problems the more of it you have.

>> No.1865445

oh you think that its purely cultural with niggers? no wonder you have no idea how wrong you are. niggers are biologically less intelligent and more aggressive. giving them shiny shoes will not cure the problem. they must die off.

>> No.1865447
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Low intelligence as characterized by IQ and test scores is not indicative of maximum potential, and far more likely to be a product of the environment they're raised in.
Money may not be infinite, but I would like you to read a book called Manna, and I want to see your reaction the the ideas it proposes as hearing from a hardcore conservative type on that would be very rewarding.

>> No.1865450


I glanced at it.

Is this some kind of racism allegory with robots?

How long is it?

>> No.1865451

Oh my life is so hard they tax me o noes the gobmement is takings my monies. fuck up there are far worse things that can happen to you then OH NOES TAXES.

>> No.1865453


As long as we can agree this is a matter of opinion and neither of us will change our views im fine with ending this here.

>> No.1865455

maximum potential is determined by genetics, and the max for niggers and abos is very low. environment can only raise it within that potential range. we dont need to be taxed so everyone can pretend theyre equal

>> No.1865456

Less than 50 pages, but I assure you it's worth a read.
It's about how with the advancement of robotics and processor technology and some guy decides to build a fully automated system for everything and it's very 'free' and etc etc and post scarcity crap. I'm not gonna say more.

>> No.1865457


it is not a matter of opinion that blacks are BIOLOGICALLY less intelligent and BIOLOGICALLY more aggressive. its a scientific fact.

>> No.1865458


State your scientific sources.

>> No.1865461

>maximum potential is determined by genetics,
Very true. Perhaps you would like to know that humans are less than 2% genetically different from chimpanzees. That little sliver is what allowed us to make everything artificial that you see, basically.
If there are smart physicists or whatever such as Neil deGrasse Tyson, then that sort of automatically voids your argument on African humans not having the necessary genetics for high intelligence. Yes, there are genetic differences, but they're so small that it doesn't fucking matter.
>we dont need to be taxed so everyone can pretend theyre equal

>> No.1865462

If there are smart black physicists or whatever*

>> No.1865463

using CAPITAL LETTERS doesn't make what youre saying facts and calling your opponents LEBRULS doesnt either

>> No.1865465
File: 9 KB, 298x379, RETARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there isn't such a thing as human races, there's only one human race

Cool for me! So I can hate Niggers and Sandniggers without being a racist.

>> No.1865469

neil degrase tyson is 75% white and even still he has barely published jack shit and articulates himself at a high school level. he isnt intelligent, hes just a celebrity scientist because he can talk to retards at their own level and liberals like you worship him for having dark skin. we are so similar to chimps yet you think making claims like "derp the races are only 1% differentz" is a valid argument against the differences between races?

>> No.1865472


Calling someone "75% white" shows you have literally no idea what you're talking about when it comes to race and genetics.

>> No.1865474




>> No.1865475
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You accuse Neil of being 75% white and non-intelligent, yet you're 100% white and act like a complete and utter buffoon using ad family arguments all the fucking time, and I've rarely seen you leave out liberal/nigger/liberalism out of your posts, even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the argument at hand. Also FYI not liberal, see pic.
>we are so similar to chimps yet you think making claims like "derp the races are only 1% differentz" is a valid argument against the differences between races?
"derp they have dark skin" is a valid argument now?

>> No.1865480

sensing extreme butthurt from extreme told

>> No.1865482

>they have dark skin" is a valid argument now?

Sorry, but what else?

>> No.1865487

No, I was just expressing my opinion that you are nothing but a troll.

>> No.1865488
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Not really, I enjoy exposing your bullshit.

>> No.1865490

your reply to a fact about tyson's genetic makeup which refuted your uninformed assertion:

>derp youre a buffoon and stuff

yea, sure is "exposing my bullshit" there. if by "exposing" you mean ad-hominem

>> No.1865493


I just read the first 5 chapters.

The ideal of humanity should never been to approach some 5th decimal of efficiency. Abstract thought process and art are far too important for progress.

I thought it was all pretty straight forward until they began rounding them up into the welfare camps and being restricted from leaving by robots.

In our society we would likely not fall to those types of problems simply because humans have an inability to be truly bored. When your bored your mind wanders to other thoughts. In a world where the instructions to everything are read out to you stepwise people would begin to tune out the voice and begin doing what they know it would say. The computer can follow algorithims and sensors, but the human mind will anticipate what it wants and begin to outpace it, causing us to regard it as little more than an educational tool for beginners.

Efficiency wouldn't rise more than a certain point, because people would begin resenting the machine pinpointing their location and cutting out human interaction, likely quiting that job.

If the job cannot remain staffed the business will be forced to remove the system.

I feel the story is a good allegory for ever increasing lust for efficiency and the profits that go with them, but humans work for the need to survive and buy things they want. they will not be happy with a TV and a set supply of food. Esspecially if the things restricting them aren't even human.

I would expect if it got to the point of welfare camps and total information control than humans would become so bored or starved for sensation that we would begin destroying the robots for fun. Or the government would supply drugs for pleasure, which would fuel art and sex, which would instigate revolution.

>> No.1865495

>So I can hate Niggers and Sandniggers without being a racist.
technically yes, but would it change anything?

you already hate people with different ideologic and religious views even when they have the same pigments in their skin

>> No.1865499

>>derp youre a buffoon and stuff
reffers to your stance in the conversation

it's ironic that butthurt for ad hominem when he called you a buffoon for throwing pejoratives all over the place

>> No.1865507

Interesting, interesting.
I would also like to ask you, assuming something like the Australia Project portrayed in the story worked, would you like that kind of system?

>> No.1865510

butthurt cuz i demolished your argument

>> No.1865513

>state you sources
>post a source http://erectuswalksamongst.us/

>> No.1865529

it's human nature to generalise. racism is a form of generalisation, while certain generalisations are good for basic survival in evolutionary terms in the case of racism it's just completely irrational and counter productive.

>> No.1865530

>NO U!

>> No.1865533

The question isn't whether there are differences in various average qualities of these human subgroups, but what should we then do about it, if anything.

>> No.1865535

how is it counter productive if neglecting to practice it has caused us massive debt and serious crime?

>> No.1865536

how is it irrational and counterproductive? Black people tend to commit more crimes on average, so it's reasonable to cross to the other side of the street if you see one at night.

>> No.1865538

>neil degrase tyson is 75% white and even still he has barely published jack shit and articulates himself at a high school level. he isnt intelligent, hes just a celebrity scientist because he can talk to retards at their own level and liberals like you worship him for having dark skin.


What about you ?

YOU didn't do anything. Latching yourself on to the accomplishments of others who just happened to look like you, makes you the dumbest person here.

>> No.1865539

>in the case of racism it's just completely irrational and counter productive.
I propose that keeping blacks segregated and subserviant to us is why white man has advanced so far in such a short time.

>> No.1865543

>how is it counter productive if neglecting to practice it has caused us massive debt and serious crime?
It's astounding how little you seem to know of how your country works and how it got to that stage.
Crime correlates with poverty and shit individual schools. Massive debt is from your government being controlled by corporatist cockbags and doing a whole bunch of stuff that I will not bother outlining here.

>> No.1865553

here we go with the liberal propaganda again. asians come to this country dirt poor and you dont see them crying racism or robbing and killing people. eventually youre going to have to face reality, little one. how blacks act is entirely inherent.

>> No.1865554



I value my anonymity far too much to be willfully tracked and watched.

I try to be logical, but I'm a fairly hideous person, for all intents and purposes. I go on 4chan because I would uncomfortable anywhere else.

Likely in the books situation I would commit suicide.

>> No.1865563

this. I'm not a racist, i'm a realist. Asians are equal to or better than whites in some areas and vice versa. Blacks are always at the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.1865567

I assure you, take a healthy black baby from the impoverished family and raise them in a nurturing, structured environment and you will get a good hardworking intelligent young man.

>> No.1865569
File: 64 KB, 600x800, 1285733702703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free to go nigger lynching and building whites only drinking fountains like it's 1920. stormfag tears fuels my righteous liberal fury.

>> No.1865571
File: 87 KB, 1500x825, 1286175327023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOWEVER, this is NOT what I'm advocating. I'm not gonna become one of those colonial British cockbags taking children from their mothers to special schools.

>> No.1865576

chinese were discriminated against much worse than blacks and come from much poorer conditions than blacks with their fully subsidized housing and food stamps. also studies show that blacks are more likely to commit crimes no matter who raises them. eventually youre going to have to face reality and stop repeating propaganda. that might work in your high school with your hippie teacher backing you up, but when you argue against adults that shit doesnt fly.

>> No.1865578

Blacks selling blacks.
also look up Mauritania- thats blacks owning blacks.
Also this fucking argument, HOW MANY COUNTRIES HAVE BEEN FUCKED OVER BY SOMEONE ELSE? Virtually every one of them, but they dont sit there fucking crying about it 150 years after it ended.

>> No.1865580

Difference implies superiority, and superiority breeds contempt.

>> No.1865586

and contempt leads to survival of the fittest
Hindu -1
Sihkism- 0

>> No.1865587
File: 202 KB, 594x346, [011660].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese were discriminated against much worse than blacks and come from much poorer conditions than blacks
Also I believe that subsidized housing should not be available to one person longer than 2 years, which in my opinion is ample time to get a job/cheap flat etc
>also studies show that blacks are more likely to commit crimes no matter who raises them.
Peer reviewed non-racially motivated studies? Links please. And I want many links.
>eventually youre going to have to face reality and stop repeating propaganda.
See pic
>that might work in your high school with your hippie teacher backing you up, but when you argue against adults that shit doesnt fly.
I refer you to yourself.

>> No.1865597

Black people had very few rights comparatively only around 50 years ago.
Also racist shitheads made anti-marijuana documentaries claiming marijuana will cause black people to step on a white man's shadow or look at a white man twice.

>> No.1865600

you seriously doubt the Chinese faced worse discrimination than blacks? I think the difference is they rose above it.

>> No.1865604
File: 62 KB, 311x440, Berlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contempt leads to survival of the fittest


>> No.1865607

I've seen too many chinese rolll up in shitbox Corolla's and start harrassing mildly attractive women with poorly worded accented pickup lines and going all AZN PRIDE to give a shit. Kudos to the Chinese that made a life for themselves, but kudos to the Africans that have made a life for themselves as well.

>> No.1865608

you are agreeing with me right? I cant tell on this fucking site anymore

>> No.1865612

Hey guys i'm a quarter Irish can I like have some compensation for what the evil English did to us?

>> No.1865632

No because you're only part Irish

>> No.1865637

In my country you can be 1/8 aboriginal to recieve some benefits. I shit you not.

>> No.1865646
File: 23 KB, 429x410, 1273937366953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky them.

>> No.1865648

You mean a symbolic five dollar a month stipend. Stop whining

>> No.1865662

no dont talk out of your fucking ass. Things like easy access to university and health care among others

>> No.1865665

You dipshit, all Australians get that.

>> No.1865681

you fucking dipshit (because insults are necessary aren't they). And lets not even start on the education bonuses (that they dont fucking use) or the government supplied housing